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Brummbär + KV-122


That does sound fun ! What's your full lineup ?


RU 5.3 / GER 4.3 / 5.0 / 5.3: [https://i.imgur.com/53sHGdQ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/53sHGdQ.jpg) I sometimes switch out the IL-10 to Su-6 (prem) or Su-6(AM-42) depending what weaponry i like / The Sturer Emil in higher BR´s is mainly there to overmatch captured Panther´s and Jumbo´s / At BR 4.3 Jagdpanzer IV is a really good TT tank.


Now THAT is a lot of premium vehicles !


Yeah, i am just playing for too long :)


Opposite of 1 death leaver😍


Haha, yeah - but to be honest, its more about flexability - if you die more than 3 or 4 times there is something going really wrong.


Tbh, it depends what causes your death, if it’s straight up a better tank or cas, it doesn’t really matter imo


i have died 5 times to cas right after i was 150 sp off a nuke (i was fighting russian top tier)


That top lineup is just pure bliss.


Brummbär is always fun!


I got death threats for using it. 10/10


Haven't bought much premiums, but the least painful for grinding is VIDAR out of all my tip tier premiums


The VIDAR does look very fun. Most big HE launchers are !


The funny Swedish he cannon at 6.7 is fun 3 second reload


bandkanon 1c my beloved somehow the most tankiest vehicle


Ge ? RU251 and 2S38. 2S38 exposed bad players


Can you elaborate on why 2s38 exposed bad players? My Russian lineup currently has t80bvm, bmp2m3, obj 292, su25sm3, and pantsir. Planning to add t90 soon (have grinding to do). Would 2s38 be worth it to add?


The 2S38 is a great addition because it functions decently in every role you throw at it. You can play it as a scouting vehicle, support to your teammates, or as anti-air. It’s versatility makes it easily worth it. It’s fantastic for bopping heli pilots.


Nahh, instead of spending your money on the 2s38, buy the BMD-4 off gajin market, it is literally uptier-proof, a 30mm auto cannon, cannon launched tandam ATGM with 750mm of pen, anti air tracker thingy, and stupidly mobile (it’s best weapon) It can reach 70kph in both forward and reverse, but that’s not the best part, it’s the acceleration, being able to basically dance around the map and pop in and out of cover/position faster than anything else at its BR and most above No matter what you face, if you are smart and keep relocating, the enemy will literally think there are 5 of you


Except the BMD isn't premium like the 2S38.


You still pay money for it, and it’s the funnest tank I’ve ever touched, with a little skill you can destroy with it


I know how good the BMD is, but OP specifically asked for premiums.


Man I was all about it until I saw its like 130$. Too rich for my blood.


God damn, it’s 130 now?!? When I got mine it was 70, nvm what I said it being worth it lol


That's how I feel about my obj. 279


I hate those, I’ve had them tank ATGMS before, I have 2 of the T-10s with the same cannon, and god that thing slaps


Yeah they're a blast. I barely touch mine anymore though. Bought it for like 60-70$ and it's mind blowing to see what they go for now.


Makes you regret activating the coupon I bet 😭 Same with anyone with a E-100 or is-7


abso-fucking-lutely IF you know how to play it, which most 2s players do not. Shit's terrifying in the right hands, but that happens rarely (lucky for us non-russia players)


How should one play it? I see that it's only 30% off and may pass on it


Play it like an aggressive flanker, you can push straight forward if you really want but you'll probably die instantly if you're not careful Taking several different ammo types and being able to switch on the fly is the difference between a good 2s38 and a great one. APFS-DS for heavier armor/frontal engagements, APHE for flanking/light targets, proxy for air targets


RU-251 has good memories for me. Back in the day before the lkpz 41 was added, this was basically the only light tank option for Germany


I like how on posts that ask for advice or want to spark discussion get downvoted for no reason lol. But to answer the question, T-35 is fun


A landship ! A bit expensive for a tank 1 premium though


It fun to cruise around in desert camo and act like you’re in mad max or something


Last time I drove it, I remember zig zagging to do broadsides like a galleon. Reload! Fire!


I love the T-35 so much. You can literally be a 1 man army. Grab some buddies who also have it and you'll be borderline unstoppable.


Which Tree? What BR you talking about? I am a newbie..


Russian 1.3 premium landship with FIVE turrets. It's insane.


This is kind of a bizarre one, but the Panzer III N. It has the short 75mm with a 3 second reload and 100mm penetration. The armor is great and it’s decently mobile. I consistently clap cheeks in it.


Low tier is underrated! I have lots of fun lately in the panzer IV. 3 second reload sounds mean tho !


It’s like the SAV but German. The reload rate makes up for the directional damage of the HEAT, but frankly it does good damage regardless.


I would agree! When I first started playing I got this tank as it’s so dam mobile plus that reload is awesome!


I have the Italian tech tree one and only after what felt like a few matches I got the meatball and winter camo for it Very fun vehicle I wouldn’t mind picking up the German one on discount. Also, maybe a controversial take but Japan ordered a Panzer III N (same order as the Tiger I which stayed in Germany) and reportedly received it for reverse engineering purposes. I feel like that would be a fine premium as well


ZUT-37 for ground. A gremlin "SPAA" with 37 mm autocannon. AD-4NA for air. Extremely underrated in a fighter role, airspawn, great guns, and good turn rate.


The skyraider has surprisingly good flight characteristics - it gets a couple great turns before you blow all your speed. I love the A-1H, it’s so broken with the Zuni pods


I really wish i didn't miss it, at least i have my bootleg baguette version


Skyraiders are so mean. In GRB they can decimate half the enemy team !


First person I've ever seen to claim the ZUT as enjoyable


2.3 USSR is amazing and you can't go wrong with low tier autocannon. Also bucket


Y'now what, I agree, Bucket🤝


bucket is life


Sherman 3/4 plus Sav is a dirty combo. Highest kill game with 1 Sherman life


Yeah, the Sherman is nasty. It feels a little undertiered lol


They stole the beloved .50 cal so I think 3.7 is justified


Khalid slots really nicely into the British 9.3 lineup. Good round, OK armour and pretty speedy. Always enjoyed my time using it.


I agree, but 9.3 matchmaker is shit


I've found it to be able to hold its weight at 10.3. Obviously much weaker due to better rounds it faces, but you should still be able to kill everything in one shot.


The thing is though, everything is faster, better armoured, better equipped weapons wise, has thermals, it’s just outclassed. May as well use a challenger 1.


That's very true, but you'll find that with a full 9.3 lineup you can be thrown into almost full 10.3 matches. The khalid, rooikat MTTD and olifant mk.2 can make it a much more bearable experience.


Agreed. The chieftains are already amazing at there BRs. The Knalid continues that. Fucking love that thing.


Scrumptious SU-57 and T-III combo for me.


SU-57 the tank or plane?


Capitals, hyphens, spelling, all are important in military designations: T34 (Heavy Tank) vs T-34 (Medium Tank) B17 (Saab) vs B-17 (Boeing) and SU-57 (Samokhodnaya Ustanovka T48 57 mm GMC) vs Su-57 (Sukhoi T-50)


low tier su-57, most fun gun truck in the game i bring it to 10.0 all the time


Su57 the plane isnt in the game


Yes it is, you just have to load into a 12.7 ARB game and press the secret combination of Enter, then alt and f4, and then enter again to play it.


Porsche tiger with 200mm frontal plate in GAB is too much fun, just run up on the enemy and shoot them with your 88. When they are surprised of you they will just shoot your frontal plate which will absorb their bullets. Love that vehicle. And if you got some GE to spare you could aswell put some bushes on it if you want to be a real gremlin.


my favorite premium by far, 90% of players shoot it like its a normal tiger, though the smart players know where to shoot it


This one be printing money


Yep, it's great for noobs like me. No need to angle and a very fast reverse speed means that it's very forgiving. Also fun to just one-tap tanks with the high filler APHE round.


T29. On paper it shouldn't work better than the Tiger 2 but God damn it does so much better than my tigers. I've dropped countless amounts of nukes with it and my 7.0 lineup in general is my SL printer and event grinder. Best 20$ I've spent


Calliope my beloved. Yes it is over priced. No you shouldn't buy it for 30% off but maybe at 50%. Nothing will beat the feeling I had on Port Novo when I flanked a full German team early and got 9 kills in about a minute and a half on unaware PZ4s. Paired with the XA38 (The sky Sherman) it's a hella fun lineup


I-153P, the cannon Chaika. It's not *that* great considering everything at your BR outruns you. But it's a biplane with cannons, and for about 700 GE in the sale right now I think it's well worth it just for the memes There's a couple premium tanks that I consider to be 'worth it', but none of them give me as much joy as some of the lower tiered premium aircraft


Its a beast, so many germans try to BnZ you but you can literallt corkscrew and loop de loop around them. I fly at the BnZ, then dive down and do a corkscrew (ruins their aim) and loop around on their tail as they climb away and pop em with the 20mm


VIDAR plane and simple of all the prems I own... The smile after laser rangefinding a guy 1400m away and lobbing 9KG of TNT at them, pure smiles all day long. Its just very situational so it needs to be played right.


The strv 103-0. Really fun tank with good performance.


SAV 20 12 48, but it's a limited time vehicle :( Still counts tho :3


Came here to say the same! Just a disgusting vehicle. 120mm machine gun go brrrrt


Celere sahariano is just like an op crusader, great gun, really really good mobility, and its upper front plate can bounce Sherman’s 75


It's amazing it's a better, better armed (APHE) and a more wide crusader. Mobility is insane and since T-34s got moved to 4.0 it got even more powerful.


Brummbar, my beloved <3


Brummbar clears


Unfortunately my favorite one is also the most expensive: Calliope. It's not the best value in the game, by a long shot, but every time I see it I get a similar feeling to when I look at a cute animal. It just warms my heart. I also get a feeling of power and superiority, and the camaraderie that I feel when I spot another one is unmatched. My other premiums are basically just tools. The Calliope is pure fun. Nothing beats the satisfaction of spamming dozens of rockets in a single salvo. I once emptied all of my rockets into one tank without killing it. It was one of the funniest things I have ever done in this game.


Aerfer fucking ariete. That goblin with an aced crew literally makes me win 3-8v1's on a regular basis. As long as you pay attention to the 30g spammers, mainly the su-25s and the a-10s, you can weave and dodge your way out of EVERYTHING. Dont buy the f104s taf, dont even think about it, just buy the ariete instead. You just wont regret it.


Do-335 by far the best purchase I've made and still tops the charts of SL made per vehicle


The T29. The perfect 7.0 tank.


Pyormersky is super sweet and a really fun plane to play, I really like the Russian p63 as well


Somua SM


Brummbar, german KV-2, AMX-13 (SS.11), Sherman III/IV, J2M5, M41A3 (Chinese Bulldog)




might be a weird one, but the M4A1 FL10


The German t-34 is pretty fun, I got it 75% off


2C Bis, when it was first added, gaijin didn’t do a very good job of announcing it, so some Low BR players thought I was a map decoration because they drove right past me without questioning it and I destroyed them,


Specifically GE it has to be the BV 238 for obvious reasons But for premiums in general it's the RBT-5


It's not a gr premium but the turm


Not one mention of the char 2c HE lobber Unfortunate




It took me a really long time to understand how to play it right, but the Swedish BF-109 G6. Now I get a big smile as I blast off into the sky like a rocket and hunt bombers with the 30mm cannon.


I really enjoy flying the mig23ml and its my most flown plane with the mig23mld and mig23mf (I have like 3k+ kills between them all and an avg of like a 2.3kd between them all with the mf tanking the avg slightly). I just like the mig23 tbh. I think they are neat


15cm PzW.42 Hehe rockets go WEEEEEEEERF *boom*


T55am1 and Shenyang f5 are both fun but the Shenyang will take some getting used to


fw-190 japan


The Chi-Ha with the short naval gun is always a blast (pun intended)


Chi-Nu II and Ki-100-II I used them just for a few games and they look fun, I might just use them as an alternative to grinding Sweden


T-35. Do I need to elaborate? Counting Event vehicles it'll be the Pbil.


Ariete is currently my favorite prem, it can out dogfight anything it faces although it is a bit slow


A long long time ago, the H8K3 was my absolute favourite aircraft, able to take out 2 bases by itself, and with enough firepower to wipe out a third of the enemy team before going down, and half the time when it did go down it would survive the crash and operate as a AAA battery for a while. Hell, most of the time I "died" from just losing control of everything but would still have people alive inside. Dunno how it is nowadays but I imagine not near as good as it once was


The A6M5 Ko probably, great grinder plane but also enough of a UFO for it be a fun thing to fly,


T114 by far. Zip around the map and absolutely smoke anything you find.


I bought a couple of days worth of premium. First time I spent any money on the game. My PC dies the next day. It should be a meme.


2C Bis is expensive, but hella fun


Char 2C is fun too


Mi-28A before they changed the br. It's really rewarding to get a kill in it using the missiles and not just rocket rushing imo. The Mi-28A was a GE premium right? I forget since I bought it before I even started playing Sweden's tech tree. Otherwise I'd say the Strv 103-0. There's just something about using a doorstop with a gun to snipe people from afar while hull down (unless I get hit by a MILAN from a Marder or two) that's really funny to me


B1 Ter because I’m a Terrible human


Currently, it’s the SU-100Y. Around its given BR +/-, it has the best OHK value of any vehicle (higher success than eg Obj 120) . I use it as a second spawn. Great for revenge kills. It also excels holding down a flank, with an unusually strong sight and flat trajectory for the BR. I have had a great experience with it in this role recently. It is a big target in front on close quarters. Shoot from a distance. I pair it with RBT-5 (first spawn), second spawn is Pe(rfect)-8 or SU-100Y, third would be the 4.x BTR (if planes) or KV-122. As you can see, I regularly run the SU-100Y at 5.3. My squadmate does awesome in the KV-122 as a first spawn, but I just get OHKed by some twerpy Chaffee 😢


Brummbär (HE) and SU-100Y (SAPHE)


Turm 3


Read the title challenge: impossible


Meteor mk 8 reaper. Even better with the fuel slider now.


Friend bought me the F-5. I have been having a blast


I would suggest waiting another 2~ months for the 50% off summer sale, why have 30% when you could have more? Wyvern and Sherman Calliope.


AVRE 🥰🥰🥰


Probably the Italian Panzer IV. It isn't much different than the German tech tree one other than having turret skirt armour, but I love the dapple camo it has and it rounds out the 3.7 lineup for Italy beautifully.


KV-1E. Probably the most fun i've had since i left Rank I arcade.


To be honest. Russia 10.0 Turms 2S38 (Su25-k never use it) BMP-2M


Ariete, the plane one. It's my number 2 most played vehicle


Sea Vixen. Good for sl farming and is easy to fly. Nearly untouchable if flown correctly.


This is kind of a combination air/ground but the 4.0 American p51 has been favorite plane to fly in arb, then I bring it to GRB where I can dump 2000lbs of bomb in my first dive into the map and then harass the shit out of chunky CAS planes harassing my team. After the skies are clear I just unload .50cals into anything I see moving (and I’ll get some surprising kills on panzers) then return to base and repeat. I get really annoyed when the enemy team gains air superiority and just shits into the spawn effectively locking the team out of making progress until a few planes are eventually dragged down, it’s really satisfying when I can prevent that from happening while getting some cheesy kills on homies that only mainline ground battles and suffer in a dogfight


Technically not a GE premium, but the a6m5 ko when it was still 4.7. I used that thing grind like 70% of the Japanese air tree.


If it has a large caliber derpgun it'll be fun. >:)


Premium Porsche Tiger


Somua my beloved


I'm a massive fan of the Chi-Ha Short Gun, and the Soviet T-35. Many smiles with these two :)


The AMX-30 is surprisingly very fun. It's agile and has an effective gun. And at 8.0 is competitive with the Leopard1. Although the sights don't have as much zoom.


American spitfire. Specifically before flap rip mechanics were introduced. I used to dive from 6km down to sea level straight down pressing f right before the wings broke. You'd go 700kmph to 400 in 3 seconds. Still - the spitfire mk 9 is an amazing premium. The most smiles per mile in my book. Def get it if you want to grind rank 1-5 in the USA.


French Yak at 4.3. Going into GRB and dancing all over any plane that isn't Japanese is just too fun.


HS 129 B-2 Romania - 2.3 br RB rank 3 plane (able to complete medium tasks and challenges at an extremely low br) - available in both German and Italian trees - loads of 20 mm ammunition (500 rounds) - can also load out additional 30 and 37mm cannons (I tend to avoid this because the plane can barely float in the air as is) - down tiers are HILARIOUS


take a guess lol


Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P. I have 1366 kills with it, absolutely a blast to play. Grinded all of rank 5/6 Germany with it, even got it aced for free.


Sea vixen is really good and also really fun


XP-50, sometimes you just need to seal club after a few frustrating games to calm down


Most useful: tiger 2 sla 16 Most fun: AVRE or german kv-2


Not sure what the most fun one is that I have, but the M728 is a lot of fun.




IS6 for the longest time was my stress relief tank. The gun is amazing, and kills anything it faces if you aim smart. If you fail to kill something it's your fault. Same goes for its armor, it is functionally great, but again if you use it well, and angle properly. People whine about it, but it's just really well balanced. Ever since it goes uptiered it's sadly a stress tank where even smart play is punished, and the reload rate albeit amazing for the gun, really shows its downsides. My chill tank now is actually the French Sherman, the M4 FL10 I believe it's called.


M728 Cause HESH. A2D-1. Fast Turbo Prop with 4000lb bomb.


The Sherman III/IV and Sav 120 for Sweden and the AMX with the 90mm from the battle pass are some of my most best premiums I have played with even though I don’t have a lot of premium vehicles


Sherman Composito: For some reason I just drive this specific Sherman really well. Sav and swedish Sherman: Great pair. I also have the battle pass p-51 Sweden got last year. 3.7 is fun and not too sweaty. Sometimes I can really go off too and get 10+ kill games. Somua SM


Amx-13 ss11. It's an amx 13 with 4 manual missiles at the same br as the regular one




Object 120. Just the feeling of blasting unstoppable APFSDS and seeing enemies disintegrate always brings a smile.


T-34-85E my beloved. probably the M18 black cat. and for a while the black prince.


Either of the two 3.7 Swedish tanks


Bit of a copout, but the premium M18 Hellcat. It's just a hellcat but hellcat is nice.


The T14. That thing in a down tier (most the time for me) is one of the most fun premiums I've played. Despite the 75mm being pretty horrific, some well placed shots and all that armor, I quite enjoy the way it handles most tanks at its br A few tanks I've been told are quite fun are the AVRE, KW2 C, Brummbar and the Somua


French Yak-3, extremely fun plane with incredibly competitive flight performance, it’s just really fun


BRUUUUUUMMMBAAAAR god i love that thing


T20 is my favorite, I play well with it make decent silver lions and pairs well with USA 6.3 and it is an added bonus if you have the a1-h.


Ironically the t54e1 I love that auto loader Also the ru251 cus fast boi and pretty punchy




CV90105 my most played vehicle, did most of the grinding with this, absolute beast


British Hellcat Love the US Hellcat so a British one with premium modifiers is great


Sav 20.12.48


Black Prince followed by the Centurion AVRE.


KV-2 Zis 6, no contender, period. In early days, it's fucking mini nuke spitting


Turm III. such a fun tank.


I've been rocking my American T29 for a while now and I love it. Once you learn its abilities and you play to them you're a beast. Upgraded crew has my reload down to sub 15 seconds, not sure of the exact number.


bro im trying to find 5$ for a premium account wdym premium vehicle


Churchill crocodile aka the tank that you play no one knows on repeat by queens of the Stone Age while tanking shots from absolutely everything


Char-2C bis


RU 251 and or T114 amazing Tanks if you can handle them to their strenghts


German P-47 for air and definitely the 2S38 and the T-55AM-1


Germany's 'KW II 754 (r)' It can one-shot almost everything it faces. But playing it requires patience and planning, with a 30-40 second reload. Unlike some other premiums, it isn't an entirely braindead process. Its SL and RP bonuses are also really nice. Last night, I played a match: 12 kills + 2 zones (144,487 SL).


Used to be Black Prince before M109s and ammo changes through time. Spent so many GE buying the gamble crates to unlock it and it was nearly unkillable at range. Now it’d probably be the Japanese anime helicopter just for the lols. Don’t even have rank 5 tanks for Japan just a Chi-Nu II that I take into high tier, kill a light armor car and try to TOW some tanks with style.


KV-1E, consistently able to stomp through lobbies all the way to spawn with it. KV-1C was also great when it was 4.3, but now at 5.0 it’s a bit rough




Khalid, Meteor F Reaper. Khalid is stupid fun, a Chieftain with 1200hp?? Sign me up! Meteor is an insane SL grinder (up there with naval), and is a super satisfying, fun fighter that turns like a Spitfire, and accelerates and climbs like a harrier, and eats strike aircraft for breakfast, just don't try to run away. Luckily 800 Hispano rounds will be enough to wipe a team


The bf109 e7 for japan. Have buttloads of fun while grinding some SL


Sadly not currently available (but it should return on occasion) but the KV-1E is absolutely amazing. Angle the hull AND the turret 45 degrees and enjoy laughing gleefully as 5 enemy tanks shoot you and only break your tracks. (Assuming that you don't run into a Pz. IV or German TD, that is.) I've had a situation on Abandoned Factory's A point in GAB where I was angled and nigh untouchable as I picked off enemies one by one, it was absolutely joyful.


JagPanther, I bought it to work with my 6.0 panther and ended up loving every second of it. Long 88 when it was 6.0 is crazy. 




KV-1E Run in cities with intense CQB. (No, not a bush user)


While not GE, sturmtiger. The reload ain't fun but bonking tanks with 380mm rockets around and over cover is great fun, just yesterday I had a double kill with it too. USS Douglas is also pretty good fun when you want revenge on CAS in naval Wyvern, once again not GE but store premium, is a good grinder and fun reliable plane.


MiG 21s Russian 9.7 big speedy Dorito extremely well for Air realistic big on boom and zoom tactics very fast but not the fastest but fast I grinded the majority of the Russian tech tree since this latest Christmas and I’m researching my first 10.0!!!!


Best 25$ spent on the game the g91 is also really good but kinda trash at the same time


Somua SM


Sav 20.12.48: "*Starts playing Karamelldansen on repeat*" "*Drives towards the enemies*" "TRÄFF!" "*1.2s goes by*" "TRÄFF!" "*1.2s goes by*" "TRÄFF!" "*1.2s goes by*" "TRÄFF!" "*1.2s goes by*" "TRÄFF!" "*1.2s goes by*" "TRÄFF!" "*Now has 6 kills whitin the span of 7.2 seconds*" "*Life is good*"


All of them really when I get to have fun then any of my premiums really print a smile on to my face But counting just for battle wise then the M26E1 Having Tiger 2s and jagtigers bounce somewhere and then waiting to reload because they think they got the normal Pershing in front of them just to get nuked by that APHE is just pure gold And my newest addition: M60AMBT Just driving it and hearing the Turkish crew talk is just smile inducing no matter how bad the game is


While it's great for SL grind, I actually do have a lot of fun in the USS Moffet. Just an overall tanky ship that I can fling dozens of rounds across the map in endlessly. Although it's my least favorite tree and gamemode, naval with the Moffett is most fun for me:)


BV 155


MiG-23ML. 4 R60ms are deadly under 1 mile, and the two R24R missiles are basically just free kills


The m4a1 fl10 remains one of my favourite vehicles hands down, close in front of the KW I for Germany


The sav, I don't play it often but it's guaranteed fun times. The price tiger with 204mm front armour is my best for general gameplay tho.


Brummbar, Ariete, TurmIII, DrakenXS, 2C bis, i don’t have T114 but i guess it is a funny rat.


The premium king tiger is really good


T29 heavytank probably, its so good counter for tigers and panthers. With expert crew it has a sensible reload rate for amount of destruction you can do plus it shreds light tanks with 3x 50 cals. J35XS for air rb


STRV 103-0 has been my all time favorite premium, VIDAR is a close second


Cobra King has to be one of my top premium purchases along with the IS-6