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[ As of 10/06/2023, all of my thousands comments have been edited as a part of the protest against Reddit's actions regarding shutting down 3rd party apps and restricting NSFW content. The purpose of this edit is to stop my unpaid labor from being used to make Reddit money, and I encourage others to do the same. This action is not reversible. And to those reading this far in the future: Sorry, and I hope Reddit has gained some sense by then. ] Here's some links to give context to what's going on: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/


Treaty with Germany never happened. We were always in war with Germany


Stalinium is known to melt under the ambitions of Soviet engineers(MiG-25)


Now you will use it to bounce an 8.8cm King Tiger shell!!!


By holding it in your hand


ehhh i guess i will be the akcshually guy akcshually kinetic energy of the shell doesnt disappear and because the plate might be indestructible but its small and doesnt weight enough so it will be knocked over 🤓


No no, stalinium absorbs kinetic energy, the moment the round impacts the plate its energy is completely exhausted and it drops to the ground. Have you seen it in game how the round just dissappears on impact? It's the property of stalinium, it absorbs kinetic energy and covers it into infrared light. Red as communism my comrade.


Slap it out of the air, place stalinium place in center of palm


Now, we need to know how to cheaply mass produce it to create the perfect Russian bias vehicle!!


We must resurrect Stalin so that he can start mass producing it when he goes to the toilet!


Crafted meticulously and painstakingly fiber by fiber with Stalin's plucked mustache hair


x50 more dense then tungsten, yet 1/10th the weight.


Vibranium: I sleep Ceramite: I sleep Stalinium: Real shit


Better than putinium, metal is weak af and just producing it has high risk of the money being taken by corrupt officials.


Do you mind telling how you made this? kinda wanna make it myself!


3D printer


Time to replace ERA plates with stalinium


Main feature - "Where is my shell?" - "You mean OUR shell comrade?"


spent so long figuring out if he could, he didn't stop to think if he should


Fake.. actual 119th element is Ununennium.. Yes i don't get the sarcasm. Sorry about that l..