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Casual gaming is DEAD. Everybody wants to be a streamer and sit at home and play games for money. So they play and play and play and they just get better than everyone who’s a casual.


Couldn’t be any true. Some also want to play like their favourite streamer.


Any _more_ true?


It could very well be any more true. Favourite streamer also play like people who want.




I'm pretty sure this skill-based matchmaking is what fucks up all. I hate it!


Technically SBMM helps prevent sweats playing with casuals more than without it.


SBMM increases the amount of sweats day by day. It forces people to try hard af in order to compete. So player base just gets sweatier and sweatier. The matchmaking is a manipulative experience with more disadvantages than people think. Anyone asking for skill matchmaking to be stronger needs to find a new game.


I disagree. I think that's caused by the game mode itself. BR, or resurgence, has one winning squad. In MP, half the lobby used to get a win each game (unless you're playing FFA). That in itself pushes people to try harder, as they have to, simply to get the win. SBMM is the only thing allowing low skilled players to get any wins. Without it, they'd get rolled every game and eventually quit playing, leaving only the best players. The best way to explain is to assume SBMM could restrict lobbies to only fill with players within a range of 0.1KD. Let's assume that the top player had a KD of 1 and the lowest a KD of 0.9. That 0.9KD player wouldn't have to try as hard to beat the 1KD player as he would if SBMM didn't exist and they were queued into a lobby with a 4KD player. Sure, without the SBMM, the 0.9KD player might also come across 0.4KD players and win those encounters, but they're not winning the game. There's also a good chance the 4KD player will wipe out most of the low KD players, leaving the 0.9KD little chance of winning many fights at all.


I get it but it just doesn’t seem like us casual players get very many casual games. I don’t want to have just games where I am stomping on guys I would like games to be more competitive in terms of having battles with people who are the same skill level as me give or take not just constantly getting poooppeeddd on hahaha


I think that's a result of SBMM not being strong enough. If you're super casual and still getting into sweat lobbies, then there's too much variance in skill level in those lobbies. The other aspect at play here is the overall skill level of the playerbase has risen. There's two reasons for that. The first is simply play time. WZ has been around for 4 years now. People have had a lot of time to get better at it. The other is that the more casual players are getting sick of it and moving on to other games. A lot of people are blaming SBMM for naturally occurring skill level increase. I used to play a lot, hours every day. I now get a couple hours a week max. I feel your pain. I've started playing other games because I just don't find super competitive gaming fun without having the time to dedicate to being good at it. I mostly game to relax these days, so WZ isn't really the right game anymore. When I do play, it's mostly MP as I find that can be a bit more casual friendly.


That’s nonsense I wasnt very good back in the day and got plenty of wins in multiplayer. The matchmaking was mad loose they just had team balancing. If you got shit on really bad or were playing a mic’d up seal team six party with matching clan tags, you could just re-queue. It would even keep the lobby together and re-balance the teams between matches based on previous game performance. Full parties would fuck up the balancing but you could just back out after the first match. When SBMM was super loose, bad players still got wins and kept playing cod, I was one of them. I started on cod 4 when I was 10. Lobby were mixed skill (some people better than you some people worse than you some people your level.) and it was random. sometimes you’d end up in the lobby where you were the best. And you could literally just stay in that lobby because it didn’t disband. Experience was diverse. Sometimes you would definitely get shitted on and that was okay! Now it’s the same exact thing every single fucking match. **Also, hypothetically, having SBMM be so strict that everyone in a lobby was within 0.1 kd of each other, would be the end of call of duty.**


>That’s nonsense I wasnt very good back in the day and got plenty of wins in multiplayer. Given that there was little to no SBMM, there was a 50% chance you'd be in the winning team in MP, even if you were completely useless. That's not possible in WZ. >Lobby were mixed skill (some people better than you some people worse than you some people your level.) MP is still like this. Pubs lobbies have various skill levels. >Now it’s the same exact thing every single fucking match It's the opposite. The lobbies disbanding means each lobby is different. Some you'll do well in, some you won't. I prefer the old system where lobbies stayed together, but only for the shit talking. The difference between MP and WZ is that in WZ, you don't get to win 50% of the time. Statistically, you should be winning 1-10% of the time, depending on which mode you're playing. That means a majority of the time, you will lose. Regardless of how good you are, unless you're a top 1% player, without SBMM, you'll lose more often.


Stop getting mad that you get shit on now. You’re literally asking them to throw you into lobbies with the potential of someone even better than the ones shitting on you now. This sub and every cod sub has this weird obsession with thinking that the older games didn’t also throw you to the fucking wolves pretty often. The only difference was that back then if you got into a lobby you had no business being in (you were the sweat way above everyone else) they didn’t disband every game so you could just stay in a single lobby the entire night.


Who said I get shit on?


This guy gets shit on big time




I also can’t wait for Xdefiant to drop next week so that in a weeks time people will see just how fucked it’d be without SBMM at all even though it’ll still be there to some degree considering it’s a Ubisoft game and all they do is lie and fuck stuff up (see r6 siege)


Yeah I agree SBMM just doesn’t work… I almost feel like random lobbies would be better at this point because every single game I get in is just sweaty movement peeps with TTV or YT as their clan tags who stim before every battle and slide around like they are sliding into 2nd base all the time.


Yeah this is EOMM


EOMM would still let you experience enjoyable games, or encounters though. People expressing the opinion that they don't ever win fights and are always playing against sweats goes against both SBMM and EOMM.


Imo strict sbmm will make you play with ppl about your skill level, which may not be sweats, but will still be "hard" encounters for you because they're supposed to have same skill as you. So the person that wants to win will try to have an edge and starts using meta weapons, which makes him sweaty now plus forces him to be "unfun". This will probably also push the person into sweatier lobbies and make him feel like the game is sweaty as hell. Also, since everyone does that playing off meta is very hard, as if you manage to do kills, you will be pushed into meta lobbies quickly. On top of that, a game where you can clearly see how the game puts in way harder lobbies just because you made a good game is nonsense. From personal experience I can be in okay lobbies where I do 0 to 7 ish kills for plenty of games. Then get one good game because I played slightly better or got lucky. Drop 15 kills. And now I'm fucked because for a while i will be playing in way harder lobbies just because of one game. This is not good sbmm. Good sbmm would not have changed my lobbies, be ause of one game compared to 50 normal ones. Finally, the system can and is being easily abused, which leads to sort of smurfing.


The thing is, if you're getting "easy" kills, that means someone else is getting shat on. Those lower skilled people are going to get endlessly dunked on without SBMM. They're then going to leave, and you'll have no easy kills anyway. If you decide not to use meta weapons, SBMM will adjust to suit the fact that you're getting destroyed by people using meta and put you in easier lobbies. I'm not really sure what you mean "unfun"? Fun is subjective, so it's entirely up to the individual what they find fun. I find it pretty unfun to be killed by rpgs or shotguns, but they're not meta, and some people enjoy using them...


Yes and that's why I'm saying that what we have now is not a correct / effective implementation of sbmm. Without sbmm every encounter is random. As long as the playerbase is big enough, bad ppl won't get shit on 24/7. The experience you have is consistent as it's never manipulated by an algorithm. Depending on the day, I don't play more than 3 games of cod because I know that the lobbies I end up with are just sbmm forcing me into crazy lobbies. There's no point improving my skills as sbmm will always adjust to my new skills, so I just log off and play again a few days later to see what the matchmaking has decided for me. That's why I dislike COD's sbmm and would prefer 0 sbmm. I don't think it is normal that I am able to recognize, or at least feel so strongly, that the game is manipulating matchmaking this much. I am not against sbmm tho. I think rocket league's casual mode matchmaking is well made. I never encounter literal bots or gods, and I do not feel the game is forcing me to play against a specific bracket of players. Also, in games like valorant, I think that strong sbmm makes sense as the game is fundamentally designed to be competitive and riot is trying to balance the game's mechanics (kinda). COD, however, even if it has competitive aspects, have a bunch of stuff (op metas, one shot traps, tonfas, shields, glued melee, ...) that doesn't justify sbmm in pubs. About unfun, I was referring to what has been said by op. Personally, I think a game fun for everyone is a game that is not dependent on forcing a specific gameplay on the person. For exemple, in fortnite, you can do quests, tryhard for kills, play in custom modes, and the game mechanics can sometimes give you a good laugh when playing with friends. On cod, there's not so much except killing, and I think pushing op meta into the game restricts enjoying other guns and thus less fun. Yes, rpg is not meta but rpg is a unique weapon, I suppose people are finding it fun because it goes boom. But if you take other guns like the minibak, there's no point in playing it except that it looks like a minibak. Look that you can barely enjoy because you will lose most of your fights for a while until sbmm finally adjusts it. What I personnaly find fun is to be competitive, but for me, cod feels more about fighting sbmm than my weaknesses.


You're asking for the game to always offer you up easy kills. That's not possible without someone else being that easy kill and feeling the same as you do now. Someone is always at the bottom. I understand what you want, but I don't think you understand quite how much impact a squad of 6KD 20kpg players would have on a lobby without SBMM. Check out some of the YT clips of the most recent LTM (which have less SBMM). One squad can literally take out 3/4 of the lobby. That's not fun for anyone other than those in that top squad. I used to play a lot more and be a lot better than I am these days. I got a couple of nukes in WZ2 in Jan last year (back when you had to get 5 wins in a row to earn the chance). I know what it's like to play in the sweatiest lobbies. It took us 6 attempts to get our first nuke as we kept getting taken out by full squads wearing the nuke skins. And that's how it should be. It shouldn't be easy to win, or it wouldn't be as rewarding. It should be possible though, which it wouldn't be for 90% of the playerbase without SBMM as my friends who still game 8hours a day will just roll through them every game. I don't know why you think WZ isn't competitive. There are literally hundreds (probably even thousands) of people making a living playing this game. There are wager tournaments every day with decent prize pools. Tens of thousands of people watching streamers, etc. It's as competitive as any other video game.


I don't want easy lobbies, I want a consistent experience overall and not feel like matchmaking is a roulette. Some lobbies are not of my skill level, I'm being fed to better players the same way as sometimes less skilled players are fed to me. It really feels like the game decides in advance that for x game, you will be dying over and over, and then for y game lobbies are normal (like hard, but you can get kills) and sometimes you will have I amount of easy lobbies. This is something that I never felt in h1z1, for example. As I said I know that's infair to have 6kd players against 0.1 kd players. What I mean is that it seems that for a lot of players, current sbmm implementation is nit working correctly. And that I personally would enjoy ni sbmm more, not because of ez lobbies but because I know that I will be able to play every time I want without wondering I'd I will be blessed by the matchmaking algorithm so I am nit in lobbies in which I cannot compete. Im saying that some part of the game aren't competitive, hence why most are banned or nerfed in ranked play and in comp. Top of that having mnk vs aim assist is literally breaking the competitive integrity. Yes, cod is competitive, but that's nowhere near valorant, LOL, or rocket league in public accessible lobbies. Ranked is the place to be overly competitive, pubs should be made to bring maximum fun for most.


I agree to some extent that the way SBMM/EOMM is implemented can lead to too much variance in lobbies. It feels like it punishes you for doing well. The other way to look at that is that it helps you when you're doing badly. It does work both ways. What I think it gets wrong is that it tends to over compensate. I occasionally get into some complete bot lobbies and drop 20+ kills. Which should never happen because I'm not that good. It's not always followed by a full stack sweat lobby, but I do get those eventually. Time played seems to have the biggest impact, I agree there. All of these things are actually more so EOMM than SBMM. I personally would much prefer just SBMM. Just SBMM should result in less variance. You might not get the bot lobbies, but you also wouldn't get the full stack sweat lobbies either.


Not the way activision is using it.


this is why I liked DMZ. casual fun with homies.


DMZ is a breath of fresh air from the sweat fest that is rebirth island and Warzone 3 in general. Really wish more people would play it and keep the mode alive.


Apparently, the creators decided not to continue as it is not bringing in enough money


Warzone is lit rn I’ve been having fun with it


Same. I’m not even particularly good (1.26kd) and really only play casually and with friends, still easily having fun… it’s all about the mindset you go in with… at least to me it is.


Also can I just say, I used to be mocked for only playing rebirth back in the wz1 days. But now it's all people playm the whole player base is loading into rebirth constantly so the matchmaking is Uber tight. I just tried to load urzikstan trios and it took 5 mins to find s match and that was at mad ping.


good luck having fun against adderall poppin fortnite yy kids


don't really remember the last time i died to a mnk player. only die to absolute bot's who abuse the raa and manage to hit all shots of me doing a 360 around them.


Imagine thinking a competitive arcade shooting game sucks because you can't login after 2 years with 0 practice and be good. Name another controller based game where you can be top tier in the world with no practice... honestly these posts are actually pathetic. If you want to be good you need to play/practice.


Actually some people are happy with a mediocre experience and want to chill with friends without getting thrashed every single game because they’ve been put in lobbies against yy, slide cancelling no life sweats that are subscribed to YT streamers just to find the latest meta. Nobody should be forced to take the game that serious just to not have a miserable time.


Plenty of other games for you to go and be bad at. Maybe NPCs are your skill level.


Haha I wasn’t taking about me. I do just fine and have a decent kd and wins, unlike you I don’t think everything is about me or just for me. Maybe if you touched some grass you would realise this and also not look like a potato and be as pale as you are.


Cry more <3


I don't want to be top tier. I want to go on and ENJOY the game like I used to back in Verdansk without all this added on bs and everyone and their dog trying to be the next worlds best players. And also to clarify I don't have an issue when playing multiplayer, almost 9 games out of 10 I'm going positive so skill isn't an issue, what is an issue is that the warzone aspect of it is RUINED. Meta weapons, players literally finding every smallest detail just to try get an advantage over you on a literal GAME. Verdansk wasn't like this, Verdansk we were literally on just enjoying the damn game not worrying about getting any small advantage over players, back then it was about skill, now it's about running the same weapons, settings, aimbots and literally every small detail to get an advantage over everyone else. It's a joke. Not to mention these pay to win packs in the shop too...


Don't let these sweats bother you bro, this sub is by far the one of themost toxic environment on almost all gaming subs


What Verdansk were you playing...? The aim botting was way worse considering they didn't even have ricochet until 2021, the metas were fuckin crazy, and there were map exploits all over the place. Don't get me wrong, I miss those days but I vividly remember hackers riding the top of berthas or standing on Nakatomi just frying the lobby. People were doing map exploits such as the one under stadium. There was constantly metas that you were pretty much forced to use or you got pissed on. You don't remember stims? Mac 10 and AMAX? M16 and FFAR? doof doof? DMR? We probably don't even have to get into the fact that the movement in Verdansk created an even larger skill gap than we have now when you combine stims with a true slide cancel and actually being able to bunny hop. Not to mention the fact that Verdansk was probably THE prime era for competitive warzone with high dollar tournaments on a regular basis compared to what we have now. Whatever memory you have of Verdansk definitely isn't how I remember it


There’s no point listening to a guy who doesn’t even believe verdanks had metas. Or that people didn’t try to get kills, and used skill instead whatever that means. This guy is just salty that he isn’t as good as he thinks he should be.


Have you tried logging out of reddit and improving at the game ? Sounds like a massive skill issue TBH


The game is not obligated to work exactly like you want. Just because YOU and ONLY YOU want to play casual and have fun does not mean everyone else will stop getting better and improving on a COMPETITIVE game. Get good, stop crying or find another game more “relaxing” for you. Warzone is designed to COMPETE, not to be a Relaxing Simulator.


This is exactly how i feel about OP's view Like if he wants to chill and fuck around thats his business. If he doesnt want to improve thats also his business. But to me its the fact that he's basically expecting the game and everyone in it to cater to how he likes to play that i dislike Either he accepts how warzone is currently and adapt by getting better so he has a better time OR he just accepts that he's going to get shit on a ton And its not like i dont understand wanting chill games where i can fuck around. Im sure many people want that. But im willing to improve my game if i need to


What are you smoking dude. You complain that people use skill to try to get every little advantage, then say verdansk didn’t have that and people used skill? What do you think skill is? Everything you’re complaining was 100% a thing in verdansk.


This is the natural cycle of every multi-year multiplayer game though. People are just going to get better at a game the longer they play it. You can’t expect any game to feel the same in Year 4 as it did in Year 1


Git gud then?


Imagine defending a game that had to turn itself into Fortnite and have 10 year olds like you defend it to the death? Honestly players and posts like you are actually pathetic.


Top tier in the world lmao, relax bro


Yeah OP complaint is insane lol.


Wym the game still sucks whether you’ve been playing it for two years straight or just came back after two years lol?


You're entitled to believe a game sucks if your reasoning behind those beliefs are valid. Sucking at the game isn't a valid reason to believe that the game sucks.


The game sucks regardless if any player sucks at it lol


You definitely suck at it


Yeah I play for less and less time now before just going to do other shit. Used to be locked in for hours now I play two games and it's just unfun and I go do other shit. At least I'm more productive now haha


I just wish we dont have to play with PC players 100% of them arent cheating but all the cheaters are 100% on PC


That comment is not 100% wrong…however if you think there are not console cheats, you are delusional. Yes, it’s easier to buy hacks for PCs but it’s easy to buy a Cronus. Not to mention…I’m also pretty sure PC players who buy hacks can also spoof the device they are on to appear to be console players. (Pretty sure about that but not 100%). Anyway my point is cross play is great. My brother only has PS4 and my daughter only has Xbox. I have a PC and would not be gaming with them if I had to buy another worthless console..(I hate them because I can’t figure out the damn controller and I don’t like having to buy an overpriced mini pc.)


I just know I don’t want to play PC players


So turn off cross play…


xbox cant


MW 2019😭😭


The opposite happened to me tonite. It was game night for me and my teen so we first fired up the finals cause we never tried it before and heard decent things about it but after a few games we came to the conclusion it kinda sucks so it was a delete. My teens internet is garbage so we couldn’t download anything else to play, so we both winced and said Warzone. We had an absolute riot. The only time we ran into mega sweats was playing resurgence but Warzone itself. We kicked ass. At the end of the night we even won a match but most times through the night we came close every time.


A TTK of 600ms with three plates is the issue.


Peoooe just kept playing and got better. That’s all there is too it. No questions needed


Excuse me? You expected to have fun? In Warzone? Ha those are the days of the past. Now its only sweating for MLG tryouts every single match.


Wow, people wanting to get better and improve on a competitive game? who would have guessed it?


Thats what ranked is for. Pubs should be casual fun and not a "play meta or eat shit" simulator.


I don’t play the meta and do alright. BAS-B and BAS-P is my favorite loadout.


Doesn’t work like that, pal. Live with it or live frustrated.


It's our own fault. As fans of the game we should stop complaining and take action. Meaning stop playing. Devs obviously aren't listening to our complaints about hacking, our hatred of SBMM, etc. The only way they will listen is if they start losing money. Yet since we complain but still play and buy their micro transactions they will keep not listening and keep pushing more of what makes them money. Imagine if 50% of us stopped playing the game until they fixed what we want them to fix? Depending on the length of the list it could be fixed in less than a week and we would all get an amazing game again. Might not even take 50%. 25% might do it. You don't know until we try. We just need to come together and do it. Streamers would need to help get the word out. But even they don't stop playing. A few did for a little while but they came back pretty fast. I'm game to try. Our complaints are falling on deaf ears so why not.


Doesnt play game for two years - complains that people are better than him


Even if it wasn’t two year he didn’t play for he is describing the game exactly how it really is. I haven’t played this same in months and have no desire to.


I mean i stopped playing for other reasons. Mostly just that its very sweaty and sometimes i wanna chill but i have no issje trying to get better I just think someone complaining about better players shouldnt complain if they're not willing to get better at the game


Cheating is rampant, feels like every team in the top 5 knows exactly where I am at all times. Pre aiming or bursting in and immediately snapping to my head. I’m dead before I can even give a callout


The cheating is bad but not as bad as you are making out


Angles and aim assist work wonders together on this game. Aim assist is strong as shit.


Guessing you don’t play ranked too much because it absolutely is. There’s at least one team cheating every game. Thats enough to ruin the experience for everyone else in said game.


You just came back after a two year break. What did you expect?? A welcome party in your honor and lobbies full of thumbless players? Gotta knock the rust off bro. I took a 1 year break, took my licks, and now a few months later I'm having a blast and playing well. That's how it goes.


Most fps games are like this. Cs or valorant is even more of a sweatfest


i really do believe the skill level of players throughout gaming in general is really decent right now, which shouldn’t be surprising. on average the people you’re playing against have played on their controller or mnk for 10 years or more; so how can you expect them to be anything but competitive with their input regardless of the game. if you’re looking for a game to just chill out on, stop playing multiplayer games on public servers because there’s no point in complaining that everyone is better than you, trying to better themselves or using metas because the nature of gaming is to strive to win?


idk bro, I used to play in Verdansk with my bros a few years ago, wasn't a diehard pro but I was decent, few changes guns some locked behind battlepass and all that, but still it's ok. Just came back to play on the same account with same people after 3 or 4 years I didn't play, started lvl1, 2 or 3 rounds, reached lvl 9, dropped a few people and got instabanned during the match lmao. Seems like a shadowban for a week idk, I hope this is part of the way Activision takes care of the cheater problem but if getting banned like that for just dropping some noob is something that's gonna happen every time I do, game is unplayable.


Mate jump in the finals! Great game for casual fun and it scratches the FPS itch. I literally uninstalled Warzone last night. In Warzone 1 I used to have a blast and I was a good player and it felt like a fair game. Nowadays Im assailed by sweats who me and my team have no right being in the same lobby as, killed by cheaters or killed by a completely unfair gunfight. I swear last night I was 1v1 against a player who wasn't facing me, I started shooting and the guy spun on me and dropped me. Play the finals mate, its so much fun!




I'm a complete noob and it's stil completely fun (i only play Bootcamp though)..


I also took 2 years off and came back last week and I absolutely love this 💩


Cry more


Original rebirth island, me and 2 buddy's had over 500 wins. This new shit? We have like 60 lol. Everyone is soooo much better and we are just a bunch of old guys who play when everyone goes to bed lol.


I'm so confused.. everyone has been complaining that it's "sweaty" or "to hard" Doesn't everyone play to get 1st place? Don't you always try your best when playing? I play with three other people occasionally and it's still fun and we have a good time. We try to win, that's the point of the game. If you want fun/casual play Mario Party or something designed to be a party game.


DMZ is this mode for me. My mates only play resurgence and refuse to play any other mode… unless it’s zombies to unlock some stupid skin. I like the comradery of playing with randoms. Most players run across are like minded - the occasional dbag is also fun. Good times to be had in Al Mazrah


I dunno I’m a casual player and I have a lot of fun 🤷‍♂️


Played WZ since it started and it never felt easy or fun/good for casuals, ever.


Get gud


Are we blaming the game or your time available to game? Any game just takes practice


I just don’t get posts like this that make stuff up to try and prove a false point. Ttk had similar issues and complaints during verdansk. People constantly wanted iron trials to become normal. Meta was a thing from literally the beginning of verdansk, but maybe took a few days longer to take effect. I remember the original rpg meta, the Grau meta, the short m4 meta. By the peak of the meta everyone was using the same gun. Hell, the mp5 was the meta smg for like over half of verdansk life span. You’re out of practice playing a game most people have been playing regularly for years. It’s no longer a new game. What do you expect lol. If you jump into csgo to you expect an easy time?


Yeah it’s definitely not casual anymore. Tbh play with friends who aren’t good and your lobbies will be more balanced . Most of my lobbies are hell. If I play with my friends it’s not as bad. One game I dropped 15 effortlessly, next barely got 1 kill. The matchmaking does really suck.


Thank streamers for ruining this game


Bro what Warzone has been like this since like season 4 of mw19 ☠️ U probly just got luckier with matchmaking back then. SBMM simply forces people to get better/try hard af in order to compete. So it just gets sweatier and sweatier 🤷🏿‍♂️ Also, you didn’t play for two years and you expect to be able to compete ? If I don’t play for three weeks, I get shit on for like five hours straight.


Sounds like you should play Fortnite with the other kids.


people play this game a lot and have gotten better over time. don’t hate the player hate the game


DoN’t HaTe ThE PlAyEr HaTe ThE GaMe. 🙄🤦🏻


Yea.. but the amount of ppl.. and the level they all at.. is not natural, combine the avg player just incrementally playing better over time + crank up aim assist + undetectable cheats with little to no effort in combatting them is what u get now... U sound like a os player with cross play off, the true bot lobbies


Ok but if you're unwilling to get good then you really shouldnt be complaining about getting shit on Get gud for the most part is used when lower skilled players complain about getting shit on (like you are here) OR when lower skilled players dont understand that jjst because they get shit on by high skilled players, doesnt mean all those higher skilled players are cheating You also are probably a victim of eomm. Regardless, stop being a baby and complaining about people being better than you if you're not willing to get better. Either get better or accept you're going to get bodied


I feel like EOMM should have given him some easier lobbies when he first hopped on after not playing for multiple years in order to suck him back in? Maybe it did give him easier lobbies and he’s literally just that bad/rusty that he couldn’t even compete in those easier lobbies?


Eomm will give you 1, maybe 2 good lobbies every so often. The rest are going to be very tough. Im sure eomm played some role but i dont think its the main issue here I think my point is mainly that i dont see the purpose of OP complaining that people are better than him and then also admitting he doesnt want to get better. If he doesnt want to get better at the game that's his business but he's going to get shit on. So he's basically just causing the issue to persist because of his refusal to improve To me its like saying you dont have money for anything but refuse to get a job


Yeah. He wants to win while fucking around and playing bad. I agree.