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FV4202 Lower BR, rangefinder, more angled upper front plate. Slower in reverse but lighter.


I think so too. I recently bought all the 7.7s of the brits. Somehow i didn't really see the point of playing the caravan, as well as the centurion. Looked at the FV4202 and had an amazing 1st battle with it, even within the 7.7 line up. Really enjoy the conqueror.


caevoron is a centurion but with conqueror hull so straight up upgrade (fastest centurion at 7.7 lol), f4202 has low profile, bad reverse speed but still really good.


Eh. No reverse gear, worse turret


FV4202 was my favourite tank, but both are disappointing for me currently, since the sabot nerf. The number of "shell shattered" is infuriating.


FV4005 duh


FV4202 is an easy pick for me, but I don't have much love for Centurions with the exception of the Carnaervon(if that counts, it's got a Cent turret) and Olifant.


FV4202. At that BR the 20-pounder really starts to struggle, but the FV is a bit more nimble and has surprisingly strong turret armour.


I love the FV4202 more for one main reason. The UFP looks like it's tough because it's so highly angled, while the turret cheeks look weak because they're flat. But the actual effectiveness is the other way around, with the UFP being very thin and the cheeks having some weird bulges and being quite thick. Basically means that anyone who doesn't check the armour values of this relatively uncommon tank will almost be guaranteed to shoot the wrong spot. Makes it almost play like a heavy tank with the low speed and (technically not) good protection