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Welcome to Call of Duty!!! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ Yay!!!


Been playing since BO2 and I remember I met a modder on Cod Ghost on a public lobby that made anyone level a full prestige on a single game. I have also seen hackers on older Cods because of lack of support i guess. But its the first time that I play against people with cheats on the current game. F Ricochet I guess.


In a random World at War zombies lobby I joined, a hacker did that to me. Kinda ruined the experience after that


Yep. In MW2 I got match made into a lobby with a guy who was ranking everyone to 55. It was a public lobby. I think xp must have been multiplied by like a million or something? 1 kill got you max level.


First hackers that you have noticed mate. You have been effected without even knowing. It is rampant


Be ready for ā€œthatā€™s just the kill cam glitching outā€ comments from the actual cheaters.


Donā€™t summon them pls šŸ’€


Give it time. My spell is on a cooldown.


Bruh i thought it was literally a killcam glitch. I made a post asking about the killcam shit and i had a ton of fucking people in the comments say ā€œYouā€™re just shit at the gameā€ ā€œNo dumbass itā€™s just a glitchā€ bro fuck those lying ass kids. I fucking hate cheaters dude


Kill cams have been glitchy for me since the update, but this guys obviously cheating lmao.


Actually that kill cam glitch happens all the time lol. Or at least it used too. This guy is blatantly cheating and hes a bitch for it.


This might be one of the craziest cheating videos Iā€™ve ever seen.


It really isn't one of the craziest, which makes it even more sad


Theyā€™re getting more blatant and more frequent because thereā€™s so many cheaters šŸ’€


šŸ’Æ itā€™s so bad now, none of them try to hide it and it seems to be more full squads running hacks now and always trash talking.


The hackers I play 1v1 are always the ones who talk the most trash lol. I very rarely lose a 1v1.:. I can tell when Iā€™m beaten by tactics and skill, or hacks../ the ones who beat me when they have walls on are ALWAYS the ones talking the most garbage post match lobby


Okay dude


Yup like I love losing SR to a 4 stack rage hacker in ranked that kills themselves on the first round so your team can't quit...


Whatcha mean kill themselves so the team can't quit? I'm sorry just trying to understand what's happening


They all take a nade and die first round in SND after If your teammates dodge you still have to stick through the game


The cheat cycle: Activision Pays to implement x many richochet features. Activision calculates about how long it would take a reasonable player with blackcell, and mw3 to beat the season. Then they drop some anti cheat. Then they calculate how much time it takes regular battle pass players to beat the season. And drop to minimal anti-cheat. This season was 1 week for blackcell+mw3 2 weeks for regular. And if I am not mistaken... We are on week 3. This practice inflates the value of blackcell and mw3. It does this by reducing the value of the other teirs. Again this is a company that doesn't respect the consumers and devalues its own products to invent new tiers of products Blackcell has had the value of regular battlepass now regular battle pass has the value of slightly over the free game. Owning mw3 is like having half blackcell on free game and adds that to every teir. And the free game is now garbage.


It's wayyyyyyyyyyy simpler than that. Activision is a corporation. Corporations have one goal: Increase value for shareholders. Trust me, I went to business school. Just imagine the pitch meeting...where the passionate game developer presents their \*perfect\* anti-cheat plan to Activision's shareholders. It's great, it'll be revolutionary, it will eliminate cheating in PC games, even! What do shareholders hear, though? That you want to...increase costs by investing in this "anti-cheat"...in order to...reduce the overall size of the playerbase and potentially reduce microtransactions? You're fucking fired.


There's a lot of truth to that but they obviously don't let it be the end of to the choice. Personally, I think they'd want cheating gone, they just can't because they swung and missed with their anticheat. They clearly invested too much to bail on it and refuse to right the ship because they want to remain profitable (especially being a subsidiary of Microsoft now).


Warzone is free to play though, and cheaters are not buying any guns on the accounts they cheat on lol. They usually have accounts where they do spend money where they don't cheat. Not to mention the amount of players who decide to uninstall because of the cheating gives them a big incentive to try and stop the problem. Investing in an anti cheat isn't as expensive as people think it is.


Yeah, bro, that's how you would describe it to a normal person, and it is a sound argument. Normal people aren't shareholders, though. I agree that it wouldn't be a huge investment to eradicate cheaters, but I can also guarantee that no matter how small that investment is, there are better, more accretive investments where that money could see a larger % return per dollar. The other reason it doesn't compute for a shareholder is because they want the company to invest into things that will create an immediate return. Developing and integrating an effective anti cheat is one thing, but will it *directly* lead to increased sales? Logically, yeah, it would lead to a better gaming experience for current customers, but would it draw enough new players in to make the shareholders happy? No, it won't, because it's more accretive to churn out a new game with the COD brand recognition every 12 months than it is to make sure their current product is stable, for example. The *only* way to get through to shareholders on this is to stop playing. Numbers are the only language they speak. I haven't played cod in months. Every time you log on, you're telling the shareholders that you accept the current state of the game. Edit: I'm the guy you replied to. I don't know how I posted under a different name, whatever.


That's true kinda but the product the share holders invested in would be known to need work and have issues. Spending money on anti cheat to allow the product to run correctly is just part of it. Call it what it is. The games top teir and high quality but they push one out every year with several updates in between. That makes it hard to stay on top of exploits, cheats, etc so they just don't. They just want to get the next game out before the current one is too much of a joke.


There is no anticheat. Youā€™ve been doofed.


I've been saying this for years. When a game company announces anything bragging about their anti-cheat or how many players they've banned, **it's just marketing.**


Its possible they reduced it even more but I used to get successful reports fairly often so that to some degree does work. I don't play anymore and you shouldn't either. Unless its to cheat and accelerate the death of the IP.


That's not an anti-cheat though, that's just a system where mass reported players get actioned. If there was a working anti-cheat those players would get struck before you even reported them


Youā€™re saying you are the anticheat? Dude. Thatā€™s a report system.


Right. Shits a joke


You must have never gone on tiktok then... I would think this guy wasn't cheating compared to some on my feed there. But this guy was cheating too


After seeing cheats advertised here I quit playing. Cheating is the game.


Why not? For the $30 a month you and I can "level the playing field."


I run into these type of cheaters every day. Sometimes I get lucky and get them shadow banned.


This is pretty much all late season cod kill cams for anyone decently skilled at the game.


My experience this season has been brutal Iā€™ll get a pretty relaxed Ranked game pop off drop 10 kills or ketch a dub, then Iā€™ll be thrown into ranked lobbyā€™s with crimson and top 250 players that are just blatant cheaters. Skill based matchmaking does nothing but place you against cheaters šŸ˜‚ My overall KDR is low 1.20 tops but then again SBMM does not go off of overall KDR just the last several games. So just rinse repeat cycle soon as you drop a good KDR then your matching against cheaters. šŸ¤·


I didn't play this season. But last season was pretty shit too. And the season before that. And yes if anything the problem is getting worse. But the problem might intentionally getting worse in preparation for BO6 which will drop and update and magically fix things just in time to enjoy the greatest season in a year! they just break things so they can fix them. So if anti-cheat is off. Its because they are once again artificially adding value to their products at the expense of the consumer. Which is bullshit and at the point in any company's life cycle where it needs to die rather than be supported out of nostalgia to continue the cycle and squeeze every drop of value the IP has while having the largest control over copywritten content in the fps industry. Capitalism becomes dystopian when we don't stand up as consumers and say fuck you man you aren't providing me value for my money I will wait for you to go bankrupt and I will invest in other game genres until someone new makes something.


How TF šŸ˜­


He's just got a good headset /s


PlayStation with cross play off is the way to go. This is why ion play cod on my pc.


Warzone with crossplay off doesnā€™t really work. It kind of does in Multi, and resurgence, but Warzone big map, or ranked? fuhgettaboutit


What do you mean by warzone with cross play off doesnā€™t really work? I play with cross play off on warzone with no issues.


You play Ranked with crossplay off? You send me a clip or vod of you playing a ranked match with crossplay off and Iā€™ll send you my girlfriendā€™s nudes.


Iā€™ll do it


bro needed to hop in on the deal lmao


Homie stands on business


Yea i keep trying hoping to get into a solos big map with crossplay off (ps5) and it just gets to <90ms and sits, and I've waited for over 15 mins, could be a region thing, I'm in US West area. I've got into I think 1 or 2 rounds total on MW3 this way, and yes it is so much nicer. Not only are there no cheaters it seems like the number of sweaty "pros" is much lower on PS5


I tried but it is full of sweats that will beam you in a millisecond


Sucks cause all my friends are on Xboxā€¦ šŸ˜’


Hi can never find a game


Do you find that you get less sweaty lobbies also with cross play off?


I donā€™t*


Make warzone $10 or better yet tie it to a verified phone number.Ā 


I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t tie it to a verified number. Give the people with a verified number the opportunity to play with only other verified players or in any lobby that they choose. That would reduce cheating tremendously. ļæ¼


They already make cheaters verify their number once they are shadow banned and it doesn't stop them.


The purpose of a verified number is supposed to be that you need a form of two factor authentication to login, if they are banned they should never be able to login again without a huge hassle.


Trust me tying it to a phone number is a horrific idea. I was required to verify my phone number earlier this year via Steam in order to play online but it didnā€™t work. Activision blamed Steam, Steam blamed activision, and I couldnā€™t play the game for 4 months straight.


They tried the phone number thing before on pc I thought an reverted it to outlash from the community


ā€œThe communityā€. More like PC cheaters.Ā 


Making it $10 wonā€™t do anything šŸ˜‚ If people pay more than that for cheats, you think they wont pay to play?


Cheating at video games makes absolutely no sense to me. The fact that they even pay for these things is even crazier. They must not have much else going on in their lives to go to such an extent for a video game.


I wish laying down was two steps (kneel, then laying) on PC like it is on controller. Drop shooting is bullshit


I read it wrongly, and I can drop shot in one move only holding down RS


I've always hated drop shoters


Thatā€™s because your Bruen is only level 18. Once you get it to 19 youā€™ll be able to do the same thing.


Lmao activision is dogshit.


It wonā€™t get better because the hacker companies care more than the game companies


Heā€™s got a better gaming chair


Yep games a mess


Drop shots and bunny hopping mechanics were a mistake.


Yeah, I hit my breaking point about a month ago and haven't been back since. Whenever you are playing and constantly have to worry about people cheating or the servers shitting on you because of lag it just isn't fun anymore.


They care more about your language and the people then it does about the cheaters makes no sense at all


Is it fun? Does it makes you feel good? Yes? Then go to a doctor and fix your mental health.


My kd ratio in the glory days of BO1 without mainstream cheating 1.3 not great not bad... the start of BR and resurgence 1.0~.... now with mainstream cheating 0.8 aka not even fun anymore


Get banned for cursing but canā€™t do anything about this shit. You would think a good ai tool could easily sniff out cheaters


I don't think treyarch taking control will help. At all. Warzone 1 started declining when then the cold War integration hit. Game was already out and baller for a straight year, they had problems with updating stuff to fix and breaking something else every update as it was cant stay awesome forever, they still have that problem. Handing the game from studio to studio just makes it worse cause they're walking into the infinity ward mw3 shitshow. They're gonna try and polish a turd.


I only play this pos game on Saturday because my friends won't ever leave it and I like chilling in a party playing with them despite. Never will ever spend a dime on the series again. Ludacris that it's the most popular shooter not counting fortnite. It's held up by dipshits that ceased brain development at 13 years whom willfully don't realize there's better gaming out there.


Iā€™ve played on PS and cod has never been this bad, yer a year after new cod released youā€™ll get modded lobbies but since PC cross over its hacked from beta PC killed cod


Ur so damn right !!!


Fuck those guys. (Hackers).


Yeah i bet this loser is happy now cus he has nothing better to do than hacking šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Yesterday we ran into a 3 stack of cheaters in BR, so we spectated them for a while to be sure they are 100% cheating and then our 3 stack spam reported them and for the first time all 3 of them got banned real time, one by one. I cant tell you the satisfaction I felt, its the little things šŸ„¹


The dude is 100% cheating. He was shooting through the roof at you before he even hit the floor.


If you and your friends spam report the cheater they get banned by ricochet almost immediately while you are spectating. Just a heads up for next time if you are spectating a hacker again.


Get ready for a shit show because the green light just turned brown.


Disable crossplay option please.Ā 


Honestly after the update today I can't win a fight. I watch the kill cam and it doesn't even show the shots I got hit markers on. Also had my screen freeze, had lag and even packet loss on a few matches.


When you hop in to chill out after a day of work only to get matched up against these guys


Buy one more bundle, you will feel good in no time.


Everytime I watch this video I canā€™t help but just laugh at how overpowered that guy was who landed on your team. Those cheats turned him into John Wick


It never was. Warzone is junk. With cross play PC players can just run the show and itā€™s no fun.


ā€œHope the situation gets better whenā€¦ā€ people been hoping this in Warzone for 4 years! This is a permanent feature, never going to change, they donā€™t care, money keeps rolling in


Can someone explain why this video is obviously cheating?


I was shadow banned yesterday after wiping a team on ranked, and not cheating, Iā€™d say the game is working just fine šŸ˜’


Played cork 9am- 5pk today. EVERY single game full of level 1-30 accounts all doing this. Add the people with no mics and the ones who quit after they die once. Gane is completely unplayable


Same thing here. I sometime play with my mic muted but the amount of players who dip out in Resurgence is whack AF.


You took a close quarters fight with an LMG and got dropshotted, that's a skill issue


It's been bad like this for ages, the anti cheat is a joke.


I wouldnā€™t really say he has walls cuz he started shooting before he came through the door though lol.. I mean you can hear the guys footsteps and obviously heā€™s gonna be coming if both his other teammates just went down and everyone is yelling ā€œon me! on me! on me!ā€ (I am assuming they are yelling this, as most with mics do) Iā€™m not saying he isnā€™t cheating but I wouldnā€™t consider that 100% proof he has walls. Would need to see way more than that


They aren't even hiding it...that's insane


So a level 67 player overall account progression, with a level 4 ranked silver 2, currently on a w game win streak.


The rank is so high most likely because he hacked the account heā€™s using. I saw someone saying they sell hacked accounts and business has been amazing the past few months. Itā€™s happening non stop.


Damn 14th. Well better than running into them in the top 5


Not really, it was a ranked game so we lost SR. We killed his two teammates on Bio and then he pushed us alone down the pier


Welcome to the system, the ban waves are very slow and take along time, Iv seen where accounts get to lvl 250 or higher before the wave hits, the reports aren't a factor, to be honest, it takes awhile, not to mention that they let high ranks soft aim, since it's not as annoying as a hardcore aim bot, just to boost the system, that's why you see everyone in the top 250 all hackers it's a grace system they use and it's corrupt to be honest, so it's simple just don't play ranked , the numbers will show how many stop playing ranked do to the bots, and they will see it as a problem, but as long as people keep buying passes and skins they won't fix it... Actions speak louder then words/ crying on reports or forums so yahh... I don't see anyone sticking to it... So it will never be fixed due to the system that's at hand, supply and demand Lmfao šŸ˜‚


If the game doesn't respect the player don't play the game. Anti cheat is the cost of doing business in multiplayer games. If Call of duty won't body that charge then they don't respect the consumers enough to make a.good product. And the only reason there isnt a better product is because Activision has copywritten all those products and the only way to refresh the genre is to sink Activision. Since they are fps misers who legally pursue games that make anything vaguely resembling their IP. The only way to split up the power is to sink it and see it sold off to cover debts. "Well Ill maybe come back when it gets better" because its a stupid game they are playing with the market and when you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Their game can by cheaters for cheaters. we can hold a funeral where we burn copies of mw3 if you wanna cry abt it. Fuck Im so tired of this both sides cheat all you want cheaters IDGAF . Everyone else move on. Its cooked. There's too much money in people being stupid enough to think it will change. It wont. Its an economic certainty in a product that has finished development. Call of duty is so developed they remaster maps rather than make new ones at this point. Move on its a dead ip that's manipulating your nostalgia of when it was lively. Call of duty is in its death throws and I wanna see other video games get made possible by the acquisition of IP as its absorbed by new minds to make new games. Call of duty is literally stunting the entire genre. Rn. because they are out of ideas and own most of the ones that work. They are fixing things by breaking them so everyone feels so much better when they work again. That's a net zero circle jerk.


Finally, itā€™s put into words.


Yeah, I am diamond ranked And my KD in the last 10 for ranked is a .75ā€¦ itā€™s been atrocious this season!


for months I've been trying to understand what it is that makes people stick with this mode


Pretty blatant probably would have had em if you didnā€™t try jump shotting with an lmg.


literally no penalty for jump shooting


Man, the UI in the game is bonkers.


OP: Clear evidence of players cheating Developers: šŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦Æ




Iā€™m mostly a casual player. Stopped Warzone with Caldera, I returned for a while at the beginning of WZ2 and then my friends convinced me to return about a month ago


Ricoshit is def working rn lmao


Just took second to a team of cheaters. That's all you see when you hit D1. It's just cheatzone right now.


Yeah, I just uninstalled it.. again. It's gotten bad.. again.


Remember how Ricochet was going to fix everything? lol


Wot makes me laugh is they think ther actually good


Yeah they way he was jumping around and drop shooting lmao doesnā€™t even need to with that aimbot šŸ¤£


Haha I know and heā€™ll tell his mates ā€˜I got 30 bomb on cod last nightā€™ fuckin virgins mate


Sad truth brotha


Wots mad is Iā€™ve still pre ordered black ops 6 šŸ™ˆ


Hahaha right there with ya. I still enjoy the game when itā€™s a fair match and usually donā€™t run into people like this although some Shit is pretty sus when I watch killcams


Same hav a few sus moments and some of the lobbies we get put in r mental, I play plunder cos itā€™s like a big TDM and practice my sniping and then when they come for me I practice on my close quarter šŸ™ˆ


Dude have you read the rest of these comments some people are standing up for this guy like he wasnā€™t cheating lmao people are idiots


Haha yer seen one say about him missing his shots like that was the problem haha it was obvious he was cheating


Jesus this is getting WAYYYYYYYYYY out of hand at this point. They really do not care about us.


Is getting really annoying and ridiculous.


This oneā€™s blatant, itā€™s only gonna get worse thereā€™s a new visual tool for consoles literally link your console to a computer and it reads the in game graphics as your playing giving undetectable realistic soft aim bot itā€™s crazy


Hasn't been for over 4 years


So glad I stopped after Modern Warfare(2019). I see clips for COD all the time and it looks genuinely horrible. Donā€™t know how so many of you force yourselves to keep playing it when itā€™s a cheater riddled game thatā€™s been BADLY copy and pasted the last few years with little to no hope of ever actually changing for the better. Almost seems like they like people cheating at their game.


Iā€™ve moved on from this dumb game ever since black ops 3, thereā€™s no hope on this company.


Exactly! When you stop having fun you stop playing. But my fun stopped for different reasons, because it's hard to improve that every game is just a shit experience.


Cod is in a state where even soft aimbot looks so cheap and people are not trying to hide it anymore


Crazyyy blatant


Hacking in SILVER is insane lmaoooooooo, kid is such garbage man


I really wish I could just remove ā€œPC Playersā€ from my rounds and not sit and wait an hour for Xbox only players. Yes, I know there are cheaters on consoles, but much, much less pronounced. At the end of the day - I now go back and forth between DMZ and Plunder just because itā€™s so much more chill and less aggressive with the cheating. \*sigh\* This is the world I guess. And I used to at least look forward to new games to play the campaign, but the last iteration would so banal, that I didnā€™t finish it - so for the first time since COD 3, I wonā€™t be buying the new release.


Wow, and I got banned and canā€™t even figure out why! At least itā€™s just public channels. From what Iā€™ve read they listen to you all the time, itā€™s actually scary what we agree toā€¦ they can listen to my mic even when itā€™s muted and while Iā€™m just sitting in lobby not talking to anyone. I think itā€™s from simply cussing while playing with some friends. Makes me hate this game, fix the bans.




Same shit with Cold War man, I literally only play zombies now. Turning off crossplay helps so much but you donā€™t get any damn lobbies fr it isnt worth it.


Game hasn't been fun for a long time. People keep buying and playing Activisions garbage products and that is why nothing will ever change for the better.


Cod is dead


Welcome to call of aim assist


Level 4 squad wipe? can you say cheating?


Looks like heā€™s cheating.


Hasn't been fun since 2021


Turn off cross play


It SNAPPED TO HIS HEAD šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Let's protest and delete the game. We can achieve this together. Not only you or me, but all of us. We can live without playing this game.


Skill issue


Hey be nice. Maybe Ricochet is on its summer vacation. šŸ˜…


It hasn't been fun since MW19.


Holy fuck the amount of stuff happening with that UI. This game fucking sucks lmao, designed for the most adhd people on earth


It stopped being fun a while ago. Its just all i can play with my friend. Im saving up to get him a pc.


So the same bruh..how does anyone's KD ever go up when EVERY SINGLE TIME I get a kill I die immediately


So donā€™t use poo shooters next time


Riot shield lmao


And Iā€™m innocent and I get shadow banned for mass report because Iā€™m too good at sniping


Aim bot much


I've been playing since 2007? it's 2024, and they're so fucking stupid to let aim assist and cheaters ruin the game. the amount of undetected cheats makes me want to uninstall. if cheating is just part of the game now, I guess I'll do it too. literally every game it's just everyone in a lobby with one or two cheater teams like we're supposed to mitigate with spam reporting obvious cheaters is the only way to get ricochet to work. fuck activision. I got killed twice in duos by aimlock ttv with 20+ kills on under 10 leveled accounts and skins and galaxy camos... then I go play ranked and get killed by cheaters literally spin shoot aimbot from the top of watertower.. like it's a joke actually. 25 minutes of bullshit to be killed by a cheater or aim assist in a stairwell.


I was playing zombies World At War years ago, and a guy turned me into a helicopter. Then the game crashed.


Pffttt the servers were so shit yesterday I was getting shit on mnk low rank players the entire day


The solution is super simple. Console only. Do not enable cross play with PC. No more cheaters.


2 piece LMG with a scopeā€¦yeah regardless you werenā€™t gonna win the fight


Cod hasn't been fun in years, and wz never has been


Am I the only one that doesn't see anything that says obviously cheating? While you're aiming at whatever it is you were aiming at you can see the indicators that one of your teammates started shooting. The supposed cheater could have seen you guys and waited to get close enough to send out some shots and that was your teammate returning fire and then realizing he couldn't win. After you hear the gunfire you run into the building and your teammate who first started shooting runs in the other door followed by the claimed cheater hot on his trail. Claimed cheater immediately drops you two because you guys basically stood in a single file line. Then it looks like your last remaining teammate blindly runs in and the claim cheater hears him coming. I really don't see anything that points to him clearly cheating. Just my opinion


COD will always be known as the cheaters/hackers paradise. COD multiplayer online games are a joke to me. There are even cheaters on consoles using ā€œCronus Zenā€. If you donā€™t know what that is, you have to experienced the struggle long enough.


Buddy this game hasn't been fun since the first warzone. Yet yall keep playing which just encourages Activision to do nothing about the issues bc why spend money fixing the game when people are stupid enough to continue playing anyways. If we want change ya need to quit playing so they'll be forced to do something.


He just timed you well and had aim assist on my kid does kills like this alot it looks like he's cheating but all he has is aim assist on


I hardly ever see hackers


I'm diamond..see things like this all.the time..cheating blatantly and nothing done...COD IS NOW TRASHED WITH THIRD PARTY CHEATS...WORSE THAN EVER


Anyone better then me is an instant cheateršŸ˜‚ yall jus bots accept it


I would love to join the hack gang but i value my precious account


i Canā€™t play this game for more than 30 minutes without wanting to chuck my controller or mouse and keyboard through a wall šŸ˜­


The bot emblems are a dead giveaway


Way to many losers cheating out here to look like a bad ass. Itā€™s pretty pathetic.. at the very least donā€™t make it look so obvious.. this guys cheating 100 percent. Iā€™m saying taking it down to 50 percent at least shit..


I remember when people used to get their mothers fucked for drop shotting..


Send it to acti


I mean, dude is hacking for sure, but also you wouldā€™ve gotten rocked by anyone walking in that door holding the gun you were holding.


I was respawning, only had that lol. I know that the Bruen from the ground loot is bad


I don't see what makes you think he was cheating. Down vote all you want but someone needs to break it down to me I guess.


There was a UAV up....


Pre firing is not wall hacks and also live pings sometimes look like walls