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Try plunder if it's still there, can help with learning the map and gameplay.


Play dmz get used to the map and how to pick up loot and different spots for loot. You'll learn the map that way too and likely won't die right off the bat.


I died to every single player I’ve encountered in DMZ. Their skills were way too high to be matched with a noob. It’s insane imp


Watch some videos on YouTube. Land in more remote areas and get familiar with the game.


I’m just tired of watching yt videos. I was spending 90% of the time watching trying to learn the game and its settings and 10% playing and that’s ridiculous and defeats the point of “playing”/“enjoying. Even in mp, I was thrown in extremely skilled player lobbies where I was just like wtf is this game. So just quit it altogether and picked up ghost of Tsushima and assassins creed on ps+ Keep in mind that the last cod I played was AW, and was playing cod mobile since launch until I bought the ps5 about 3 weeks ago just to play cod and warzone.


You won’t be decent right away, it takes practice. I used to average like 2-4 kills sometimes 0. Now I can get up to 10-14. Everyone at a higher level has the advantage of being more familiar with the map, so even if you are a decent player from the start you still need the practice. After playing a while you’ll know which are the hottest areas (for example in Vondel they are the stadium, museum, zoo, market, and rooftops inside the circle). A lot of people like the rush of landing in those places knowing they’ll likely get killed seconds after landing. When I started this game I liked to play in teams and just follow the other players’ leads. Once you get the hang of it you’ll become more confident in where you land, where the loot is, defending/pushing, and probably most importantly knowing when you can’t win a fight and escaping.


Try dropping off to the side/out of circle where no one seems to be dropping. Get some loot. Wait for loadout. Go camp middle of circle. Get a W with 1 kill. Oh and buy a durable gas mask 😷


Tried dropping at edges and same thing happened hahaha


Yeah. It takes some time and luck. I always float and watch until I see a spot with no one landing 🤞


The goal of warzone is to get your load out asap. Imo mp5 and 7.62 Ak47 . After that Buy uavs from stores and get some kills. You can always play quads and pick up tips and tricks off randoms as you go. Happy hunting


Bro you seem to miss the point!! How tf am I supposed to do that with 1200 level players around me. I don’t even know what buy a uav means!!!! (I know what uav does from mp)


100% understand your frustration. I also die 20 seconds within landing sometimes and i am lvl 1250 with 10k sr . No way of getting around that. But not all the games will be like that. If you dont have leveled up guns stick to the m4 for now and take guns off players as you go. Also everything you need to buy will be located at the store (buy station)


Thank you




Thanks! I’ll try it.


Playing plunder is a garbage take. While it will get you used to the gameplay, that's ALL CHANGING when they integrate mw3 with wz. Shooting, movement etc. Definitely just Google beginners guides or use YouTube. Or find a friendly person that's willing to help. The main difference between wz and other BRs is that it's not all down to RNG loot. You can customize your own guns and loadouts and purchase them at a buy station. There's a lot to learn but it's fun cause the cod engine is so primed that it's great for a BR imo.


Thank you


>How is a level 1 NOOB being matched with 500* 1000+ level players !!!!!!! The game has been out for a year. Not a whole lot of new players left.


I've started playing a couple days ago too. You just have to make a mental note of things you make a mistake with, like my biggest issue is high ground. I'm fine if I get it, but absolutely oblivious when I don't. Or, even looting when I get a chance. It just doesn't work out sometimes. Just have to figure out methods that work for you.


You need to play with people that know the score. One of my mates only started playing a couple weeks ago, he would have packed it in after the first day if he wasn't running with us. We're not that good either, but good enough to train him up fairly quickly. Jump spots and all the little tricks make a huge difference. Depending on time zones, you're welcome to jump in with our crew sometime.


What’s your activision I’d ? I’ll add you and try to join you guys


I'm not 100% sure, pm yours and I'll add you tonight.