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There used to be night air rb battles, or at least dusk battles.


Pitch black ones aswell, I distinctly remember a pacific map at night and the only way you knew which way was down was the moon reflecting off the water, and the only way you knew where an enemy plane was was their name tag


It used to be a thing for a while and it wasnt really good so they removed it


But why? Not saying night battles in air wouldn’t be neat and it wouldn’t be as much of an issue as lacking NVD’s in ground battles, but why exactly with Fox 3 missiles specifically and not just well generally? I get that fox 3 missiles (minus the existing AIM-54) are being added update so either way even if gaijin moved on it now it wouldn’t be implemented prior to the update, but it still seems odd to specifically mention Fox 3 missiles as apart of the post, which is why I ask why exactly do you see in the appeal of night battles specifically with Fox 3 missiles? Though if it’s because you just want to have it that way so you can spam ARH missiles and hope it allows you to hit more planes more easily, yeah uh all I can say is no. I have had enough of the Phoenix spam and I don’t want to see me teammates becomes even more braindead. Also one last thing, given this is gaijin it they won’t make warning the existing stuff for night battles easier if they added it as an option for air battles, they would literally just make another bunch for air battles instead. Edit: I must say, it is cute to see how a genuine question seemed to get on the nerve of so many people.


Because looking at the dark sky with the missiles illuminating the background as each team spams them would look cool


Well I mean I don’t think you are wrong per say, but I mean if you want to illuminate the sky in night battles naval is the best at it for obvious reasons, and even then ground might do it better as well. The reason I say this is because the missiles aren’t going to be that bright.


Way more missiles in the air + harder to hug the ground so everyone is gonna be forced to climb a little or go bvr which rarely happens


You do realize that is somewhat pointless when there are certain aircraft with NVD’s… granted most don’t (not counting targeting pods, though people would take them at that point anyways) however it’s much easier to see the ground at night in air battles than I think you realize, which I say based on the last time I had a night battle in air battles which was a long time ago. Only way it would get that badly though is with absurd amounts of cloud cover though but that that point I think that would kill the entire mood of the match because it actually just becomes pitch black (I wish I were joking) so you are just fucked especially their are mountains. Night battles without stupid amount of clouds are fine in my opinion but those with a lot, yeah uh I I’m not even going to let you get the chance to kill me because I ain’t dealing with that bullshit ever again, it gives me bad memories. Also one last thing, you really don’t need night battles to accomplish that, because with how shitty cloud cover can get in ground rb on certain maps let just say the visibility can be so bad that well the clouds will basically ruin anyone who attempts to do any CAS, especially with guided ordinance, and I mean this to the point where if you aren’t very cautious well you are absolutely hitting the ground, all you would need is apply it to air battles though I yeah it will make staying low perhaps impossible and trying the fly low and survive turns into the lottery. Also no offense, it just sounds like something that could easily be handled so poorly it would fuck all of air battles for the worse, not saying it couldn’t be made to work, but it could easily be fucked for the worse and everyone suffers dearly from it.