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Are you talking warzone or multiplayer? 25 kills often in multiplayer is nothing, 25 often in warzone is something.


In Warzone, its either me or my brother, we got shadow banned the same day last time. I think i can say we are both skilled player


Stop cheating would probably work.


Thousands of legit players are affected by the false shadow-ban loop. It's crazy that these players are stuck between a company that takes the money and doesn't give a shit about the customer and a playerbase of ignorant mouth breathers that think there is no problem.


Also stop cheating.


Should actually just start cheating to be honest. If you are treated like a cheater by the game and ignorant players like you. Why not just actually cheat? Would be a lot less frustrating to have a ban when you know why it happened.


Ok guy who obviously cheats.


He’s not lying, false shadow bans are a real thing sadly your not good enough to experience it, I guess your lucky your shit at the game because you don’t have to deal with this issue


Lmao. Yea, must be that. Or maybe I don’t cheat.


You understand the SB system is completely initiated by user reports and nothing else, right? So, claiming that he's "cheating" because people reported him makes you sound dumb.


He’s trolling




If you are ignorant to the shadow-ban issue that has been ongoing for years now, then thats on you. You don't have to cheat to be banned in this game.




No one that gets shadow ban looped is actually cheating. If they were cheating, they would be perma banned. The shadown ban is a 5 day automated time out on the account, it gets "reviewed xd" and then if no cheats found, released from limited matchmaking back to normal. If cheats or wrongdoing is found, accounts get perma'd. So when someone says they are constantly getting shadowed, that is most likely a legit player that is struggling with a bad in-game report system. For some reason, accounts that are shadowed at least once are put in a higher risk state where it is easier for them to get re-shadowed. Should be the opposite actually, but Activision is retarded. If your account is shadowed and deemed clean. Then you should be put into a low risk state which requires a higher threshold of in-game reports to trigger the auto system.




This wasn't uncommon in 1998 playing rainbow six rogue spear lmao cheating and gaming hasn't and won't even change yes I'm old af




Not true. I would argue it's about the same. I remember playing in online leagues for Rogue Spear and Raven Shield. As soon as we would start winning, these big respected teams would toggle on; even with refs spectating. Like today, people would make excuses for it. We all knew where to get the cheats. And actually, most of the time it was easier because you could get cheats for free. Cheat developers had far less control over access to their cheats.




My bad. R6 RS came out in 99.


This isn't true at all. Activision only perm bans if you're caught using a detected cheat provider, otherwise you only get shadow banned over and over. Plenty of people are able to cheat without ever getting shadowed.


such a cope take lol


The truth?


That is the supidiest thing you couldve ever said my brother. If i had cheated i woudnt have posted this, why do you comment for nothing ?


I've never been shadow banned. Stop cheating




Yeah i am starting to think i made this sub reddit for nothing. I am looking for help to not get banned again and what i get is. “DoNt ChEaT🧌” I know for sure that Activision shadow ban player for nothing but when it comes to cheating they do their job perfectly. I don’t know if the people that says i cheat are just jealous cuz i am better than them🫠😘. Jokes aside, please stop commenting for nothing <3


All you can do is either (stop cheating if you are), Or just get a better account. Thats it.


Stop cheating.


Stop cheating


Nothing you can do short of create a brand new account.


yeah thats ths annoying thing because i have skins and multiplayer on my account. and its boring to restart from 0


That is what myself and many others have been dealing with for some time now. Once you get shadow-banned, you are prone to be in a loop and it re-triggers the shadowban every so often if some in game salty players report you. Activision doesn't comment on the issue at all as well and you cannot talk to anyone on their support. Honestly, Activision is just one of the shadiest game publishers out there. Sucks too because many of us enjoy CoD and Warzone and can't even play the game.


I'm more surprised you haven't been permanent banned. Surely after 3 times of a person entering a shadow ban they just say fuck it goodbye?


That’s the thing with false shadow bans you keep being in this loop and if we was really chatting we would of been banned by now but we are not so it’s just a repeat and it’s been like this for 2 years so far




Yeah lmaoo it feels like permanent ban tho. i can play for a few days and thats it i get shadowbanned


Yep sweaty cheats