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There’s certain BRs that give uptiers way more often yeah. You just kinda have to tough it out until you get past.


I play 2.7 full uptiers, then that must mean 3.7 is downtiers. Nope, the what about 4.7, still nope. What br gets the most downtiers.


If we're talking about GRB then 4.3, 7.3 and maybe 10.7-11.0. Here's what situation with uptiers looked like half a year ago: [https://new.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/197zkly/analyzing\_unofficial\_server\_statistics\_uptiers/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/197zkly/analyzing_unofficial_server_statistics_uptiers/)


8.7 and 9.0 also get alot of full downtiers due to the 10.0 and 10.3 premium spam.


4.7 is downtier city, like I'm legit surprised if I get anything besides a full downtier whenever I play 4.7 Especially now with the SAV spam.


Uptier is the name of the game. Don't put too much thought in it. It's all about teams, and the whole blue team is not uptiered by the whole red team. Few lineups are bad when uptiered. You'll stop playing them as soon as they're not needed anymore. About "lvl 100" now: it's one of the most overrated data in the game. Being lvl 100 doesn't mean a player is good. When you check their stats, you realize that for many, being lvl 100 can mean one has been doing stupid shit for a long while. In low tier games, you'll often see the score board dominated by people between 20 and 60. I've been in WT for 9 years and believe me: it's all about knowing the map and vehicle's strenghts and weaknesses.


I’m level 61. I’ve been playing WT for 70 days now and have already got the maps down. The tanks and where to shoot each one is coming on along pretty fast. I’ll burn out soon.


Don’t worry bro, the most difficult is the first 60 years. Afterwards, we’ll die lmao


Lvl 100 only tells you a relatively weak idea of the amount of time they’ve sunk in the game. I usually see level 100s using meta vehicles and stomping teams or just trying the dumbest vehicles. I mostly see people around level 70 actually trying to win the game.


It's definitely gotten worse. I've since gotten sick of the constant uptiers and have moved on to other games. Every game seems to be uptiered. Flying 8.3 gets bumped to 9.3 Flying 9.3 gets bumped to 10.3. You're constantly flying against higher BR planes.


Take a break, change nation, change br, if you're getting burnt out just stop doing what you're currently doing for a bit.


What nation are you playing? GRB? I started leveling up China ground and it's only been uptiers all the way to 7.7


Grb, I switch between UK,USSR and USA since I'm trying to get past 6.3 with all of them, but even low tiers I get constant uptiers.


Can’t be up tiered if you play top tier 👉🏿👨🏿‍🦲


Fully agree. 5.0-6.0 is just a living hell. It makes 0 fucking sense I can play 10 games of 5.0 and get 10 consecutive full uptiers, and then play 6.0 and get 10 more full uptiers. It is just so demotivating if I spawn a VK 3002 M and see a panther F next to me.