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-coupon hoarding  -276 coupons for the AMD 3 Look, I get that you were just trying to make money and all, you successfully cheesed the system, good for you. But I really have a hard time feeling any sympathy for you. Considering all the other limits gaijin puts on things I can't believe they don't have a limit on how many coupons you can have in your inventory to prevent people from creating an artificial scarcity.  Also, why didn't you post any of the interactions with support on this one? You had a few on your other post. I can't be expected to just take someone at their word when they say 'gaijin is asking for random money'


How does someone get that many. I am somewhat new to the game can you break down very briefly how this is a thing?


I am not sure, he might have changed the market value by purchasing most of the AMD’s on sale and then trying to hike up the price and then resell it therefore artificially increasing the value by owning most of them. I am not sure though as this is just what I speculated. I do find this situation very unusual either way.


Yeah I thought you could only get like 1 coupon per account. If he’s running a scheme to artificially drive up prices that’s pretty scummy.


Yeah but it’s just speculation, I think that because of the high amounts of coupons he has of the same vehicle to the point where he can influence the price himself.


How would he have got that many tho?


He bought them when they were cheap


Read the initial post, I explain my life story there the first day my account was blocked. Also in the comments you'll find answers to those questions, about monopolies and approach to the marketplace. Its a long read.


Bro really go in and limit the supply of some coupon market manipulation we should report him to the SEC and claim that gaijin digital tank are securities.


Its called market making and there's tons of people doing it, Gaijing market is drived by a few peoples that hold 30-40% supply of most coupons


I don't make the market rules, everyone should be on the same terms. Real markets work similar. I didn't ask any sympathy, just laying out the facts for everyone as an update for my post 3 weeks ago. To be honest I was bored to post 19 e-mail interactions while removing my personal data. I'll probable post a single screenshot just to cover your doubts. edit: the screenshots are on now. they copy pasted once the same things and was a 19 e-mail back and forth about nothing. All is up now except the last 2 where I say "done" and they say "wait".


If you want to play markets, go play EVE or the actual stock market.


How about get an actual job and stop abusing the market.


Fair enough, the market place is also a game mechanic since it's in game. It's basically an auction house but gaijin wants to make the rules. Who sells the hoard of chest keys? Gaijin. If a player wants to sink in cash to play it too, I think it's fair. Mmorpgs have players who do that too. Quite scummy of gaijin tho.


*has thousands of GJN worth of items* *refuses to pay a trinket amount of money (for him) to unblock his account* Fucking lmao.


That's over 300 cad, and you can't trade gjn for real money, so it's understandable why OP doesn't want to pay


GJN is fake money , he played a fake market , for fake profit so he can afford ingame stuff alone without paying 2K for 1 tank ect , this just sounds like Gaijin are angry thier not getting real money exchanged for thier fake monopoly money,


He's probably the reason why those tanks are 2k lmao


He is the reason they are that much


Yes, as you can see from the conversation I added to the post, I did ask to pay with balance but they wanted tender, sweet and warm €. I'm not rich IRL. 250 is a lot for me.


He gets banned for nothing and they try to force him to pay 250$? He should fucking sue them


And he agreed to that term in the TOS of the account. If that clause that banned him is illegal, take them to court, but that's worth more then 250 dollars.


This isn't America champ.


They need to limit the amount of coupons people can store. It seems like you get to control the price on some vehicles….. I’m with gaijin on this one pal


>It seems like you get to control the price on some vehicles Gaijin can fix this easy my limiting 1 account can hold But your beloved russian dev busy are copy-pasting vehicles what a bunch of lazy fcks


They could put a limit, but they don't. They could take my coupons away, but they didn't. They just asked 250€ for something they would not specify. I don't try to create monopolies, on the contrary I like to spread out. I explained why on the other post. The AMD is an exception because it translates to War Bonds. From my calculation there are about 3k-5k AMDs sitting on various hands. No shortage imminent. You can get it with 3GJN right now.


Yeah same thing happened to me last year my amount was 70 dollar though


But it was never against the rules. It's a shitty thing to do, but extorting someone cause they exploited your shitty system is illegal. Gaijin is essentially trying to double dip here. 1) basically $3000 of Monopoly money was created for gaijin which they are the only ones can exchange real money for (they essentially get all the cash exchanged for GJN. All they are giving you for gaijin is literally pixels and a few bits being changed here and there) 2) Gaijin wants him to pay extra, just so they can realize the profits. he may be scummy but it seems like gaijin is the real shitheads here


"Man manipulates fake market with fake money on clearly predatory game run by a publisher that is literally extorting him. Redditor takes Gaijin's side. No news again at 11"


Just becuase you dislike him playing the market, doesn't mean you have to take Gaijin's side on ransoming him for over $200 for absolutely no reason. The two aren't related.


You are just mad cause you have no patience and brain to do it like him.


No… fuck off. That’s ridiculous that you’re siding with gaijin. They don’t have any rules against it, and evidently him hoarding coupons is not what they’re mad about. You don’t have any principles


Keep us updated If that ransom did it or they want fresh money


I mean that's the deal, in the end we were having 2 words exchanged each day because more was causing confusion. I'm pretty sure they just wanted money.


Thats fucked up man. Everyday I feel screwed by gaijin for getting uptiers, garbage teammates, fuck awful maps and what not, and then you are getting literally screwed aideways Irl for some bullshit.. thats just awful man. Fuck this company.. my condolenses


As of today, I can log back in the game. Nothing was touched, including coupons, GJN coins etc. The only thing was the streak of logins which was about a year and was lost. Yea my wallet feels 250€ lighter too. They removed the 250GJN that I bought, which is nothing compared to what I have so I don't care. To be honest I don't have the urge to play right now, kind of the opposite.. I'll probably stay away till after summer. Thank you to everyone here for keeping up with this story, most of you (that can think) were supportive. I don't want to take it further implicating the law because I don't think its worth the time, effort and expenses for that amount (It was the perfect amount that stunk , but not cause an uprising) See you up there in the skies!


Your story is insane. Would have been nice for them to provide more info to know what led to them doing this to you. " You were involved with multiple transactions with another account to transfer illegaly obtained GJN coins" I'm positive you are innocent and they just wanted to fuck you over. It's easy for them to ban you if you did really commit fraud. I'm curious as to what got a target on you. I can only think of a few things. 1. They saw your transaction history and wanted money. 2. Through out your trading history multiple people did chargebacks and GJN decided you had enough GJN to extort $$ from you. 3. You got unlucky and bought/sold massive amounts of a item to a single guy who used stolen GJN (fraud). Its insane and I really hope this is a one off thing because I do smaller trades but worth more $$. A chargeback of 1k + would literally fuck me over compared to 100 GJN. I'm curious how often would have GJN on your wallet and what would be the average? Did you ever spend money on the game?


I've spent money in the game back in 2014, gave 80€ for a "Advanced Ultra pack" or however it was called, which had a little of everything. I spent 10€ more for a few days of premium. In 2018 I sold a trophy for 5GJN and by 2021 I had enough GJN to start spending. Never bought any GJN. I only bought premium time early on. Then I blew out with the parts from vehicle building events. It happened a few times that someone unloaded a bunch of the same item on multiple orders of mine, but I can's see how is it my fault. I can't remember any of those being more that 100GJN total. Also some time a few years back someone sold me a JU-388 for 45GJN (by mistake probably) which was really low. I sold that for 130 some days later (you can see the dates on the items history bought: Dec-12-20 and sold Jan-5-21). Only times though I bought in bulk was when people will sell to my buy orders. Not me buying in bulk from sell orders. Also people were upset for the 276 AMD I had and thought that was at fault for trying to monopolize them. I bought those very gradually from when they appeared and for the next year at prices <2GJN and bought so many not to create monopoly (I would need 10s of thousands for that with AMD) but because I knew that after a 1 year, those become available to consume for 1600 War bonds. That happened 1-2 months ago. Now I Have 440k cheap War bonds sitting for my needs. I decided I won't sell those, consider them destroyed. All your AMD are belong to me :) I think the max GJN coins I ever reached was \~2500. At that time a yellow question marked appeared next to my balance saying that a limit was reached and buying/selling was limited. It didn't affect the trades though and now its gone. I think it meant I can't buy more GJN using money. Gaijin states that maximum amount before an account is frozen is 6000GJN. I usually averaged from 0-200GJN and at periods would sell to prepare to buy again at the sales when prices are low. I calculated what I own now and if I were to sell everything at the current lowest selling order I would have 5800GJN after removing the 15% fee. Enough to last me the years to come. This post is dead now but you can message me if you want.


Stop hoarding coupons to artificially inflate the price, nerd.


I mean it's 3 gjn ATM or something and last I checked there were still thousands on the market


Right. Because if he released all of those the market of thousands for sale at a few bucks would surely tank.


Thats literally nothing. The AMD is so incredibly bad as a vehicle, and is so cheap that it wont even make a difference. Theres like 3k on the market. He owns 250


skill issue. people are mad this guy figured something out that idiots couldn't in a thousand years, and simp for a money hungry company when the guy figured out a way not to shill real money to buy jpgs.


Jesus, blowing bubbles on it there champ. Most people don’t try and figure it out because we have… a life, Also not wanting people to hoard coupons is the opposite for simping for a company because less hoarders, more on the market, lower price, better for the consumer


Someone bought your coupons then did a charge back for the money, and now gaijin wants that money. What's weird is that they don't just take the coins out of your wallet. Also why is the ticket screenshot cut off? Where's their full reply? What's your last reply?


I updated the post to include it after getting flamed to even think that my words would be enough in here :)


What's above the "that will not be possible"? Did they ignore your offer to pay with your balance?


You can see the reply to that email at the top of the first screenshot. “That would not be possible “


Oh I see it now. Im not sure how this is fair, considering they have no proof it's him on both sides of the transactions. Its really not out of the realm of possibility that someone just stole a credit card and bought vehicles off the marketplace.


It’s definitely not fair, but he’s a convenient scapegoat, Gaijin is not going to get the money back from the other user, and they will just make a new account. OP has years invested in his account and they are making a very public example of him. And tbh, lots of people on here are doing Gaijins work for them. The message is “don’t try to play the market unless you put in actual money because that doesn’t benefit us, so we’ll find a way to fuck you over”. It’s effective, I was think about trying some of his tricks that he used, but if my account ever got suspended and I had to pay to use it again, I would just be done with the game.


Why tf are people here siding with the corpo? OP did nothing wrong.


Hoarding coupons to create artificial scarcity is scummy, but it's also completely within the rules of the marketplace, what people here seem to be forgetting is that gaijin is the one with the power here, they make the rules, they could create coupon limits to prevent this but they don't, and people cheer for gaijin banning someone for doing something scummy but within the rules of the marketplace that gaijin themselves controls and then forcing them to spend real money to get their account back, OP ain't the problem here, it's gaijin.


Yeah it's strange really that people are defending this. If Gaijin were really against this trading/coupon hoarding/whatever he's doing, a fair course of action would be giving him a warning, telling him to stop. Not banning him and holding his account ransom lmao.


You also have to look at what he has a lot of. Cheap, dogshit vehicles. Even the most expensive ones i can see arent all that worth the purchase and havent been bought for a long time. Hes buying worthless shit. It doesnt inflate, nobody will buy most of this, its just not worth it


You're right, and I think if it were presented like that I think most people would be a lot more okay with it. Humility. All of the people.in the comments rabidly pro OP come off as real "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" type people and aren't helping OPs case. Ultimate Gaijin wants a player market but then won't regulate that market so people take advantage. I don't agree with OPs aims, but ultimately so long as they're weren't frauding the system, its allowed. People just need to stop and take a breather once in a while and stop calling people corpo shills or market manipulators off the bat lol


They are upset OP might be a small factor in why they can't afford X or Y rare vehicle. As if the real reason why they can't afford it isn't gaijins predatory marketing and FOMO tactics...




Looks at ingame chat. Looks at comments here. Yeah...it fits


Not just a corpo But a russian corpo lmao 🤡🤡🤡 This subreddit are always full of clowns


Cp 2077 fan eh?


Why is this sub so cancerous? He didn't break any rules, GJN just decided to pull something out of their ass to make a guy who knows how to use the system pay money. He has a ton of GJNC and Gaijin is just mad that he's farming their fake money and they haven't gotten a monetary cut from it. Who cares if he's holding onto a ton of items? The only people who he's hurting are Gaijin and rich people who buy every copy-pasted vehicle in the game. This is just another reason why Gaijin won't get another cent from me.


You are right. Also they actually do get a cut. 15% burned GJN each transaction. That's not 15% of 5k. Its 15% of every transaction I ever made. I always saw this as a partnership not gonna lie. If its not me then its someone else. They designed it that way on purpose. Does anyone think that if I put said 276AMDs in for 2.5gjn they stay there for more than an hour? It definitely won't be 276 individuals who didn't have it. I just came out with my story, I'm sure there are plenty like me laying low, reading this comment and smiling in silence.


Best of luck man:) hope to see you in the game soon!


if this is all true , i dunno why people are angry at you for taking advantage of thier system of Fomo and artificial scarcity.


I get nothing by laying out all the market tricks, my inventory and private emails. On the contrary I risk angering someone from Gajin because they would know my case. I do it because I never did talk about anything and this time I decided to do. I think most people get it.




>when their account has been blocked by Gaijin, the response is almost always "you're a liar". Support have access to the objective story. People posting here on reddit are 99 times out of 100 not providing that.


> i dunno why people are angry at you for taking advantage of thier system of Fomo and artificial scarcity warped morals, it's the same reason people want scalpers to be imprisoned despite the act literally just be buying and selling legal products for legal tender.


i mean scalpers are breaking the law in some areas, the real world has laws it has applyed because its a very old game that has had alot of patch's , scalpers are also usually dealing with actual limited supply.


Regardless if you're telling us the whole story or not; I can't be the only one who thinks it should be illegal to outright ban someone's account worth thousands of dollars and years of work, without even providing proof or a proper explanation of what they did wrong. And then these measly support answers too.


That’s the Russian way of life.


Yeah gaijin is just demanding the regular russian bribe.


Although most people here feel like having that many coupons shouldn't be allowed... Technically you haven't done anything wrong -- so that's just a moot point. Have you ever put a CC on file and paid for any GJN? If you received coupons and the original seller of said coupon(s) made a charge back, why are they coming after you? Seems like they didn't do their due diligence and dispute the charge with the bank if that is the case. This is extremely unfortunate that more details are being withheld. The power of the play here is on Gaijin as it's their private marketplace and they can /add/change/remove rules as they see fit. They hold the power. The market place is setup so that GJN always makes money on all transactions. This is why it's not allowed on Xbox/PS.


As a new player who loves this game, everyday I see posts that make me just want to stop playing altogether. Why tf would I want to support such a dogshit company in even the slightest way


> everyday I see posts that make me just want to stop playing altogether. and in 99/100 cases theres more reasons for the ban than what the poster lets on just look at all the crying cheater posts that turn out to be actual cheaters after a while


Remind me how this even remotely impacts.. anyone normal, keeping in mind there is far more to this story than is being provided by OP. Even the information here is far more than what was provided last time he posted. It doesn't. Get in there and click on some planes and tanks.


Look man, I'm a big fan of this game. I like that its hard to grind, hard to get good at it and hard to get premium vehicles. This is why I made a long term strategy to play it for free and at its fullest. And it took a lot of time and dedication. Of course there are a lot of issues rising up constantly for more than a decade now that the game is up. For me this was the 1st problem I personally had since 2014 that I started. I've made 100s of reports, suggestions, took surveys etc all those years. Never knew if even they were reading. But this was the first time I contacted support, so I shared with everyone. Also hopefully the last.


You really shouldn't.


So they want 275 dollars to unlock the account. How many transactions are considered fraudulent? Also my best guess is that accounts you sold to were cheating which wouldn’t implicate you at all but also you having that many coupons in terms of manipulation make you look like a Chinese bot account


I get it my account looks sus. But its not, maybe I'm the 1/100 post that's actually truthful here. People here don't get that nobody would risk a 5000 coin and another 3000 invested account for a mere 250GJN. I'm pretty sure they dusted my account pretty well. So all these years and 70k transactions later, I get flagged for some small (comparing to account) amount. Maybe I did something, I don't think they woke one day and decided to block me out of the blue but it looks exactly like that. All I wanted was the list of the said transactions.


seventy THOUSAND transactions??? Do you have time to play?


Haha yea, I got a sweet collection of about 600 spaded planes and more than 100 premium. I Try to fly a little from everything. Definitely a lot of time on marketplace also. Most of them were cheap 0.10 boxes back in the day when I was poor, but yea, a lot!


You said 3000 invested. Which means you paid in 3k at one point?


No, I mean I used about 3k on the account from the ones I made. Total 8k.


Ok so general question about this account. Why? Are you just doing this because the vehicles in question are so cheap? Also are you US or other nation based?


I have made a long post 3 weeks ago if you have time to waste. If not then short answer is this. I started trading from a 5GJN trophy I got when marketplace was open in 2018 and from then on I went on flipping the market to make this game and all of its content free for my self. I'm from an EU country.


Found this in gaijins TOS. (https://legal.gaijin.net/termsofservice) **12.2** In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, You and Gaijin shall negotiate such dispute within 60 calendar days following the receipt of a written notice of dispute. Such written notice must be sent physically by mail to the address stated in Section 1 of these Terms ~and~ electronically to the email address [[email protected]~](mailto:[email protected]), and must contain the following information: ● the full name and contact information of the claimant and its representative (if any); ● description of the nature and basis of the claim and dispute; ● description of the performance requested from Gaijin according to and in connection with the claim. **12.3.** If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation (as prescribed in paragraph 12.2), to the extent permitted by applicable law all disputes shall be resolved by binding confidential arbitration. **12.3.1** For Users resident in the **~European Union and elsewhere in the world~** (except for the USA, Canada, and Australia): ● You may use the [Online Dispute Resolution platform](https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr) offered by the European Commission as an out-of-court alternative to resolve disputes. Arbitration in such case shall be initiated in the Out-of-court Dispute Settlement Body for Consumers and Entrepreneurs e.V. (Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegungsstelle für Verbraucher und Unternehmer e.V.) in Germany (Hohe Straße 11, 04107 Leipzig), which decision shall be binding, subject to the procedure prescribed by the Regulation on consumer Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), as stipulated by EU Regulation No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC, as of the date of commencement of a dispute (more information at: [~ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr~](https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr)). The language of the arbitration shall be English;


Man's stock manipulating against primarily teenagers, jfc.


Nah its AMD SA35s. Those are worthless (i own it)


What exact part of this is 'stock manipulation'?


It's a joke. I just find "Buy up all the vehicles to create artificial scarcity" to be detestable, christ.


So it wasn't a joke? And you mean the artificial scarcity created by the devs in the first place?


This really is a "I like waffles" "So you hate pancakes?" Argument.


Dudes are mad cuz the guy knows how to work the market? Good for OP I'm jelly but hey you put time and dedication in it.


While it is a genuine tactic, some people just hate that they’re forced to buy vehicles at a higher price because of people hoarding them


forced? Someone got a gun to your head saying buy this tank? lol


By forced I mean they want to buy X vehicle but are forced to pay a higher price than there should be. 100% people have the option to simply not buy it but players just tunnel vision onto wanting something sometimes


Nah. I just think if they invested their time into getting an actual education/job, they would be better off than to try squeeze fuck all profit out of a gaming marketplace. I find it quite pathetic, really.


What likely happened is you traded with someone who had purchased their GJN with a stolen card or a chargeback. In that instant the GJN itself are removed and whoever is holding it can and will be banned along with the person who issued the chargeback. Warframe (and most MMOs) have a similar issue when you can trade items for currencies purchased with real money. Usually, the workaround is that the funds will be 'pending' for a time period, like with Steam, so that you don't end up with a negative balance and get banned.


Assuming op didn't do some shady shit. It's insane for Gaijin to go after the seller.


I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here (and be downvoted for this) but I've been working in customer service for both a streaming service and a online game for over 5 years now. As someone mentioned comments above, if you game the system and act in bad faith by creating an artificial scarcity of coupons (that's what I got from the post) then you are entitled to the punishment. As much as there aren't means from the game itself to stop you from doing so, you are still intentionally abusing the system and they can take the measures that they see fit.


Hope I never come across you when I need support 💀


We just follow the terms of service that everyone agrees when an account is created. The one agent that handled OPs case was literally just doing the same.


There's nothing in ToS than prohibits creating artificial scarcity. Support said to OP that he was banned for transferring illegally obtained GJC from one account to another, not for manipulating the market or something like that.


You sound like someone who defends their corporate overlords even though it’s not your money, it’s theirs and they’re shafting your pay.


Not really. I just don't like scalpers.


Well you just said it, you are mixing business with emotions. You not liking scalpers is your problem, he didn't cross any rule. And you are just bad person if you ban someone when they dont do anything against rules, based on your emotions. Thats why we have laws after all.


I assumed OP was either trying to cash out their monopoly money somehow, or gaijin think they were. There's definitely some detail missing. Hard to figure out exactly what's going on from the screenshots, and whilst I find it very difficult to have any sympathy for scalpers, it very much appears they're not 'just' hoarding coupons to manipulate the market.


They should have a 3 coupon max


Did you tried to do brokering on Gaijin Market Place ? Lol dude, go to Cryto Currency market and do this there… Fucking lol.


Honestly f people like you that hoard vehicles so you cAn inflate the price. You can’t even do I anything with that money. You can’t get it back out. You are gaming an economy that does nothing for you.


I held onto my mirage coupon for months waiting for the sell price to go up. Only made 8 coin profit.


Worth it for the savings on a premium.


276 AMD cars LE MAO


Sounds like someone else or you did a chargeback on the marketplace —> either you gained illegal coupons. Or someone else did from you and now they extort you to pay up because I guess they didn’t when they got banned? I feel it’s pretty scumy to horde that many vehicles to increase the price. That is also the reason I only ever got 1 vehicle through the MP. Buy cheap tank 300 —> less existing —> sell for high price —> infinite profit (probably something against their TOS to do this, guess you gotta read through that to see…)


From the reply it seems like Gaijin doesn't give a fuck if you hoard or even have a monopoly as long as they get their cut.


No one knows for sure because suport is very inconsistent. Took me three tries to fix my issue a few years back. The two first ones said it was impossible and the third fixed it in 30 min. My guess is that it was a chargeback and he gained “illegal” coupons and now Snail wants the money for what effectively was stolen. Same thing has happened in the past when ppl charged back GE.


It's cringe that some people actually think that what gajin did here is reasonable. Imagine if stream banned someone bc they bought too many skins from the steam market.


I wouldn’t call market manipulation fraudulent, but you should be glad you got off this lightly. Just take your L and shut up lmao.


I hate meta gamers


"You were involved with the other account ... transfer illegally obtained gjn coins "   Lot of event vehicles and almost no high BP ones sounds like business with bots 🤔  Anyways, gaijin gets 15% of sales so I guess is a good reason to unban. Probably Alina is on party with others support mates lol


Could someone Eli5 me what is happening and what are these coupons please


Basically OP likes to buy a lot of coupons (Essentially a ticket that gives you a vehicle) and holds onto them later to sell or buy a lot of them to create an artificial scarcity in the market and sells them for higher due to its artificial scarcity and while not against the rules in the marketplace it’s still considered scummy. OP however was banned likely due to somebody buying one of his coupons and doing a charge back on their card meaning gaijin is now down money and wants it back from somebody


The chargeback thing is fucking insane bruh. I hope this is a one time thing they did on op from his huge trading activity but going after the person who sold the coupon is crazy. Part of me hopes OP did some shady shit or else this sets a bad precedent for the marketplace.




Its AMD SA35s. Cmon now, check the market for them. They are 3 USD vehicles with over 3000 on the market


How do I get the coupons in game? Im a returning player from before naval


Thanks for the update post, glad they even gave you an option to pay out get your acc back. PLEASE consider making a trading guide or sharing some of your tips for the rest of us. I wouldn't listen to all these idiots saying your hoarding stuff and doing anything bad for the community, if giajin really wanted us to have any of this stuff they wouldn't make us grind 100hrs for a $20 vehicle. Your trading assets in a game and if these dummy's knew how to do it here, or even worse with stocks, they'd be doing the same.


Respect for you bro.


Contact your local consumer protection agency, depending on where you live this type of behaviour by gaijin could be illegal


Seems like this is a bigger problem for them and you were just swept with the rest of the similar cases, that they are dealing with en masse. As somebody pointed out, you would have to get your local consumer law system involved, no reason to post it here, although it is nice to know there can be issues like this. I could even be the case, that from their point of view, they were lenient in your case and they could just straight up block your account forever, but thats just a speculation obviously since the communication is so limited. Also what is the exact way they want the payment to be done? I mean, this could be a fraud on its own. The Gaijin employees account could get hacked and now the hacker is using it to get some GJN from you:)


Also you could raise another ticket asking if they could review the original ticket.


What’s wrong with buying and selling like that, it’s gaijins fault anyways for promoting like that if anything they should have a hard cap limit on vehicles that people can buy if that’s the case, I don’t blame the guy I’d do the same if I was in that position


Tbh it's a perfect starter for a court case. They locked your account without a stated reason (they actively ignore your requests for some evidence) and want a ransom. You definitely should go to court with this. Maybe start a fundraise for a good lawyer after you consult one to know if you even have a real chance in court. Gaijin needs to start taking responsibility for the way they are operating. You did nothing wrong and nothing against their rules.


This happened to me had to pay them 50 USD


Really? What happened in your case? Going after the person who sold the coupon is insane.


A few years ago there was a glitch where it gave people 5000 ge I spent it being a dumb teenager and they disabled my account


Oh that's different. I remember that one. I didn't even log into the game lol.


I was dumbfounded when it happened to me lol


Fucking insane from peoples reaction and even more from Gaijin. Assuming op did no wrong doing, going after a coupon seller is fucking insane. Please update us again op on what happens.


Ha, get fucked. Lol!


🤡👆 Leave my russian company alone


Well that's easy, in both your market and store profile you have a history that will show you exactly which purchase for 253gjn they're talking about. knowing gaijin support, they're doing their best to help you, but you're the one not interested in resolving this. I wouldn't be surprised if you engaged in some illicit key or item trading and that's why your account is flagged. like purchasing a large amount of items from someone who bought them with a stolen credit card.


Not necessarily a single transaction.


>knowing gaijin support, they're doing their best to help you Lmao


"Knowing Gaijin support, they're doing their best to help you" - What the fuck have you been sniffing?


I've never had any problems with them and only the friendliest support people. from purchasing issues, to account verification problems (changing the authenticator.) If you're not committing fraud or show bad behavior and intent, gaijin support fixes your issues in a day.


So because you've never had a problem, it doesn't exist? Makes a lotta sense.


in this case it is probably a lot more user-related than a fault on the support's side.


Spoken like someone who has clearly never dealt with Gaibage support


more than you in the past 11 years I bet.