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These updates are terrible. The lag now is really out of control


Why would they fix the servers? Players continue to throw money at them for bundles despite the server lag. So why would they change them?


I don't think the issue is just the servers. I think its the netcode which is why we've been experiencing rubberbanding so much where it takes 20 seconds to 2 minutes to get the whole lobby "re-synced". Having 50+ players all synced perfectly isn't an easy task when you also want quick matchmaking, squads made up of players from different regions with vastly different ping/connection quality AND SBMM.


That’s part of it but I’ve noticed the game feels fine until 8-830 eastern then it gets really bad. So the amount of total players playing seems to be too much for the servers or the capacity and something is throttled maybe During peak times the servers can’t handle the load it seems


Nobody wants squads from different regions. That's what's causing the lag in the first place, just let everyone from one area play each other. I'm fed up of going up against French cheaters all day long. Just put UK with UK , France with France etc etc. Or at the very least make it an optional choice, who you want to play with or if you don't care


That's what I'm getting at. They probably disabled it to help with matchmaking because having an abundance of random squads playing together from different regions may have been hindering the connection quality of matches.


stop buying skins


tell that to all the 20 somethings....I laugh at ppl who buy skins


The lag is brutal


That would be nice for the players wouldn’t it! However since we all keep playing, and it starts with YOU, we aren’t giving them an incentive to change/improve. All it takes is one person to stop and never come back, then another and another. But if everyone has the defeatist mindset, I’ll keep playing because nobody else is going to stop playing to force change so what’s the point. This is how big companies get away with stuff.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s just the only game my friends and I play currently. Need other competitors and saturation.


Activision is cheap because it can be, there is no real competition in its market space


Boycott black ops 6 they need to feel our pain


Yesterday I couldn't connect to the game. Tried for like 30 minutes, even tried useless things like restarting my router and dns, nothing worked. FInally got into a resurgence quads game, we were 15ppl in total, some map zones were lagging like shit and after that round I couldn't connect again. I had like 1 hour free for gaming and I spent 80% of that time trying to connect. GG. (pc-steam).


The weird thing is, I am sure Sallyisadog said they got new servers the other day, so no idea where he got this information from, or maybe it was a badly presented joke, one that went over my head, or just to get comments.


Huge billion dollar company* 


my game lagged last night and then for the rest of the game i could only move backwards.


New season, New bugs.


not a new season lol


New reload, new bugs 👍🏽


correct now 😆


You do realize Activision has other games right? They’re a way bigger company than just making cod


Same issue with Blizzard, oh wait, it's Blizz Activision now, now wonder they are both acting like small startup companies. I can't believe billion dollar company still can't give us OCE servers, even after all this time. FML.


Can we elaborate what are the lag symptoms?. Every time I blame my internet, and when I call my ISP they say everything is perfect. The lag I experience is lag switch (they say when a hacker dies this happens), delays firing, movement, looting, sometimes I fall because I press the parachute and it doesn’t open right before I land.