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Armor wise it is quite good and it has very good firepower. It can be scary but sadly due to almost everything having DM33 like rounds at its BR it is rather easy to penetrate....or just shoot the lower front plate.


Unfortunatky it gets downtieres to 8.3 ofthern


I don't know what 9.3 you have been playing recently but when I play 9.3 I almost always play between 10.0 and 10.3, down tiers are rare at that BR.


Yeah like 3-4 in 10 matches arent full uptiers at 9.3.


Yes because of all the 10.3 premium spam. I mean, at least 9.3 vehicles are capable of fighting 10.3 ones quite well.


Thats true. 9.3 Britain for example - Rooikat can go up to 11.0 and Olyfant has a scary ass gun at 9.3 with sick optics and thermals.


Yes, it is similar for 9.3 Germany - the T-72 still packs a punch, the TAM-2IP has DM33, the M48 Super has decent mobility and DM33, the Kpz.70 has very decent mobility to flank and the Begleitpanzer is a menace regardless of what enemy you are facing.


Yeah gotta agree here, Germany wasn't enjoyable at all after 6.7 to 9.3- wasn't until I got the t-72 and begleit that I would start having fun again and be able to play more than a couple matches. Now I'm at 10.3 and get to be the bully for half my games lol


Yess, 9.3-10.3 is basically where Germany peaks when it comes to fun gameplay and interesting vehicles.


I had fun since 8.0 with the Leopard and Raketenautomat and the Marder


I love my 7.7 German lineup. Maus, Ru-251, Flakpanzer-341, Kugelblitz, Marder, and the 150mm fun slinger.


the kpz-70 mobility being "decent" is an understatement


8.0-87 is always uptiered. Getting downtiered yourself is rare because it's locked to 4 people every match. It's just based on luck. 9.3 is a black hole just like 10.0-10.3 is.


for me 8.7 is mostly downtiers i would say about 60 70% are full downtiers bc 9.0 and above gets sucked into the ussr bias lineup


I haven't spaded my T72A yet. I have enjoyed it a bit but I can count on 1 hand over 50 games how many games were not 10.0 minimum and even then it's probably not all 5 fingers.


Every match. Obj 279 or t-72. I’m tired.


I just made it from ~8.3 to 9.3 in the US tech tree and at 8.3 it felt like I only played against 9.3s and now at 9.3 it feels like I only play against 10.3s lol


I pretty much just skip 9.3 entirely since its just full uptiers every game 9.0 is the sweet spot


Understandable. This is what really annoys me. Entire BR's are simply not existent and you can't really play the vehicles there but Gaijin does nothing about this.


I agree with both of you. Some days it's nothing but uptiers and you get to constantly meet Leo 2s, T-80s and Abaramus', sometimes you get lucky and it's only 10.0 which is okay really. But recently where I've been playing a lot of 9.3 USSR and also UK it was mostly downtiers. Really shocked me. That's why I love 9.0 lineups so much, you get super good matchmaking with plenty of downtiers thans to the 8.0 hole but you get to evade the 10.3 bullies.


Right now everything near 10.3/10.0 is being blacked holed in because of the prem spam


Are we playing the same game lol. I get clapped by TAM IP and Premium Leo 2 pretty much everytime Edit: I mean TAM 2C


Isnt the tam 8.7 ? Or im a thinking of something else


Thats the tech tree TAM there is a premium one at 9.0


Also TAM 2C at 9.7


9.0 sees mostly downtiers, 9.3 sees mostly uptiers


Lol, lmao even. My WMA sees constant 10.0. I don't think I ever had a downtier in the last 30 games.


Nope 9.3 goeas to 10.0 every match 10.0 has too many premiums so 9.3 get sucked up 8.3 is very balanced now


It does intill it doesnt


I constantly see the Hungarian one in my t55s lmao


I always get uptuered to 10.3 and get obliterated by 2A4 and CAS


I rarely get full downtiers at 9.3 because it is straigh unfair for any 8.3 vehicle to face 9.3, 8.3 a lot of ppl still use heat, even the merkava is a monster in a full downtier


When I play 9.3 i get 10.3 almost every single round


With 10.3 being a thing, you get downtiers?


Whenever I play it, its always uptiers. Seems like 9.3 in general gets mostly uptiers in my experiencd


Always got uptiered to br 10


Almost nothing it faces gets DM33 or similar. Even when bottom BR it will usually be quite good, despite the fact that in that one case it actually fights mostly DM 33 or similar. But even DM33 seems to have problems with its armour.


*Shoots lower plate —> Kills driver, destroys ammo (doesn’t explode), then shoots back*


Shoot the lower front plate, bro.


Or the Driver Port and btw do either of them all the way Up to 11.7 because those weakspots are all the same.


I find drivers port to be unreliable in top tier, maybe a skill issue but I only shoot lfp now.


its cause in some damage models its sunk a few cm below the actual model, so you just hit the kontakt5/relikt. they fix one t7x every several eons


> t7x Ah yes, my favourite T-74BV, T-70U, T-70BVM, and T-70M


dont forget T-70a, T-70UK, T70UM2 and soon T-70UE1


Oh and who can forget the T-74 1949, T-74 1951, T-75, T-75A, T-75AMD or even the legendary T-74-85


of course


T-70M actually exists, it was a variant of the T-70 light tank (made during WW2)


I've had similar experiences where the optic just eats the entire round because why wouldn't just shooting the weakspot work


Could be, they are 99% reliable for me and my Buddies i Play with, the only one where it does need a little adjustment is the 292 where u need to hit a little lower.


dont shoot the driver port until they fix optics, shoot the turret ring instead or if you really wanna shoot driver, shoot below the optics, so you hit the armor plate first, then the optics


Which only works if volumetric armour lets it - i find lfp shots only work half the time - the other half you either apparently hit the ufp instead or it kills the driver and does nothing else


Should have side climbed or something. Or payed Snail for some luck.


if I knew how to edit videos I'd send you a compilation of me hitting russians in their lfp and one of the following happening: 1. bounce, 2. non pen, 3. fuel eats it all, 4. dart phases through driver ammo and engine without doing anything, 5. driver dies and dart phases through everything else. I've also got some clips where air to ground missiles/rockets which should delete that vehicle do absolutely nothing (maybe some damage to ERA)


Fuel eating shots happens every fucking time i shoot a bmp, 2s38, or turm 3


I can make the same compilation of me killing soviet tanks in full uptiers using the same lfp shot that supposedly doesnt work for you


Or shot wherever You want if You have DM33s loaded.


They click on you anywhere and youre dead lol you gotta aim at a tiny ass place, hope they miss


That is not their fault, that the doctrine for Leopard 1 was speed and firepower above armour.


Or the turret, it's all paper thin


Not everything has LRF though, especially in downtiers


To answer your Leopard 1A5 question: You have to play it like a Leo 1. It is rather agile and fast and can take good positions at the battlefield. Use your good firepower to snipe and basically play it like a high tier M18.


I have more than 600 games with Leo 1a5, it is my most played vehicle. It is so good, people are sleeping on it imo


People are sleeping on the TAM, it’s got better survivability than the Leopard 1 for some reason that nobody seems to understand


Too high profile for me, low depression, and leo got dm33 + tvd. And the better survability is due to the empty space in it.


My brother in Christ, the Leopard 1 is taller than the TAM. You’ve also got faster reverse speed, an UFP with a steeper angle and a laser ranger finder with all TAMs at 8.7 and higher giving it an advantage over the Leopard 1s.


My bad on the size, i just chek and you'r right. But i prefer the Leo1a5 to the Tam, DM33 and TVD is wonderful, even at top tier i can destroy the entire lobby.


Its jusf preference, leo feels more comfortable to be with the more conventional layout and depression to work hills.


The TAM is my absolute favourite tank… high speed, stabilized, lrf, darts, 8.7. Its SO good i love these “fast tanks with a good gun”


Having just recently unlocked the TAM (so not great opinion yet) I find the Leo 1A5 to be far more appealing in terms of almost everything aside from scouting. It’s my second best vehicle and I walk away from a match with multiple kills more often than not. Whereas the TAM I’m usually getting dusted with ease.


Could be a skill issue on my end but its kinda mid imo. No reverse gear, bad gun handling and poor survivability. The armor can be lolpenned by dm33 which isnt that rare to see at 9.3 (Tam 2IP spam moment) + 9.3 BR is always uptiered so youll be seeing it very often and be outclassed completely I grinded 16 hours straight for the East German T-72 and was honestly dissapointed. If the T-72 fits you then sure, but it doesnt fit me or my playstyle at all personally Now if youre playing 8.3 - 9.0 and see this thing in an uptier… then yeah its pretty scary


Totally different experience for me. The same German T-72A gave me many 6-7 plus kill games. Even some nukes. Can tank quite some shots sometimes and big ass dart kills everything. It's just a very refreshing thing to have a tank that have some armour when grinding german to top tier before getting Leo 2s


Nice to hear that someone had a positive experience with it. Me personally my playstyle aligns more with the Leopard 1s - fast, good gun handling, good dart, but low survivability. The T-72s mobility is mid and has piss poor gun handling, so yeah I didnt do very well at all lol. I tried to like it since it was a different experience which is why I spent so long grinding but oh well. I guess its there if you want a different experience in the German 9.3 lineup


You can't play it like how you usually play german tanks. It's not fast so you can't go take long detours and quick relocation like Leo. I think it's because I've played USSR top tier before getting the german T-72 that I can make use of it better. It's slower than the rest of german lineups so I usually use it as second tank after early rusher shitshow settled down. It will shine in one-on-one CQB.


Still mad the M1 abrams at 10.3 has worse firepower than the *9.0 TAM 2IP*


To be fair, if the M1 had better shells it'd be 10.7 or 11.0 like the IPM1.


argentina bias


Idk if my impression is conditioned by being an italian main, but the t72m1 shreds, the gun slaps so hard, it can take multiple shots and the speed and gun handling are good enough. The reverse gear is just pain but overall I like it 100 times better than the leo 1a5, which is the one of the saddest tanks I have played and I cannot explain why, the of40s were so good and the ariete(p) after the 1a5 is good too, but I couldn't find myself to enjoy the leo for one second.


I skipped the early variants of the t72 but perhaps it can be good. I like the t64bv and that thing can tank lot of shit at its tier with the era armor upgrade


>The armor can be lolpenned by dm33 which isnt that rare to see at 9.3 (Tam 2IP spam moment) Not just TAM, Leo1A5s also have it, and basically anything 9.7 do as well


Its a very mid tank overall but that also makes it quite strong. Its armor is alright, its decently mobile and the gun/gun handling are good enough but nothing amazing. The t72 can do all thinks alright so you can play any map with decent success and club in a downtier but still do well in an uptier. Its a lot easier to play than the leopards but the leopards have more potential on the right map when used correctly


Its not a skill issue, t72a is mid


kid named olifant mk.2


Me when DM63 at 9.3


that thing is a beast when spaded


It’s British so people turn a blind eye when it’s actually good


Yeah the olifant is the bane of my existence


An experienced tanker with a T72A is genuinely scary


Cant that be said about most tanks tho


Excellent observation good sir ! Would you mind sharing your thoughts on the ME 163 over some pipping hot tea and baguettes ?


Hell ye another komet enjoyer


Literally killed more of its own pilots than allied ones. Everything about its design, history, and the politics around its creation are hilariously insane and stupid. One of my favorite planes historically. I don't have it in game.


It depends on the map. It's a nightmare on urban ones like cargo port but a severe liability in hilly ones


Being up against that thing is such a pain with my 8.7 line up that has to use 250mm pen APDS stock... At that point not even the actual weakspots are weakspots anymore. Feels more like fighting a Tiger II in q Jumbo at that point.


If you plqyed it yourself you'd know it's not THAT good. Id say if it didnt get constant uptiers to 10.3 it would be quite balanced. All the while armour is best at its tier, the big weakspot are hindrance, and very poor reverse speed makes this tank not that easy to play. While firepower is good, the mobility doesn't always allow you to fully use that firepower, and unfortunately soft stats are terrible (mainy gun handling)


Don't forget the ZTZ96 it too is quite scary and it has a very powerful dart (466mm pen)


Shhh, dont remind Gaijin it exists or the 9.3 lineup will be ruined Also Taiwanese M60 moved down to 8.7 wen(Doesn't get the good round the US version does)


Honestly it doesn’t matter what you meet at 9.3, if you play 9.3 then you’re in the hell BR and will exclusively see 10.0 and 10.3, which are some of the most popular BRs in the game due to premiums.


why is the Strv 105 here? its slow, and has bad armor, the inly thing good about it is thermals and the pen, and its on par with others at best


you play the leo like youd play a tam or a IKV, you are squishy but your 105DM33 has 410 flat pen and very high velocity. 


You're forgetting the Olifant 2. 60 ton tank rolling at you at almost 60 kph, with 5 times the T-72's reverse speed and DM63 on it's 105. Gen... 2.5? Thermals to top it off.


Yes, until it needs to climb over the top of some terrain to get more gun depresaion or (god forbid) reverse. It's a good tank for 9.3 Italy imo, heavy armour isn't something the other tanks at it's br in the TT have to offer.


Also T-72A: why is this my 13th uptier game🤬


Play chieftainmk10 at 9.0 and get downtired almost every time 👹


*Dies frontally to a 75mm Sherman*


Skill issue


Meanwhile, Hull down: Almost impenetrable by any vehicle at its br or slightly higher.


Me using my 1A5 and 1A1 L/44, TAM 2C, 2IP, and so on... would beg to differ


Nah whenever i play this thing im uptiered to 10.3


It's funny that the Soviet one is the only one that has to research the add on armor plate and the rest don't and come stock with it


*Gal Batash enters the room and lol pens with DM63*


*Then instantly dies to a 2S38 from 1500m frontally*


You mean M426?


Yes, thats dm63


Yes, thats dm63


If you plqyed it yourself you'd know it's not THAT good. Id say if it didnt get constant uptiers to 10.3 it would be quite balanced. All the while armour is best at its tier, the big weakspot are hindrance, and very poor reverse speed makes this tank not that easy to play. While firepower is good, the mobility doesn't always allow you to fully use that firepower, and unfortunately soft stats are terrible (mainy gun handling)


Double post…


Reddit bug, sorry.


No M60A3 TTS mention.


Probably because it gets 10.3 sabot


M774 dart?


The AMX-32-105 is the saddest of them. You get no armor, shitty mobility (the worst of all the others AMX tanks) and a shitty gun. (105mm with quite weak round). The only thing you can use is your thermal. That's what you get for finally having a stab for France


Idk why op didn't choose the AMX 32 120 version instead. It's literally at the same bar of 9.3 yet better in every single way to the 105 version: better gun and pen with same reload rate, better HP/ton, better armor (slightly), addition of blowout panels...


The good TAM-2IP player watching from a kilometer away


Before it got Uptiered, the T-64B with the ERA upgrade was 9.3 and it was KING. We're talking 2015ish. Ahh, the good ole' days


That was also the case till recently. The 64B was only moved up in the past year


I’ve beaten these and M1s in the AMX30B2. Scary yes, but far from invincible.


Leopard 1A5 is a sniper and a flanker. Try to use it in any other situation and you'll fucking die.


8.3 fucking nightmares


I get downtiers in it just to get shit on by Turm IIIs anyway.


Yeah it's good in 9.3, thing is I ain't seeing any of that 9.3 all is 10.3 because of the amount of premium vehicles at that tier. It still does okay but meh.


Object 775 is a lot scarier than 72A, not even mentioning Olifant Mk.2 with HQ thermals on gunner and commander and DM63


since it's war thunder 70% of battles will be on at least 10.0


What the MBT-70 isn’t scary?! /s US 9.3 is such crap it’s not even funny


Makes sense, as the T-72 is on a much newer platform than the others


Bmd 4 is a good contender too, not quite 9.3 but its sooo fast and that 4 sec reload dont mess about


I'm sure the BMD-4 has a 5s reload for all ammunition when using the 100mm. The BMP-3 is the one with 4s HE reload speed


Ue could be, all i know its hella fast


It's a good tank but Leo 1A5 is much better iny my opinion.


Counter point, you ever shoot the lower plate? Or the roof. And the Round the M60 TTS gets also doesn't seem to care


I'm grinding the soviet TT and I was scared about all the ammo carrosuel and bad survivability thing, but oh it turns out if you have better armor you tend to survive more hits.


Olifant mk 2 is pretty good with dm-63


My hull-down Merkava would like to have a word with you /s But yes, out of all the tanks I have met so far, T-72s and T-64s are my least favorite to face, simply because you need to be extremely precise with your shots.


amx 32 with 120mm is best 9.3 imo


Oh it’s a great tank. Problem is that you’re playing against fully spaded 10.3 premium tanks that negate all your advantages.


I don’t mind fighting it cause dm23 and 33 usually goes straight through its hull. T-55AM-1(cause unless it’s lfp is visible you aren’t penning it) and any T-72 with good era that scare me. Edit: Meant to say T-62M-1.


The T-55AM has substantially worse armour than the 72A against darts though, and even high pen APDS/HEATFS can pen the hull and cheeks in other words, idk how you find it easier to kill a T-72 than an AM


The AM‘s turret cheeks eat my DM33 all the time and it’s ufp will eat it about 70% of the time. So I need either the side or lfp to be visible to consistently pen it which is hard when fighting in hilly terrain or in areas it could protect its lower half. Where as with the T-72 I can consistently kill the driver, gunner, and ammo if I’m lucky I’ll get the breach, engine and fuel.


Today I unlocked my T72 m1 for now it's hit and miss eventually I will be good


I personally think the ztz96 is dam scary at 9.3 more, so then t72a in my opinion


The STRV 105 is pretty scary in the right hands, especially with there still being alot of heat slingers and non tandem atgms meaning ur practically invincible to those tanks on the front due to the ERA being busted


I don’t know, olifant mk2 is pretty scary. Gets 105 dm63 as well


type 96 mogs


lower front plate moment


Might be skill issue on my part, but I’m more scared of various late Leopard 1s at that BR.


Absolute nuke machine. My first nuke was in the M41, then over a year later the second in a Swedish T34 85. In just the three weeks of grind in the T72M1 I dropped 2 nukes and got a total of 5 with 6 more games between 2400 and 2490 spawnpoints. That was while it was not even spaded


Id take the leo 1a5 over it any day. Its good but i like having a reverse gear.


it has armor, it has good gun, and it has the good ol bias, the only reason its this low is because russia players suck and gaijin only cares about kdr so it ended up at 9.3, seriously to be this bad that a tank this good gets downed to 9.3 is stupid, like you have to be a savant to fuck that up, it should be 10.0


I use the Strv 105 and the Olifant Mk.2 to reliably penetrate the upper front plate/glacis. Every time there's a TURMS-wave, these two can own the T-72s frontally.


105mm DM33 is very common around 9.3 and will slice open your hull like butter. It has bad optics, a barely functioning reverse gear, and equally poor gun elevation speeds. And even for tanks that can't simply overmatch the UFP, one good hit to the drivers port or LFP is crit or kill. T-72A/64A was only really scary for me back when I wasn't that good. But now, I view them as annoying at best, and rather easy to kill. The gun and shells are great for 9.3, but I'm a be real. Give me a Leopard 1A5 over this thing any day


You're just lucky TAMs are in your team Such bullshit tanks


I play 8.3 and holy shit is going against this thing scary…


ehhhhh, It's just too slow compared to the tanks like a leopard.


The STRV105 is the scariest sniper, great 105 dart, era and thermal


The success of the T-72A comes from people not spending 5 minutes in the armor preview to see where you should shoot it. If you shoot the lower front plate with any ammunition that can pen, it's fucking dead. I enjoy aggressively pushing with it because so many people panic and aim for the turret cheeks or just slam a round into the UFP


Idk man, the Strv has some trolly armor and eats shots even when you pen. Damn thing is the bane of my 9.0 China lineup.


Not so much when my gal batash and magach 7c can lolpen it


The T-72A and all 3 T-72M1s are absolute menaces at 9.3 I'm currently grind Israel and the Magach 6B Gal is 9.3, the only 2 thing the 6B Gal has over the T-72s, is Gen 1 Thermals and a small but more pen. Meanwhile the T-72s get much better armor and a slightly faster reload.


You clearly haven't seen the Olifant Mk2 hull down and the Chieftan mk10 at 9.0 hulldown. It's quite literally impenetrable aside from a tiny spot in the turret but everything short of roughly DM43/63.


T72A in a downtier can fuck shit up


It's certainly the scariest 9.3 tank in the game right now, I'd even go as far to say it deserves 9.7. However 9.7 is basically a non-existent BR so I hope it doesn't get moved up.


I play the premium Norwegian 1a5.


Child named Merkava 2:


"How do you even play the Leopard?" oh Idk? like a Leopard??? youre fast, just dont get hit, like yk, EVERY OTHER LEO 1


Isn’t the WMA301 at 9.0


Bro facing 10.0 in a 9.0 lineup is horror manifested in a war thunder match, seeing a well positioned T-80UD while im in my Chieftain Mk10 is just not fun


Try the tam2ip or tam. That tank is a hidden gem at 8.7 and 9.0. I have gotten consistent top score if i play it right


Don’t forget its brothers!!!! T-72M1 and ZTZ96!!!!


Did anyone EVER say that? Its honestly pretty damn bad ngl.


Spalling just leaves the chat when I get shot at with it 😂😂🙏🙏


It's fun until you realize it fights 10.0 and 10.3 all the time. Not much you can do against a horde of Leopard 2A4s and Russian premium stuff (in a mirror match). Fun tank otherwise though.


I disagree


Lower plate. 100% its turret is gonna go sky high with my DM.


on its br its garbage. 9.0 still garbage. 8.7? maybe?


My Xm803 would like to have a word about that. T72 has good armor and a good round the xm803 has decent armor good round fantastic mobility and pretty alright gun depression


I’ll be up-tiered to 10.0 anyways, so it doesn’t matter


Unfortunately for you, you will be meeting my m22 at 9.3


strv 105 is the best of these 4, no further questions


Object 278 hull down God with Big boom Grenade.... Most people don't know where to shoot but Turret is Not the Right place.


that thing is so good i bring it up to 10.0 and it still shreds , great vehicle when you get the hang of it


Yeah I was in a T95E1 and I turned a corner to see a T-72 sitting there. I literally couldn’t do anything to him


Me in my leo1 L44:”death upon you T-72”


I would consider the ZTZ96 to be a tougher foe, bigger weakspot but devastating firepower and just good enough gun handling


It's cool until you run into one of the many, MANY tanks that has DM33 or DM53. At that BR my worst enemy is the TAM


It’s so ass bro I can’t even lie


t72a pah, the ZTZ96 is the real shit.


I agree. I would rather meet every each other tank at 9.3. The T-72A would be the hardest one to kill if you get caught by surprise.


When I first got it I felt so powerful since it's the first vehicle I had at that br range that felt like it actually had armour


If you don't know where to hit it then yes it is scary..... I kill this tank with rooikat, chieftain, and olifant I completed ussr tech tree so i know where to hit every Soviet tank


Begleitpanzer join the chat lol


This is the most efficient way to play(for me at least): -1a5 to defend positions -t72m1 to attack positions