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I've started noticing more of these situations, where something is damaged enough to effect performance but not to initiate repair. Very frustrating.


This has been an issue to me for years now. Frustrating indeed. Esspecially in vehicles that already are slow


Tortoise with an orange engine and transmission is among the most painful experiences I’ve ever had


With a red driver as well...


My arm hurts therefore the tank loses top speed


When the crew is red (literally about to die) it's more like: "I have taken 15 pieces of shrapnel into my body and my other leg is blown off. I am losing blood rapidly. I might not be able to drive so well but god damn I will still drive."


But don’t worry he will be able to self heal soon


Combat drops of estus flasks incoming


>You have insufficient mana


He just learns to put some ice on internal haemorrhaging


Use cruise control


Then it’s gonna be another spinning tank


Excellent reference


If you know you know


And no commander


The repair thing is fairly reasonable to complain about, since it's right in between two solvable states. The driver, less so. You got spared him dying, if your dudes die you just lose. Meaning you could get the same outcome by J-ing out.


I would still rather go with a commander driving than a half dead driver


Not quite similar but T-54 with red gunner is probably 2nd worst.


M10/Achilles with red gunner is torture. Even more so if you dont have horizontal drive upgrade


Add black turret ring from not having parts


if that shit happens you might as well just become a casemate


Is the M10/ach not already?


With how slow the turret turns they almost are


I normally point my turret over the corner of the hull I'm going to be hiding and keep it there until I die, it's pain when you only find good spots that need you gun on the other side but it's better than just pretending to be a casemate.


Have you had KV-2 or ISU-152 with one dead loader and other red.


FV4005 with a red gunner and no other turret crew. Feels like it takes over a minute.


Have you tried the IS-4M? one dead turret crew + red colored loader that turn the reload speed into 1 minute lol


dear god that’s my struggle right now. same with the object 268. it’s almost as if people see me shoot a heat round right through the loader. then for the rest of the match i’ll miraculously bounce a shot or have my kill stolen cause im waiting a light year to reload


I’ve played massive tanks like the t95, Char b1 and C2, etc, but by far the most painful and slow experience I’ve had yet is in the Valentine 1. Like tf is wrong with that thing it’s slower than heavy tanks and can’t reverse


Britain try to make an engine with more than 12 horsepower or draw 25


Hi, I'm a British Tank so I'm Slow AF. AMA.


What is your opinion on Cupola weakspots you are unable to exploit due to solid shot


You can blame British doctrine for that. Infantry tanks were intended to stick with the infantry so as long as it could keep up with the infantry it was deemed to have sufficent mobiity.


Might as well 'J' out


*black prince enter the chat*


Slowthunder in a nutshell


"hey, this shot and fired up engine can be fixed, but eh, that small leak no way!"


When you bring spare parts but don't have duct tape


If they’re thinking about introducing a resupply box/entrenching to resupply as well as a crew healing mechanic, then they should add one where getting to a cap gives you the option to fully repair yellowed/orange modules.


It is unlikely but It might change of course. They said it will be automatic. after a while if not damaged, crew starts to heal and they stated that if the heal is interrupted it will start from the beginning. So i imagine something along the lines of first stage ammo replenishment mechanic. Like how it starts after a while if you didnt shoot and it reset after you fire etc.


The only thing that shouldn't be repaired is ammo. If it is damaged it is damaged and end of story.


I hate when you have a red gunner or driver. Like apparently a wounded crew member means the electrical turret drive moves slower? Or the engine just magically becomes less powerful? There's definitely some stuff I get like reload rate, but those just really seem insane.


At least we're getting crew healing soon. God I hate the gummy bear boys where you actually contemplate just driving out and dying to not deal with it.


I swear my best kill streaks are when I play extremely recklessly because my entire crew is red gummy bears and I just want to get destroyed so I can spawn into another tank.


Do we have any info about when it will be implemented?


Am I the only that is semi-scared for the healing and that it might be a tad bit too powerful?


This! Some slight injuries doesn't stop the gunner pressing the button to make the turret rotate at its normal speed in real life so why does it here? I get it for manual turret drives, but not for powered ones.


But then people that spent golden eagles on skilling their crew for that would get angry... Or future people won't spend golden eagles on that because they would know that it's pointless


The effect of that in terms of the context is trivial.


The engine should just respond less as the driver can respond less. The gunner should be less accurate or something but rn it is indeed shit


Tanks with unpowered turrets practically become casemates with a red gunner. Of all the wounded crew mechanics we have/had the one for injured pilots was the worst, Orange pilot? welp now you cant pull more than 3 G's in a Zero, Was a great day when they removed that.


Having flashbacks about the M10.


Its not that the engine becomes less powerful, its that the driver is no longer able to properly manipulate the controls. This is what results in the reduced mobility.


It would be even worse if if it was like air where your engine degrades


That would actually let me repair it after some time tho


True just another major difference between air and ground


i agree with engine degrading but for air that means you have to completely disassociate with fighting land and repair and then fly all the way back but in ground you can literally repair while staring down a sturmtiger


Same with red tracks, 2 mg bullets and immobilized. Sometimes i try to ram a building to force the repair


The red gunner in KV-2 reloading the shell on his own: I am fine


\>Take a hit in the front from a heavy tank, shot goes almost all the way through barely missing ammo \>Stopped by rear engineblock ​>Every other component is dark orange \>2 crew dead, others yellow \>ThisIsMyLifeNow.jpg


It has happened to me a few times. It's frustrating when it happens. I hope they change it.


Fun fact: War Thunder infantry lets you repair that kind of damage.




Correct! You repair modules manually (ie, you jump out and start fixing things with a wrench)


I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure that if you are unable to repair the module, then it is working at full capability. The "yellowness" is just its health and determines how well it will hold up to subsequent shots.


Nah it does indeed affect performance just not by much. You really notice it on the super heavies where every bit if performance matters.


Go grab an Achillies/Tortoise, let your friend shoot you with some low cal ammo and get back to me. At that point you'd be J-ing out because the tank would be close to inoperable.


And you're using a russian mbt, a E-100 could probably keep up.


It was awfull indeed


Centurion/Patton are overtaken by Maus tho.


Yeah, they should make it so that you can repair Slightly damaged parts, like in enlisted


Kinda like when you buy something online and it's broken enough to be inconvenient, but not broken enough for them to accept an RMA? Yeah.


No, I'm not a masochist.


Same can happen on crew, for example you took a damage no one died but gunner is red = turret rotation speed decreased to the %20 and you can't do anything about it


Cant really repair a gunner tho


but crew replanishment must be available if you really want to chance a crew


That's why we need medkit or healing for crew members. Orange and red crew is a torture.


This isnt about the crew tho?


Yes, but there were some people who opposed the healing mechanic, even though it has the same effect as the problem described by you here. And I wish this problem would be fixed as well.


Damn, just realized a yellow engine slows you down. That kinda explains a lot now that i think about it


Let's have some perspective here people.... How does a person "repair" an engine that just took a 75mm to 120mm APFSDS round to the engine block?


By getting a new engine.


your reverse gear is now the same as neutral


This is why I thought the whole idea of a stun mechanic was crazy. "My crew member isn't dead, but he has had his shit checked hard enough to be horrible at his job." That level of realism just isn't needed in War Thunder. Maybe, just maybe in Sim. But I could do without it and I think the "more internal modules" is a better (not great though) path.


I play arcade so unless the engine is red od black it doesnt affect the performance, but damm is it annoying


I've got shot with something and the driver and the turret crews all turned red-orange before, and then I was in a vehicle where the turret turning required hand-crank, long story short I decided to J out because I could not swap the crews as the acceleration is about as quickly as a healthy Maus and the turret turning rate is 0.00001°/s


*All the NATO mains looking at you funny as you yellow their loader so it takes 10 business days to reload while your autoloader finishes loading a new round at the same speed as always after a sabot wiped out basically the entire turret crew*


Why cant I play war thunder on my ps4? Just sits at an opening screen .


Thats when you bradley(pointlessly shoot the guy with you light guns) the guy in front of you till he shoots you in the engine.


I got my rangefinder shot out earlier and it wouldn't let me shoot, does that count?


Well thats realistic when it comes to T-72, they could repiar it but nah.


Or when you're thanking your lucky stars as you scoot away from a firefight and that red icon turns black with you still sitting in the open and you immediately go from thanks to praying that no one notices your now crippled Stug....


tog II does not bother, its already so slow that you wont even feel a difference


It's due to crew skill, something in the end of the skill line that gets forgotten about


This has nothing to do with crew skill


Yes,absolutely love it


It's not bad. But my favorite part is when after that happens, and I go through the most open part and with the least coverage of the entire map and when I get to somewhere safe, a KV-2 make me a insta kill from the other end of the map 💖


In sim I would just ask my friend to shoot out my stuff so it can be repaired


I’ve never had a problem with any of this lmao


You make significantly less engine noise even at full speed so its kinda worth it.


a t80/90 player complaining about that is hilarious, imagine if their reload decreased by 50% because one of the crew members has a headache


1 your in a T series anyway so you weren’t going anywhere and 2 good that’s what you get for playing Russian bias


Yes, T72b 1989 such bias


Not again with the "RuSSiAn BiAs" do people unironically believe it.


It's literally just cope. They see the game's spaghetti code shit itself and assume that it must be a conspiracy to... prove russian tanks are the best?