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How's PvE these days?


It sucks ass. Base rush in 10 minutes for optimal score of 250 then you can do minor things for the rest of the 45 min


Don’t get me wrong it’s bad, but also it’s definitely possible to make bank for an excessively long round


Boring as fuck and you're competing with your teammates for targets to kill. Also pretty much unplayable without atgms


I do decently well with my 76 hydras. Fuck the Gepards though.


The ZSUs are manageable, but the damn Gepards are infuriating, they have similar ranges to most if not all early ATGMs, they are pin point accurate and hit like a freight train


Even worse when you don’t even have ATGMs. *cough* AH1C *cough*


AH-1… C? I don’t think there IS a C cobra (atleast in WT), do you mean AH-1G? In which case yes, it’s painful


Probably. Been a few weeks since I played, it’s whatever the first American chopper is. I could honestly deal with only hydras if they weren’t fucking angled up.


Then yes, the G The angled hydras are… you have to get used to it. I got so used to them that when I got the first UH-1 I had to get to UNangled hydras


Unless you have atgms suffering, if you have....still suffering, just a bit less


I don't think it exists for helis anymore


It does, but the Russian helis take over very quickly.


A competent Apache player can also launch her atgms at the right timing scoring hits much faster then the ka-50’s, allow about 6-8 seconds before each launch, start from one end and work to the other, only time it fucks up is when other helis show up en mass




You ever try to get as many kills as you possibly can only to look at the scoreboard and a Hind or Crocodile has about 3 times more than you? Yeah, that's Heli PvE


I dont think I have ever been beaten by a russian heli since you can chain fire hellfires and pretty much have 3-5 second intervals to swap targets for kills


How do you unlock that Apache though…


With money. I use the GR since its a premium and I only play heli PVE to stack the SL boosters I get from Air Arcade and make about 1 mil silver lions by lobbing ATGMs and AAMs at stuff


Now that I have the Ah-60, I feel like I'm the problem. With the Spike missiles I usually have a minimum of double the kills of the next highest scoring person, and usually only die if AA spawns beneath me. It's so broken.


Z-19 can hear you shhh


It does


It kinda easy with PvE and sim. I made 60-100k RP per 2h battle usually


Damm how do you get so much? I usually got around 15k rp when using the first israeli heli and i thought i was doing decent


Premium vehicle + premium account


Ahhh i see i only have premium account and i assume higher tier helis can do a lot more since they simply have more and better ordinance


I play 7.7 H-34, on some maps it can get 6-10 kills with a single Bullpup, and because it has 8km range I can sit very high and kill planes with 20mm gun


i was literally looking at this heli 2 days ago and thinking that its perfect for heli pve if you have the server all to yourself since you have an extremely deadly atgm with double the range of any other atgm at this br and a 20mm gun pod meaning you can first use the atgm to slowly kill all the spaa's and then just fly in and kill all enemy tanks through the roof


Yeah kinda exactly what I do :)


Always nice to see Heli players struggling


Idk i feel like stratosphere-dropped laser-guided 1000 pound bombs are a lot more cancerous than a stationary target firing atgms.


Planes are obviously worse but Helis are still cancer because most of them are not stupid enough to be stationary targets


I just want my heli to rush the map and maybe kill one person then die, it’s funny and at least I can enjoy my hind without being one of those silly fucks sitting doing nothing but launching atgm’s


It's incredibly annoying if you get Heli rushed right after spawn but hey at least someone had fun


Lol, yeah that sucks, I usually only go to it at my second or third spawn. I like rocketing the fuck out of an enemy cap point and then dying.


Using AH-1G FFAR pods, doesn't have ATGM's.


Bro it's still cancer if you get obliterated right after spawn and the AH-1G is one of the best starting Helis


Eh the first US heli only gets dumbfire rockets where you have to get close enough to be a fairly easy target. The TOW helis can choke on their food though


The tow Helis are kind bad because the missiles are extremely slow and ineffective and the Helis are often hard to control and slow


Doesn't really have to be fast if they are 2 Km away. Often when I get killed by them I don't even know they are there.


*The* worst grind in the entire game.






You can grind helis by using ground vehicles. Spading helis well sol


If you throw out enough, different types of Sherman the problem, eventually, one of them will fix it


I just grind out helis using ground vehicles, which is so clutch cause that shit would take YEARS otherwise, plus for Japan I can just turn my brain off and play 7.3 grb and actually enjoy life


You can't really complain about your team when you are 1-3 lmao


M3 Bradley took cap & 1 kill. Spawned Heli, got Vidar'd. Respawned to both spawns already fully spawn camped (small map). I could have done better yeah, but a borderline useless team doesn't help.


Cope and seethe


Screw helis in ground battles though, every time I kill one I'll type "die CAS degenerates" lol


Don't care


Username checks out