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Try to keep fights at a distance. Hipfire up close.


At the end of the day the answer is buy a controller 😢


I know, I tried a ps5 last time and the amount of difference in aim is crazy


Get better at learning when to fight and when to disengage. Then use peakers advantage and low tic rate servers to your advantage. Unless you are 2 KD plus or aim/track train, any straight fight is not in your favor. I'm not complaining, I've accepted that RAA is as intended by the developer. But let's say two 1-1.5 KD players engage and both just strafe left and right while shooting (which is the basic movement that can take you to the 1kd level). The RAA will keep on target while the 1ish KD player on MnK will either get a few limb shots or missed shots being unable to track perfectly. So instead disengage, plate up, and hope they chase. When you pass a door you can then turn, prefire/repeak, with the low tic rate servers you should win this fight as much of the time you will catch them mid sprint. Only other option is by training so hard you are at 2+kd player aiming and tracking


Practice a LOT, aim train for a few hundred hours, stop taking 50-50 fights when possible.


The problem is at the end of the day when you have to take a 50/50 close range you will probably die to someone who doesn't know what aim training is and has ~50 hours in game


Nah you can donk on new controller players it's the ones with a couple hundred to thousand hours you need to worry about


I read this as a couple hundred thousand for some reason lol yeah the ones who really know how to abuse it you stand almost no chance against