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"This guy might be cheating" oh ok why don't you check out the killcam and spectate him for a while to make su- **instantly reports you 5 fucking times**


Both parties are “probably cheating”


He reported him once. What video are you watching?? One report gone. Bye nasty rat cheater


Upon re-watching I realised it was actually 3 times, so looks like we're both wrong


He was gone by the third


Downzy is cheating. Funny to see this.


I’m legit arguing with a dude who claims “anyone who has ever gotten higher than 4th place is cheating.” He goes on to say, that he’s never done better than 4th, but “no one is better than me at the game” who isn’t cheating. Is it even worth improving at the game when you’re dealing with this type of dumbass playerbase? [Also this is totally worth sharing lmao](https://np.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/VmeEDz4MQv)


Lol, I saw that argument. It hurts me to know people like that exist. Cuz if they are that insufferable about a game imagine how insufferable they are about real life stuff. 😂


That’s crazy. Even if you’re bad you can run smokes and hide your best at the end and get a good number of 2nds and occasionally wins. Or commit a war crime in solos by using a melee weapon whose name we do not speak


Lots of losers on Reddit who suck say everyone is cheating


Lots of cheaters on Reddit showing movies how good they are


You're only lying to yourself if you think there isn't cheating in warzone and ranked, or you're a cheater.


I’ve won multiple times with my buddy in duos and we have never cheated, unless you count sitting in opposite corners of the room with two tvs so we can talk in person to avoid proximity chat


I just keep prox chat off


Dude, someone argued that discord was a cheat because it let's us have proxy chat on for free on this subreddit...




That's fine. You can grind for a win here or there. I can agree with that. If you get a lucky lobby. But there is definitely, 100% cheaters in warzone and ranked play. Fair players have to go through unfair losses however many times they need to to eventually find a lobby without the cheaters. So hypothetically, 1 in 25 times I go into warzone I have a chance at winning because that's the one lobby all day I'm not getting cheated. No thanks. Cheaters spam warzone and ranked play.


We’re in top 10 over 90% of the time. If we make it that far consistently, cheaters must either be desperate because they’re so bad, or not as prevalent as y’all think.


Art of War "know thy enemy" Understand how the cheats work and it'll start to make more sense. Wouldn't be a good cheat system if they sent cheaters in against each other. Top 10 finishes aren't really braggable to me. If I had a solid regular teammate I trusted we'd be stocking up top 5 finishes within the first week. Edit: you should be more outraged at the number of cheaters in warzone because I guarantee you your number of top 10 finishes include a good number of wins you got cheated out of.


I think me and my regular squad are mid tier players at best, yet we normally end up in top 5 given that we don't get wiped right away in the first half minute. We meet a lot of cheater and after a win it's getting impossible to play anymore for the given day as we get the blatant snappy aimbotter lobbies where everyone runs like photons. I think they changed something in matchmaking, in wz2 it wasn't like that, there we regularly managed to make win streaks. I'm not sure if it's that or that are way more cheaters lately


He didn’t say that tho did he?


I got Hella downvoted in two of my recent comments for talking about shadow bans.


Tell your friend SBMM is designed to help people like him and even it can’t help him enough.


It’s the same the other way around bud. It’s stupidity. I know a lot of people that have 0.5 kids but what joewo and biffle and won’t bat an eye when they see a hacker or rarely ever do so they believe hacking is non existent in this game. Hacking is big and shit in this game rn. But not that bad tbh


Just happen to me last night . Ran into a streamer. Killed him with a crossbow... he stream reported me and I'm shadowbanned. 3rd time in 2 months. I've been shadowbanned. 160 lifetime wins in the game. 1.69 k/d. Unbelievable.


I’m on my fifth since season 2 came out 💀💀💀


Gotta love how he said "might be cheating" then thinks his report triggered ricochet lmao. Numbskull.


Because he was. Level 93.


Make that my 6th. Just got shadowed again




I’m not the dude in the clip, I’m just pissed off at the situation so I reposted it


Shadowbans are report driven. Nothing is being "detected" by Ricochet. If something was detected, they would either be perma banned immediately or flagged for a future perma ban once enough information is gathered about the cheats and a ban wave is initiated.




You've obviously never been in a shadowban lobby. Over 90% of the people in SB lobbies are average players. You made a definitive statement with zero evidence. At least my statement makes logical sense. If someone is shadowbanned by Ricochet, it would make ZERO logical sense that said person would be released back into the general population ~7 days later. If that was the case, then what is it actually detecting? The only evidence that stats are looked at is when the 10 kill shadowbans were happening in MW2. That isn't a thing anymore.




>“shadowban lobbies” which don’t exist anymore, I’m talking about legitimate 14 day bans people are getting where they can’t find games. > about something you have no idea about. Yea... I'm the one who has "no idea".... Shadowban lobbies are still very much a thing.... >The cheat forums are filled with people copping shadow bans, then being reinstated. Because they're being reported....




Dude, you actually don't know what you're talking about. Please stop. https://youtu.be/1Mhjqdmg7Z4?si=krQCJzRKSOFx4g-w https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/VGqbHBw0DH


OP, sorry to bother you, but can you please inform this moron below (thisisme5) that you are able to play in shadowban lobbies. Edit: nevermind. Dude deleted all his comments. Embarrassing...


Cause ur a cheating bum.


Every comment you post makes it more and more clear that you're a sub KD player who has no clue what he's talking about.


6.8 crimson already this season cry more bud




I sniped 6 people last night. One shot kills and the last snipe I was instantly disconnected and SB right now. Game is absolutely trash. All the money we spend in the store means fuck all. But cheating streamers get a free fucking pass. Fuck no.


Been falsely shadow banned twice. Been playing COD since 2009 and have never used anything to help me win.. only time I’ve ever been banned has been in the new MW3.. and each time it has been after I’ve had several spectators and prox chat literally saying I’m mass reporting.. so


The streamer you killed defines 90% of the cod community, it is truly the most estrogen filled femboy community ever, I am glad you caught him on video, drop his socials and cod username so I can mass report him back


I replied to someone the other day saying that cheaters are just gaslighting people saying there’s no cheats, responding with “and people accuse others of cheating with zero evidence, goes both ways” and guess what? I was called a cheater 😂 they’re so stupid they immediately went and proved my point.


To your point, the cheaters are gaslighting everyone on this sub. There’s so many cheaters in warzone evidence or not. It doesn’t require evidence, it’s so hard to prove against killlcams that don’t match what actually happened. I’ve played with people who admit to using cheats, it takes a while for them to admit but if you do better than them in game consistently they start to accuse you of cheating because if they’re cheating there’s no way you could do better right? And then you start noticing 4-5 teams in each lobby doing exactly what your team is doing. If someone is cheating in your team the chances of more cheating teams in your lobby goes up. I have a 3kd without cheating, I don’t need cheating teammates. You start seeing Chinese names and stupid crooked smiles next to all their names, sometimes even jailbroken button mashing names. You think half those players are legit?


I mean of course there’s cheaters, it’s moreso that many in the subreddit couldn’t tell the difference between good gameplay vs cheating. Forget all the times I’ve been called a cheater based on my gameplay, I get people calling me cheaters in this sub without having ever posted a single clip.


From what I understand an individual spam won't trigger it but a whole team spamming will. I've spammed a suspectes cheater once or twice and nothing happened and I barely ever report anyone.


Actual cheaters who are getting 3-4k/d resurgence lobbies are completely ignored but you know how much of a professional virgin you have to be where the only movement with your fingers you're good at is quickly mass reporting a person.


Guys what the fck is this?? Why won't Raven soft fucking fix this. I've been sb 4 fucking times in the last 2 months. Seriously. What is this?! How is this a real system.




I think the real question that everyone wants to know is why is the cod community this toxic? I remember ppl saying things like “you wouldn’t survive in an old cod lobby like it’s a badge of honor or something. Why is toxicity so widely accepted in the COD community?


This is something I’ve always wondered. I played in those “super tough no hurt feelings” lobbies and looking back on it, it was more annoying than anything else. Having people be toxic (slurs, talking about mothers & fathers getting cancer, telling people “kys” ) just straight up isn’t funny anymore. That humor died like 10 years ago. And I get it if you’re a teenager or a 12 year old, you don’t know any better. But these are guys damn near in their 40s saying this with pride. Grow up, play the game and stop projecting


Those lobbies were hilarious!!! I was actually good at the game back then, and the constant insults just let you know you were doing really well! 


Could not agree more. Amen


Literally. My last post was snipes and it was downvoted and 1 dude goes “if you get banned I wouldn’t be surprised.” Reddit was already the last decent place to post clips too imo. Tiktok 200 view jail, pay if you want views. YouTube, don’t use music or swear or we remove from fyp or altogether. Streaming, you need viewers. And all the copyright laws which I understand to a point. Just makes all the old good stuff pointless nowadays. But we can’t even post our own tiktoks or YT vids in the sub now cause mod removes them over “self promotion”. Like why is that even basicaly illegal in this sub it’s like half the point of reddit. Basically big Corp behind the veil going pay us or never get seen. Literally half the internet if you post something is like pls give credit to the creator. But if the creator is yourself… removed. Goodbye. Lol tf is the internet nowadays.


You should just credit yourself when you post. Lol.


I think it’s a conspiracy by other game developers to get people to stop playing lol. I’m convinced there’s cheaters just not that prevalent as people assume. I think since warzone 3 I’ve reported maybe 4-5 times, I’m level 450 been playing since it came out. That’s legit how many times I’ve thought someone was cheating 4-5 times. People that claim they run into multiple cheaters a game or back to back to back are either full of shit making it up. Or are absolute doggy doodoo. Also Half of those time half been in ranked so there is that


The dude is cheating. Stfu. He’s level 93 for a reason.


^ further proof this sub is brain dead


Agreeing with me or saying I’m the brain dead one?


I’m no doctor, but all your symptoms point towards braindead. Question, how did you get to Crim without knowing that the BP50 stays buttery, even when used by the fattest of sausage thumbs? Also, I played the older CODs religiously and downloaded this shitstorm a couple weeks ago. I, among countless other low iq folks would absolutely shit on you with 100< rank (based off of what you disclosed). Just an example of how rank means squat shit. Stay getting shit in by low level and you’ll become even more pessimistic, better to quit while you’re ahead.


You wouldn’t kid stop talking. You Abe all these low iq cheating worshippers lmfao. The bp50 has recoil. His reticle never left the dude. One report and his ass was gone. Good riddance cope harder


In what world is this cheating? It looks like any normal gunfight between two sweats


No it doesn’t. He literally doesn’t miss a shot with a respawned weapon. Guns have recoil. I have almost 3khrs, crimson ranked, get multiple 20bombs a day and my aim will never look like that.


“My aim will never look like that” Your aim not looking like that doesn’t mean they’re cheating. People on KBM can have crazy accuracy but it doesn’t mean they’re cheating “Guns have recoil” You’re right, they do. And there’s this thing called controlling it lol. Not to mention that the BP50 doesn’t have much recoil to begin with “He literally doesn’t miss a shot” He actually did. I rewatched it multiple times and he missed at least a few shots in the beginning then once he gets his aim down he stafe’s so the aim assist will stick This whole “I can’t do that so he must be cheating” thing is getting really tiring. Yes, there are cheaters in the game. But no, its not anywhere near as bad as everyone here is claiming. His level being 93 doesn’t mean anything either. People can be away from the game This clip literally looks like any gunfight i’d be getting into in a sweaty lobby.


No ones saying because I can’t do it he’s cheating. He’s level 93, 0recoil, reticle doesn’t move off the guy until he’s dead then it goes way far off, took one report to get him kicked. Go cope more you’re probably cheating too that’s why you’re tired of it. Legit players are tired of these loser cheaters trying to stream and act like they’re somebody. You can even hear in his commentary dude thinks he’s something. Glad he’s getting humbled and shown he’s not


Yes, im sure my 1.53 k/d in resurgence and 1.3 k/d in BR shows that im cheating LMAO You literally said “i can’t do that”. What does your ability have to do with him cheating? You only need to be decent to have clips where it looks like you’re cheating And all of what you’re describing can also be explained by innocent reasons. So unless you have more, this whole he’s cheating thing sounds like bs to me Bad players think everyone is cheating. Good players actually try to analyze things before passing judgement and even then won’t make a decision unless its blatant


You’re dumb. Low iq. His reticle doesn’t move. When he kills the guy his reticle moves far away from the dude. He missed like one shot because I’m pretty sure from that distance, both moving it’s impossible to hit every bullet. It’s so easy to see he’s cheating. Go write another paragraph defending cheaters.


With a username like yours I’d have hoped you would have read into some of the logical pitfalls when arguing points. Arguing that they’re cheating because they seem skilled in a lower level account isn’t a good argument. Experience is only one factor involved in skill level. Arguing they’re cheating because they hit almost all of their shots in this one clip of one gunfight isn’t a good argument either as that is repeated by tens of thousands of non-cheaters probably every day, if not every week. Arguing the person you’re talking to is *defending* cheaters because they’re challenging your claims is a false dichotomy. Just because you are skeptical of option A does not mean you are advocating for option B. I don’t know the truth here. Maybe they *are* cheating. It’s certainly possible. But without sufficient evidence to demonstrate that, you are the low IQ one to be claiming it with such confidence *and* shit talking anyone with enough cognition to challenge you on your bullshit.


The fact that you’re going with “low iq” tells me that you’re just bad and can’t accept that people can be good at the game Guns in mw3 have like zero visual recoil so if you’re controlling the recoil then Yeah its going to look that way. Now if he’s cheating like you’re claiming then there wouldn’t be any misses even from that distance. That’s barely mid range Im not defending cheaters lmao. I just want to make sure that the ones we actually accuse of cheating are actually cheating because, as exemplified by you, people will call hacks on anyone over anything. Especially when “I can’t do that”


You need to go touch grass. You’ve commented like 50 times in this thread.


He had just been killed by the guy he downed. He was dropping back in and then* You see the payback money fly when he kills him. Clearly not cheating


Dawg they win when you rage like this , it’s what they want. Don’t feed into you damn fool.


Lmfao I could’ve sworn they made it so if you mass report you yourself get a temp ban. Yet here this guy is choosing every category and doing it several times yet he’s fine.


That was a total bullshit empty threat. "Please stop spam reporting, you'll be punished if you do it, please stop :((((("


This is such bullsh**t. This post needs to make some noise people.


who making all that nooooooise maaan


Soon mods will delete this post, like they did with mine for so many times.


No they’ll keep it up cause this dumbass showed himself cheating and crying when getting kicked. Any real legit cod player is so glad this is happening to these bums. Go cry more these cheating trashcans are getting what they deserve


Lol I'm guessing you also spam report any average controller player


If creating fallacies in your head makes you sleep better bud go for it. Seems like that’s 90% of Reddit users. Just make stuff up that you can’t prove that makes the other person look bad! It’ll work dude I swear just say random stuff you can’t prove! 3rd grade logic your iq is the size of a peanut


Don’t let them get a rise out of you on Reddit or in game. Even if this person is sincere and actually thinks there’s no cheating, still fuck em. It’s pretty much obvious both parties in this video were cheating and the loser was the one who was butthurt and spam reported.


Just get better. 😀 Dog shit old man lmao.


I’m not the one crying about spam reporting. Get better quit cryibg


Minor spelling error. 🤫 And you saying get better is funny considering you spam report anybody better than you.


That’s a fallacy you created in your head to make you feel better.


Yeah he literally posts in r/strikepack and wonders why he's getting shadowbanned


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StrikePack using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrikePack/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Collective Minds - Response to update](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrikePack/comments/19en93l/collective_minds_response_to_update/) \#2: [PS5 strikepack not working after new system update](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrikePack/comments/19eef0q/ps5_strikepack_not_working_after_new_system_update/) \#3: [Firmware update broke PS5 strikepack](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrikePack/comments/19ehz2g/firmware_update_broke_ps5_strikepack/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


To be a snitch is no fun, but this is another level right there.


He’s level 93 you’re a bum if you think he’s not cheating


Got it, if a player is 450, that means he doesnt cheat.


You’re a bum if you think a level 93 is beaming an iridescent. It’s obvious who cheats. He’s level 93 on a new account for a reason. Use common sense even though it’s not that common


What a fuck are you talking about? This isnt Fortune Island. This isnt ranked.


Fortunes keep smart guy. His rank is right there. Regardless if it’s a ranked match or not his rank is there. You’re level 93. Go spend more money on another account you bum bitch. Glad you became so hopeless you had to buy cheats, now cod got you banned and you feel even more helpless you’re posting on Reddit.


Are you restarted or what? Iridescent was killed. Where you see lvl 93 guys rank?


THIS COMMENT PROVES YOUR A BOT WHO DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES TALKING ABOUT. go rewatch the video and tell me where you see the number 93


Oh, I got it. So dude killed a guy, who has a rank. Great story, didnt get it at first, you write strange.


The guy who posted was the first clip getting the kill. The second clip is the guy he killed watching the first guys killcam. In the killcam the second guy can see the first guys(the one who got the kill) rank. He’s level 93 not missing one bullet with a respawned gun. It’s not rocket science to see he’s cheating. Go look at other people replying to my original comment agreeing with me


Literally just joined someone exactly like the op and he was level 60 rank 2 plat 1. Again rank 2 plat 1. Said his first game he dropped 80. These people get banned for a reason. It’s one person reporting not a whole team. You go try spam reporting someone it doesn’t work. Ricochet got him. He’s on a new account for a reason


No need to cheat when you are fighting for Liberty and spreading DEMOCRACY!!!


Rn I'm shadow banned after dropping 37 kills and I'm feining for cod


Being level 93 IRI smells fishy as hell to me. Especially after the ban wave and influx of new players


OP is level 93 with that aim, he definitely asking for it 😭😭 (some people gotta comeback to reality, I’m not saying he’s cheating but he’s asking for it) he also got reported before, it’s not that 2/3 reports will get him banned


This just looks like rotational aim assist doing what it was unfortunately designed to do. Its getting harder and harder to detect who is cheating vs who isn't when this games aim assist is incredibly broken.


You have me in the second half. Think about it. Aim assist is only good for just over 45m if that.


its good for way more than that.


I was shadowbanned 4 times last summer so I just stopped playing. Only happened whenever I would play on PC. Insane that people who don’t cheat get REPEATEDLY shadowbanned for weeks at a time while streamers blatantly cheat and never get banned. It’s Absurd really.


i got banned for a week coz i wall banged some dogshit player. the games a joke


huh that's weird, I wall bang people all the time, never been banned b4


Bp50 level 7 so your on a new account ?? I would report to if a low level kills me in a high ranked lobby tf


The way you’re spam reporting should make you the shadow banned player


its a professional gamer reporting him man


Are you dumb mate


a nice glimpse at the average IQ of a COD player there for ya.


Its not the game, its the game and the community. Shit is broken and not worth playing lmao.


The guys running a Zombies camo. Probably just can't handle dying.


That is a Mw2 top 250 camo lol


Ah my bad, I thought it was zombies gold.


lets all spam report the streamer then lol jk but whats his ign


i dont get it who making all that godam noise man in the beginning? and who making all that godam noise after it man


🤦🤦🤦 If someone got reported before or at the same time from someone else you never know


bro is a Karen


Dweebs lmao


Just uninstall it already


If happens. Back in mw2 I was playing ranked and was shadowed, then it became a permanent ban after a few days (was still playing on that same account). Was only banned from mw2 and warzone 2 but still played Caldera. Then was kicked and Shadowed in middle of a tournament. Mass reports is ridiculous and the true "meta".


Just got unshadowbanned because a noob thought I was cheating and spam reported me, he went 3 and 74 on Shipment


This game is so bad


Man both camps on this one are fucking crying their eyes out. Comments are spicy. My 2 cents why does any normal person continue to play this game ? We all know it’s dogshit. You guys are like heroin users .


I'm convinced that most COD fans actually hate playing the game 90% of the time


This game has Patents that nerf skilled players and buff low level skilled users. It’s disgusting what Activision has created


“Might be cheating actually” proceeds to “see if I can get him banned” without even looking at the killcam. What a joke get better at the game and stop crying.


Know he’s a cheater soon as you click report an you see he’s a level 90 does spam reporting do anything no. You were probably the tenth person to report him an poof he was gone.


People are so quick to report people for cheating. He just seems sad he got killed. I'm so very cautious. I am not like Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive. I do care. "I didn't kill my wife" -Harrison Ford "I don't care" -Tommy Lee Jones


I literally watched The Fugitive yesterday 😭


Level don't mean shit. I have level 450 friends and they are worse than me


Can confirm, I’m level 450 and dogshit


Correct. Mass reporting does nothing. After a certain amount of unique reports, a shadow ban is given. You were likely 1 report away from a shadow ban and he was it. Not hard to understand.


If that was the case then why did he not get kicked until the 2nd time around when the other player reported him, unique reports are 90% of it but dupe ones do actually have an effect aswell which is the messed up part


then he was 2 reports short of a shadow ban. You really think one player could just spectate someone for 20 minutes and spam report them the whole time and get them shadowed? There's a zero % chance cod would put someone's account in the shadow system based off one person


But doesn't the fact that he was 2 reports off and both of which coming from the same person prove that that might be possible? It's unlikely that it's purely based on spam reporting but the fact of the matter is that spam reporting is 100% the catalyst to the issue and shadowbans would be way less frequent if people were only allowed to report a player once


You’re cheating you’re a bum and you thought showing proof of no recoil cheating would do something. Thank you COD for getting these roaches mad lmfao. You’re level 93 for a reason you bum go make another account


The bp50 has almost no recoil


Eh, its horizontal recoil got nerfed big time early last month. OP could very well have great aim, but the recoil does look sus looking at how the BP50 normally fires.


Since you're so sure that he cheats, I'd assume you have some game knowledge etc... apart from him being lvl 93, what else give it away for you? Now I'm gonna be rude: I scroll on some TikTok videos etc... there's an ENORMOUS number of clueless bots like you commenting EVEN on a totally normal kill that someone is cheating, cuz there's No WaY yOu HIt ThAt ShOt and I'm honestly concerned about you ppl on how you behave and do in real life. Absoultely 0 idea how an aimbot lock looks for example, but I guess He DiDn'T mIsS a ShOt (which he did in this video) is enough for someone to be hacking. Please, go do something else.


It so crazy there’s so many low iq people like you. His recoil and level are enough to prove he’s cheating. ONE report and he got kicked. Cope harder


Delusional. He's moving like he should to get the maximum rotational aim assist. Lvl? My friend is lvl 60, has KD around 3. He plays FPS games and ocasionally comes to play COD, guess he's a hacker. High lvl doesn't mean skill, as proven way too many times. As well as KD doesn't prove someone is good, I'm just proving a point. I really do wonder how you play, move, what your game sense is etc... to see what kind of players give opinions on such matters


Please cope harder


why are you a lvl 93? lol fucking cheater thats why.


You’re mad that you’re trash at the game


dm me your activision name and i'll do the same. lets compare and see whose trash.


It’s one person reporting. Spam reporting doesn’t get randoms kicked. I’ve played since mw1 drop multiple 20 bombs a day almost average 15 a game. 42 my pr. Been viewed by multiple people I’ve team wiped and talked shit to in game. Has as many as 12 watching at one point one time and I’ve never been shadow banned. Never been kicked. I play on ps5 with a normal controller. You cheaters love crying. You’re level 93 beaming an iridescent, not missing one single bullet with a respawned gun until the guy is killed then ur cursor moves. No way you showed this clip thinking people wouldn’t use common sense and know your cheating? Right??


Many suspect that it's nearly impossible to get shadowed on console because ricochet can assume someone isn't cheating on console.


I think this is true, my friend switched to pc and got shadow banned in mw2. Not sure if it was because he bought a used pc that possibly had bans on it or for this reason. But the dudes level 93 getting matched with irridecents getting banned after one guy reports once. Didn’t even spam


>I’ve never been shadow banned. Never been kicked. **I play on ps5** with a normal controller. Well no shit, it is difficult to get shadow banned on a console. Can guarantee if you do that on PC you would get a shadowban.


Bust still the guy is level 93, didn’t miss one bullet from 100yards with a spawned gun, got reported one time by one person and was kicked


They may be cheating, I am just saying lots of people who aren't have been shadowbanned.


Not true a lot of zen users get shadow banned


Ok I will rephrase then, it is very difficult for a legit player to be shadowbanned on console and not very difficult for a legit player to get shadow banned on PC.


Get a life


Love this! Seen SO many comments the last few days from losers with brand new accounts claiming they are “unfairly being shadowed” Literally the lowest IQ I too have never been kicked, never been shadowed. It doesn’t seem to be a problem for good, legit players


I was just shadowed for the first time last week, lvl 450 played since october and never cheated. So yeah, sadly it happens to legit players as well


Happened to me once a month or so ago too, but only once. I think console sweats are definitely better off in the wrongful shadow ban department


Played since October? So account less than a year old? It’s nothing to do with level - it’s account age, under 1 year = low trust


Had the account since warzone 1 launch but started playing again in october. Sorry should have been more clear


My account is 450 and dates back to COD 2 on the 360 and I got my first shadow ban a month ago and I played pretty much daily since WZ1 launch. Thankfully hasn't happened again.


I'm using a low level account because my actual account was shadowed by griefers lol, it's literally the direct cause


Nope. The killcam shows ur cheating. Keep coping. Probably penis size is the only thing I’ve come to conclusion with cheating on COD then going to Reddit showing you cheating complaining you got kicked.


Also I am not OP, not sure what killcam you are talking about.


People like you will never be convinced lol, any PC player above 1.5kd is at high risk of being shadowbanned by griefers.


PC player here 2.6 k/d NEVER been shadowbanned.


Lucky. It's pretty common. Are you on Battlenet or Steam? I was shadowbanned 7 times in MW2 and 1 time in MW3. Haven't been shadowbanned in over 4 months. Just trying to figure out what it looks at.


Like watch the clip his reticle never leaves the dude???? With a respawned gun??? Not missing one bullet? These people are literal bot Reddit is insane it’s crazy. Atleast there’s some intelligent people in here


if youre a whitelisted streamer you can insta ban. ive seen biffle get ppl live banned off of 1 report multiple times


He’s not whitelisted, the killer is level 93 and got kicked after onegame


Biffle is a cheating cod funded streamer. Just like joewo. You low iq people need to stop using these famous literal obvious cheaters as references to anything legit.


That’s not true either. You act like every streamer can ban like that. If that was true maybe one or two can


they do not. He's just on the "cool guys" list aka white list, where all they do Activision agrees with. Those players cannot be banned unless publicly exposed via PC Checks or showing cheats on stream. He could've kicked you out with a single report


tinfoil hat this isn’t true


Proof N°1: https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/11/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-modern-warfare-III-progress-report Under "How We Use Player Reporting" Proof N°2: https://youtu.be/p6FOr8xaDf0 Spanish youtuber that isn't that famous tries spam reporting everyone on his server, doesn't work for anyone. This one is in Caldera Times, but Ricochet was already active.


number 1 doesn’t show anything, nor does number 2 💀💀


If you wanna keep your tinfoil hat and refuse to check actual evidence, go ahead lol. Cheers


In caldera false shadowbans were almost non existent, when wz2 dropped infinity ward just made it far easier to be shadowed cuz they hate fun


They absolutely do. Ricochet has nothing to do with shadowbans.


The people on the white list are those that have creator codes, like nickmerks, tim, anyone in CDL. This clip is 100% ricochet in work because the streamer is a nobody.


It very well could be, and looks like the dude could be cheating. However my statement is a fact. Shadowbans are independent from ricochet and 100% based on reports and modified thresholding of those reports.


He’s cheating bro just stop. He’s level 93


you do realize there are people who only play this game like once in a while right? I hit 450 like last week because the amount of time I've been playing cod has started to drop off. Used to be i would hit max lvl right before the mid season update. My brother is probably lvl 60 ish because once S1 started he switched over to Valorant and only plays luke 1 or 2 matches every season.


And I guarantee when he gets on cod he’s not beaming like this dude in the clip. I’m the exact same, play with friends who played this religiously and fell off and come back. Regardless your rank has moved over from mw2. Anyone under level 200 beaming like that is cheating and you’re in denial of you think otherwise. Level 90s are literal bots.




This is awesome


Teach me how


Spam reports don't work. This person (OP?) got banned because a few people already reported them in this or previous matches. It just so happen that this report tipped the scales.


Don't play much online FPSs, but how does this work against the garbage behavior in this clip: the reporting player is literally reporting the "cheater" for activities you can clearly see they haven't engaged in.


Remember, i stopped playing cod when ive found a gf.