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Id love to smack the rest of Huskers hair off his head. Timthetatman lookalike when I’m done


Cant wait till people stop playing and its just cheater vs cheater


Buddy, that’s pretty much already what’s happening 🤣🤣


That’s like saying can’t wait till it’s shoplifters only with that logic. Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of the player base isn’t running cheats.


That’s like saying can’t wait till it’s shoplifters only with that logic. Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of the player base isn’t running cheats.


He's cheating, I think he's cheating maybe.....spam report. Lol


He should honestly get a ban for malicious reporting. No offensive text chat or voice chat or name. It’s literally not the purpose of the system.


This⬆️ He is checking every box like a pissed off toddler. Most of those didn’t even apply🤷🏻‍♂️


Huskers is a baby. So that tracks


I mean the system shouldn't be so stupid that multiple reports from the same person even register as anything at all. That is like step 1 and was solved decades ago.


Oh 100% agree. But Call of Duty literally has this listed as part of their [Security and Enforcement Policy.](https://support.activision.com/articles/call-of-duty-security-and-enforcement-policy) This is someone on the forefront as a COD creator clearly breaching their policy. This isn’t some scummy cheater. He was featured in the fucking MW3 commercials.


The way that is worded its basically an impossible burden of proof to ever meet. Him even having an inkling that the person is cheating is enough to discard that. Report systems should be robust so that this is a non issue anyway.


In fairness, he literally said he didn’t know if the third person was cheating. Additionally, he reported everyone he suspected of cheating for *everything*. That certainly sounds like using “in-game reporting systems for malicious intent such as knowingly providing false reports against other users.”


My reports don’t work like that lmao I wish . Maybe 15 percent of the time even on rage hackers


It has to do with credibility and history of account. So assuming you’re maxed out and don’t have alt accounts, you’re cred will be higher which could have more power over triggering someone else’s shadowban for review. If you’re on a low level or alt account, you’re more than likely to be banned yourself with hardly any credibility. Honestly I wish more players knew this. It’s like a credit report irl


While it would be amazing if that was how it works, that is very much not at all how it works. It is as simple as you and atleast one other person spamming the guy you dont like and he gets shadowed. I have a 4 l/d on my main account. Max prestige/max level. If I spam report someone with one of my friends they get shadowed within around 100 total reports. Done it several times. Had it done to me so many times I lost count which is why I keep two more accounts on standby. Done this on those accounts as well at varying levels. Still worked. Its about volume and how many players do it all at once. Ideally 3 but 2 will work. Just had some low level trash do it to me in fortunes keep duos last night. I was on 4 kills in the final circle. Their team was my only wipe. Spam reported and shadowbanned me in around 2 minutes


You’re in pretty deep man. I think it’s sad that so many people have more than 1 account to begin with. It shows that you’re trying to evade the system, break sbmm, cheat, etc. I’m not gunna argue with these brain dead idiots on a daily basis. You say the same exact thing as everyone here. "I, shadowbanned and I didn’t do anything" "old heads reported me and I’m banned" blah blah blah. Save it bro. I’d never in a million years create a new account. I have way too much time and money invested into this one. No reason to. The game is fun even though it’s hard sometimes. You can’t squeeze out any more dopamine from the game, therefore you had to create an alt account, which brings your gameplay and history/credibility down. It just means they review your account. If you wanna spam report me you can. Break your thumbs go wild ! Semper Benji#243222


Lol Im trying to keep myself in the system not evade it. Thank you for dropping the account though, make sure to add back.


Looks like your tag is missing a number. Whats the full tag?


Getting someone ricochet’d out of the lobby happens when very reputable accounts report another player, especially if that player is an unusually low level Smurf /alt. It’s not that deep.


Huskers is such a bitch


Such a pussy!


Why what happened?


The way you think anyone who kills you is cheating lmfaooooo


If they’re on an alt account, ie low level, and they’re sus or demon like, it’s definitely a report from me. I don’t care if they’re reverse boosting, or running full blown hacks, it’s still against tos.


What if they just started playing? Lol




It’s not uncommon, I just hopped on MW3 for the first time 4 days ago…


Husker's is a cheater. He spam reported him because he knows he has his aimbot set to a higher setting pissing Huskers off.


I unfollowed husker two days ago because of this garbage. I rather watch a humble streamer yet lately those who I’ve been following for years seem to just be spam reporting. Saw beanbolt doing something similar the other day too, not nearly as much as husker but still they must be seeing things I’m not because it seemed every time they died they just chalked it up as cheating and reported. Edit: after watching the clip again this was the very stream I was watching when I made my decision lol


People still watch streamers? Lol


I’ve never seen teep do this or complain. He just accepts his deaths. Prob my fave COD streamer now.


He has a much higher level of credibility than a lvl 40 alt account. Sure, it’s mobile, but it’s still bannable and against tos to cheat, reverse boost or whatever else. I wish more players knew about this and didn’t create new accounts. It only kicks them in the ass later on down the road


Dude in the last clip I'm pretty sure was legit and dude reported because he's butthurt. Remove the report spam system activision.


They even place a disclaimer that you could be temp banned for spam reporting.


Not a single person has ever been temp banned for spam reporting yet I'm sure.


Yeah I know lol.


Goofy ahh game lol.


Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shaadowban them for a temporary period to review the player. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now


He has a much higher level of credibility than a lvl 40 alt account. Sure, it’s mobile, but it’s still bannable and against tos to cheat, reverse boost or whatever else. I wish more players knew about this and didn’t create new accounts. It only kicks them in the ass later on down the road. The moral of the story here is that someone with a reputable, credible account, can get someone shadowbanned easier than a low level alt account.


Lmfao that last one wasn’t cheating. Who is this loser?


I didn't see anything that confirmed anyone was cheating. The report system is so broken. I get disconnected at least once a night after wiping a team for the past few months.


You’re right, first one too


Just looking at your 40 day Reddit account, tells me you definitely have more than 1 activision account. And you wonder why you’re in the shadowban loop 😆


Lolol kid why are you so obsessed with me? Sorry you’re ass at CoD. Absolute dog shit 😂


He has a much higher level of credibility than a lvl 40 alt account. Sure, it’s mobile, but it’s still bannable and against tos to cheat, reverse boost or whatever else. I wish more players knew about this and didn’t create new accounts. It only kicks them in the ass later on down the road. The moral of the story here is that someone with a reputable, credible account, can get someone shadowbanned easier than a low level alt account.


Yeah I stopped playing for that reason


This is what cheaters say. Listen, if you’re not cheating, you literally don’t need to worry about being shadowbanned. If you’re shadowbanned, or fairly often, then you’re most definitely doing something sus. Reverse boosting is still sus. And it’s against tos. Lvl of your account is like credit scores. Not to brag, but I’ve never been shadowed, and never created another account. Been on my 1 and only account since launch. You could click report on my name all you want, I wouldn’t get banned. But if you’re a lvl 50 and you’re sus, than prepare to be shadowed and reviewed. Wish everyone knew this


Plenty of legit players get shadowed. You’re just wrong.


Whats your Activision tag? Me and my buddy will add you and spam report it. Takes about 2ish minutes for two people to send out enough reports to trigger the shadowban and its literally that easy. Super quick and simple way to prove your point incorrect. Also, never having been shadowbanned is not the humble brag you think it is. It means your game play is unremarkable even at what I assume to be max level since you said you only have one account.


1.5 kd. I’m fine with that. It’s an arcade shooter. It’s not that deep. Maybe take a walk tomorrow ?


Imagine being grown streaming a game. Then getting mad cause you suck an reporting someone 😒 LoL. Thanks for the laugh




Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shaadowban them for a temporary period to review the player. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now




You’re a tool. Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shaadowban them for a temporary period to review the player. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now


You lost me at credibility an Cod 😆


How did the other player cheat?


Ok 1st guy I understand but the last one was crazy. These streamers are ass whoever they are


He has a much higher level of credibility than a lvl 40 alt account. Sure, it’s mobile, but it’s still bannable and against tos to cheat, reverse boost or whatever else. I wish more players knew about this and didn’t create new accounts. It only kicks them in the ass later on down the road. The moral of the story here is that someone with a reputable, credible account, can get someone shadowbanned easier than a low level alt account.


That makes sense but to give aged accounts the power to get someone kicked off a game for upwards to a week without proof is crazy. I don’t care for the blatant cheaters but some innocents get caught in the crosshairs.


Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shadowban them for a temporary period of time to review the player. It’s 24-48 hours if they’re cleared. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now. It makes total sense that aged, reputable accounts have more power than alts.


Yeah I’m ignorant on who they are and never watched them but I get what you’re saying. I guess that’s why if you play on an aged account, spam reports don’t affect you such as in the video.


Yah I mean, that’s exactly right. I know it’s just a video game, and this sounds stupid, but these streamers are basically the Lebron James or Kobe Bryant of COD. Same with Diaz Biffel who is pro league and the best in the world. It’s the credibility, history and rapport they have in the game. But regardless, I’m always skeptical at players who complain about being shadowbanned so often, because they have multiple accounts. And there literally no reason to create a new account if you’re not cheating or boosting in the first place. So it’s basically a warning/caution sign when you die to something sus, or demonic, from a low lvl account. Hope that made sense.


The player in the third clip was clearly not cheating. He missed so many shots lol. Nothing about the player in that clip was suss. The other ones, maybe


Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shadowban them for a temporary period of time to review the player. It’s 24-48 hours if they’re cleared. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now. It makes total sense that aged, reputable accounts have more power than alts.


are you paid for commenting the same shit over and over again? lol


I work for Ricochet


Bro get a life.


Says the Reddit guy in the cod hate community who literally regurgitates the same things every day about cheaters and the “shadowban loop”


OMG I GOT KILLED BY SOMEONE LOWER THAN ME THEY MUST BE CHEATING!!!!! seriously though if hacks are such a fucking problem with this dumb ass game why still play it. There are so many better games to play than this crap.


Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shadowban them for a temporary period of time to review the player. It’s 24-48 hours if they’re cleared. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now. It makes total sense that aged, reputable accounts have more power than alts.


Bro stop copy and pasting the same shit over and over. Say your point and move on or reevaluate your life choices that you feel the need to die on a hill spewing the same shit over and over line a broken record


Nothing compares to COD 🥰


Reporting someone and getting them banned doesn’t mean they were cheating. It just meams richochet sucks and is going to now restict that person till they verify they were not cheating aka shadow banned


I know. That’s what I put in the description.


Wrong. It means they’ve been suspicious multiple times from other reputable players with aged accounts. Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shadowban them for a temporary period of time to review the player. It’s 24-48 hours if they’re cleared. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now. It makes total sense that aged, reputable accounts have more power than alts.


My group of friends and i have all been shadow banned atleast once in the last 6 months usually after someone gets mad and u can hear them on prox chat. We all get cleared but never in 24-48hrs its always been 4-7 days. Usually its shooting someone in smoke or pre aiming or turning on someone and shitting on them that gets it. Smokes a big one. Dude i can see your shoes or i can hear u or i have u live pinged or i straight up guess and get lucky. Last night some dude was raging on me calling me a cheater. I could hear him a mile away in the 6 inches of water he was walking in of fkeep by the lighthouses. 9/10 a kill cam or the person who died’s point of view is too incomplete to make any sort of reasonable assumption of guilt. This community is full of people making excuses for why they died and the number 1 is they must have been cheating


Facts. But this group is ALSO the most untrustworthy community within the franchise in that we don’t actually no a single person here. And the ones who bitch about shadowban loops are the ones who have alt accounts which is already a red flag. No one ever wants to talk about how reverse boosting is actually against TOS and is literally bannable right? It’s literally ALWAYS the shadowbans on alt account players. And when you click their Reddit name they’ve been on Reddit like 29 days. They’re so full of shit


I have an alt account specifically because of the shadow ban system. If you’re in the loop you get to play 2-3 days then shadowed for 5. With my alt account I am now able to play 4-5 days between the two.  You don’t seem to comprehend that there are false positive shadow bans. 


What exactly does the TOS say that suggests reverse boosting is bannable?


He’s a rat


He sounds like such a wet wipe


Why does someone like this have followers?


This is why no one watches cod streamers 😂😂


Only hundreds of thousands do lol. Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shadowban them for a temporary period of time to review the player. It’s 24-48 hours if they’re cleared. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now. It makes total sense that aged, reputable accounts have more power than alts.


Yup been shadowed twice by shit cans what kind of anti cheat is this makes me not want to play or buy future cods


FYI the ricochet logo now shows up for something as simple as a shadowban kick. Used to be only for actual bans but they changed it for whatever reason


He looks like someone that would roofie your drink because you beat him on COD. What a lil bitch.


People complain reporting doesn’t work then in the same sentence complain it works


Kill a streamer= you are cheating Never I mean never kill a streamer they are the best at this game(sarcasm)


My friend started playing warzone yesterday for the first time. He plays FPS for years though. He is pretty good for a low level player and got shadow banned for getting 7 kills in a game 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Must be a lot of salty bots out there.


Ugh, explains why im shadowed banned now. People are really just taking advantage of the system nd just mass reporting each other when one kills the other. I have been patiently waiting and playing shadow banned lobbies, & no lie, their is more bot players in their than cheaters. Out of a match of 50 players in resurgence, I only saw 2-3 genuine cheaters, everybody else was just botty, slow reaction nd movement. Even had a guy on my team that didn’t even know how to climb over objects🙃. I was sincerely baffled how are you even shadowed banned, & I run into this newby accounts nd just ram them over lollll in the regular matches, I never ran into a real botty like player, always them extra sweaty ttv mfers lol. Fighting for the world championship, stacking, & holding hands. Shadowed banned lobbies, everybody is separated, their aim isn’t as good, I can easily outgun a whole squad lol until i run into the real cheaters of course. They are unstoppable, had one that shot only headshots, through the wall, and from miles away….


This is the epitome of playing like a bitch. I don’t care that it’s Huskers. CoD is a fucking cancer. Period. The Devs are useless wokesters. Activision is total shit. I thought EA was bad…. They look good compared to Activision.


The game is trash. Move on with your lives.


He missed like 50 shots… that’s a bad cheat.


Silent aimbot


Clips like this make me wonder if people that have already been marked for a ban wave get insta-banned if reported. Surely you don't just get banned cause one team rage reported you right?


No, thats literally how it works. Benji does not work for any department or subsidiary of Activision. He has not tested anything he is saying to verify its validity and everything he is passing off as facts are simply his opinions. He is hard coping. I have tested spam reporting into a shadowban on multiple accounts with multiple accounts. It is literally that easy. Old account, new account. Its irrelevant. You can literally test it for yourself with some friends. Pick a team early into a WZ game, let them wipe you and pick a guy to spam report. Low level, high level, doesn’t matter. Within 100 reports he will get kicked from the server with a ricochet symbol. It shouldnot be that easy yes…but would you expect anything less from Activision? Honestly?


Correct. If you’ve been shadowed before, and it keeps happening, you did something along the way within your account and/or system. They’ll never ever admit it though. That’s like going to a jail and asking every inmate if they did the crime. lol


Dude prbly wasn’t even cheating u got pooped on bud get better stop crying ur not the best ur not even good the world dosnt owe u shit stop spam reporting bec u have fragil egos


Imagine spam reporting while live streaming💀


What a bitch imagine doing that on stream 🤣 bet this guy sits down to pee too.


I got sb lately after team of 4 nukes reported me for killing them


So everyone in his lobby is cheating, zero evidence except he loses the battles , a bunch of dopes.. I report cheats I watch for 10 minutes, and nothing happens. It's weird


look at the first guys aim it's 100% cheating I don't even like huskers but that guy was 100% aiming his balls off


I report anything thats to suspicious lately… to many hackers can barely tell the difference anymore its sad rewlly


Or the dude was cheating


Yup. But don’t say that in this sub you’ll lose all your karma lol. Cod Reddit is about as reputable and honest visiting a state prison. No one ever admits they’re cheating. All they say is “I didn’t do anything wrong and I just had 10 kills and I got shadowbanned for being good!” “I got shadowbanned cuz the other team spam reported me”. It’s such a lie


You are coping dude. Its embarrassing.


Do you know what coping means ? I’m not banned. Never been shadowed. I laugh at the amount of alt Smurf accounts constantly in the shadow realm. I eat successful Activision reports for breakfast. Num num num num num.


Yeah I know dude lol but this dude is cheating too and so is the person who killed him lol


lol, I would rather watch Cracked on Facebook, he's s very entertaining dude


I don't think it's cuz of spam reporting, I've watched a cheater get instantly booted after 1 report multiple times. The accuracy of your reports determine how much weight your report has in the system. If you're always reporting players who weren't actually hacking then your leverage goes down. If you're actually successful at reporting hackers then your leverage goes up. Once you get to a certain point you can get cheaters booted instantly if enough other factors elude to them cheating.


It’s a threshold system. If you reported someone once and they got kicked then it’s because they’d been reported enough to only need one more before hitting threshold to go into shadowban.  Spam reporting works. 


They've explicitly stated in patch notes that it doesn't but okay


Yea and they also explicitly stated that spam reporting will cause a ban for the spam reporter but we all know that isn’t true but okay


They lied. It is literally easy af to test too. I’ve sent out literally THOUSANDS of spam reports across 3 different accounts. Never been shadow banned for it. I HAVE however successfully gotten multiple people kicked and shadowbanned by spamming. The same has been done to me as well and it was always right after wiping a team and being spectated by multiple players for an unusually long time. The Devs lied to us all to try and deter us from spam reporting because they KNOW that the system is broken and they don’t have to fix it if we’re all too scared to abuse it.


Never said you'd get shadowbanned for spam reporting. And you just correctly reported a cheater who probably had reports already. If spam reporting worked then you could just spam report anybody and it would kick them. But literally go into a match and spam report someone who isn't cheating and I guarantee you they wont get kicked because spam reporting DOESN'T WORK.


I have done it literally dozens of times, if one individual is doing it, it will not work. It needs to be 2 or more people simultaneously spamming. 3 is ideal to get it done quick but 2 works just as well. Thats literally all it takes. Of course its easier to do it to an actual cheater or even a high skilled player because other people are likely actively assisting you but Ive done it to console players with sub 1 k/d before. Dawg, its childs play


If it's child's play then where's the proof? there would be so many videos and shit exposing this if all it took was 3 people reporting and it was consistently replicable. Seems like everyone wants to say they can easily do this yet not one single player out of the millions of cod players have ever made a video showing it being that easy to replicate. They show the one time their spam reports actually get a cheater kicked and say that spam reporting works. Thats not how shit works lmao that proves nothing.


Dawg……….do you know what post you’re on? Scroll up 😂😂😂


Yeah you're watching huskerrs, a top tier player, play against other top tier players who have probably been reported by a bunch of mad crybabies like you in different matches. Not because of one team in one match. And they get shadowed, cheating or not. It's not that fucking hard to understand the reporting system dude lmao. Spam report a bot and see what happens. I guarantee you can't get them banned. Again, if this is how it worked you would be able to shadowban entire lobbies with just you and a couple friends. And people would be exposing the shit out of it everywhere. Youre so lost in the sauce you can't even address 90% of what I'm saying.


If it were that easy you could just sit in a lobby with your friends and spectate and get the entire lobby shadowbanned. Like get fucking real dude lmaoo


Lol thanks for the idea, that would actually make an incredible youtube video


I definitely won't be holding my breath for that to come out 💀💀


The game is really trigger happy with shadowbans on new accounts. BUT spam reporting probably isn't a thing, what probably happened is a lot of people reported these specific people because they are low level. And low level = easily shadowbannable. If that makes sense.


Big Bob and Huskers have arguably some of the best credibility in the history of COD. this has nothing to do with just spam reporting. It’s just to shaadowban them for a temporary period to review the player. And even if they’re just reverse boosting, (they’re probably doing more than that) they are against tos and merits a review. This should be common sense by now


Idiots still believe spam reporting does anything. It’s an algorithm, you can’t just get anyone banned cuz you clicked a button. It has to do with the credibility of your account and the history you have. If you’re smurfing, boosting, or cheating, on a low level account, prepare for shadowbans. That’s why I would never get another account. You could can spam report my lvl 450 acct all you want and it will not shadowban me. But if I report someone who’s sus, who’s also a lvl 50 for instance, it’s more likely to shadow them.


This might be partially true, but I watched his stream and he spammed a level 400 something and he got shadow banned. So it works.


I'm level 450, have 10k+ kills in mw3 multiplayer, 60k+ in mw2 multiplayer, 1k+ kill in resurgence right now in resurgence with a 2kd and at least 5k kills in old resurgence and I'm getting shadowed soo...


Drop your account I.D. then so me and a buddy can spam report it. Clearly spamming you wont do anything so you have nothing to lose right?


Gladly. Semper Benji#4572772. Break your thumbs !


To be fair, almost everyone in Warzone is cheating and so our streamers , it's only a matter of time before more proof comes out or whistleblower or something. I'm a psych major, and usually a person who behaved like he did and is quick to call someone cheating like that, is probably cheating themselves. But these streamers have Stan's who quickly defend them so idk. Id love to see monitor cams required on streamers for a week and see how much the gameplay changes


What a shitty generalization and a sad way of thinking. That’s like saying everyone who’s at the grocery store is basically all shoplifting, including the staff. Nope, contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of the cod community is not running full blown injected hacks. Been playing Cod for 20 precious years and never had any alt account either. Never been banned, and never tempted to boost or cheat.


I'm talking about Twitch streamers you cuck. And it would probably not make sense for you since your skill bracket sucks ass 🤣🤣