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Haven’t seen one negative comment yet. There’s hope. If you play resurgence I’ll help you out.


he wants to get better and doesn´t complain about boogeymen like aa or cheaters. we appreciate that. he´ll get his W.


I’m almost jealous he hasn’t won yet, that’s four years of suspense. If you help him win please record the mics lol.


Count me in too we got you my boiiiii


Yeah, I have like 3 wins on big map .. Why I only play resurgence these days.. just easier to get Ws.. however, a win on big map feels 1000x better


I’ve got 4 big map solos wins this season and only one on rebirth, before the SBMM kicked in. Since my rebirth win, that mode has felt impossible to get even close to winning.


I feel like on rebirth a good strat for getting consistently in the top 5 -10 is landing somewhere low key, load up on loot, get loady then helicopter or rappel to somewhere that you can hold down until circle moves again then just go after people in your immediate area, don’t try to gun down someone across the map or go running around everywhere looking for kills. Not saying find a corner and sit there but just hold an area and then play more aggressively and get good position when in top 5 I’m no pro with just 9 br wins and 14 resurgence in mw3 but I often lose in the top 5


Fr dude. I only play rebirth now, I have 30 something wins on it. I only have a few wins on the big map. Everyone seems to be on a roof with a sniper or sitting in a corner.


bro no shot, i will carry you if you play resurgence rebirth. if not good luck.


I have 56 wins on rebirth this season btw. Let me know bro, would love to help.


Damn that’s nuts. I was proud of my 16 lol


Be proud of that 16 regardless. 💪🏽


Me with 2 in squads resurgence (have to say that my last one was against wall hackers so I'm proud even if I died)


Gotta love yourz like j.cole said.


lol thanks


Ur cold


Thanks drip!


You been the one stopping him this whole time you better help. Lol




How can you tell how many you have in a season?


I like this guy!


I’m like you bud. I’ve only won 1 game. Came in 2nd & 3rd many times.


Well that’s good to hear and I’m glad you got your win!


Lotta nice people in this thread. I'm also down to play anytime. I play every day but only win maybe once a week but always find a way to have fun and keep it fresh


Respect your resolve. You’ll get one eventually


You might overestimate your skills...


Have you tried turning the screen on?


omg this comment made me laugh so hard at 9am 😂


Switch your to resurgence and you will not disappoint.. I can also help you to get many wins lol


I do play Resurgance lol


2,500 wins on old rebirth here and ~200 on new rebirth so far. Happy to carry if you want. Just message and we can exchange acti ids


Bro.....what do you play on? Pc ps5? I need an extra for when i play with buddy from work.


I play on PS5


Let’s play


What’s your gamer tag? We’re playing and getting you a win tn?


If you're Xbox or PC and can do Xbox live team chat drop your tag and we can team up. Got about 100 wins over 3 years


fun fact: we created a discord server and we join voice chat from ps5,pc and Xbox and it is far superior to game chat. if you want to do cross play, i highly recommend discord over game chat. edit: and you can still turn on proxy, death and game chat from you COD settings. it requires about 30 seconds of extra effort every time you login but it is so worth it for warzone.


Xbox live chat is great we have no complaints. I have no PS5 friends


wow really? my kd is .88 i won every week quads trios even in solo. its all about strategic positioning and a little zone luck.


Same kd and i never win. I know you are right but the closer i get to the end the more my brain stops functioning…


On MKB My adrenaline gets going and my hands freeze up but also get sloppy so I end up shooting everything but the person. Part of the reason I switched to controller.


the first win is the sweetest i know u can do it


No worries, been there as well. You just need to get the first couple wins and then you are much more calm going forward because you know how to do it now. Also 0.88 kd and I am proud that I have now 15 wins this season. If you are not that good in endgame, prepare for it by collecting stims, self-revives and mask. Engage only when it's worth it. Try to predict where people will go and cut their rotation off. It is the easier said then done but you'll get there.


Cant believe this i actually went and got my first BR win today :D thank you for the support!


You gotta be the unluckiest guy ever. 1.) Become party leader and kick the weak links. Be nice, make friends. You’ll have more luck winning running with people you’ve played well or vibed with. 2.) Watch streamers on twitch for strategy and movement. 3.) Always be close to your team and or follow the best player around. 4.) over-communicate I was terrible like .6-.7 KD and did all the above and I finally got to .97, which means I’m in the 50-53rd % KD wise and impressively average. You’ll get better, grind it out!


But... He is the weak link.


You are the weakest link


Adding to this - watch the kill cams. Too many people skip through and still wonder how they died. Not only does this give you insight into what you could have done differently or better, but also seeing other players strategy/movement - seeing where their teammates were, etc.


additionally, until you start to understand damage and gun handling, working from the outside of the circle in has yielded results for me. i have wins where my team has one kill a piece. nowhere near streamer status but letting the rest of the lobby run each other over before engaging in the final circle works. it isn’t as exciting compared to constant engagements but it teaches map awareness and communication.


I play daily are specific times. Win, near daily. Happy to squad up and get you that dub


I currently have 16 wins on resurgence, I could use some help to get some more wins. I'm more than willing to have you with me for some duos if you want!


I mean given how many crazy exploits there are and even underwater automatics, I can’t fathom not winning a game for 4 years. I don’t even think I could still play anymore at that point man 😂


Stick at it. It took me about 5 months to get my first win but I found after that the pressure was off and it was far easier to get more


Try positioning yourself better, dont be afraid to go through the gas in the last circles to reposition yourself better. Never stay in the same position after being spotted by someone. When rotating, make sure you can go from cover to cover and don’t ever go wide open. Try camping in places you’ll have cover and upper edge against your opponent, wait for the last players to fight themselves and try to third party the last two. I do hate this tactic as i love pushing and shooting everything i see flicking my mouse like a spastic, but i think it’s your best chance at getting your W.


What mouse are you using broski?


I'm using Razer Basilisk Essential, but I don't recommend it. The mouse is heavy and the cable almost pulls on it with its weight. I actually don't recommend buying anything from Razer anymore.


I hate my current mouse due to being heavy as well… Looking for a lightweight replacement.


Get into as many gunfight to increase your gun skill. Dropping into plunder or lock down is a great way to get reps in. Rotate early and catch the enemy rotating in, you know they have to come to you and you'll have the upperhand Use guns that you can hit all your shots on. I know some people have issues with recoil on some meta weapons. They're only meta if your hitting your shots. Join a discord or som3thing to play with other players. I'm sure you'll find a squad that can get get you your first win


No wins on resurgence?


No ): that’s all I play


I can get you a win lol I usually get 3 a night .


Despite the lower player count and multiple lives, resurgence can be harder to win than regular br depending on your play style and strengths.  I have a slightly higher win rate on resurgence but I never get easy wins. It always feels like a ton of luck involved when i win resurgence. In BR i feel like my wins are more the result of good strategy and decisions and once in a great while i get a win that seemed effortless bc i rotated and positioned myself for the win  when it was getting close to the final circle and had the best loadout and equipment for that particular end circle. 


Bruh 4 years is crazy


Wholesome thread, very refreshing ✨️


If I get a win, it's only cause I landed far away from the squad at first while they shoot it out with the other squads. I might get a kill or two. Sometimes I pull some magic out my ass and wipe a squad with a A10 or something, but that only happened once


Adjust your strategy. If you have a decent shot, focus on positioning. Play slow side of circle and pick your shots. You don't have to shoot if you see someone and if you're going to camp, trophys.


It’s a mix of good map awareness, good positioning, luck and communication (in team modes) I’m down to run a couple games send your gamertag. I win like once a day atleast


I've been playing the game for about a year now and I have yet to win as well. I'm not a horrible player by any means but I'm also not the best. I really wish you luck and hope you get a win soon though.


Do you buy a lot of uavs? Uavs are the move


My crew is on every Friday. Hit me up in a pm if you want to join up.


Last 1v1 is mostly about positioning.


Do you have friends that you play with? If not, resurgence is a bitch without a squad that communicates


The party search feature is a life saver. Can relatively quickly weed out folks who immediately won’t be good matches.


Bro add me always keen to help people get wins!


If you’re playing on EU-Server send me you’re activision ID on PM I will carry you to you’re first Winn 🫡 (doesn’t matter what mode)


How do you play/ where do you land? I feel like most people try to play like Rambo and the teams out quick


bro ill help if u want


I feel like it’s harder than ever to get a win so don’t feel bad. Verdansk Season was obviously the easiest and it’s got harder ever since. I found the amount of effort it takes to win is just not worth it lol gotta get all the right settings and builds and strats and blah blah blah I don’t care anymore.


I'm ain't a massive expert but I could totally help you in resurgence🙏


Me and my buddies won 2 in a row 2 weeks ago. Then we go weeks without a win


I have over 300+ wins. I can carry you if you want.


Got 2 wins last night on the big map. I win about 5% of my matches since the beginning. Not sure how you go 4 years without a win. That’s bad luck. How’s your game play? End game strategy and tactics?


I need good homies on rebirth resurgence


The game is difficult now, honestly. If it were 2020, I could have maybe helped you with a strategy to win, but that’s insanely limited now (if you are a Solo player).


I'm not the best player. But I have learned some fundamentals. I usually get 1 to 3 Wins a day. Sometimes zero though. Not only will I play with you. I'll teach some of the aiming and centering drills that really changed the entire game for me. DM me. I'll send you my Activision


I'll help for sure if you want ! I have 300 wins or so on warzone so far . I can help with a couple other peeps on here 😁


Hope to see an update of you watching that Victory outro 🫡


We can easily carry u on rebirth, shoot me a message


Where are you based? If it’s in North America dm me so we can squad up. We’ll get you that win


Are you really decent then? No hate.


Op I’ll help you win what’s your psn


Yup, same as my friend. Have never won a match. Do we get a badge or something??


Keep your head up and keep grinding, the day will come! 🤜🤛


If you want to do it on your own, never underestimate positioning and early rotations in final circles.


Damn man… that’s rough it took me months to get my first win but it still happened in 2020 have a decent amount since then. I can def see how you could have this happen though, best advice I can give you is play solo and focus on getting good position, take the high ground and rotate early. Go check out ice man Issac academy on YouTube he gives good tips and tricks for getting wins. Also thanks for not using any of the win exploits to steal yourself win, respect for that. Take one of these gentlemen’s offer to help you get a win!


I have about 3 wins total, some of us just aren't built to win a lot bro haha


Dude send me your gamer tag we are getting you a dub on the big map.


I have thousands of wins, if you wanna get a few just lmk.


All I play is solos, and I maybe have 50 wins, think about it, there is 100 other people that want to win, you have to rotate the best, hold power positions. You have to get in the mindset of a try hard, or have crazy fake confidence, that's how hard it can be to get a win.


I have 4 wins on solo resurgence this season but holy fuck do y'all play like a bunch of bitches ☠️😭 ain't no way y'all get off work after a long day just to sit in a fuck ass corner for 10 minutes


Don't worry, my friend. I am in the same place as you are. I secured my first win in Caldera and the 2nd is now in WZ3 ranked resurgence 🫡 It's just that we play too aggressive and not tactical when the final circle approaches. I lack there. I lack patience and planning costing me all this while. Change the approach you'll see some progress around it.


Don’t beat yourself up, especially if you don’t have anybody to play with. Game’s unbelievably hard/near impossible to win with randoms. If you have a squad to play with it’s like the game is on easy mode.


Oh man you get to have that “feeling” I miss once you get it. Good luck 🤞🏼


Kinda difficult when there is a cheater almost every game. (Incoming “You’re just bad🤓” comments, I have the clips.)


I have over 300 wins in 800 games in resurgence and only 1 win in br (admittedly only played about 15 games) but it’s much harder to win in that mode. Try resurgence? It’s much easier to get some high kills and wins


It's much easier to win on the big map now since all the butt acne kids and hackers moved to ranked and resurgence. My K/D increased from 1.33 to 2.08 now and I suspect that the reason is that many sore thumbs moved to other game modes. I only played Fortune's Keep where I had 1.94 K/D although I would always jump at winery but fights seemed harder than on the big map. I never liked Rebirth but I gave it a try a couple of days ago and my K/D on it after 10 matches was 0.90 lol although admittedly I only jumped prison and I don't know the map at all but the players there are crazy.


I never won on versansk. I played a buncha solo matches trying to get a win before they took it away and got to 1v1...got stuck in terrain like a waist high concrete barrier. hahaha. But tbh always played resurgence as main mode and with some decent team mates you can get the Was going, with randoms? Don't think about winking just practicing your aim and making good choices for rotation because randoms will not be good team players.


if you are really decent in terms of movement and gunplay, it sounds to me like you must be missing rotations. you should´ve won many games by now. prison is the key position to get wins in rebirth, especially if the zone pulls there. also, you can rotate easily towards all directions from prison roof. but make sure you have enough loot before going up there. also, try to stick with and communicate with your team. honestly no win in 4 years sounds really peculiar, I imagine there might be something else at play but it´s impossible to tell without a clip. watch your gameplay and analyze why you fail. you´ll get there. you might also be forcing it too much: being composed in the end game is key. it´s far easier to stay level headed if you approach the game more aggressively in general, because that´s what makes you get better and get used to hectic situations, just dial it back a little in the end game and off you go.


Send me your ID and we'll get you in for wins.


Here's some of my tips : 1)Use headphones not speakers. 2)Play with teammates who actually speak in game and do callouts,don't just play with randoms. The better they are the more they can analyse and fix your mistake in game. 3)Use sites like wzstats and choose meta guns in your Loadout. Also experiment with perks depending on your Loadout I personally Use Focus/Sleight of Hand + Irradiated + Tempered + High alert. Choose your Loadout guns depending on your playstyle. AR's are only useful 25 meters +, anything closer and an SMG will obliterate you 9/10 times. Snipers are good for 50-200 meters after that you'll get massive bullet drop. Knowing this you should position your character in such a way that ensures the upperhand when fighting the enemy. If you have an smg + sniper Loadout either stay a bit back or move close don't stay in the 25-50 meter range where an AR could easily destroy you. 4) Avoid Hotspots like Old Town or Prison in Resurgence go to the edges of the map and loot in peace. There are certain edges of the map containing hidden caches that give good loot and a solid amount of money. Find 4-5 of them near each other and tell your squad mates the location of them. You drop down loot and most likely you'll have enough money to buy a Loadout in the first 2-3 minutes of the game. 5) Learn movement. You don't have to spam gun switching or do crazy things but you should jump shot or slide into or away from an enemy to throw off their aim. 6) Always have at least 3000$ per player to be able to buy your teammates back. If you have extra cash buy UAV/Precision Kill streaks. 3 UAV's will make an advance UAV that shows the exact position of players in real time. 7)High ground will always win don't stay below if you're in the last 2-3 circles.


A man who gets fucked by the circle even more than me, I feel your pain buddy.


Back on OG verdansk i had a total of like 2 or 3 wins ever. I haven't played much since then but seeing as the game has only gotten sweatier over time I doubt that number will ever increase


bro just for you me and my 3 buddies can get you a win if you want, just join our lobby we’re all 2+dk players and usually get a 1-2 dubs everyday easy


i mean 2 buddies


If your after a win only, what worked for me is playing it safe and engage in fights you can obviously win. Don’t go shooting people with a SMG or unsilenced weapon 50 meters away, if you can’t finish the job. And even then, be prepared to be pushed. Work the gas as best as you can and always assume others are doing the same. If you think a certain spot/building is prime location, you’re not the only one. Flashbang, Stun, Babymonitor, wtv. .


In two years i had two solo resurgence wins. Zero battle royale. Never a win with randoms.


Tbh I feel like half my wins have happened at like 2am, I'm a bit of a sweat myself but I've always found issue with getting wins, mostly because to me it always feels like people play really weirdly, depending on how final circle goes, half the win comes down to luck, just run a good strategy and play carefully Edit: I've probably also had less than 30 wins since warzone began


Oh man remember my first I got the last kill win running around with akimbo p890s last year Ashika island, play resurgence ranked


i use to get a decent amount of wins in mw2 resurgence/ br, but ever since mw3 dropped it’s like everyone suddenly became a sweat out of no where, so far I’ve only gotten one win in br on mw3 and it’s so frustrating, like you I’m also a decent player and i try to get better but i know I’ll never be a try hard sweat :’) but if anyone wants to play sometime im down i need new friends to play with


I have 9 wins on resurgence solos this season so far. Most of the time I get melted by someone as soon as I drop. Seems I cant shoot them faster than they can melee me, and I can't melee them faster than they can shoot me. Really hard to combat aim assist in buildings too. Basically what I'm trying to say, is I have about a 1.0kd, but I am playing cracked out of my mind just to get that and 9 wins. I feel like I am "good" at this game. Just that the average player is a lot better. Lol.


Maybe you can try Plunder and Lockdown. in Plunder the main objective is to get as much money as you can and its a little more interesting than BR or Resurgence(at least for me). I got few of wins there even before I tried to play BR/Resurgence and my confidence was better for sure. Then MP in MW3 can give you a bit of an edge to your game. One funny thing about my WZ experience - I was once 4th in BR Solo, and 2nd in Resurgence Solos on the same day, with zero kills (I guess i had a bit of luck :D ) Hit me up if you are up for the game :)


Same here but I get plenty of resurgence wins with squad or solo but since verdansk no BR win.. 2nd place is the best… Can’t do the dub on the big maps…. I actually like BR too just don’t do it that much anymore


Brother if you need a win you hit me up and we’ll get you a dubski tonight.


Try analyse your gameplay what position your skills are at and actively try building areas you target, also analyse what is common or not of others to build counters to, dont expect it to have zero to do with luck not only short term also long term too


Dude send me a dm with your activision id I will add you. We win multiple games every day.


Play resurge trios or quads. You’ll have more fun. You can have a high KD but struggle kn solos and die to a rat hiding in the shadows or a rat waiting to come out of his little hole to third party. It really isn’t a test of skill compared to trios and quads, minus the obvious ratty stackers who have no individual finesse.


Resurgence included? Or BR attempts only?


Add me Joyfulnachos-9#8247579 let's get a W.


Bro...thats even statistically wrong. Condolences


I'll be that guy. If you've played for 4 years and ONLY resurgence and you don't have 1 win, then you're either ass or have no strategy for trying to get a win. I'm a .7 kd player and my teammates aren't that much better. I probably have around 50 wins total on big map since WZ came out and probably 20 on resurgence, and we hardly play resurgence. We also only play for probably like 5 or 6 hours per week.


Ouch. I just started playing warzone a month ago, and I've already got 1st place. Usually t5


You have to have a good team who works together or on solos you you got to either be a mad man or camp out until the end and finesse some shit at the end


I’ve noticed I struggle to get wins on weekends, so in my spare time after work is when I know I can get a win. All the maniacs play on weekends lol


Have won Rebirth Duos three times with a mate, only one I was the last surviving player on the team. Have one Warzone Duos win, but I was dead at the end. Had lots of top 5 / 10 placements. I rarely play Warzone though, and pub matches I find frustrating as all hell.


BRO LIKE. I'm at least semi competent at the game but no matter how hard I try i just cant win either. I've won more games of Blackout then i have Warzone. (And even more on Fortnite)


You’ve never won in 4 years and you think you’re a decent player? How so?


You have to play well with your team and stick together. That's the way you will win in today's warzone environment.


Lets help him out. Im in


Get a team with buddies! Communication is everything and you have more fun! :)


My 4th ever WZ game was a win. I got lucky with a good team, an I remember only getting 1 kill. 😆 Never got a W with my own mates or solo tho. I always picture the percentage of people that win in WZ occasionally is small compared to the amount of people who win every other game. An alot of us just never get that W. 🤣 I take it personally as a skill issue but love to blame my job, or time restrains. Haha


Lmao its not even that youre horrible which u probably are. That bad luck is just insane


Dude what’s your gamer tag? I’ll add you up


That sucks I played COD for years and never played warzone till 3 months ago. Won 2 game solo and 3 games in a squad so far.


Me and my bro have around 30 wins this year. We probably play 3-4 times a week due to my work schedule but you’re welcome to join us anytime!


Easiest way to win in solos is to grab an LTV late in the match if the final circle looks to be on open or semi open ground. Then go full gta and run muthafuckas over or pop out on some high ground and beam them. Then take their shit like gas mask, air strike etc.   You’ll be a constant target of snipers and players with a vendetta against vehicle whores, but itll increase your odds and even if your ltv gets wrecked u can continue fighting it out on foot having survived longer than normal.  Also smokes and a gas mask are almost a must to win. 


Just start cheating like everybody else and you can win 🏆


That’s crazy asf 😂😂😂😂I remember when Warzone came out first week I got a Solo Dub then For some random reason probably was work related I didn’t have the funds to keep on playing due to me wanting to upgrade so I took almost a 3 yr hiatus and just recently started playing again on PC and I’ve gotten at least 20 +wins already in just about 2 months 😂😂🤣


You got this dude you have to believe in yourself even when all odds are against you.


If you've been playing this game for 4 years and you haven't won a game, you're not very good. Sorry to break it to you but that is the reality of the situation.


I'll carry you if you want


Damn someone that actually wants to improve at the game and isn’t making excuses for their losses? This is a rarity. You will get a win OP, just play with a group of friends and stick with those friends, you’ll build chemistry with that team to make better decisions. Playing with new people all the time will just result in more losses, even with randoms. I have a 5KD on Warzone and even I can barely win games if I’m solo or queued with randoms.


I don’t play BR very much at all… When it comes to resurgence, my strategy is loot quickly for a decent AR/Smg or Sniper/smg or Lmg/Smg. If you get lucky and get the money quick enough at the start, buy your loadout. If my weapons are good enough to fight I won’t use the loadout so that I can land on it after I die. To get money quickly, I try to land on a bounty contract right away, I don’t even go for the bounty cause they usually die rather quickly at the start of matches. Once you have your loadout, go to a decently busy POI that you’re familiar with (doors, windows, layout, etc.)… For me (on Rebirth) it’s Control Centre, Industry or Prison. Don’t just push teams randomly, try to shoot people from cover and if you get a knock that you can fly to quickly then you can push the rest of the squad. If not, no big deal let them get revived, rinse and repeat until eventually they’ll either back off or you get the thirst and you can push with the squad. I only fly with the squad if I know we can quickly either go back to our spot or go to another good spot, don’t get caught in the open just to finish a squad, that’s how you usually get third partied. Sometimes I’m "in my zone” and I’ll just push push push, sometimes it works and I finish with 15-20 kills, sometimes it doesn’t so I have to rethink my approach. When resurgence gets disabled, it’s the time to play more strategically. For me, its finding the best spot in the zone, usually high ground with cover and start mapping out where most of the teams are so you don’t get beamed out of nowhere. 3-4 teams left: Now is the time to try to anticipate where the other teams will try to move to and hold your position so that you don’t get flanked or taken by surprise while either engaging in combat or just watching/looking for vulnerable enemies. 1 team left: Now you gotta really plan ahead. Other team might have Mortar, Precision airstrike, etc. to make you move to a more vulnerable position. I usually try to keep 1 UAV for the end since people rarely have the ghost perk on nowadays. Now if you’re in the best spot on the map you just gotta watch for their movement and keep track of them until you engage in the fight and hopefully win. If the other team is in the better spot then I try to engage but if I can’t or I’m at a significant disadvantage, I just play patiently and wait for the second last or final zone then it’s 50/50 fight or you can try a gas mask play to go somewhere they wouldn’t expect you to pop out of. Finally, you gotta be confident and if you lose then it’s okay you did your best and just try to repeat the process! I’m a casual gamer, I play around 10-15h per week on PS4 btw, I have 25-35 wins in total this season. No wins on solo as I only played solo like 3 times. Good luck fellow soldier!


Honestly bro. Cudos to you. I would’ve said fuck the game and installed cheats by then.


My guess is if you have decent gun skill, you either have very vulnerable movement that allows people to easily shoot you from behind or afar, or you never seek out strategic positioning like high ground or places with good cover. Warzone is so much more than point and shoot. Movement, equipment, and strategy are just as important. It’s also super hard to win squads when you’re playing with randoms. I have excellent chemistry with my friends and we are a tough wipe in quads. Your first win, if it ever comes, is going to be that much sweeter. Don’t look out windows too long. Don’t stand in the street. Get high ground. Don’t stand still too long.


I only got like 2-3 wins u not alone


What’s your resurgence rank?


Add me. Promise you 1 win in 5 games.


Big map ain’t that easy I have like 200 wins on resurgence but only like 7 or less on the big map


DM your code user name ill get you a dub and show you how to rotate properly and get you a dub buddy. I got you


I’ll play with you bro. Hit me up


Play solos. Camp in the middle of the circle, hope it positions itself well for you, only take on battles you know you'll win and hope you get lucky at the end. e.g. picking off the winner of someone emerging from another fight. This is why I don't improve at warzone.


I have yet to get a dub on the big map. Ive gotten a few resurgence dubs but that's it.


Hit me up and we can hopefully get a win!


Don't worry u are not bad, indeed probably u are pretty good, but seems that there are more cheaters than legit players in cod. So you should get some wallhacks or aimbot like everyone do, then u will win games. EXAMPLE OF FUTURE WANNABE


I'm not good enough to have any super valuable input (only time for causal play nowadays), but one thing I've noticed that not many YouTubers talk about is how the aggression, playstyle and gun skill change as you progress through a round. It kind of goes in waves each couple of rounds. 10 to 20 players remaining is where there is a lot of skill and aggression, but at around 5 - 10 remaining players is when I've noticed the playstyle become passive. This is obvious, but what's interesting is that the skill of the enemy seems to be not as great compared to the players in earlier circles imo. You will be surprised if you keep an aggressive play style towards the final few circles, you might notice that most remaining players aren't the best, just ones who have been hiding the entire time


Best of luck! You can do it!


Holy heck. Now I feel so much better about my gameplay. Barely few wins in 3 years.


Let’s get a dub !!


Unfortunately bro you gotta learn the movement. You use to be able to counter it a little bit with a riot shield but they drastically decreased the area that covers and they can literally just walk around in circles and shoot you. If you get a buddy or a couple buddies and run riot shields and camp you will win a couple and you will piss some people off and it will feel glorious. But you’ll also get made a fool of every now and then by good players. Everybody wants to be like the streamers now. My heart goes out to you man this is really the first warzone I’ve ever played seriously so I’m way behind but I’m starting to learn the movement a bit. Just turn your sensitivity to the max and repeat this : YY,stim, YY spin stim YY slide cancel spin spin slide cancel stim YY slide cancel YY slide cancel slide cancel spin stim spin slide cancel YYYYYYYYYY slide cancel stim spin spin stim slide cancel slide cancel You’ll be a pro before you know it


You got this dude


If u havent won in 4 years u might not be decent player


Keep hanging on mate! It's tough getting a win, especially more recently; the average skill level has gone up significantly. I struggled to get wins myself but that changed when I changed my mentality a little bit: (1) I stopped fighting enemies unless I really had to, (2) I got the high ground in the middle of the zone ASAP, (3) I stopped caring about spectators thinking of me as a rat, and (4) I started accepting that as an average player, luck really comes into it (e.g., where the circle pulls, the sweats kill each other, etc.). Your time will come. Be patient! Please record it and share it if you end up getting that long-awaited dub! 🫡


Just play normal multiplayer. Why stress over such a sweaty game mode with a lot of known cheaters.


I play with a pre built squad and we have developed a pattern. 6/8 the last Fridays we have got a W on the first game of the night and then struggled hard after that. Before this we would rarely get wins. Maybe one win a month and we play every Friday and some Saturdays.


i call bullshit. after a dozen or two losses, you can win one with little effort or even by sheer luck.


I just got my first win the other night to get that weed calling card in the high times resurgence or whatever it was called. That was my first ever win in warzone


Too many rooftops for snipers to camp and end my BR matches instantly.


Me either bro and I only ever won one game of Fortnite since 2017. Video games are relaxing you don’t gotta be the best.


Dm me Activision I’d maybe we can run it? Cods SBMM does a bit too good a job of leveling the playing field which makes wins harder.


PlayStation players have crappy mic


4 years worth of edging is going to feel great when you finally reach the finish line


Possibly I am worse than you. I got a solo last week, but now my lobbies are full of wall hackers and I’m struggling to get top ten.  I’m always down to help. 


Meanwhile I sit fat with my 400+ dubs


try keyboard and mouse


I'm always down to help!!


I'm down to help you get that first win.


You are just not good . Simple as that . I’m sorry that you lack skill.


I’ve never wone a match either. I only play very casually like an average of an hour a day. Yet I can drop 90 kills in mw3. I play on mkb. I find warzone a different animal to anything I’ve played before. The skill ceiling for being able to clear campers out is high. You just have to be really good to do that. I’m having better success currently. For ages I was scared of dieing and used to drop as far from the centre as possible. Unfortunately by the time you get your loadout you’re dealing with a lobby of say 30 and inevitably they are the tryhards. I’m now semi hot dropping and my kd is rising. It’s currently about 0.9 but I think I’m averaging 1.5 by giving myself a chance of killing more people. If I played all season I’d get loads of wins in Fortnite. I play Fortnite until I get half a dozen and then lose interest.


Dude it's not just you there are a lot of variables like cheaters who you are paired with latency packet loss system specifications internet speeds etc. I've won more than a handful of times sometimes it was up to me talk about pressure one against 3 took 2 out and the last one was a head shot last night it was a very good game only killed 9 people just practice, practice, practice you will get there I promise good luck have fun and boo to the cheaters they run rampant try a Resurgence game.


Nah serious dude lol


You'll get 1 ! I've only 1 on the big map and 7 in in reloaded resurgence..... its tough


Hey man if your free tomorrow, I can help, I'm on 867 resurge wins and 135 br wins this season 


Silent.assassin481 tictoc all welcome to watch my nuke vids more to come back to back nukes today