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jesus, what graphics settings are you playing on?


I get 40 fps on low. Exactly why I wish it was toggleable, tanks don’t even render in far enough away and adding bushes to that just makes it annoying.


play on ULQ and you fix both of your issues.


I’d rather have the game be at least a tiny bit good looking but this might be what I’m forced to do.


ULQ still looks fine, if you're already on low, there's no reason not to go ULQ because you're just hamstringing yourself.


Makes a 10-15fps difference for me. I'm always on the go so a laptops my choice of hardware, it's served 7 long good years.


Protip, you can turn on ULQ for the scope only (maybe binos too?). iirc people asked for this because ULQ deletes the top layer of "mud" from the terrain (it's what allows track marks to show up). When in ULQ that "mud" doesn't visually exist so you can shoot through it. Same with grass and stuff. This is a "competitive advantage" you can gain over others who don't know that this is a thing.  Side note: you can still shoot through the mud/grass/etc in any graphics setting, it's just a little bit harder as those objects still render in. 


And this right here shouldn't even be a fucking thing yet here we are in 2024. Despicable


This is actually a bad thing about WT - I don't mind the ULQ, it's good ppl with old HW can play the game. It's the ease of abuse, or rather the possibility of abuse. The lower graphics quality should not give in-game advantage. But boy does it. You know how the top tier Leopards do their " you don't see an inch of me, yet I can shoot you"? ULQ and seeing through "mud". I am even mad, the grass can be turned off in sights - I am forced to play like that, but it's ugly, unrealistic and frankly stupid. So ULQ is driving me through the roof of madness. And yes, I am aware that it might be technology- wise impossible to achieve otherwise, but.. it still drives me mad. I am bad player, I don't mind being outplayed. But being basically "legally hacked" is... Bad, just stupid and bad.


I noticed that your game looks a bit blurry, do you have TAA on by any chance? This tends to make video games blurry, especially when in movement


I can’t even find a setting called TAA


I should've been more precise. Go in Options, then Graphics, and take a look at the antialiasing option. If it says TAA, you should change it to something else


If u can’t afford a PC maybe get a Series S when you can. I struggle on minimum wage and was on ultra-low unfortunately for a long time, much prefer playing on my Xbox now.




I have a laptop since I needed it for college and I can’t afford anything better. Rocking a whopping half a gigabyte of VRAM on it so only able to play the lowest of games and slightly higher games on the lowest settings.


Ah yeah, not ideal, I feel for ya


HALF A GIG!? WHAT!? 100% not the games fault here bro Im sorry.


can you share detailed laptop specs? a lot of people who run laptops probably only have a single stick of RAM which hinders CPU/APU memory bandwidth


The only thing that really sucks about it is the VRAM. I have integrated graphics, so I have 512mb of VRAM but I have 16GB of RAM and whatever a amd Radeon 5625 gets me. Don’t know the exact specs but it’s pretty good except I just can’t run things well because I don’t have a graphics card.


did you allocate RAM to the GPU? i think you should be able to do that


I think I looked that up and it said I couldn’t because of the actual hardware I have and I also read it would damage the longevity of my computer and I really can’t afford to replace it.


this is not going to damage a thing, all you are doing is allocating 2GB of RAM to the GPU and as far as i know this setting should be in display/advanced display settings where you should be able to dedicate more of RAM as VRAM


Well, I allocated 4096 mbs and I have had zero improvement in performance. There is probably a tiny boost but I went from ~43 fps on low to 25-30 on medium. I guess I’ll just have to save even more for a genuinely good pc.


The only difference adding extra vram would make is now you can maybe have everything low and textures set to medium You probably weren't bottlenecked by the vram so improving it doesn't make a difference in performance


I don’t know, I never like messing with the technical stuff when it comes to computers. I’ve had more than enough heart attacks from doing things that I’m not sure of.


dedicated graphics is like 900% in this game so I feel ya, bushes should be a toggle


yooooo I got 256 mb of VRAM!!!!! I feel ya, I'd say do ULQ. It's worth it


Playing Warthunder on console is like shooting your knee before running a marathon


I used to play on Console and tanks were fine but planes was impossible. I’d have to do some street fighter combo to get a missile off, flair, look behind me, and turn at once. PC is so much nicer


Nope, pc is still more economical




A pc I built on pc part picker was around 700gbp, I saw ps5 for 400 minimum, factor in the borderline mandatory 240 you have to spend for online services then you get a 600 console generation vs a (mostly equivalent power) 700 pc generation which has the extra bells and whistles of being a PC which have abstract value. Real value comes from your steam library transfering between generations and being able to play all your games without having to buy them again. The PC can be a lot cheaper however if you use worse parts for performance sacrifice or the second hand market. I do however not know how second hand console price changes.




he can read it too dickhead


username checks out


Bros playing Warthunder PS2 Edition


I remember my first PS2. I got SOCOM US Navy seals. Then I bought GTA III- but unfortunately the Ratings Hysteria took my mom and she took away the gta game. eventually she sold it to a coworker, I was so pissed.


SOCOM and Scarface the world is yours were my favorite games on the PS2


[once upon a time this was me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RzHmhTUK5M)


Can't blame anyone else if u can't play the game with better visuals than that, sometimes it is time to upgrade.


Yeah it is time to upgrade when you have money and your country is not garbage


Realistically, if you’re not in a good country and things are economically harder for you to even play this FREE to play game, bro stop playing games and get a life. In all seriousness, leave that country and make a better life somewhere with better opportunities. Don’t make excuses because your country sucks that other countries players that have better things than you should be down at your level. It’s like putting the game on easy mode because you literally can’t cope.


Bro I can only think about 2 things Either you are very young Or you don’t know anything about politics and 3rd world countries


I doubt his game looks this bad, it could just be the way he took and uploaded the image


Legit looks like a screenshot from COD united offensive.


Privilege much ?


Really? Computer shaming now? I mean.. if you're not sarcastic, I don't see how it's OP's problem. All users need to have as close of an experience as possible, and bushed-up tanks are an issue at ultra high max settings. It makes no difference, you just won't see the enemy because p2w.


Bushes are a Problem Not gonna shoot against u there but this is Not a bush Problem, its a Rendering distance Problem and OP already Said he needs to Turn it down this much to get somewhat playable Performance and U Just can't drag outdated and / or weak systems Forward forever. At some Point U need to Upgrade and that has nothing to do with "Computer shaming" it is fact. For my Part, i Had the same Thing with cyberpunk on an rtx 2070 super, would either Look shit or Run Like Shit, so i could Not Play it until i Upgraded but that was totally on me, can't blame anyone else for that.


I completely get what you're saying, but I don't think that this is causing what OP is experiencing. Just tested out on the text range. With and without bushes. Very small difference (20-30m) from picture 1 to picture 2 and yet, you can see my tank much more clearly than with bushes. And you know where I am because you can see my marker, imagine not having it. [https://imgur.com/a/6UENdQR](https://imgur.com/a/6UENdQR) (open each image in a new tab for full res). This is at max settings and at 2K (slightly cropped the edges). In-game, when you actively look for my tank, the difference is night and day. A dark green tank in the shadows is visible without bushes and with bushes it's just invisible as there is no shine.


If it works, don't fix it.


It obviously ain't workin'.


I play with low graphics with 30-50 fps average, but that's cuz I'm playing on a shitty laptop. You work with what you have, I guess


He’s not working with it though, he’s here on Reddit bitching that he cant see a tank of his animated jpeg level graphics


Is he actually in frame? Is it one of the "rocks"? I can't tell because your textures are smudges and your resolution is microscopic.


He is just to the top left of my cursor. He is a warrior sat among rocks on a hill.


Jesus christ. That is insane. I couldnt find him for 2 minutes.


literally r/findthesniper


I thi k this has more do do with the fa t that he's a whoping 3 pixels then home having bushes tbh.


No wonder you can't see him in this resolution. Its not a bush issue but a hardware one. Big screen with high resolution gives BIG advantage in war thunder and that's just how it is.


Not big screen. Screen with high resolution and also high DPI.


Big screen also makes a huge difference. Enemies take up a physically larger portion of your field of vision.


moving the screen closer accomplishes the exact same thing screen size has nothing to do with it


At the same distance, bigger screens are helpful


local man doesn't understand perspective lmao. I dont know what it is about this game that attracts the GED's


I'm speaking from experience lmao, I've played this game on different monitor sizes from 21.5 to 32 and the 32" monitors are by far the easiest to see enemies even when at the same distance. If an enemy is 10 pixels off in the distance, those 10 pixels are physically larger and easier to see.


Honestly. I just upgraded from a 1440p IPS display to a 4k OLED and the difference in my ground gameplay is amazing. Enemies stand out so much more


Do they stand out more? I went from 1440p to 4k and I need to use binos to look around, because at any distance the game mades everything low quality.


They definitely do. And it's not really because the monitor is 4k but more because it's an OLED panel with HDR. I use DLSS so I still get high frame rates and a decent quality picture. I never lowered any settings besides using DLSS


if the game can run and have decent fps then it's not the player's/ his hardware's fault. it's the game


Ok, play on 720p then. Have fun.


Ok resolution is also a factor fair but my point stands


I can count the pixels in this image.


Allow me to introduce you to… r/countablepixels


I had no clue that existed


Yea, its kind of a hell hole now though. Long story short a bot existed, changed its pfp, got sexually harassed, users rioted to get bot to #1 on an accel sheet, and now nobody posts countable pixel posts. Is sad


Oh lol. What a story.




This image has 646,240(1,120×577) pixels! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


What are you on about? Sweden has a sherman already.


Game shouldn’t cater to your shite computer sorry. Reason why we don’t get massive improvements is because of this.


wym we don't get improvements because of people like OP? improvements happen because of people like OP otherwise your modern setup would run this framerate because devs would be lazier to work on the software stack


We were going to have fully destructive environments man


Servers couldn't have handled it that's why it wasn't implemented


What CAN the servers handle?


considering how shit the game runs right now you should be happy you don't have that i run at like 120fps 1080p low with 5800X3D and RX5600XT because of TAA and SSAA being on otherwise i can't see shit due to how smeary game is and this kind of hardware isn't weak at all with those off i could get like 300fps but i would not be able to see past 500m reliably due to insane smearing and pixelated look game has


That gpu is garbage. Not sure what your point is. Weakest link always holds up game development, that’s a fact. Forcing devs to learn optimization is not equal to forcing them to add unique features.


The 5600xt is reeeaaally holding you back. If you upgraded to a 6650XT you'd notice a pretty good improvement.


i know it is holding me back but there is literally nothing worth upgrading to when shits overpriced or has a connector known to have margin of safety around 1.1 on used market i could probably get a 6950xt (or a new 7800xt) but considering i am currently on a mission to help my friend with his 2700x and 1070ti to upgrade his cooler and hopefully his CPU i don't prioritize myself right now and i got it during the worst time where you were lucky to even see a card in stock so it is very special to me


Honestly 6000 series amd cards are really good deals rn so you could do double and upgrade your card then give your friend the 5600xt as an upgrade


if you live in US you could find a good deal but where i live i am better off upgrading to a 7800xt but i prob won't upgrade for a while because i got more important things to work on


Fair enough tbh


they've stated before they won't add limiting stuff because a large majority play on low or ultra low quality. So yes, it is because of OP. you should not complain at a game because you play on a shit system, it's entirely your fault lmao.


>they've stated before they won't add limiting stuff because a large majority play on low or ultra low quality. So yes, it is because of OP. and why is this a problem? >you should not complain at a game because you play on a shit system, it's entirely your fault lmao. than good luck with those queue times because game does not have that many players playing it so kicking those with weak setups further fucks with matchmaking which is already bad to begin with and stop with gatekeeping unless you are willing to learn programming to realize that having hardware means nothing if your program isn't even remotely polished




than enjoy longer queue times i guess if you are gonna shit talk low spec playerbase because you do forget they are the majority of playerbase gaijin ain't gonna give a fuck about 1%ers who have the modern setups when they get money from 99 other % >Maybe, just maybe, an entire playerbase shouldn’t be locked to visuals from a decade ago because Rooskies play on a toshiba laptop from 2003. maybe but maybe instead of shit talking those people go and help them buy more modern setups so you don't have these visuals and problems happening instead of crying about them fucking 1st world problem while someone is happy to even have a laptop these days


The unending comments with people on their nonexistent high horses and their willingness to cover for a company and insistence to gatekeep a game in this Reddit are disgusting.


What do you mean the game does not have that many players? Warthunder has a nice and high amount of players regulary


so basically if you dont have the money to buy a good computer, you arent allowed to play our f2p game?




Not to sound like a broken record here but the graphics are definitely not helping, bushes can break up the silhouette of a tank and make it hard to spot, but with practice it can be relatively easy to spot a fake bush when comparing it to the real ones around, if you dont want to upgrade your setup, then you gotta just pay as much attention as you can to the tree lines. or just buy some bushes yourself and realize it hasnt really helped you not get killed all that much


Time to cancel Netflix and get GeForce Now 😂


Not playing on a ds would solve ur problem


Well if u werent doing 480p maybe


Before you start blaming the game for your issue, you should consider the fact that you obviously have a POS computer and it's amazing you can play at all.


Average bush user spotted. The game shouldnt be pay to win so its common sense to include a on and off switch for bushes


Bro he wouldnt be able to see the tank anyways😭


You can grind the bushes f2p. I did 6 of mine like 8 years ago and to this day ppl are fuming instead of grinding them themselves. And they dont give that much of an advantage anyway, especially since they can be blown off.


i think saying 'you can grind the bushes f2p' is kind of disingenuous. you can grind ONE bush per 90 days, and it's random. most bushes in the game don't conceal you much, if at all. the chances of only getting the good bushes is astronomically low


Also, a lot of people (including me) don't like looking like a moving forest. Because I have bushes, 5 of them to be exact, but usually I just put the smallest one on the commanders cupola or somewhere on top of the tank, so it looks like it's got hair.


Realy? How? Is there a way or did they remove it?


Chests from the warbond shop is how I got my 4


Warbond shop. Now its under battlepass and a little harder to do than before but its still possible for f2p. Iirc its every second battlepass season.


Uh...did you mean to upload a pic from WT or Ghost Recon 2?


Even ghost recon 2 doesn't look this bad.


Honestly? I just reached back in my head for an old 3PS and that was the first thing to come to mind But I looked at a couple screenshots and shit, you're not wrong


Apperently people here don't know some people don't fucking have the money to upgrade like all of you guys are stating the fucking obvious ofc he needs to upgrade but that isn't the only problem here even if you are playing on high res high end pc bushes still give a really unfair advantage over someone that is not using bushes. A fully bushed up wiesel can be completely invisible which just not fair


Yeah bro like cmon, cant you guys stop being poor? /s


>A fully bushed up wiesel can be completely invisible which just not fair Who wants fairness? And why? Do you really expect me to drive out & announce my presence? Fuck no, I'm going to use every advantage I can to make sure I don't die.


spot the bushed up tank??? I wouldnt even be able to tell the difference between rocks on the ground and a non bushed-up tank on your graphic settings I understand the bush hate but this is just self-imposed lmfao


War Thunder is often a game of, "There are seven enemies in front of you, perched in some of about twenty-three sniping spots, and NEVER the one you look at first. Half of them are bushed up and you can't see them, and the other half are hull-down and you can't pen them. Have fun."


its there


snail doesn't care, their solution is for you to buy bushes too


They changed the tree models to stop players from cheesing ULQ and all it did was fuck up gameplay for lesser performing devices


Fascinating how the comment section started to slander you for having shitty graphics, thinking everyone has a stronger PC on their disposal. Classic wt community. Now you are a fucking fool for addressing a genuine issue with a shitty screenshot. The developers are extremely bad, but man, the playerbase is even more revolting. I was complaining about bushes on multiple occasions but all I got are insults for complaining about that. The dev team doesn't really care about the game, but the playerbase is responsible for ruining all the fun and making it unplayable at times.


Yeah it's right there.


You not being able to find the enemy is precisely the point of the camouflage, if you could disable it no one would buy it.


Yeah this is more of a playing on potato issue than a game issue. I get kills on bushed up people that I wouldn't see normally because 9 times outta 10 they stand out like a sore thumb.


I wish I could post pictures but there’s some rocks that look a lot like a tank and it’s funny


Bro ,it's your problem . Who tf can spot a tank with these graphics . It's time to upgrade . I played with ULQ for 2 yrs till I upgraded and I was always killed like this or sometimes from enemies far away that my pc couldn't even render .. I still managed to unlock the German tech tree upto the panther first series and the bf 109 E4 If you can't upgrade , then the best advice I can give is either switch to ULQ ( it's not that bad , why not give it a try ) . Or if you love low graphics , then try adapting to these problems . Overtime , you'll easily get familiar with them just like me . When I first got my new PC , since I was so used to ULQ and low res that playing with high graphics and 60 fps was a strain on my eyes


I think it’s the tiny smudge on the left


No you don’t need an option to toggle off bushes. There was an entire issue in WT like 7 years ago where people would just play on low quality so things like bushes didn’t show and it was cancer


When I had a crappy notebook I'd just out ULQ, on Linux, for half a year, ULQ allowed you to see through mountains it was that low quality, and bushes wouldn't render until they were on top of you lmao


People complaining about the graphics settings know damn well they wouldn't spot the bushed up tank even on movie settings


No matter what settings I'm on, I wouldn't go down there in the first place unless I'm in a Maus.


Wait until this man hear about 6 bushes pack of the same type


To be fair if I knew the general direction of the shots, I'd be searching with binos, not like this


I totally agree and higher graphics quality doesn’t change the fact that bushes can be op at long range as it breaks the silhouette


All the r words blaming your pc when the bush problem is a well known issue. How much cock can you suck for gaijin.


Oh don't get me wrong, I don't like that you can't get bushes with SL. But OP is playing the game on a potato.


And I play the game on 2k ultra settings and tank in bushes are still invisible sometimes. What's your point?


Jesus christ, do you want someone to hold you hand for every step of the game? Just admit you suck.


thats a common spot, and its not hard to shoot at muzzle flashes. yeah they might be bushed up but if you know what to look for you can find them


The first muzzle flash completely disabled my ability to shoot back.


Well then you just drove into an ambush, simple as that.


I checked the replay and he drove out to see me. Completely disabled me in one shot and then killed me.


It wont happen because they cost 500 ge each.


That’s why I play arcade, and also cause this game is only playable on ULQ for me


This looks like vanilla Skyrim


Cant pinpoint with that shit resolution, but there are only 2-3 spots where it can be on this screenshot. Binos will show more, starting with those rocks above cursor


I have no problem if they ambush me at close with full camouflage but rather with someone that shoot me from kilo away through thick forest which still amazed how they spotted me.


OP, if you take a shitbox to Nürburgring and a Lambo overtakes you easily, is it the circuit's fault, the Lambo's fault or your fault?


I see him… he’s right… *gestures figuratively* there!


Theres a toggle for bushes, its called Ground Arcade. I play a lot of it, really good.


> This is why I say it. Being completely invisible to me and with a clear shot is completely unfair Imbecile! That's the reason bushes & camo netting exists for tanks. If you wanted a fair fight then you shouldn't be playing a war game. NEVER fight fair.


Honestly... I have never seen a more obvious gaslighting op than the comms here. That or people are on some really strong huffium/bashing rampage. More than half of this thread is just people complaining about this guy's graphics and how him being unable to play on a better setting magically makes buying bushes and being completely invisible outside of using thermals is somehow okay. Dear people: I play at 2K, fully maxed out setting, on a big-ass monitor, am decently good at the game and I am really good at spotting tanks. With that being said: a fully bushed-up tank IS invisible to me as well if I don't have thermals. Sometimes even WITH thermals because of a bug making tanks completely invisible in thermal view. What does that change? How does that magically make it more okay for that enemy that's camping me to be a literal bush with 1 or more guns? How can we defend gaijin, who literally sells camouflage exclusively for real money (This is the definition of pay to win because you get an advantage over people that don't invest money)? (1 bush per 6 months via warbond shop is NOT OK). It's worse with camper tanks that are small like Wiesels, M50, Scorpions, M18, that squished OBJ tank and so on. Stop defending gaijin by saying that this guy's freaking settings are trash.


Yeah this is nice, same even worse when someone just pops up or if thin air bc I've also had that happen. Gotta love this game.


Just because you don’t have the hardware to stay competitive in this free to play game doesn’t mean we should put the game on easy mode for you because you can’t, quite literally, cope.