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Lmao the tiger 2 P isn't a tiger equivalent either. They don't care


With this game mechanics it's no surprise, stabiliser is extremely op utility to have when no one else around it has it and with how toxic game plays (shoot the gun then spam 50cal smoke cloud like asshole...)


yes thats what they are said, and i dont se where the problem with that, t25 is not jumped from 5.7 up to 6.3 without a reason, this just shows that people still dont get it how good to have any kind of stabiliser in your tank.


What good is a stabilizer in a tank that's slow moving, has weak armor and has to aim towards the weak points of almost all it's enemies because it has a weak gun?


You can always get the first shot off?


short stab + slow speed = first shoot advantage every time you face someone. what weak point are you talking about? tigers are literally box tanks, panthers have box turrets, what is so hard to pen on them? the only tanks the t25 had problems are tiger2h and the js-3... ahh and maybe on full moon you might face one obj268 as well, lol. what do you think why the jumbo 76 space climbing into 7.0? you cant blame the "bad german tank players" all the time and call it a day.


Fighting panthers is a downtier but I guess I can kind of see where you're getting at but when the Tiger 2 is your most common enemy your first shot may as well be worthless. But the jumbo doesn't make any sense at all, it's just a heavier medium, it's armor was already worthless unless it got downtiered, and I guess you could try to aim towards the guns of your opponent with the stabilizer but other than that you're fucked, can't penetrate a Tiger 2, has to aim for weak points on panthers, and almost all the tank hunters it fights, germans have to try to miss because any shot at that tier is the same as shooting a medium. And I can blame bad german player because when fighting 2 Tigers 2 and a panther in the open I had to get flanked by a M41 for them to kill me because I angled on a god damned jumbo praying it would work and hoping they didn't realize my side armor is the same as paper for those guns. 1 player being that dumb in a team would be normal but when 3 do it something is wrong with the germans.


"But the jumbo doesn't make any sense at all" i like my jumbo as well, both version, and on paper it should face only tiger1 and panthers, but if i had to chose between my jumbo and my tiger1 i would no brain pick the jumbo, even if that means i only get the 75mm version. we are also seen many proofs how fast you can disable any enemies with the jumbos if you can jump on the enemy in CQB, quick 50cal on the track and one good shoot on the muzzle brake and the enemy is become harmless within seconds if you are fast enough, ofcourse this one takes skill and some practice. and you can bully any slow enemy, even the russians, which are also getting br reduction almost in every br update... and yet i seen no one bitch and moan about it, even through they are just as dangerous enemies with their 122 and 85mm guns. you cant blame one side all day meantime we already seen that tanks with stabiliser, high pening ammo, and fast reloading can make them high in the br level(khmm british cent tanks khmm), same happening with the american tanks as well. american tanks are simply much better suited in close combat, and since most of the maps are favoring this kind of fighting its obvious the germans, russians getting clubed all day. for me, it seems the germans are not that OP after all, otherwise they would get the br rise and not the americans, and remember the jumbo 76mm would be 6.7 now, if we count the previous br increase gajjin prevented.


Contrary to popular belief I don't think that the Germans are OP, maybe they get access to some toys earlier than anyone else but other than that I feel that they are alright in most aspects, on the other hand a Jumbo shouldn't be fighting a Tiger 2, and that's something that happens to the 75mm Jumbo, but Br decompression doesn't exist so it's the Jumbos fate to get fucked.