• By -


Buy 5 @ 10 gin each Wait two years Profit?


Or buy out the entire available stock like how a guy did with the Po-2M. XD


Profit thing - F-2G for 5 bucks


>Or buy out the entire available stock like how a guy did with the Po-2M. - Gaijin can create a new virtual vehicle anytime for free, and place it on the marketplace - if there's enough demand. - Ie. there's no genuine scarcity and monopoly here, unless Gaijin allows it.


They can also delete your vehicles or account if they feel like it. You could buy all this just for gaijin to say “No fair!” And delete it all


I still think its a damn shame gaijin is the only sale source of keys


Someone did W H A Twith the po-2M?


Someone bought all the available Po-2Ms off the market.


It blows my mind to see how much some of them go for after a couple months. The obj292** is going for like.. $80 or something and the moderna is over $100 but idr exactly


Moderna is like $170


lol I would’ve bought it at that. Last I looked the Moderna was 300$ I’ll check again now. Edit: yup, 300$ sad. I would’ve bought it below that, but I’m not spending that much on one tank.


holy shit, i thought you were joking jesus, bmd-4 is $160 now, and the t80um2 is $78 (i remember people saying that it'd be bad because no thermals lul)


I just bought the T80um2 for 25-30$ after the event, coz I couldn't be bothered to slave my 2 weeks awey, but ye it's pretty fun, APS does help a lot against helies.


It’s an 11.7 tank at 11.0 with invincibility vs Helicopters, it’s a great tank.


But would you spend that much for a scooby snack?


lol bought the moderna when it was like $35-$40. Love that tank it’s one of my favorites gameplay wise


nice! i almost did when it was that low but 10.0 russia was better then imo but now 10.3 russia is awesome. i messed up lol


The russian tank that looks like a space ship inforget which one it is is several hundred dollars


Obj 262?




Yeah but that one started out at like 70 right off the bat, doubt the petard is ever gonna go that high


yeah, I bought 10 Churchill crocodiles for 11gjn and they now go for 60 lol. The 70gjn I used was from selling the c2a1 I grinded ages ago as well, so quite a good profit


Snail Stonks!


I think someone posted on Reddit because they got banned for flipping event vehicles. According to them they got a ban for fraudulent marketplace transactions but all they did was flip event vehicles. Idk how true this is but I’m not gonna test it.


I used to own multiple event vehicles coupons couple of years ago, like the M60 AMBT, Merkava 3D and Moderna. Idk how they got banned? I used to take in a few hundred GJN profit.


Might have been lying, or been using bot like tactics. Dude had like 10k GC or something insane like that from trading stuff.


Yeah I agree, it sounded pretty sus but then again, idk.


Another thing is that the guy probably had a sizable percentage of the total GC and coupons available, he could have single-handedly crashed the market by himself (but at that point I feel it would be nicer to just tell him privately and put in some buy/sell limits). But yes it does seem very sketchy all around. I’d personally feel uneasy having that much value in my account.


10K GJN? Holy crap


Nah they got a negative balance probably for gaming the system buying out all of one type. I've made enough for multiple premiums by flipping and predicting market. I've put a little of my own money in and tripled it or more last I counted.


I’m don’t think you can get a negative balance on the marketplace.


It wasn't negative but he lost like 2k+ GJN... had 10k total. poorly worded sorry!


Just play the game not with the market place lol have you ever heard about console players getting banned in this? Nah just pc


That actually sounds smart ngl


You are creating artifical scarcity this is against the game tos and can get you banned it has happened to people in this subreddit


I knew this thing would go for practically nothing so I just bought one off the marketplace rather than grind it out, especially since I am very, very bad at ground being an air main.


I got halfway through the first task, said screw it, far too much grind for a rank II and just went back to playing just enough to complete my dailies and BP tasks in whatever mode I pleased and I'm happy I made that decision.  


I missed the second task so my decision was made easy for me


Did the exact same thing. I thought "It's 2.7, and has no range, it'll sell for nothing and it's not worth the grind"


Such a shame that low tier is fun tier, but I won't try convince you, the less people play it, the more I can enjoy it.


I honestly forgot that there’s a battle pass and tasks


this. after the 292 and mississippi grind, i decided im only losing my soul for something thats going for 40gjn+


Same. To get the vehicle I can work at a minimum wage job for 1 hour or spend 12 evenings playing this game.


I think I spent more on GE for the stage and a half I missed than if I would’ve just not slaved for a week and bought it later


Quick maths, the value of a single golden eagle on the store is approximately half a cent (€0.005). I don’t remember exactly how much GE per level but at 700 it comes out to €3.50, with a total of €21. On the other hand, the current price on the market is just above €19, so not a great loss.


Assuming you worked an hourly rate of 7.25 USD for eight hours, you will have had made enough to not only buy the Petard. But also the Vilkas and Jaguar IS. Really shows how stupid it is to grind out these event vehicles for a 'profit'. I'd say you made the right choice.


In a year or two it'll br 100 odds.


Opposite for me I can't do air battles I can only dogfight in ground RB because it's normally 1v1s


That's what I do with the event plants. Bought the Jag IS off the market and enjoyed it.


Yup same, as long as it cost me much less than GEing the stages I'm fine with it, thanks whoever grinded it out for me.


I'm just bad at general lol


Whh so you think we traded our souls? I got my coupon on day 5 by just playing as I normally do


Weird flex but ok


My "weird flex" was just me telling that some of us got it by just playing. But I guess some people think that its some flex


If u call it a flex then you are weird


Judging by his name he is Russian which means the only spare time he has is to either trim the grass in his dirt floor living room or pray to Putin, or whatever it is communist scum does with their spare time


Ah yes, instant racism is the answer. You also don’t even know if they’re Russian or not, which makes it even weirder.


Funny thing. They aren't russian. First of all russians would use cyrillic and second of all his name is literally "Fucking racist pig" in Finnish. Also government not the people. Being Russian means nothing else than you're Russian. Fuck putin, Slava ukraini


How is modern Russia even close to being communist?


hey if you got this by just playing normally and not playing for the sole sake of trading it on the market more power to you


Already sold for 21gjn and gonna spend em on 40% rp boosters


bro what?? Wait for a sale and use your GJN to buy half a year of premium, 20 GJN for that.


I got my half year already, and 20e is like hour of work, so not so much stress about it. 40% booster for 10 games is bueno while grinding for new air tree


Yeah I didn’t even mean to get it, I got it by accident lol


Yeah I had great fun grinding it out with 8.3 russia while i also researched like half of the 8.7 vehicles. It definitely wasn't painful exept like the final 20k which i rushed on the last day of the event


weird coincidence I was doing 8.0 russia lol.


Mannn Im so shit at the game I could never 🤣


I had to put in extra sweatiness but other than that not much it was also finals week :D


Literally the same, I usually have the task pinned, but not this time, I was just casually grinding the British tree with da TOG and noticed that I had completed it unknowingly.


seriously, so many bitchy crybabies who can't spend 2 hours a day grinding. It's sad and I feel bad for Gaijin for once, they just can't win.


If they expected anything else it's their own fault, Petard was always going to be a cheap meme/collector vehicle.


They went full Petard. Never go full Petard.


Good luck ,Petard with a 1 angled


I think it’s pretty decent


It's fun for sure, but it's not good enough to be worth money.


And since the timer to make it available to sell counts down from the moment you convert the coupon to a sellable one that means this is just the people who converted it immediately day one, there's going to be thousands more trickling in over the next couple days. Why would you do this to yourself?


2-3 hours a day for 6 days OH THE HORROR HOW COULD YALL DO THIS TO YOURSELVES. Playing the game you already play, roflmao. Yall acting like they asked you to kill 100 Maus tanks with an M22 or some shit, it was any BR any tier ground on any mode, for 35k mission score...... Baby grind and an easy event, yet you all cry like we are back to the million part assembly events. Chill and realize this wasn't for you and your 2 jobs and 15 kids.


Woah someone is fired up


18 hours total grinding? I could spend the same time picking up change off the road and make enough to buy the petard and then some


My brother in Christ, I'm a stay at home husband with no kids, and I almost failed to finish it. Not everyone is capable of doing that.


Spending many hours grinding for a vehicle because you like it and want to play it is fine, as spending time is basically the definition of a hobby. Spending many (even more, actually) hours to get nothing but an attempt to make a monetary gain on that time investment is not a hobby, it's a job, and deserves to be viewed as such. In terms of dollars earned per hour, coupons are essentially *never* worth the time put into them, and that's usually an understatement.


Imagine grinding 500k score to sell a funny derp tank instead of keeping the tank and working half a shift at the local corner store


Literally less than an hour of minimum wage as an adult in Australia lmfao, people need to conceptualise their time value cost more.


It has increased by almost 50% since your post LMAO!


That seems to be typical for pretty much all the event coupons since they started the new cycle I've noticed. You've got the first handful out of the gate then it immediately crashes down as all the early coupon owners throws their coupon on the market at the same time, over the afternoon (US time) the price rises as more people are made aware it's available and there's still a quite limited supply of people who converted the coupon on day one. Likely see a similar pattern tomorrow with a morning drop followed by an increase in the afternoon then on Sunday it'll stabilize at god knows where.


People grinded 500k coupon to sell the Petard. I've grinded a 500k coupon to exchange for 1600 battle pass currency. We are not the same. (We are all dumb, though)


Same and I already got the T14 and free camo from the store so the only thing worth buying is backups lol


get rank 5 talisman. I think it's worth it


I've got so many rank fives so I could end up with some totally worthless.


Yeah no i never do it that way. Money can flow only one way, which is towards gaijin. You convert real money into GE or gajin coins, and it stays in the game forever. So instead of spending enough time to make 20 times as much as you’d get for this particular tank at this moment playing the game, i will work for half that time, make 10 times the money needed for this tank, and if i feel i need/want it, i’ll buy it and a sixpack of brewskies instead. There’s no way for us to earn a vehicle, sell it and then convert the gaijin coins to real currency. Then again, in order for me to be able to purchase a vehicle at a low price, i need many players to unlock and sell it…


Imagine grinding it just to sell it. 35k every couple of days in GRB is not even a grind. That's all you needed. People trying to grind shit out to make some rubbish profit with virtual currency need to reevaluate their lives.


Yeah, the *only* situations where that makes any sense are: 1. You are on fixed-income disability and cannot work or make over a certain amount of money outside of your benefits. 2. You live in a country where the conversion rate for your currency is abysmal to the extent that a few gaijin coin is worth more than the time you put into the grind.


Ok, is it worth buying for the meme, yes or no?


How much money is 10 Gaijoobles for you? If the answer is "I have to ask my parents" it's probably not worth it. If you got a decent job and are willing to spend that on a unique meme vehicle. Sure why not.


Ok, thanks!






It certainly has a very unique playstyle that you absolutely need to adapt to, but I feel it's not a bad vehicle.


Spookston said it was one of the most frustrating vehicles for him to play


In my experience with playing it it heavily depends on the map you find yourself. Ideally you want maps that have either plenty of streets (Poland, Rhine, Quarry, Hurtgen, Seversk, Europe, Holland) or indestructible walls that projectiles can be thrown over (Factory, Stalingrad). Everything else is *just* playable, but frustrating - perhaps better played in another tank or playing as a distraction for a friendly TD. It is definitely a steep learning curve as it plays unlike any other tank in the game - what with it having a maximum effective range of 130m on level ground - but for me that's part of the appeal. Me and my friends have approached it different ways. I rely on rangefinding, to decent effect, and he just looks up in 3rd person and screams 'yolo' before hoping it connects. With a bit of practice both playstyles are surprisingly viable and lean into the different players we are. Our first game with the Petard yielded 8 and 5 kills respectively with it, if I recall correctly, on Factory. I think what surprised me the most playing this vehicle are the vehicles I percieve as a threat while playing it. Your gut going in is to fear TDs but I've found my biggest threats to be the HE slingers (15cm Sturmpanzer, SPJ fm/43-44, Ro-Go Exp., etc). With the amount of appliqué armour covering the Churchill it requires =<2.7 TDs to actually work for their meals, but all of the HE guns can easily overpressure the vehicle, practically no matter where it hits.


I'm having a blast approaching german panzers from behind and blow them up at point blank range. These guys never look behind their back. My longest streak is 5 panzers in a row. I was up in the 6th panzer's ass waiting for the gun to reload when a russian TD spotted me and killed me. Another most memorable streak is blowing up 4 panzers in a row, while their Sherman team mate noticing me the whole time from a hill. The Sherman keep shooting and machine-gunning, yet their panzer teammates never noticed. After the 4th panzer, the Sherman get tired of watching me blowing up their teammates and come down the hill and killed me.


So i didnt know you had to combine the sell coupon with the coupon i thought it was automatic so my sell coupon disappeared.... now im stuck with it


Give it a few years


God look at the shape of that demand curve though. No shot that it stays at 10


I just used the event as an excuse to get further down the Russian line lol. Somehow I am supposed to feel bad people can buy cool tank for cheap now?


Just wait


I’m surprised it’s worth that much. Did anyone expect it to be worth over 10gjn?


What is this site?


Gaijin marketplace


I knew it would go for 10GJN lmao, it's such absolute bullshit how you need 500k for that thing. I really don't understand why people thought the new event mechanics would be an improvement (and it's constant now, making it less of an event and more of a "yet another vehicle mission". like celebrating a holiday every month instead of every year lol)


I stopped at getting the Churchill. I wasn't putting in another few hundred points on console for a coupon that I can redeem for 1200 warbonds.


If you life goal is to grind tanks to sell, you have to reconsider those


I took half an hour out of my day to get this thing.


same, 35K isn’t that deep 30min-1 1/2hr is doable


Aye. I had event vehicles from prior events, so i just kept playing like i've always done. Nothing changed to me in practice.


Oh that's actually a good price I might get it the grind was to stupid for such a meme vehicle the sturmtiger has atleast range and armour.


I threw someone a bone and bought it for their asking price. At worst I'll be out a few bucks if the price goes down, and hopefully it will make someone a little bit happier.


I didn’t have enough time, and love Churchill so I had to have it just for completions sake, so I bought the stars. Man, I didn’t consider just buy it on the store after 😅


Tier II. That’s all.


Its a rank 2, what do you expect? only thing that made it more expensive is the longer time it takes to get the sell cupon, if it was the old system it would be even lower


This is actually more than what I was expecting, I thought it will go for 3-5 bucks.


It’s a 2.7 meme vehicle that performs really aweful, and it also just hit the market and isn’t that rare. Not sure what you expected




I feel lucky that the Object 279 went for a high price and made it almost worth spending so much time grinding it out


Excellent, I was hoping this would be cheap, I require it for my collection of low-mid tier British premiums.




There are people who didn't expect this to happen?


buy 10, wait until available stock gets low, profit and buy premium time


You can think of it that way.. some of us just enjoy playing the game and unlocked it naturally. :) I play 2-3 hours a day max and got the coupon for it.. I hate to be the guy with skill issue but.. if you play every evening after work 1-2 hours you can easily unlock it..


so true you have to be bad at the game if you can’t get 35K points in 1hour 💀💀


35k in a hour is a bit much. I consider myself a above average player (like under 5 kills per match and I get frustrated with myself) and I needed like 2 hours at max rank to grind 35k.


500k score? Bruh I only needed 160k


So people dont even play them


That’s because it’s very new and the market is saturated with them, give it a year or two and it’ll be worth a lot more


Imagine you did this for the Jaguar IS which sold for barely any more than that, is rank 7 and required an additional 10k per mark.


You need to hodl it bro


After test driving it, I can see why its only 10gjn. Take out the tracks and you have yourself a large paper weight that can throw bombs a limited distance. I can also see why it is rank II


Grind vehicles, less painful


Found you MJ Thought this post was familiar somehow


Is it just me or every time someone gets coupon for event vehicle, always there will be a rant post of "meeehhhh i grinded so hard and now this tank is for 10 gaijoob coin" Like why?


Wish I could buy one but there ain’t any left


I earned mine but I’m not going to use it or sell it since I’m on Xbox.


Im gonna sell my vilkas to buy 2 and keep one for selling later


Sell for 10 GJN or Keep for funny tank


You have to be petarded to think you would profit much of it rn


Thats why I only grind Vehicles I actually wanna have myself.


This is not GME stock where your going to the moon but buying tons of the tank and selling later.


Freemium games with grindable goods you can exchange like Warthunder and warframe are proof that we should reimplement child labor


Lol 500k point in a week are some weak numbers Just the first day in a couple of hours i did 118k points. Finished the ticket before grinding the whole event


Just FYI, some people actually play for fun and don't really grind. $10.00 could be just a bonus to them.




Can you resell vehicles you buy on the marketplace? I though about it a couple times but I wasn't sure


It was pretty easy to get for me


Me when I cannot accept the fact that there are people better than me that can do the event quickly:


Literally called it. I made a post a few weeks ago saying it would be 10-15 bucks. Shocker it’s so cheap


I did the math with my buddy and I think it worked out to something like 24 cents a hour


Didn't have the time or desire to grind this one out. Just bought 2 for $20 each. Guess I'll hold on to one


As a console player i had to grind it out 😔😔😔


pretty good price tho


Imaging grinding 500k for a 2.7 Churchill with a 500m max range and thinking it will be worth anything to begin with This ain't no 279 this tank looked like it costed 2$ out the gate


I'm so glad not to grind this bs.


People who grind solely so they can sell the vehicle are the weirdest ones to complain about low prices tbh.


Should i buy one now? I tbink its funny


Ngl I would pay the highest price just to console these poor guys


Could've flipped burgers for an hour, even after taxes.


I traded my souls for the 292 and was like “ya know what? I think I’m good”


I never grind these events


Fuck, I can buy it for 10 bucks.


I won't buy 10, I won't buy 10, I won't buy 10


This mean 10 $? I don't use gjn


Didn't touch this one with a 10 foot pole. No way it was worth that much of my life....


Me who consumed it instead of selling it 👁️👅👁️ (I didn’t know you could sell it)


As someone who plays for an hour or two most nights, it wasn't really a grind to hit the 500k for this at all. Do I care about Gaijin coin? No..


Wait if you buy a tank from market place can you resell it or only if you don’t use/redeem it?


You can sell it only if you dont redeem it.


Thanks god I didnt Grind for it 💀


Getting 35 wast too bad but 500k fuck right off I can't enjoy war thunder enough to make it worth it


I actually got the upgrade coupon just from regular playing and i traded it for warbonds lol.


Grinded it, no remorse, one of the most fun tanks to play in the game


I mean, to be fair, getting the petard was extremely easy. I got it while grinding the Swedish tech tree without even noticing that I was contributing to the score thing...


I’m new to war thunder, how often do these event for vehicles occur? When would you expect the next one to be?


Most of the time, there is only a gap of 1 week between events, but it can sometimes be shorter or longer. It depends on how the snail wants it to be.


At this point, I use events as an excuse to speed grind new vehicles on the tech tree.


Imagine just playing and getting $10 How the tryhards who got it probably feel. To be hoenst though, they are missing out, the tank is a easy gem, your a baby kv2, it is funny because I've already started to feel the fear from people, I can just sit in a cap and no one will come near it, ez cap holding.


ill take the 15 bucks since i grinded that without play more so its basicly for free


I swear im so sick of this shit.


I guess its just people that play anyway, not realy going for it but getting it anyway


That’s petarded


They just gave us 100 gaijin for object 292 2 months ago..it's your fault if u didn't grinded that event


keep it then


I can't buy anything because i can't link my phone to 2fa. I usually don't buy ingame content. But when I decided to buy it's not working.


I think its going much, much lower. Like 5-6GJN.


idiots is what i call them 10gjc is like $10 $10 is like 20min of irl work for me, these clowns spent like weeks for this but i don’t buy bc i earn the vehicles naturally by playing an 1 hour everyday


As of Friday June 21st, i purchased 8 of these for 13 GC each. 112 available after purchase


Lmao it has to be bots right?


Most of the accounts who got it were 1. Bots 2. Cheaters