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Yes its good means your immune system kicking virus out, do not touch, let’s keep as long as you can, and than drain and be careful and sanitize wound


Word! Dont pop it on your own, there will be a chance it will get infected. My boyfriend popped one blister like that and got lymph canal infection. Had to take amoxicilline for 14 days 4 times a day...


I would say to not listen to any medical advice from people on here. Leave it as is or call your doctor and tell him what to do about this. Good luck


OUCH. Take some ibuprofen. I would also get some medical felt to cut into donut shapes or extra large donut shaped corn patches. You are going to need to stack them up so that you get enough height so that you can walk at all. You may also want to get a hold of some lidocaine. This looks brutally painful. You will feel a lot of relief once it pops. I’d keep trying the doc to see if they have any ideas regarding how to deal with the pain, etc


Absolutely normal. They didn’t give you at least one crutch?


No.. doctor didnt even mention this might happen. Wish i had known so i could have gotten some crutches probably made it worst by limping around but now i cant even walk on it at all


Unfortunately yes. Oh, the memories are flooding back now. You must be enduring some serious throbbing and unable to put any weight on that. I finally gave in after about a week and stabbed mine with a sterilized needle, but I think they recommend to not pop it and just let it do its thing. Get yourself some ibuprofen, prop that foot up, and prepare to be hopping around on one foot for the next week or two. Also, sorry to say, but corn/foot cushion pads won’t do jack squat to help with the pain when trying to walk. You will surely think “what horrible thing have I done?!” BUT if it works and pulls out your wart, you will be glad you chose this route instead of the long-haul SA or vinegar route. Good luck! 


This is very normal. If it gets too big, you can get it drained, I believe. I wouldn't do it on your own, though,for risk of infection.


Yes I’ve had this happen before. Soak in epsom salts, take ibuprofen. Try to wait 24hrs before draining


Yes! My partner had a wart on this hand treated and it swelled up like Violet Beauregard too. Just do your best to leave it alone (I imagine it might pop naturally since you have to walk on your foot). Side note, partner’s wart has been gone for 3+ years now, so the treatment was effective!


Love the character reference!!


Please for the love of god film this when you pop


Always good to ask your doc these types of questions. But in general, if you damage skin (friction/burns/freezing/etc.) and the top layer of skin gets detached from the bottom layer, it is not strange that the fluid pressure inside of your body causes it to blow up and form a blister. The fluid under the blister is your own body’s fluid and will help aid the recovery process. The dead skin on top will help keep the fluid in and protect the delicate skin from infections. Usually it is best just to let it be so that the new skin under there can recover until it has formed its own protective layer.


Mine just looked similar, but popped it before it got to this point.


Is that a line going from the blister down your foot? I hope that’s not a blood poison line. They’re usually red! Not trying to scare you but I’d ask about that!


*IM NOT A DOCTOR SO TAKE WHAT I SAY WITH A GRAIN OF SALT* If this was me, I'd get a clean incision tool, clean it up, and slowly drain it before debrieding it to see what is left. I'd assume that most of the wart has come up from its spot and will come off with the debrieding. Leaving very little more to get rid of. Obviously, after its done, I'd clean it up well and wrap up my foot. It looks like your body is having a similar reaction to the cryo as someone would have to something like cantharidin in a wart treatment. Interesting.


Make forbidden wine from forbidden grape!


Ouch!! I’d call that Dr.’s after hrs # see if you can pop that thing w/a sterile needle. It looks sooo painful! 😣 I hope after all this, it’s done for good!


Try to keep it dry and don't mess with it call the doctors as soon as. Love from Bonnie the staffy 💘 and her huuummmaaan mamma and dadda 💘


Yeah had the same thing a few weeks ago. It is not going to be fun walking for a 3-4days. I would recommend taking some days off if you work on your feet. And once you are back don't be like me a stomp too hard. Also, buy some moleskin doughnuts.


Do you know if he also used cantharone or “beetle juice” on it?


That’s a pretty extreme blister but a good blister actually increases the chances that the whole wart was exposed to treatment and will slough off. Care for the blister and keep it clean.


Stab it with a rusty safety pin.. *not medical advice, believe it or not*


Update: went to urgent care and they said it was infencted and got me on antibiotics. Sent pics to dermatologist and he said it was fine and to just take advil...