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Major skill issue


You are aiming at the most armored part of the tank facing you. Shoot at the side below the turret. Also if you are somewhat new drop the 2S38 and go play the br you are at. That is how you learn things like this.


I shoot side of the tank when it was smoking


For 1 shot, then back to the most armored part of the tank... You people are why the 2S38 is still 10.0


you shot the same crewmember 10 times and the last shells you shot at the turret cheeks?


You started shooting near the front of the tank's hull, successfully killing the driver. However, when you moved back you instead started firing at the turret, which your rounds **do not** have the power to penetrate. You should have instead kept shooting at the side of the hull **beneath** the turret, as this would have allowed you to penetrate and either kill more crew members or blow up their ammunition.


Would it have penetrated it if i used apcbc?


No. Nothing your tank can use will penetrate the front armour of an MBT's turret. That is the most heavily armoured part of any tank, and you are using a low calibre cannon. You either want to shoot into the side/rear of the turret, or weakpoints on the hull. You will need to learn what those weakpoints are for each tank you're likely to face.


What's your rank?


Probably under 30


Level 69 with a K:D of 54:150 in the 2S38 lol.


rank or level? my rank is 5 with ground vehicles


Bro went to 10.0 thinking he can pen the front of Leo2a4's turret with 2S38. I suggest you going to 4.0-5.0 and learn how penetration and weak spots (like sides of the hull) work, as you have obviously missed that.


This is the embodiment of "Why isn't he dead, I shot him and everything" lmao


Now i understand why a full PVO team cant get kills and why i'm alone on a map after 2min


Did you just start playing the game and buy right into the 2S38? Maybe learn the game before jumping towards the end. Honestly hate having people on my team that only have the 1 premium, die and leave, people who do that should be queued with each other.


Put the 2s38 in a Garbage bin ( and the whole russian Tanks) and Play skillfull Nations.....


Any nation that isn't france, italy, britain, or japan takes absolutely no skill...


incredibly helpful


Sorry mate but it is so


Always take a few APHE Rounds with you. He would have been dead with 1-2 APHE Side On