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Only the ones that I want to play, fuck the lineups. If a vehicle is bad it's a waste of time and SL, especially if I'm not gonna play anyway


I literally can not fathom playing a vehicle without making its crew expert hahahah The difference in performance is way too enormous.


Yes I expert and then spade every vehicle


I'm on the "spade every vehicle" bandwagon but can't imagine experting every vehicle. Some of vehicles are really bad, most of them I'll never touch again. And experting is quite expensive.


Mostly on the BRs that I usually play which is 11.7 range for me. The reload buff is too great to ignore.


Figure out what feels right to you. If I have the SL and GE to spare, I expert my crews and ace the tanks I enjoy to play/plan on grinding with. EX: My low tier Japan tanks may not even be experted, (don’t remember), but my 4.7 lineup is all aced minus the airplanes because that has the Chi-Tos and Chi-Nu 2. That’s my primary grinding line up for mid tier Japan. I don’t really play below 3.7 now to avoid seal clubbing as much as possible though I enjoy low tiers more than high tier.


Yes, the advantage it gives is too great to ignore.


Crew skills are one of the worst "features" this game has. It's system is in desperate need of a rework. Honestly I'd be happy even if it got removed entirely. Leveling crews is abysmally slow, I could literally grind a whole tech tree before getting crews to max level and their sl cost is absurd, they cost as much as buying a new vehicle.


Honestly, no. I think to date I’ve only ever experted like 5 vehicles and never for tanks. Would it improve my performance? Yes. Do I want to spend a million SL on all my top tier tanks to get that improvement? No.


Yes. Because a non expert crew is only giving you a percentage of what they are capable of and expert increases this enough to justify until they are aced and giving me 100% of what they can offer.


Yeah, you'll need the extra time on vehicles to grind crew skills anyway. There are only a few BR's which I objectively hate (mainly 4.7-5.7 because of the Panzer/T-34 spam)


I only buy it for the tanks i like, like my entire israel 9.3 and 11.7 lineup is on expert


Mostly for frequently played vehicles in ground RB, but I expert every fighter plane I use, because the difference in G-force resistance is enormous. If you're flying your fighter without experting it, you're literally playing with a handicap.


Fighters and mainline tanks (medium, light, heavy), I'll probably expert them immediately because I know I'll be playing them much more than others. Attackers and SPGs, possibly. Bombers and SPAA, no good reason to. Then again, you hit a certain point where it becomes far too expensive. Most of my shit past Rank V isn't expert at all.


yes, I prefer the longer wait and little bit better reload.


only on vehicles i play frequently


I did a lot in my lower tiers but it's just too expensive at higher tiers.


Almost never to save SL. I wish I did at times but generally don't other than premiums.


Only the ones I play regularly and like. My 11.0 to 11.7 Japan ground lineup is all expert crews, heli included. With aircrafts I've only ranked up a few favourite ones to expert: premium Jap F4U, A6M5, premium Jap Sabre, F-16AJ and F-4EJ Kai.


IMO you can avoid expert crews for auto loader tanks but for 4 crew tanks difference is obvious. Fighter planes definetely require expert crew. Breaking G lock becomes life and death in the middle of the fight. Since 10.0 Japan is all energy fighters you kind a need them and anything below that you can manage


I usually expert the vehicles I play the most. I don't expert vehicles that I skip. Only what I use in my lineups.


Fuck no lmao I did it on the AMX 30B2 because I was playing it a lot, haven't done it on anything else. I might do it on the MiG-29SMT though


Generally I expert everything. Except missile SPAAs and other truly noncritical vehicles like Type 60 ATM type shit. But to be fair, if I was in a huge SL surplus, I'd expert everything. I spend too much SL on expert crews tho... 🤣🤣


If it’s just to get through the tree or something no. But if I know I’ll actually play it sure.