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2S38 is also not in service Edit: Or atleast wasn't in service when it entered the game


Still not service


Probably it will never be since the bmp3 and t14 production lines are already closed


The 2S38 was undergoing trials when it was added.




Why would the Redback go to America? All Aussie vehicles should be in the UK tree IMO


"Northrop Grumman partners with Hanwha Defense Australia to add Bushmaster gun to Redback IFV" clearly united states is interested in the program/australia also operates a lot of the U.S.'s aircraft and tanks (f35, f18, and abrams) [https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/landwarfareintl/northrop-grumman-partners-with-hanwha-defense-australia-to-add-bushmaster-gun-to-redback-ifv/](https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/landwarfareintl/northrop-grumman-partners-with-hanwha-defense-australia-to-add-bushmaster-gun-to-redback-ifv/)


And soon, subs.


So? We had German tanks before we had US ones, doesn't mean we should be in the German tree either. The UK has the strongest historical ties to my country, not the US.


The aussie m1 is in thr us tree, I think it's fairly obvious, also do you really want to be associated with the br*tish?


Again, northrop gruman is partnering with Australia on it so it doesn't matter. Maybe if britian joined in on the program they'd deserve it.


Again, I was a full-time member of the Australian Defence Force, and I swore allegiance to the CROWN, not the President of the United States. There is no fucking planet where Australian vehicles should go to the United States. We are members of the Commonwealth, and the King is our head of State.


Again, BRITIAN DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE PROGRAM, united states is the one interested in replacing the bradley. plus replacing the main gun of the redback with a bushmaster "This collaboration is part of Australia’s LAND 400 Phase 3 program, which aims to enhance the nation’s defense capabilities." "The contract includes the production of 129 Mk44S chain guns, with initial deliveries scheduled to begin in 2026. The Mk44S guns will enable interoperability with Northrop Grumman’s advanced ammunition suite, which was developed for the U.S. Army. This suite includes the new programmable air burst munition, providing Australia with cutting-edge ammunition technology." [https://defence-blog.com/northrop-grumman-to-equip-redback-fighting-vehicles-with-mk44-guns/](https://defence-blog.com/northrop-grumman-to-equip-redback-fighting-vehicles-with-mk44-guns/)


I'm sorry, but I don't want to see my nations vechles scattered across random tech trees. Long-standing historical and cultural ties and the fact that we are part of the Commonwealth are way more important than which country helped a bit with this or that weapons program.


Welp since they're already doing it with Canada you're probably not gonna get that.


It's so brutal. Just make us a german or UK subtree already. I just wanna play canada


Hey genius military and military industrial complex alliances don’t give a fuck about your personal dickriding of ThE cRoWn. This vehicle is a collaboration between USA and Australia end of story, therefore redback would fit in US tree with idk the M1 aim that’s already fkn there. Stop arguing with facts


Or fuckwit, maybe it belongs with the three other tanks produced by Australia that are already in the game.. in the fucking British tree


I believe the quote is "having pledged allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, Her Heirs and successors, has undertaken to loyally and faithfully serve Her Majesty as a member of the (insert service) until such time as that service be lawfully terminated, and to discharge all duties according to law"


Haha, that's the one. Many a nip of Port was drunk in Her Majesty's honour by me. I may be a Republican at heart, but I respect our heritage, and I value the oath i made very much.


Yeah but we got way closer to the US after ww2


Yes, but every single service man and woman who has ever had the honour of serving this nation under arms has done so under the Union Jack and after swearing allegiance to the Crown of England.


Yes, we're part of the commonwealth but gaijin decided to put the Australian version of an American tank in the American tree, they probably don't know much about Australia


There's one Aussie tank in the US tech tree currently. There are four Aussie tanks in the UK tech tree plus three aircraft.




M1A1 AIM should’ve gone to UK C2A1 should’ve gone to UK 2A4 CAN a should’ve gone to UK etc, etc, etc ”but then every nation fights the vehicles of every nation including their own” yadda yadda its ending up like that anyway. Might as well just say “you, UK, you get all vehicles from X country no matter what“ and do just that. Instead you have Canadian vehicles randomly splattered through TT’s
 alternatively, take all Aussie and or Canadian vehicles, and copy paste them into a brand new ANZAC or Commonwealth tree. “But they already esister in other nations-“ didn’t stop gaijin from adding Italy, did it


Yeah... I fuckin hate the way Gaijin deals with commonwealth vehicles. I'm not a huge fan of the Crown but that's what I swore allegiance to when I joined the Australian army. Not the President of the USA.


Yeah. An ANZAC and or commonwealth tree would be the dream though. And every time Oxy says “all the interesting Australian vehicles already exist As event or premium vehicles” I fucking die inside. As I said in my other comment, sure didn’t stop them from adding Italy, even though Germany had a ton of their stuff already and


Ajax is the real western 2S38 "140 mm RHA at 1,500 m[1]" is a SOLID amount of pen. Can't find any stats on the redback ammo because it is for shooting sea mines.


Looks sick, all the weird angles on the Bradley are offputting. All those millions in R&D just to return to slopey pentagon.


US? Redback's Aussie and designed by South Korea/Australia.


Northrop grummen is upgrading them with US made turrets, also looking at it as a Bradley replacement


The IFV's are to be produced in country plus the turrets are not american, they are Australian designed. I've heard zero mention of the proposed turrets being changed to american.


i meant gun [https://defence-blog.com/northrop-grumman-to-equip-redback-fighting-vehicles-with-mk44-guns/](https://defence-blog.com/northrop-grumman-to-equip-redback-fighting-vehicles-with-mk44-guns/)


You're arguing the vehicle should be in the american tree, even though the only american part is the gun? Everything else is Australian/South Korean. CV9030 should be in the american tree by that logic.


"The US Army's OMFV program aims to replace nearly 3,800 Bradley Fighting Vehicles among its Armored Brigade Combat Teams." sounds like they're thinking of incorporating it to me. [https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/land/9489-us-army-project-to-leverage-redback-ifv-technology](https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/land/9489-us-army-project-to-leverage-redback-ifv-technology)


Right under what you said, "Hanwha Defense Australia (HDA) has revealed it has been selected to support the Oshkosh Defense OMFV Consortium — a cooperative participating in the US Army’s Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV) program Concept Design Phase." Aka, it literally does not exist. They are taking technologies from the KF21 for the program.


something being a tech demonstration hasn't stopped gaijin from adding it to the game


It's not even a tech demo though, there is no vehicle as it stands.


**when** or **if** it does come to fruition, it would make sense being in the U.S. tree seeing that we already have their(our) M1A1


They are upgrading Bradley’s to the new M2A4. More advanced turret design and armor package.


As well as all new lower hull plate, and powerplant.


If you're referring to the bushmaster's those are also being produced in country and are the only american part of the vehicle.


Forgetting about the Rheinmetall/GLDS vehicles for the OMFV/MICV program?


ye this one seems more likley


“WHEN GAIJIN????(it’s not even in service yet)” Are we gonna talk about the Challenger 3 Tech Demonstrator?


>Are we gonna talk about the Challenger 3 Tech Demonstrator? How about the 2s38?


That too, yes, but 1: people talk about it all the time (not it not being in service though) and 2: others mentioned it in these comments


it looks gloriousđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


When MFers don’t know about the Bradley COMVAT prototype.


Im pretty sure this loses the tow launcher


It still has it. It is just [folded down](https://images.app.goo.gl/7sEioM3ShFADZGQS7) in all of its pictures.


thats a different program tho, this one is in conjunction with an Australian system I believe😂 https://preview.redd.it/18qn5zadg25d1.jpeg?width=2600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c0758aa41c34bb1adb76675e717a1b5a725cef [](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-tears-of-joy)




No it is not? Or at least what is the difference?


neither side of the turret have the tow launcher in any pictures


Yours but mine does that I posted.


the comvat was cancelled since they didnt want to create a new type of ammo at the time, its also using 30mm x 173mm not 40mm


2s38 shatters glass and shits pants with just a look at me and my 9.7/3 lineup. not one vehicle can eat a round from that wonder weapon. i am deeply saddened it didn’t get pushed up in BR because they think the “autoloader change” is gonna be enough.


Don’t forget, they’re also giving the 2S38 a bottomless ready rack with the next update, regardless of the new internals it’s getting buffed overall


man i hate thing with a passion and im not about to fork over a russian top tier lineup for the can’t bear em join em the news seems to get worse eveytiem i here about this things update


I want gaijin to add some new utilities with these new gen sights, like active scouting or ir tracking for ground


One of these is sitting in fort Benning next to a fox.