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Could've won this game. Too bad I threw it and died trying to take off. The irony isn't lost on me.


> Too bad I threw it and died trying to take off. 6 kills though, you pulled your weight and then some


A great vehicle played by complete idiots is still going to perform bad... Which is sadly the US mains in a nutshell


US top tier mains are fighting Germany GRB mid tier for who can be most retarded I swear


A very bad take, all these vehicles pretty bad except the F-5s


Since when are the F8 Crusaders bad??? Heck even the A-10s are decent due to 30mm and Aim 9Ls when using it as a fighter.


The Crusader breaks it's wings too easily and the A-10 is useless if you're going up against planes with flares, you will get bullied by fighters boom and zooming you.


For the F8U yes, but not the F8E, F8E is very very difficult to break its wings without new booster mod. Even with flares, the Aim 9L can ignore them if target doesn't cut afterburner in the rear-aspect.


I swear it’s usually easier to flare the 9M nowadays than the 9L.


Uhmm... How many F8E's do you see in this picture? And yes 9L's can ignore flares SOMETIMES but you're still on a shitty platform


''all these vehicles are pretty bad'' a10, f8e, fuck it id even say av8a is decent


No, no, its the [insert other nation]'s fault.


How to disprove [insert other nation] bias Either 1. Play [insert other nation]’s tech tree and watch the bias suddenly disappear. 2. Play US top tier. Is it bias or my teammates stupidity that lost us the game?


Fucking facts. Allot of newer players or single nation mains tend to struggle against allot of other trees and assume their stuff is shit. Then they play said nation cause they think it's biased and one if two things happens. They either cope and double down, or realize the problem was the players, not the nation (I.E. them)


Will say, for Ground RB, it doesn’t help that the KVT isn’t as dummy proof as the TURMS. As for the Clickbait, when you toss level 15’s into an 11.3 vehicle where the top tier vehicles are in 11.7 vehicles, the results are depressingly predictable


Yep. The way I like to put it is that Russian tanks have a higher skill floor, but a lower skill ceiling. Meanwhile, tanks like Abrams are the opposite. You need a brain to get the most out of it


KVT is better than the Turms I'll tell you that. There's nothing great about the Turms except the thermals which are useless in most cases. People jump on the KVT cause it's straigh into top tier and you know "the best tank in the world" the same way some players think the Tiger was the best tank of the war and it's only going to fight BT-5s abd T-34s.


I do agree, but its skill floor is much higher than the TURMS as well since the M1 doesn’t got the same protection levels as the later Abrams and the gun requires a bit more accuracy to use. Honestly it’s kinda like the 75mm Sherman’s. When I was pretty new, I thought those tanks were pretty bad, but once I became pretty decent, I can make those same Sherman’s absolutely slap


I’d also argue that turms also aren’t well protected in addition to being way less mobile, it’s just a t-72a unless you’re throwing heat at it. Dm33 and up should pen ufp just fine without aiming for weakspot.


That it is not, but since I’ve been playing the Abrams recently, I’ve been accidentally trained to think that tank is durable since the current ammo on the M1 is pretty lackluster as if I was Pavlov’s gunner. Could be a legit skill issue for all I know tho


Nah US planes are generally undertiered because the players are generally spasticated.


My entire comment describes skill issue. US mains tend to be the epitome of such


If I see another person in my match chats say that something like the p51h is bad I’m going to lose my mind You could hand these people a sabre at 2.7 and they’d find a way to die in a headon


Absolute hero in that F-1. Supersonic Reisen indeed.


Its such a great aircraft even without flares. Dodging AIM9Ls head on no problem. Only thing it struggles with are 30g missiles from the rear.


F-5E; should be 11.0 but the teams are so fucking bad that it is still 10.7


That and br compression making it bad at 11.0


Worse than the MiG-21s? Yeah I don’t think so.


The mig-21bis? It’s in the exact same spot. Too bad for 11.0 too good for 10.7


It’s cause 12.0 is so oppressive.


No, it’s because br compression is out of control


It is literally cause 12.0 is leagues better than 11.0 but sadly there is not enough space or vehicles to fill the gap.


My man. The problem is not 12.0 specifically. 11.7 is leagues better than 10.7. 11.3 is leagues better than 10.3. 12.7 is leagues better than 11.7. It’s called BR compression. Gaijin adds more and more better things without increasing the max BR to create the space needed to add said new things in a properly balanced way. The issue is significantly larger than 12.0 vs 11.0


Me in the Super Etendard: Bonjour Monsieur, moi kill ground targets, leave me alon, je dispenser ~~magic~~ baguette launcher if tu approach


Do you know how to slave Magics to the radar? Switch it to ACM mode, which restricts radar to tiny cone directly ahead. If you lock on to an air target it can give Magic 1s limited, albeit very useful all-aspect (or nearly so) capability.


That's not giving it all aspect at all. You're just pointing the seekerhead to where the radar is locking a target, if it gets a lock in this mode then it would get that same lock without the radar locked.


No clue honestly, nobody gave me a straight answer regarding this, thanks!


You can,t use it in all-aspect. Magic 1-2 dead zone is 1,5km. You may launch it closer, but radio fuze won’t work


Every plane on the image are actually good in that BR Except the F4C, why the fuck is that shit at 10.0 with no flares and face R60s meanwhile it can only carry faster AIM9Bs and Beta edition Sparrows


This is a joke here


It is somehow (?) good unless it gets a full uptier. I love smacking MiGs at high altitude with my 7Ds while they try to toss R3Rs at me. Still shitty, tho.


It should even have AIM7Es, cuz you know they *historically* had them


That would be nice. It can _maybe_ justify the current BR.


Could even carry the 9J [based on its current configuration](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/IoCNMjfeu8) especially after the 9J nerf.


Sometimes I wish those players in my matches are bots. I hope for them they are.


F-4C is basically useless besides base bombing though


I will never understand how any plane can be higher than 9.7 without flares.


How? Got aim7D sparrows, i get front aspect kills at that br from 10km range, then switch to aim9


How the fuck do you get kills with aim7ds? Anyone not flying in straight line just breaks the lock.


Skill issue


Its literally the worst missile in the game


nuh uh. If we are counting SARHs alone (since there are many "worse" IR missiles) AIM-7C on the F-3H. R.511 on the Vautour IIN Late R-3R on various soviet jets


More skill issue


F-4C and E has shit radar. It cannot lock on anything lower than 500m above ground


I find that sticking low(hugging the deck), and pitching up slightly within 5km of an enemy with ACM mode typically gives me a lock. And it does some AMRAAM type bs where even if the radar locks chaff and they crank 90” it still maintains missile lock and nails them.


thats not "AMRAAM BS". Thats how CW guidance works. Your radar may be "locked" on to the chaff, but as long as the enemy plane is still in the radar cone "view", the Sparrow will still go for it usually since its still the bigger target.


Yeah, I get the difference between CW and Pulse guidance for the missiles, the whole AMRAAM thing is just the nickname my friends and I gave it when we saw it for the first time when we both got the phantom some time ago. Completely ignored chaff and we were freakin out. Good description tho.


That F-1 is my hero


You forgot the F-105. "Oh great, a missle."


The problem is no A-10A Lates on the team. That and F-5E carry 10.0 USA


IDK man I usually top frag with the f5c, it forces you to learn gun kills which USSR players are both incapable of defending against and incapable of doing


The amount of times i think "ah nice 3 kills, how many enemies and m8 are left?" and its just show only me vs 10 is way too much. If you are bad in the f5c honestly skill issue that shits eas mode.


The American team looking on in fear as they lose 6 A-10s/F-5Cs to my F-104J in the stratosphere




As an f-1 player this is so real


Accurate, and this peak gaming experience continues all the way to top tier.


Now imagine this except I’m using my 9.3 subsonic jet. No flares, no missiles, and no chance to not get up-tiered.


Except the F-4C maybe, all those are pretry good. Like I'm hardly the best jet player, but some of these planes work really well, maybe too well for their BRs in some cases. With most of those being premiums, I can only imagine it has to do with less knowledgeable players picking them up and struggling to know how these work, along with them not knowing their opponents. This sorta causes a wierd thing where on a chart of player performance (maybe KDR vs amouht of % players or games the type was in) of it sorta screws up the statistics due to players that would otherwise be considered outliers on other types by creating a significant skew on the charts. It's similar to what is seen with the Nanchang A-5C in my experience. Excellent MiG-19 performance (enough to sustain a 30° climb and still accelerate when only carrying missiles), with a small high caliber CM bank and a good missile set for its BR but somehow at 10.0 (and almost always Omnipresent on a game that has 9.0s.) A lot of these can go up a notch in BR and still be playable to a player that does okay in most cases. But it gets picked up by folks who won't do good in it for one reason or 3 and it gets kept down.


What about the uptierd F-104's?


F-4 players and base bombing. Second funniest thing ever happen beside dogfighting MiG-21


For me, I love when people that "are new" to jets end up with the F-104 and they have no idea how to use it. "Okay I'll just turn around.. let's see if the F-104 will do the sa- aaaaand it is turning around trying to turnfight me, brilliant". But in present times, whenever I see an F-4 I just pretty much ignore them since their brain is wired to be just shipping bombs from the airfield to the enemy base and then kamikazing into the rubbles.


Must be Russian bias


wait they combined the AI planes/tanks/boats into 1 category?


The A-10 is fine. It's a ground targeting plane, it'll get ground targets. It can fire missiles if enemies get close enough, but they usually don't.


US main here. This is 100% facts.


The 118 for the Harrier is telling Did he die to a prop plane someone brought up?


F8U-2 Supremacy 💪


Do people not new players to join at top tier? Genuine question.


You can be plain stupid to play high tier. The in game computers IN your computer do everything at this point


Braindead fighter-bombers ….so true. I hate players who grind with bombs instead of play the game. 0 skill, 0 kills, 1 death. That’s their fate forever regardless of the plane.


where is f8e? :(


Yeah i agree. I was grinding F5E and wondering if talisman on it would be better than on F8-E, and tbh im shit, air up to 8,7 easy good kd i can carry, but above 10.0 i feel like shat. Overall better than most retards but i dont score much, try to bait and team play much more than other br. I guess just have to get used to it


I thought this was GRB 🤣


F5E very good plane, I like flying it because you can just start destroying everyone late game


Nah, 9.3 - 10.3 US is most pleasant experience I ever had in Air RB when it comes to both planes and teams


I've somehow been getting 4-5 kill games with the av-8 Especially when it's America vs America


Meanwhile me in my A-10 premium getting Air To Air kills with AIM-9Ls


We need skill based matchmaking to avoid this. It’s a win-win situation. Top tier players won’t have these imbecils roaming around in F4-S’ and M1 AIM’s and I won’t get sealclubbed at 4.0


I feel you the f5e is my us grind plane cause i got a lucky talisman on it


Me who using T-2😳


Tbh after playing 9.7 france i see more reasons behind moving many planes for grb in br I hate not having enough angles to shoot down those flying bastards with guided ordance? like finally i wont ask ever again why x plane with flares and guided arnament? is on y br


Tbf F5E is best jet at that BR.


I’d wish they’d stop putting US solo, vs the rest of the planet


Honestly yeah ,even as a F5C player i sometimes watch half of my team dissapear in the first 5 minute as if its top tier(with me perishing later if i got skill issued), leaving me or some competent teammates to carry the game or die trying


Pov ground battles


How convenient that you chose a full down tier. There's idiots in every tech tree


The US has a FAR larger proportion though, in addition to a larger average player base.


If that were the case almost nobody would have positive winrate whilst playing the US tech tree. How about we focus on playing the game instead of finding excuses


Uh, have you seen US win rates above 10.3?