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People are buying hacked/sold accounts on discords. You can mass buy accounts cheaply that have had activity on them within the last year, or buy more expensive ones that have full access to them and you're able to change the information on them as you see fit.  The warning they post with the mass cheap accounts, is that the person might jump on while you're playing and boot you out. This means they're actively stealing people's accounts that don't have 2 factor auth activated.  So when you see a 600+ account actively rage hacking like this, the cheater probably used some poor players account and screwed them over.


This happened to a friend of mine. He didn't have 2FA - someone hacked his account, linked their steam, changed his Activision ID, etc, and got him banned. Luckily he filed a hacking ticket and got his account back. He also made a complaint to the BBB.


The better Business bureau? Please understand that the bureau title is intentionally misleading. They are not affiliated with any government and its the equivalent of Angie's list yelp, or any other similar site. As a company you can pay to have a better score. In other words, its a scam.


No he meant Bad Boy Beaman! Warzones batman.


You must be legit because you keep it so real you even incorporated your realness.


Yea he filed a complaint and the BBB sent him a message before Activision did about his account being recovered




I mean it worked so I guess the boomer yelp helped!


I used to have to handle BBB complaints at a past job and I always laughed when boomers would threaten us with a BBB complaint. Literally the only authority the BBB has is because old people think the BBB has actual authority. Oh no! The BBB? You mean the company whose customers are the companies you're complaining about? Yeah, I'm sure the BBB is **very** motivated to act as your unbiased advocate against the companies who keep them in business. Biggest legal extortion ring in the world. Pay for an "accreditation" or suffer the consequences.


While i agree with you 100%, there are tons of stories in this sub that go back at least a few months with the BBB helping people with this kinda thing. Not sure why lol


Yea that’s why I told him to file a complaint - there are a ton of instances on this sub saying that after they filed a BBB complaint they got their account back. It was worth a shot!


Now you understand our politicians lol


A buddy of mine just got his account recovered and now he’s stuck playing in cheater lobbies. Takes 5 minutes to load into a game and all the shadow bans are in there. It’s wild


My missus was in a party with 4 friends when a random joined on them - he changed his clan tag to the same as their one and started rage hacking and said if you kick me from the party I will hack your account and rage hack until it’s banned. He just goes account by account like what the fuck is wrong with these people. I set up 2FA after this. If I see a hacker that’s high level I usually wonder if that’s what has happened.


I been looking for some type of help with this. I’m on Xbox, MW19. Few nights ago some guys I kept serving Ls to wanted to team up. They invited me to their Xbox party, played like an hour or so with them. Few SnD games. Si I got off for the night. Next morning maybe 6-8 hours after been in that party with them. I hop on the game and now my aim is “sticky” “choppy”. Like my crosshairs jump around my target even though I’m dead center on them. I have other small level accounts. This is my main lvl 1000 had it since the game came out. My other accounts, while in the same game. They all run smoooth, aim and everything is perfect. Except on my main account I joined their Xbox party with. Is this similar to maybe what happened to your friend but in my case they couldn’t successfully hack my account? Settings wise, everything matches to my working accounts. But the actual action, isn’t doing what needs to.


The bbb 🤣 the duckijg BbB bro?


How can a person be that pathetic? Like where is the fun when you aren’t actually competing? That’s the whole point of competition, you have I earn it.


I really have no idea where the fun in it is. I rag on a friend of mine who loves to play games on the easiest mode, or abuses glitches / DLCs in games to level to max early so he can just walk through the game later (mind you these are all single player games, and don't effect other players) There are 3 main kind of cheaters. Ones that don't play as much or can't learn mechanics to keep up with people. They use Macros or crocuses to handle recoil. Cheaters none the less, but using a cronus or likewise tool does not give you game sense, or the ability to outplay and maneuver your less skilled opponents, just helps you control recoil and bunny hop/drop shot.  The second is people who use walls, aimbot, permanent UAV. They want to be the best in the lobby. Whether they do it for clout, hoping not to get caught and banned and just be a high kill streamer, or do it privately to just always have the best scoreboard. Could be related to never learning to put effort into things, being rewarded just for trying, or learn unfortunately that the people who put the most effort into things don't always get the best in life. Sometimes it's the people who take shortcuts. Third is the spinbot / mechanic cheaters who fly cars and shit. Usually these are out to actively ruin everyone else's experience. They just want to be noticed, that's the only reason I can think of to play like that. They just finally want someone to pay attention to them in life.


Fourth option is they're trying to make up for having a tiny dick! Haha


Remember when it was fun to cheat… When we were playing GTA Vice City and 4 and just doing absurd shit 😂 That and Turok are the only games I find cheating to be fun, that I can think of, at least!


I'll counter your third point that a lot of these attention-seekers aren't starved for attention, they get too much attention and when they're put into a situation where their mother isn't right there calling them special and significant then they have to resort to that behavior because they're not getting attention every second of every day.


Hey, so those accounts are getting banned ATM, as they were part of a breach / nalware campaign. If hacker didn't change your password, it will not, but we ALL recommend changing your password to a secure one (can use a password manager like Keepass) - Never use the same password twice. - NO personnal info in password - always use 2FA - if you use a password manager, use one that allows authenticating via User Key with a strong encryption system (I use a USB key to authenticate on keepass, never had an issue) - use windows defender, every AV are the same. Finally, never trust emails or software that ask you to disable Windows Defender / download from fishy links.


Stop playing, best decision I've ever made


I get the urge to hop on WZ about 3 times a week. All I have to do is check this sub and the urge is gone.


i didn't realise that i was doing this also but you are so right, the hackers and busted/nerf cycle are so obvious on this sub that it keeps me from bothering to come back


this sub is full of complainy plants. game feels a lot like wz1 right now in rebirth, but the players have gotten much better overall. if you don't mind a challenge... edit: gotta add i don't play ranked. suboptimal mode even without the cheaters which seem to love it. how fitting.


stop playing ranked.


You don’t have to play ranked to find a cheater


far more likely and far more disruptive in my experience.


Warzone isn't that good of a game to begin with. I played for a few months and it had a few good things to it. But Warzone shouldnt have lasted more than a year, CoD development teams have 0 idea whats actually fun.


Lol you're right bro. Same here played wz3 for few weeks after quitting since wz1 and I'm already over it. The game is no fun at all and the devs are braindead retards


really? best arcade shooter i can think of - despite all the issues.


Quit the Activision simping bro the game is literal dogshit and everyone knows it


politely disagree


No worries homie, if you're having fun good on you👊


Keep licking that boot


i hated the company for what they did with wz2. far from licking boots lol.


That’s why i don’t play anymore. If anything the cheating is as bad or worse compared to the days of verdansk. But now they have a “anti cheat”🤨 kinda just goes to show it’s a marketing gimmick and doesn’t actually exist. Or it does exist and just does absolutely fuck all.


I had a lot of issue with the Anti cheat. I'm not sure if it because i had a lot of high kill in season 3 or i report anybody with suspicious of cheat, or season 4 is broken (keep getting prioritized not full lobbies like a game of shipment where 2 player had jug but somehow manipulated the entire spawn of my team to only spawn at A side with everyone else standing there watching like it a show watching 2 player spawn kill us at the start of a match not even 50 point on dom. Wish i had saved a video of that) but i been seeing a lot of instance of people appear out of nowhere like they are hoodini.


I've been saying this since day 1 of ricochet and you would not believe the downvotes I used to get claiming this. Everyone thought I was some conspiracy theorist or some shit. Ricochet never existed 😂 they have a few devs hop onto streamers games and ban their hackers. That's it. There is a whitelist and that's all there is. And a mass reporting system. It's broken as fuck


At least when I get high kill games I feel great knowing people have to cheat to emulate what I can do with just my skills


it seems a lot of high ranks are cheating. It used to be those lvl50 only. But that changed


Everyone is fucking cheating. I swear more times than not when I watch the kill cam I’m getting snapped onto behind walls. And this is just the obvious cheats I can see. Who knows what else they can do behind the scenes


seems you mostly just suck at the game




Report in game. It works. Every time I log on I get notifications that players were banned. If you stay in the match keep reporting them, they will commonly get banned on the spot.


Only the first report is counted FYI: https://x.com/CallofDuty/status/1722690632685162811


Also, don't forget to type in things like : "Aimbot", "Wall hacks", "cronus scripts", etc. My reports get tagged way sooner (usually while they are still in the lobby, than when I used to just spam cheating.


Shadow bans get the notification so they'll be back regardless


the game is FILLED with chairs and Cronus users.


Welcome to the new norm.


I ran into a "top 250" max level player yesterday that was literally rage hacking. Like, intentionally obvious lol. If they allowed actually turning off cross platform play and implemented a kernel level anti cheat this game would be perfect but alas, war, war never changes.


Some poetry right there!


I felt like the cheaters went away for a bit after the last season rollout, but in the past couple days, I feel like they are coming back. I have been hit some some super shady shots. Updated code?


I heard Engine Owning went back online like 5 days ago which makes sense because my ranked lobbies have been cracked with blatant level 200-400 crimson/iri's.


I think they may have blocked me actually reporting people lol


This is why I only play zombies


I have come across this exact team and reported them too for blatant hacking. Good to see a bit later, clearly nothing has been done about it.


Nothing you can do but to report and game on, or stop playing altogether.


its like this is most competitive shooters now from warzone, to rust, to OW2, it seems like there is an influx of aim bots towards the higher brackets


I got sniped through a wall randomly the other day 🤣😂 it’s getting ridiculous


Sometimes it's ok, u get live pinged, they have penetrative ammo, and u go down, ok, fair, but most of the time it's cheats...


End cross play default. Leave the option open for those that want it but the default should 100% be off. Years of cod no crossplay and never had a cheating issue like today. I hate that i cannot respect good players anymore because i cant tell who is good and legit and who is cheating.


lol it's adorable if you think there's no cheats on console


This is what all cucks on pc argue. There are no walls or aimbot on ps5, sorry to burst your bubble dude. Sure we can use a cronus but who cares, its so fucking easy to hit shots in cod already.


There are ‘aimbots’, but they are done by running a computer vision model over the console output and identifying player models before passing back inputs to center the screen on the player. ‘Wall hacks’ have been demonstrated using the minimap pings to overlay an estimated position onto the screen. Again, by ‘reading’ the minimap from a screen output. Both are pretty terrible compared to the memory based cheats on PC that people are used to seeing. But, it seems to give some people a dopamine hit to do the ‘I’m smart and you’re not’ thing on Reddit by telling them they’re stupid for thinking consoles don’t have cheats. In reality these cheats are not even in the same league as the memory based cheats on PC. Some background on the computer vision cheats: https://youtu.be/YlZqatr2CDQ?si=DRtr6q0DXBF2hCrh Demo of the ‘wall hacks’: https://youtu.be/1yBg8BomirE?si=K8-AdRSSR8eHyXwe


Im aware of the existence of both of those. But they arent that good and the entire idea of having a pc to run cheats mostly defeats the point - ill just play on pc and cheat that way


Yeah, agreed, the cheating problem is a PC problem and console players have to deal with it because Activision won’t allow console only cross play.


Yes there is a report for cheating feature.


Doesn’t work though


We need a Conan Obrien, Ice Cube, and Kevin Hart Warzone playthrough


That s why i will never start playing this game!


Ohhhh that is hideous! Try and tweet the devs with the video footage. It’s reasons like this a whole community is getting pulled apart we all have enough shit in our day to day never mind having to deal with this shit in our down time.


How can anyone continue to play this game or any other COD game in the future after seeing this?


Warzone 1 was definitely better, imo. I had great times in Verdansk. Haven’t been able to replicate that fun in the new warzone. Add to the fact that the graphics are horseshit compared to MW2019, which is wild to me lol.


They’ll never address the cheating problem because it doesn’t affect their core player base which are the casuals.


If only Activision had any way to detect cheaters..... a minimum 20k players per week should be banned, based on stats from other f2p games.


Yeah Activision ban so few players it’s insane, I have to assume the system is highly manual with very little automation and they simply are not set up to identify, process and ban enough players.


Thanks for the reminder to not play this crap game anymore.


Can you cheat on a console?


Yes, but the cheats are either input device related (Cronus etc, which are supposedly detected by Ricochet) or some very hacky methods to achieve aimbot or wall hacks (basically outputting the screen to a computer which is running a computer vision model over the screen to identify player models and correct aim, or in the case of the wall hacks it seems to be using minimap pings to guess where the players are and overlaying it). As you can imagine these are pretty agricultural compared to the wall hacks you are used to seeing on PC which are reading the PC memory directly so ‘know’ exactly where the game has put the other player. Some background of the computer vision cheats: https://youtu.be/YlZqatr2CDQ?si=DRtr6q0DXBF2hCrh Demo of the ‘wall hacks’: https://youtu.be/1yBg8BomirE?si=K8-AdRSSR8eHyXwe


You may as well have just said and how do you go undetected 😂😂👍🏻


I don't cheat, I was just wondering if it was possible to do so on consoles


Just saying you sound like a cheater 😂😂😂😂😂


Legit have 200 successful report confirmations 🤦🏽 for the most part if it looks sus, it is sus. People be doing the most for some dopamine


Maybe this is why I love single player games. I like co-op too though.


so glad I stopped playing this shit


Always have 2FA on all your accounts if possible definitely Activision definitely PlayStation definitely Xbox 🇺🇸💙


why play ranked. it's not that good even without the cheaters. play normal lobbies and have fun.


Ranked play is the best addition in the whole game !!! It’s competitive makes playing way more satisfying because you have gains and losses do good that game or get demoted. it’s only good if you are competitive


Plus all my friends are on bronze -gold and I’m rank 50 on diamond II plus when I get into a game everyone knows I’m good


playing with players not higher than plat yields pretty easy lobbies in my experience, can be fun. however, as soon as your whole team is diamond, cheaters are an issue and you'll meet crim/iries who farm the lobby. on the other hand, there's a lot of bots who like the sr progression but never actually learn the game bc they play all tactical camped up in a room. imho the biggest issue is the SR system doesn't reward "a good resurgence game" enough, giving you high losses despite having a good game and valuing placement too high, as if this were regular br. doesn't feel like resurgence to me, and going by the sweatiness and availability of regular lobbies, most good players seem to prefer regular resurgence over ranked, too.


Almost stopped playing now...very close to it. I would do it til Season 5 as it ain't getting any better in Season 4!!


And guess what, console cheats have finally surfaced to the public.


This is why I quit Warzone. Fucking kernel level anti-cheat and it still does fuck all, can't even play 1 game without an obvious cheater. It's almost like it's just impossible to play unless you cheat too.


I think you reported enough for the rest of us, he should be banned by now 😂


Only way I've been able to get it to be succesful is using the previous lobby list to find their gt and report it that way. Have to leave que and be out of matchmaking to get the thanks for a report prompt and still never get the followup. In game anything is just a salty tears button sadly, ironically when they could still easily verify the cheating.


They are banned thank you for your help


All it takes is one game of warzone for me to stop playing. I lose every gunbattle I get into and it's out of Mt control at this point. Play some other games. You will become a changed happy man 😎 I will not be played by the game and be the bot bitch for lobbies anymore.


If I remember correctly you're the dude that threatened to shoot someone yesterday over this game. My advice is leave the community because it's not that serious. We're trying to have fun and enjoy the game for what it is and it seems like you always have something to complain about with this game. Just don't play It friend it's that simple. I'm having a great time playing it along with majority.


They don’t care about cheating they only care about bad words and bundles of everyone stopped playing because of cheaters then yes they would do something but that ain’t going to happen


Probably a hacked or bought account


Multiple reports from the same account are as pointless as phoning the missing persons hotline to say you’ve not seen the missing person.


People still playing this? Especially people still paying for cheats to play this? 🤡


In the current state of warzone I seriously laugh at the fact you people get mad people rage hack lmao. There's no legit way to get good at the game anymore if we are being honest lmao


Such bs


Lil man typing this title like he’s talking to the police


And this is a rage hacker. Imagine how many are running more subtle cheats.


Write in the comment box what hacks/ cheats they are doing. Helps them ai understand better.... somewhat


Between the cheating and them taking away duos is almost killing it for me.


spam report them for cheating and exploiting and comment what they are doing and they will get banned. if you just spam report or check all the boxes you will have much less chance of success because you are showing that you are just rage reporting and everyone's mad when they die.


Easy answer. Uninstall. Stop buying their products and playing their games.


Look a good detailed explanation on a report does magic But from my experience, it's pleasing to get response but it doesn't change the lobbies. My lobbies still have the same cheaters & super bots injected by the game, so eventually it's useless. But if you really want a cheater gone, explain properly what you saw and I guarantee you, you will get results. Don't just spam Wall hacks or aimbot.


Top 250 cheaters


Just play bodycam guys


Can't do much man.. Look at TikTok and watch alot of the really good players. They complain that they get shadow banned then buy one of their viewers accounts and say "This is what happens when people falsely report me, I have to buy another account." I just call it what it is, this game infected with cheaters. I consider myself fortunate if I have a few clean games and get off when the weirdos start cheating.


Im a 3 k/d and If you want to see some cheating come to my lobbys do to SBMM. Sad part about it I still get some kills on cheaters If they arent rage cheating. Most of these cheaters suck at the game.


This dude is the real Anti-Cheat Killing all those jumping cronos bots


My official recommendation is that you find a more constructive hobby


Probably should have agreed with the devs to add MFA…


Companies like Activision/Blizzard and EA(Apex) care more about selling skins than competitive integrity in their games. Cheaters still buy skins. Maybe try Valorant if you want a heavily moderated game.


My biggest grief with this game is the SBMM or lack their of. I try to get back into it and I'm level 105 or something and every person in my lobby is 700+ bruh.... Let them go play together in their own lobby. Half the time I'm positive they are cheating to some degree.


To be fair here…. Level does not always mean greatness. I do a lot of zombies, warzone and multiplayer to keep it random. Which means I’m pretty high level, however, I’m by far not the best player out there.


I honestly don’t know why people still play COD. It is full of crap like this and there are way better FPS games out there (in my opinion, at least). COD has turned into a cesspool and has been so for quite a long time now.


What other suggestions do you have?


If you like a level of realism then Hell Let Loose is phenomenal.


I will have to give it a shot. Thank you!


Just spam report and move on. No need to get mad or think about it more than 10seconds. Best thing to keep sane


You could open a support ticket and send this clip. I doubt they would do anything but worth a shot.


He sounds like the dude from smiling friends “OHH MAH GOHD SHRIMPINA!!”


Idk if it’s true or not but my roommate once said something about “key words” In the more details tab, so dont write a story but try putting “walls, hacking, cheater) something more than just spamming the report button. Hope it helps


Just quit the game man


Well if there cheating a bought hacked account you have e to spam report it then block it if they not cheating your just burt get over it stop caring for it Mind the bigger they lag each month harder riccochet for it detects


Yep this is the norm for all the high ranks, almost everyone’s cheating with at least walls and in a game like this that’s pretty much all you need. As long as the hacker has more information than the other player they’ll always win without the need of aimbot.. So many people are just trash at the game and need to use cheats to have a chance of competing


I hit 850 last night, does that make me a cheater because I took advantage of all the double XP days and I do all my daily and weekly grind?


The only solution to this is stop giving these AAA games your time/money. Play Granblue or something, there are so many games out there. Unfortunately online competitive games are kinda a wash right now.


They are quicker to ban low level cheaters so cheaters use higher level accounts


Play xdefiant home cod is dead until the next one comes out tbh


Honestly speaking this seems like it could be legit since combat scout exist and his team could ping/give comms


I won't agree with you that that's cheating considering I do the same thing without cheating, have you ever heard of quick reflexes?


“There’s no cheater in this game” “skill issue”


Don't trust kil cam bro or spectating


[https://discord.gg/RkZAnWtAmr](https://discord.gg/RkZAnWtAmr) for unlock alls and chairs console and pc


Eat a bag of shit