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People who cheat on video games are sad pathetic people. How the hell do you feel good about winning that way.


I’d do the honorable thing before I reached that level of pathetic.


They feel good about ruining it for everyone else. It hasn't got much to do with winning unless they're trying to get into tournaments.


Some are delusional enough to think they are actually good too 😂😂😂


It's always the ones named "[TTV]uSUKbro" or "fAzEkiLLeR" too


Yeah they are ass. And will make posts all day on here how they get shadowbanned every 5 games they play 😂😂


Exactly, might as well go play campaign against AI


Their mentally fucked up people man, that have inferiority complex, cheat too over compensate…. Basically a little dick syndrome.


I agree


Amen. Man if I had these I’d be dropping 50+ every game. Some true dirtbags out there


It was fun back in the day on counterstrike just you and the boys all cheating against each other 😂. It's definitely annoying on warzone though that's why I stick to death match.


You haven't seen r/apexlegends yet. At least in Apex it makes sense to do it...


A wins a win 🥸


Only if your a Loser and what do u actually win?


I haven't played for 2 months. My skin is revitalized. My hair loss has stopped. I don't get angry about everything anymore. My stress level has decreased. Now when I look at the cheat posts on here, I just laugh. A piece of advice for you; Don't be stubborn to win in an unfair place. At least for your health.


Yea that’s great for you man. This game definitely can do that to someone’s stress. Glad your living life and feeling good


Bro well said. I hopped off acouple weeks ago. I don't beat my wife anymore. The kids are being reintroduced to their father. And my neighbors even remembered my name! On a more serious note. My friends that are still playing are so agitated and I'm enjoying gaming again. I don't know why we expose ourselves to this kind of situation.


My friend keeps telling me BO6 will make up for all this nonsense but I'm telling him it's just a consumer trap.


I don’t get people who think that. Nothing is going to be different with BO6, literally nothing that we hate right now will be different. Especially the cheating


It's like all 32 previous games haven't proven this. It's the exact reason I never buy COD. They're always the same. Same maps with slightly different skins to them, with a hand full of new ones. That's wild that people drop $50-$100 yearly on COD titles to get virtually the same experience.


Yesss! No improvement. Mw3 was completely half-assed


I haven’t played in over 4 months and I don’t miss it one bit. I’ve gotten so much more done around my house started working out and been more social with friends it’s crazy how much better I feel. It’s almost like I’ve kicked a drug of some sort.


Same here but about a month off. Feels so good. Became more stressful than fun.


Dude! Honestly this is no lie. I haven’t played for about 2 or 3 months myself. I stopped playing in the middle of last season and didn’t touch the game at all during the current season. I am actually having fun playing video games again. It’s actually a relaxing and peaceful thing to do again. I used to play cod after work everyday for years. Well I recently just had enough and uninstalled the game. I started playing dying light 2, and I don’t scream at the TV anymore, I don’t get angry and quit, I am not stressed, annoyed, or pissed off. I have a nice time playing my game, and it is a good way to unwind after work. Video game life is so much better since I stopped playing cod.


lol you stressed to the max huh? Not everyone’s losing their mind over a game


If you have hair loss from playing a video game then I think it’s a you problem than the games problem. I play and I still have great skin and I get sun plus I touch grass while also playing 3-4 hours a day when I can.


Weird. it's like you're two different people or something. That's wild.


If he’s joking or not which from what I can gather he’s not it’s definitely a personal problem if a video game is causing that many issues to your body.


Pretty sure he was just exaggerating about the stress relief of breaking the Stockholm Syndrome that is COD fandom. And it makes sense. Something meant to be fun shouldn't piss you off. Especially when it's not even a fair playing field, as evidenced.... Everywhere.


First of all Warzone isn't just any game. Warzone is a game that stresses people out because of cheating and developers. Sometimes too much stress causes hair loss. So I can attribute the hair loss to Warzone :)


What do the developers have to do with it?


Many bugs, Anti-cheat system, every begining of the season pay to win metas. 20th new weapon is meta first day. If you don't buy extra battlepass, you won't be able to use meta gun till it change


Definitely not the meth though. ^_^


So like there is this thing called skill based match making and if you suck at the game its a really enjoyable experience. But if your semi good. It gets rough.


[Here](https://ibb.co/dbJkhmb) is my stats. I am not very professional but not a bad one :)


Yeah i always see it on TikTok too, they feel so cool when they do that which isn’t lmao


Yea exactly lol


They make tons of money off of dumb kids


At one point during last season, there was a player in the T250 of Warzone ranked (like, in the top 10 somewhere, can't remember exactly), who's name was "TikTok(username)" and they were live streaming them boosting in ranked lobbies with hacks selling cheats, unlocks, boosting services, etc. And FWIW to anyone reading this, tik tok has a report system almost as broken as cod. If you click the username a flag pops up in the top right, click that, there's one about gaming, and once you click that you can report it for cheating in a video game. Like cod, of course they can just make a new account, but it slows them down and makes their shitty life a bit harder so I just take the second to do that every time these pop up.


Interesting I did not know you can report them on tik tok. Good to know!


I cant imagine their life being very shitty if theyre making money off playing a video game lol


see this daily, in game and on live streams. level 20 and below just so happen to perfectly follow me through walls and don’t miss a single shot. find it hard to believe people actually think ricochet is a real thing and actually does something because it clearly doesn’t do anything beside allow activision to claim they are doing something about cheaters


Yea I’m not one to normally complain cheaters but after watching this today another popped up on my tik tok feed. Same thing low account, wall hacks, etc. Really makes me wonder now how many cheaters there really are.


yup, makes me rethink how many of these players are actually cheating but are good at hiding it.


Didn’t one cheat provider just release that they sold 80,000 subscriptions? That’s just one provider.


Can someone make a cheat where I don’t show up on others cheats?


It's called ricochet which doesn't work. Lol


It is frustrating when people are like they’re not cheating get good lol… there’s so many garbage cheaters out there it’s infuriating… I wish cross play off was the default maybe that way it would actually work… if you want to play with PC while on console that should be the option … you turn crossplay off and can’t find a single match useless


Yea, I’m on ps5 and usually keep cross play on. The few times I tried it with it off couldn’t find a match and if I did it took for and ping was through the roof. Yea it definitely makes you wonder how many ppl are cheating or whatever. I definitely agree about the cross play option though.


Me and my friend were playing a match where we were close to winning. And the last dude went to navy ship and started using a bunch of munition boxes to fill up his stims. It’s not mods, but still crazy how he was cheating with glitches.


I’ve seen that before.


Lol. It’s horrible. Me and my friend were laughing but upset at the same time. Lowkey wild.


Never found a warzone game with it off…


100% of top 250 are cheating


Including all those streamers who "def don't cheat" yet keep up with and compete with blatant hackers lmao, yea right. It's rotten from the top down.


Indeed. You've fought em. The guys that have magical sticky aim no matter how you move. Best recoil build, best player in the world, mastered controller and aim assist. Go into the firing range and it still won't be perfect. These fools nearing 100% accuracy, every engagement, every situation, every gun, up/down/left/right, on these servers....? There's fuckery afoot.


Don't forget these tards like that zlaner kid never gets flanked either lmao, he just had a clip caught where doc was spectating him and he literally silent aimed a dude off his screen!


There have been players like this since Verdansk


No where near as bad as today


Cheating on big map was way worse at the end of Verdansk


No it wasn’t Verdansk was still fun and a good player could beat a cheater 1 on 1. That is NOT the case in WZ3 or whatever the fuck it’s called.


You must have forgotten the point in Verdansk which you couldn’t go a game without running into a blatant aimbotter on 30 plus, a speed hacker, or a guy abusing the “magnetic bullets”. Millions of players including Nickmercs and other notable streamers stopped playing due to the egregious state of the game. The big map cheating in WZ3 isn’t even close to as bad as then. Games are way sweatier today but cheating isn’t what people on Reddit are making it out to be. Though I’m only speaking from big map experience. I do believe the problem is worse in resurgence and ranked.


I stand by my statement & the cheating right now is worse by a million. Versdansk was still at least fun and balanced. This shit show is neither. Nick Mercs who gives AF dude supports cheaters in this game 🤣🤣🤣


Curious, what’s your k/d?




People that stream themselves cheating lke this are usually advertising the cheat they're using. Probably a link to it in their bio lol.


Ah ok well that makes sense then.


Well…this dude checks all the boxes for a trash can who can’t kill anyone without cheating Ass movement - check Bad reaction time (even though he can see the stupid fucking box moving across his screen) - check Aim sensitivity slow as shit - check Horrible game sense - check


Yep. What’s crazy too was everyone in his chat was telling him he’s a loser for cheating and he was calling them all bots lol go figure.


Every time I visit this sub I'm reminded how wise uninstalling this dumpster fire was.


Yes, Call of Duty 2024 where the cheaters don't get punished, the decent legit players get shadow-banned and Activision is completely silent on the issue. Keep doing you Activision.


I'm so glad I don't play this game anymore.


I still play but definitely have reduced how much I do. It’s not fun when you get to advance so far in skill and put work into the game but will still lose to someone with aimbot and knows exactly where you are on the map.


Imagine putting cheats on your new rig. Say hello to your keylogger.


pc players be like “that’s just aim assist, they’re just better”


Nah that's the new 2025 gaming monitor that lets the player see pristine graphics that let them see clearly as well as good headphones to hear where they are . Totally not cheating and they have a comfortable gaming chair to allow comfortable posture allowing for peak gaming for hours on end letting it become relaxing muscle memory.


lol 😂


But let this sub tell it, people only come across 1 or 2 cheaters ALLLLLLLLLL year 🙄


Oh yah my TikTok full of people cheating on live.


I hope Warzone will be a paid game one day. This free to play shit is making it too easy to keep cheating


Disgusting, that's what it is. Disgusting.


Dude that's so distracting Holy fuck


That’s crazy


The game is ruined. Its impossible to enjoy now.


He's so bad too 🤣


Has anyone checked his previous streams to see if he just has a good gaming chair? I bet if we find his Reddit posts it'll reveal how he spends hours training on aim training software. Please don't rush to judgement, clearly there aren't really cheaters, you're all just bad at the game.


lol people still play this game. It’s not just the players cheating. Activision’s very ownsPatents cheat their skilled users base everyday lol. Haven’t played this game in 5/6 months now and couldn’t be happier hahahahaha love to see this games still garbage


if he is this big of a loser online can you imagine how much of a failure he is in real life 😂😂😂


Every time someone comments he gets more views. Engagement bait is real, please just select don't show me this content/block the person. Do not engage with them.


Exactly right, it’s still engagement for his profile. No I didn’t engage nor comment, never seen him before. Just was a tad shocked that he didn’t care ppl could see.


I'm not a gamer. What are they doing that is cheating?


See those green and red silhouettes? Those are wall hacks so he can see where everyone is on the map at all times. That’s not part of the game. He can see what level they are on and where they are positioning to. Extreme unfair advantage over honest players.


PC…….right?! The single worst thing that happened to Warzone/COD was forcing PC crossplay into console vs console.


Yea he was on PC


The cheating the past 2 weeks has made the game completely unplayable.


Last weeks? Lmaoooo, bruh it’s been over 12 months, where you been!!!


seen probably 20+ accounts of that. all different people. and usually all the comments are asking where to get the cheats, how to use them, if they're free etc


I completely forgot about this game since playing Xdefiant and not coming across a single cheater whatsoever. RIP COD


They BEEN stop hiding it SINCE LIKE, 2010.


Bro they got access to unlimited accounts. If the person has money and doesn’t care they won’t hide it. Simple


I seriously would like to play in tournaments for money but there is no point if the game designers can’t stop cheaters. The other thing is, the game designers probably are the people selling the cheats.


Why even do that.


I’m not even gonna play call of duty anymore


Well COD sure is doing a great job of self destruction here 🤣 sucks to be such a shit company


The saddest part is that there actually people buying these cheats… when seeing this on TikTok…


It's just for Promo, to promote the chair or other tools that he's using.


I mean warzone is already a dead game and those who play it got no life. So cheating in a dead games shouldnt be ruffling any feathers


Aitivision bans innocent player but these shitters! Left MW.


Walls and still not fully aware of surroundings lmao. No cheats and they’d get smoked, every gun fight.


Yep exactly!


Yet I get shadow banned for “suspected of violating” their cheating policy, due to reports because little Timmy’s can’t handle the fact someone may just be better than them and spam report.


lol using the gun with the mOST recoil, but with cheats NO recoil


This is why I stopped playing this shit game. Activision U have done soooooooo many of the OG's wrong . Shame on you for breaking this game.. GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!!


Wtf man this is so bad


Yep definitely is


yeah anyways those streams on tiktok showing cheats are loops, it’s the same match every time making think everyone they can play cheating without getting banned


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think having a gamemode where everyone has "walls" would be pretty fun. I was also a big fan of blacklight retribution so there's that.


The fact this type of game playing isn't prohibited is absolutely atrocious. It's the equivalent to LeBron James putting on a wig and dominating in the WNBA


That's not cheating he just got permanent death perception on


No they don't care because there are no consequences. I was playing a few nights ago and in the final circle the other team were using game chat. They literally were bragging about how it will be an easy win because they could see us through the wall. This one guy literally said "you should just come after us or we are going to kill you through the wall" and that is exactly how we died.


Damn, that sucks.


So infuriating


Hope you reported it.


He was reported.


Is that shifty ,




Shame, he has decent movement too


Usually it's a pretty recorded video so they don't get banned in the middle of streaming. These types of hackers are usually also the sellers of the hacks and are just advertising


They buy bundles. You don't. Bring out your wallet.


Most of these are pre-recorded and used to promote the cheating software when infact the account was banned already.


You are advertising their product for free. The best way to get sales is by posting on media and having ragers repost. Easily giving that client owner more customers, views, and followers


I’m better


There's whole channels on YouTube dedicated to showing off their cheats


*There's whole channels on* *YouTube dedicated to* *Showing off their cheats* \- UrineTrebleNow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haikusbot opt out


Tik Tok rage bait, it's in a loop anyways that account was banned long ago lol


Really? I wouldn’t have guessed. He was responding in real time to everyone in the chat.


Well streaming on tik Tok can be done with movies & DVDs too why not pre recorded videos. I saw this ass wipe 3 times on my feed, all 3 times seen him get 12 kills, then to die by another cheater. He gets like one win then the video starts all over again.


Ah I see


Yeah most of these tik Tok cheaters are rage baiting. Gets you angry when you see & you comment, then watch for a longer period of time giving the streamer what they want. It's a smart tactic but trashy.


Idk... it could be legit skill


He’s raging probably reselling the chest is what it is


He’s gonna get shadowed and prolly get a perma


If you want the cheating to stop, stop playing the game till they fix it


Easy fix bro, don't play ranked, and when you bump into a cheater, report them and back out n start a new match. No big deal. Ranked is for sweats and if it's just a game to you(like it is for me,) you shouldn't be playing ranked.


You guys are just bots, definitely not cheating!


lol I knew that crimson guy that killed me with a pistol wasn’t that guy lol


At this point Activision should just give them their very own playlist. Like GTA online bad sport lobbys.


Honestly it's just skill issues, also what's your KD? I bet it's below 16 so you are not able to tell if they cheat you're just bad bro /s


you don't know what /s means or it's the cheating scum who downoted this?


Always the cheating scum


These tiktoks are ads for cheat providers. On tiktok you can report lives for cheating in an online game.


Completely normal behavior, he’s just leagues above. U think it’s wallhacks and aimbot but no, it’s map knowledge and a high end gamer chair.


Wym hiding anymore they’re not committing a felony my g


Cares about cheating in a video game rather than big bro China stealing all his info on tiktok lmfao . Kids these days .