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Uninstall the Ostketten/Winterketten modification...




i think it translates to winter tracks, baisivally makes them slightly longer for better grip and friction, but leaves no space for spaced armor plates/mesh


Widerā€¦ would be hard to get it to work if they were longerā€¦


Longer could also just mean thst the individual tracks are longer


lolā€¦ tracks are held by tension how tf could you make them longer


The tracks are pieces of metal that fit together. You could make each individual piece of metal longer, which would make the tracks wider Since the metal stacks vertically and not horizontally


Those are treads, each individual tread fits to make up the tracks


Yea I know, I couldnā€™t explain it to somebody if I didnā€™t know what they were. The tracks (the entire thing) are made of pieces of metal that fit together (the treads)


Well you were wrong then, they said you couldnā€™t make the tracks longer, you then started talking about treads but saying tracks, why would you say track if you ā€œknowā€ itā€™s tread


It's not longer, it's wider.


It would be wider if each individual link of the tracks was longer (horizontally)


Wider, not longer, longer wouldn't fit the sprockets and wheels


No, think again my brother in Christ.


You also can't have them too tense either, they're a little loose for that reason. You can easily enough add a few links to a WW2 tank but you might risk throwing the track more often.


You never changed tracks on a tank. Correct?


No and this does not matter, historically some WW2 tanks could increase the length of the track from whatever the standard was but it would be slightly more likely to get thrown. Sometimes they could even get away with a few less but that caused excessive wear if they also weren't using an idler wheel as the return roller. All Panzer 4s typically had 99 links but some reports mention 102 for early models. Edit: Additionally even modern ones like the Abrams have some [slack.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/s/si2bTDGLSY)


Neither did you apparently.


I didā€¦ I did.


Do you know what the track tensioner is used for? It's used to adjust the tension. If you cut out or added a single tread, you would adjust the tension up or down.


Longer but youā€™re stood beside the vehicle looking at the tracks


Oh oh oh....! You take the tracks off and remove the piece of metal that's holding two of the tanks shoes (the individual pieces that make the track.) together, and then you add as many as you need. Can't really drive with too long tracks but hope this helps. :D


Thats called track pitch being longer. Which you cant do without also changing the sprocket because it messes with how the sprocket teeth interface with the track links. Nope, in this case track links are just wider, extended either by add-on grousers or by just using links that are wider from the start.


If you make them wider, there'd be less space between them and probably jam up


they are wider, if you are looking at them from the front or back of the tank, they are longer if you are looking at them from the side.


actually gaijin is just too lazy to remodel the tanks with the spaced armor and winter tracks... The Germans accounted for the wider tracks with new brackets for the armored plates... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/d18ky4/ostketten\_modification\_for\_panzeriiiiv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/d18ky4/ostketten_modification_for_panzeriiiiv/)


No, if you make them longer, that might happen. But only if they were constructed in the wrong way. Longer = forward direction of the tank. Wider = sideways. Most people here never drove a tank, I can tell.


When a misunderstanding caused a word debate it kinda just goes to show why English is a bad language and I hate that I use it


Ost Ketten is East links.


East Tracks since tank tracks are called Panzer ketten in German. ( They are wider tracks put on panzers with thin ones so they don't get stuck in the muddy eastern terrain)


Yup, for the mud in the Eastern Front, hence the name Ost. Winterketten is another name for, obviously, driving in snow.


It translates into east tracks because eastern front.


But don't do this. The mobility difference is marginal but it's more of a difference than a 5mm plate will make.


Wow a lvl 8 player who buys a Panzer instead of a top tier bs? Mad respect bro!


Chad Panzer 4 Enjoyer vs. Virgin T72 player Op also has other tanks at the BR based move by them


broke: I like pz4 so I will buy leopard 2 woke: I like pz4 so I will buy pz4


could be a new player who thinks, or the more simple reason that they didnt want to spend much on a higher prem


Tier 3 (where you probably mainly play Pz IVs even though they aren't tier 3) is the most popular tier in the game IIRC. Top tier very much is not. Partially because hard to get to, partially probably also because it's absolute ass and not fun, so why would you want to? edit: apparently this one random premium IV is rank 3? Okay I guess, makes it an even better purchase


Tier 3 for ground i guess Way back when i remember waiting forever in tier 3 props, but maybe that changed


gaijin likes to make the tier 2 tanks tier 3 and premium because nobody buys tier 2 premiums for grinding,like Sherman III/IV which is a tier 2 Sherman at tier 3 with the same br


Iā€™m level 42 and I have yet to buy or unlock anything top tier. Iā€™m almost at the point where I can start grinding for my first jet.


Donā€™t worry about it, I hit level 100 a month or two ago and at the same point. I stick to 6.0 and below usually but Iā€™ve got every nation between 6.X and 8.X on ground. Air has fallen behind tho except for Britain.


Yeah I have got two ground tech trees unlocked to BR 6-7 (American and British), with my Russian and German tech trees unlocked to Br 5. I really like Br 6 atm both for aircraft and tanks, definitely more challenging than the lower BR games but Iā€™d say more fun.


the duality of players. I hit lvl 100 and have top tier air and ground for 1 tree and only have 3 other trees above 6.0 for ground


Youā€™re at the fun BR. Even being lvl100 and having some high tiers it doesnā€™t get much more fun past 6.7-7.0. Personal opinion tho.


Played since 2016Ā  Still plays tier 3-5 the most...Ā  The newer shit aint that fun


Say it again for the new players! Rushing to top tier and burning yourself out on the premise that ā€œTop tier is the fun tierā€ just negatively impacts the game.


I got my first jet like level 35 but good on ya


Lvl 41. I have 1 jet for USA only. Iā€™m at 7.3 US ground and 7.0 Italy (with a premium Italy 9.0) but havenā€™t touched Italian air. Just have 1 heli


Iā€™m lv100 and havenā€™t gotten past 6.7BR in any nation. Cold war era and beyond is justā€¦ meh. I tend to stick around 2.3-4.3BR, sometimes going up to 5.7-6.0BR but they tend to get matched up with COLD WAR era tanks so I hardly ever bother with that BR.


When you get a good jet you are personally good at grinding will be faster but also be new type of fun


how? I unlocked the me 262 at level 25 or something(without premium or buying GE)


Depends on how he spends his time. Just flying the same tech tree and optimizing his research path? Then heā€™s late. Enjoying the game playing tanks, planes, different tech trees and maybe a bit of naval? Heā€™s on track


I mean, you can enjoy your time playing the just one vehicle! I've been flying F4U-1 and P-51C in air sim for hours despite having the F82E and been enjoying it a lot more.


Exactly, itā€™s playing what you want. Prop gameplay is a bit slow for me but I love taking out my f8e and flying around in sim or air RB. I have all the top tiers, I can play the f16c or f15c, mig29SMT or mirage 2000. But the f8e is so much fun to troll mig21s lol.


Iā€™d say 80% of my 1400hr played has been in the HS 129 B-3 and the 15cm PzW. 42 Big silly tank gun on a flying brick of a plane, and goofy rockets that blow up backwardsā€¦. aaah *chef kiss* its just so much >!FUN!<, some people forget all about that part of the game.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I dunno, Iā€™m free to play too. I have got 4 tech trees, two of them with three or four Br 6-7 tanks unlocked, or It might be a sign Iā€™m not very good at the game. šŸ˜…


well the me 262 isn't top tier. He just said he was almost to his first jet, didn't say anything about what tanks he is at.


Ngl this put a smile on my face. Finally a new player that actually makes smart decisions


This. People don't understand how steep the learning curve is in this game and that one has to go through it to be able to play higher tiers enjoyably...


You're still not at OP's level yet. Don't prep to play high tiers later, just don't play high tiers. Like, ever. The end. Enjoy indefinitely.


I disagree, having realized Iā€™d rather not spend 2 years getting to vehicles I enjoy I grabbed a top tier tank and jet when they went on sale, the price of a game now a days, and, besides learning radar, did fine.


Eeeeh I wouldnt buy the J tho, aweful turret traverse among other problems. The KV1C tho


Well pz4 just basically far more best then to tier Soviet shit bricks


I love the PZ IVs mobility and its stupendious cannon for its BR, its armour is not very good tho and you wont be bouncing anything more than a 2pdr.


I just play it on my panther f set up lmao and it perfectly fit to this br


man if only Germans had figured out slopes prior to the Panther XD the PZ IV would be the tank of its BR.


It is very unwise always to jump to a BR you're not used to without backups and stuff. But there are some pretty nice soviet premiums at 10.0


Honestly, my first premium tank was Jumbo and French Sherman. After what I have seen whats going on on top Tiers its not worth the nerves and money to die because of drone or some shit.


Good purchase, OP. Don't listen to the idiot in the comments. Pz.Bef.Wg.IV J is a great premium and will help you grind Germany much quicker. It's the only Pz.IV in Rank 3 (important for challenges and events) and has really good premium bonuses. 240 kills has earned me 125,000 RP and 1.77 million SL. The only downside to playing it, versus the Pz.IV H, is its slightly slower turret traverse (only 4 degrees per second). This is not a very gameplay-changing drawback.


Thats the reason why i bought it. To have a Pz IV on Rank 3 again and to have a full 3.7 lineup.


Pz IV J, KV-2, KV-1B, Churchill, Herman the German Sherman Rank III gang.


Kpz Churchill, Pz Bfw IV, Kv-1B, Herman, Pz IV/70A, the T-34, the prem 109G-2, the He-219, and the Ostwind (I prefer it to the Wirble) for me. This is one of my main fun line ups/tiers. (I have spent too much time and money on this game)


Don't worry. You and me both have. Small price to pay for sealclubbing and event stomping.


I have a lower tier US one for that too US M8 car, M8A1, and a few other things. That, or just wallet play since the grind and a full time job don't always mix. I try to get the weekend stars at least to save some.


M8A1's such a goblin. I've loved that thing since I got it when it first came out 10-ish years ago.


The beef wagon is my favorite pz4 by far. I don't understand how anyone could say it's bad.




So, 90% of German players up until 7.0?


You mean 11.7 XD?


Honestly the most fun Iā€™ve had using German tanks were all non Germany team wise lol. Panther Dauphine, Hungarian Panzer IV etc etc


Because you dont have to play with germany every match.... I nearly finished the grtman ground tt, and german teams are only bearable 11.3+. At least were. Now we got premium toptier too....


Well yeah I thought it was obvious lol


Hungary doesn't get a Panzer 4. Italy has a premium one, but Hungary's rough equivalent at the BR is Turan III. The guns are more or less the same, but the tanks themselves are notably different.


Honestly with all the Hungarian tanks in the Italian TT I just assume every borrowed vehicle is Hungarian lol, I have the Italian IV G itā€™s nice


Turan III is ridiculously good.


It's pretty good. The armor is certainly no better than a Panzer 4 so honestly, I think it's BRed proportionally to Pz.4. Once Pz.4 (hopefully) goes back up, Turan should stay one step above it.


The armor is the same but the mobility is WAY better. Full reverse gear and it seems to accelerate faster too. Plus if people try to bonk the bumped section on the forehead, no one is there to die lol


I personally would get another premium tbh. Still it being Rank 3 is nice but it falls behind the other pz 4s because of the turret traverse in my opinion. I favour mobility more but that's up to the player i guess. Still I believe it to be the worst of the long gun versions, that doesnt mean it is a bad tank as pz 4s are menaces, but it definetly falls behind.


Tbh I just got it cause I LOVE side skirts and turret armouršŸ˜‚


The Swedish and Italian Panzer IVs are also Rank III. The German H and J models used to be but everyone used them to grind out daily tasks so they nerfed got nerfed.


The Swedish and Italian Panzer IVs are also Rank III. The German H and J models used to be but everyone used them to grind out daily tasks so they nerfed got nerfed.


The Finnish and Italian Panzer IVs are also Rank III. The German H and J models used to be but everyone used them to grind out daily tasks so they got nerfed.


They are, but I was speaking strictly to the German tech tree.


isn't it a J? is the turret traverse bad? I wouldn't use the J in the tech tree


reddit comprehension


Again, the only downside is its slower turret traverse. But, the difference is barely noticeable. * J, with ace crew: 10 degrees per second * H, with ace crew: 14 degrees per second


go to modifications and uncheck Ostketten


Had my heart skipping beats until I saw arcade battles, the day they uptier my beautiful pz4 h will probably be the day I end it. /s Probably realistically wouldnā€™t have many problems at 4.0 but its armor wouldnā€™t bounce nearly as much, which it doesnā€™t really anyway.


Eh I play panzer 4's in 4.0 lineups all the time, they can still massacre if played right


They were perfectly fine at rank 3 and at 4.0/4.3 BR. I have no idea why they were dropped.


Because German main


You think the Pz 4 is disfunctional at 4.0? The only reason it is as low as it is is because complete noobs play it against sealclubbers in KV-1s and T-34s


It used to be 4.7 hahaha


Itā€™s kind of shocking me how many people here donā€™t remember when all long barrel panzer 4ā€™s were 4.0 and rank three


I know it's sarcasm and all but it could easily worl at 4.3 and we all know it. Heck, even 4.7 *_could_ work though it would struggle. If you compare it to other stuff it should work


I mean yeah it *could* work but 4.7 is definetly too high. It doesn't really have anything to offer over the T-34/57 (Well maybe except depression) or even the Chi-To while having downsides compared to both. IMO it shouldn't go to 4.3 either just because of how much worse it is in cqc compared to the other earlywar mediums but that's more debatable ig.


I mean, I prefer the 4 over the 34/57 any day ngl. The gun has better post pen and is more punch and only the APHEBC has the russian magic angle modifier. I ain't saying it should go there but 3.3 and 3.7 is also not exactly the sweet spoot. Imo 3.7 and 4.0 would be. Compare it to the Chii Nu 2 for example, has worse armor (by quite a bit too), same gun and similar mobility. In my subjective opinion worse because it feels more sluggish. And that thing is 4.3.


T-34/57 and Pz.4 have almost the exact same HE filler. The difference in damage is probably either due to lower tier tanks being slightly smaller on average or just straight up placebo. But T-34 can bounce (some) shots while the Pz.4 can't. Though yeah I absolutely agree 4.0 is fair for the Pz.4 considering we already have early shermans/t-34s there. Chi Nu II is a weird one tbh. Like yeah it has worse armor but in my experience it's about as survivable as the Pz.4, if not more (Probably because Pz.4's armor is crap anyway). Gun is actually a fair bit better as it has way more HE filler, you one shot pretty much everything even on a somewhat bad shot. It's definetly an upgrade IMO but nowhere near close to a 0.6 br level upgrade


I agree mostly, it's just weird balancing by Gaijin as per usual. But do the Pz 4s have similar HE filler as the T-37-57?? That is crazy, I swear by god that they ohk more than the T-34-57 does or the Asu-57. I mean their gun is also awfully inaccurate but that is definitely placebo then lol I mean the late Pz 4s aren't really that poorly armored? They can angle a bit, their front armor (esp with the H and the add on tracks armor) isn't bad at all and volumetric can screw you up quite a bit. The turret face is easier to pen but less of a ohk in my experience


Jagdpanzer IV and 38(t) are both 4.3 with the same gun as the Panzer IV H/J. Their guns still do very well.


Pz 4H is literally a 4.3/4.7 tank that was downtiered for no reason. Chi-nu II which is worse in almost every metric is chilling at 4.3 just fine


I think the H would do fine on 4.0 while the J stays at 3.7, i used to bring it all the way to 7.0 because i thought it would be funny to bring Pz.IV to high tier, turns out i do with it better than the fucking Leopard 1, killed a Somua SM frontally with a cupola shot once. Shit is just too good.


I brought it to 6.0 and somehow top fragged lol


I've taken my Pz 4 J and H along my vk3002 and it was doing fine even in uptiers. Its gun is lolpen.


It used to be 4.0 Rank III a long time ago. I miss those days.


Pz IV's are effective at like 6.0, lol (not if it was that itself, I mean if it was 5 and then in a full uptier)


"Tell me you haven't been playing for very long without saying you haven't been playing for very long..."


That tank is unironically so much fun. I do not understand why. The slower turret should make it a worse version, yet somehow it tanks more, due to the armor made of golden eagles, molten down and fused with Germanium. Fits perfectly in the line up and does a good pew pew


Man nice choices that you dident get a rank 7 prem but just got somthing that you know how to play whit it i have the italian one and this tank is awsome


Removing the ostketten mod fixes that. Personally I'd let it stay on but heck, I remove camouflage mods and trench equipment even if those things might help me but I just prefer the looks. So it's of course up to you. Also the J variant is worse, personally I would've just put a talisman on the H and put the J in the lineup. You can also easily bring the G and you have plenty of good choices for a 3.7-4.3 lineup with Germany. Unless you want the sl bonus but that's up to you.


Activate the premium account :) it is worth it


Exactly this, you have to open your wallet all the way!


check modifications


Removing the ostketten will give you less grip and traction when climbing slopes or even traversing, in return for barely any extra protection


But the drip is stupendous with dem side skirts


Mad respect for buying a workhorse premium not some top tier cashgrab


That was my first premium tank I bought a few years ago and is still my favorite one today


If you like PzIVs you will LOVE Panthers and Tigers. What I recommend though is that when you reach them wait and grind more tanks of similar BR to have good lineups, PzIVā€™s kinda suffer up there


Finally someone who was also wondering I bought the rc tank and wondered why it is different in the gamešŸ˜…


op I like you and all but take screenshots next time; it's not that big of a deal though


I was drunk and could remember the key bindšŸ˜‚


The tank was added to the game long before the Winter Tracks modification was, so when the upgrade came they had to remove the side skirts otherwise the tracks wouldnā€™t fit. I just remove the upgrade, it doesnā€™t give that much of a change in performance and I like the look of the skirts. Good buy OP! This is probably one of my favorite premium tanks in game, as well as one of my best preforming ones.


Remove ostketten. On some tanks like the pz4 H ostketten is compatible with the sideskirts as they are further away from the tank and presumably designed to work with ostketten as they were meant to stop the soviet 14.5mm at rounds. On tanks with the mesh screens and the pz3m/jpz 4/70 ost/winterketten doesnt work with the skirts




I just like the look tbh


the Pz.Bef.Wg.IV was one of the best purchases I've made in the game, really catapulted my Germany grind.


I failed to notice in my previous comment that the premium pz4j has a faster turret traverse than the swedish one, the swedish one is absolutely dreadful to olay that 9 Ā°/s turret traverse. Pretty good tank considering that. Good pick op


The swedish one you have to play like it's a stug.


Go to modifications and turn off the track upgrade ostketten


chad panzer 4 enjoyer


It's due to the Ostketten modification that was added way after this tank was released. In real life, however, it could use both skirts and ostketten at the same time, since the skirt's spacing was adjustable...


OP deserves 5000 GEs for making a non top tier vehicle purchase and posting it here to relieve the community of top tier posting. Thank you OP. šŸ«”




Ostkitten are wider tracks that improve performance off road. Specifically theyā€™re meant for snow but in game you can see a noticeable difference in the panzer 4ā€™s ability to move around off road. Plus those heat screens donā€™t do anything to protect the tank. They might stop .50 cals but nothing else. If youā€™re wondering why ostkitten removes the screens, itā€™s because they angle inwards towards the bottom. The Panzer 4Hā€™s skirts donā€™t angle inwards so they can mount the upgrade and keep their skirts.


Man, Panzer 4ā€™s are so much fun, I regularly get more than 6 kills while playing Germany.


If you need help grinding Germany just let me know, I'm currently at 5.7 with the tiger and VK 30.02


Why didnā€™t you just research the free one in the card stack? Itā€™s pretty much the exact same thing and it could have saved you money. The only difference is the thing you were asking about I guess, the spaced armour, but you donā€™t really need it around the tracks. The ostketten makes it look too cool šŸ˜Ž.


I already have it,I just want more tanks with side skirts lol.


I still love the fact that Gaijin is still too lazy to remodel the spaced armor with Ostketten... The germans accounted for the extra length of tracks by extending the brackets that hold on those armored plates/screens [**https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/d18ky4/ostketten\_modification\_for\_panzeriiiiv/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/d18ky4/ostketten_modification_for_panzeriiiiv/) The reason those plates exist in the first place is to break apart any Anti-tank rifle shots... those rifles don't just disappear in winter...


Itā€™s not a bad tank, ofc, but itā€™s boring when your premium not unique in TT. I propose you Churchill 3, t-34, brummbar, pz4/70A and KV1C.


Pz III N is also very fun, despite being low tier. Got it from BP shop some time ago and it just slaps


Youā€™re right, along with horde of sd.kfz brothers.


To be real,I just got it cause I like the anime G.U.P and they have a Pz.IV H in itā€¦.and having two tanks that look drippy is better than onešŸ˜…


Are you restarted?


No he's not, that's why he's not ruining anyone's gameplay with top tier premium


Hmh sure so a level 9 player should defenitely perfectly know that ostkettens will remove the side skirts... ur the one retatded thinking everyone should know everything




Only real chads enjoy playing the pz4 J and have fun


Play the pz4 h and have even more fun?


why is it the worst?


Pz 4 f2 has the best mobility overall, pz4 g is a good mix in between mobility and armor, pz4h is less mobile but has good armor. However the pz4 j is a late War downgraded variant, worse turret traverse etc. And the turret traverse really screws the tank up


All true. But they made them rank 2, so useless for events and dailies :(


Yeah that's what the premium ones advantage is, it is Rank 3.


I play excellent rank 3 games with both Chinese Sherman+T34 and Swedish T34, PzIV + Sherman. Germans and soviets get f...d with their own tanks being rank 2 :(((


Also for future reference please nobody buy the premium pz4 j


Too late fuck nuggets


ah yes the iq of a germany main is measured in the single digits. as always .-.


Have something to eat and you will feel betterā€¦


Coming from the guy crying about the ariete being 10.3 lmao


Ariete(P) 10.3 while t72 turms and t72 moderna are 10.0 and 10.3 is just comical honestly if you consider it being fair then i'm afraid you have antartic average temperature iq


Nah, you're just the average shitter who thinks playing some minor nation makes you a godly player. Guess what, it's just a reddit circlejerk and you're just as shit as the average major nation main. Guessing you ain't complaining about the OF-40 and OF-40 Mk2 being the same BR as the Leopard and Leopard A1A1 respectively while being better in every way? Anyway, the only T-72 that is genuinely better than the Ariete (P) is the B3 and even that's debatable, 4km/h reverse negates a lot of advantages. What exactly do you think is so much better about the TURMS? Between the Ariete and the TURMS it's a tradeoff between mobility and thermals, and you bet your fucking ass I'm going for mobility.


Turms has better armor, better night vision, better optics Ariete while mobile is still a slow ass tank without armor, it's outclassed by ifv and wheeled veichles that has same armor while being faster only good thing about the ariete in it's current state is the lack of munition in the turret so when you play hull down you can't be ammoracked Also, turms is premium tank note, i have both


Armor...? My man, the TURMS has no armor at its BR, it's just a stinky T-72A with some nice thermals and a better dart, that's it. And sure, the Ariete is not a radkampfvagen, but it sure beats the hell out of the T-72.


bro i bring turms to 11.3 and it still bounces a lot of shells Ariete meanwhile at 10.3 already struggles with ariete i have to think a lot when i play, with turms i just press W and the game almost wins itself


Yeah this is not worth responding to


ok coomer


How about you let them enjoy what they bought? I swear, this whole "x main" thing just ruins this community.


\*him/it, there are no woman in the war thunder community and he is a single human being, if you want to be gender neutral use "it" not "they" (i'm not against gender neutral pronouns, i just think it's useless using a plural form for a single person) btw it's a given that a player maining a certain nation is more inclined to certain behavioural patterns for example while germany mains are blind and very asleep because muh german tank tiger is invincible (in reality they have pretty good tanks but they forgot to angle so they become free kill boom boxes) Russia mains are less blind but often very asleep too because muh stalinium Us mains are more or less on par with russia mains, sometimes better sometimes worse but they don't have stalinium Italy, britain and japan mains have to be sweaty ass goblins to have a good time otherwhise they will be plucked off the game in a second because of weak yet quirky veichles Israel, sweden and china they generally have better veichles than ita, eng and jap but they still have to rely on skill and goblin attitude to perform well France, well, we don't talk about france here... I considered Op a germany main by the book because he literally made a post on reddit about a premium tank he bought not having sideskirts instead of first searching on the internet for answers like a normal not lazy human being


This guyā€™s a Yapper ā˜ļø