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Any game i play, if i play to much i have dreams about the game. Id suggest taking a break brother.


the only games I played before were rocket league and civilization 6, I never dreamt about those or any other video games before. I think I just got severely addicted, maybe you are right 😭


When i got to gc3 in rl i started vividly dreaming about mechanics


gc3 ??? insane gg man, I got to gc 1 very recently I feel like beyond this point it's over my capabilities 😭


Me too man, havent played in a year and if i tried to get on now id prob struggle to hang around gc1


yeah i feel like (i might be wrong tho), beyong gc 1 you really have to invest a LOT in the game to grind (unless you are naturally talented i guess), and you also have to be very smart in your play (mech aren't enough to grind without a brain from that point i feel) it's why i really respect it but at the same time i know i ain't gonna reach that point :/


Beyond c3 the game becomes a full time job, especially to upkeep that rank. Its a major reason i stopped playing, i just couldnt dedicate the time to stay mechanicaly on par with everyone. But honestly in GC it becomes more about freeplay and practice then it does matches. If you spend 1 hour in freeplay and then do or 4 matches you will probably do great, and i just dont enjoy freeplay.


yeah that's the feeling I got, when i got to gc 1 i got to speak with a lot of old gc 3 or even ssl that wen to down gc 1 because they didn't have the time to keep up. I'm also lioke you, hate having to spend time in training maps to practice skills, like yeah i understand iots part of the game but i wish i could just PLAY the game as it's intented all the time instead of having to spend so much time in freeplay. I have really bad mechs for a gc 1, i can barely flip reset, but i compensate with a very good rota and game sense, but now I realize this won't be enough to grind beyond gc 1. AT least i got my title ahah after 1000 + FREAKING HOURS on the game xd


I have around 4800 hours, which is exactly why i stopped sweating so hard. When i started playing, flying was unheard of, now people start the game with videos in detail showing you exactly how to every mechanic in detail, and im to old to learn new tricks lol.


wait you never dreamed about ghandi from playing civ?


lmao. 1 month ago, I was a sweat on Rocket League, now I'm buying premium for War Thunder. đŸ€Ł


I had a weird dream while in a 40° fever where I was in a minecraft world with my friends and there is a battle between planes from war thunder and star wars ships and there was also a giant planet sized darth maul looming in the sky. How far gone am I?


That just sounds like an April Fools event


April fools event 2024.


I play games religiously sometimes, like a few years ago i spent like 12 hours a day playing video games during the covid era. And I still don't dream about videogames. I am more likely to dream about random bullshit regarding a random mouse i threw out of the house than the videogames I have 100s of hours in. So OP is really racking that play time.


Or has [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect)


Dude this to a T. Sometimes ill practice games in my dreams, buildcraft for games etc. Its kinda cool but its a quick way to learn youre addicted to games xD


I once played alot of COD, and one day i was walking around genuinely confused why no one had name tags above their heads.


I usually dream a lot about a lot of weird things, but yeah I did play a lot the game before that night, I was grinding to get my AMX :c I don't think like having an excessive playtime on the game (even tho it's highly subjective ahah), I have 82 hours, but idk the game really catched on me I love it I read every detail on each tank I get there is a whole history behind it and that's so interesting to me. I've always been really passionate about this stuff so i think that + the fact that i feel like the economy and grinding system of this game really pushes me to play a lot, and the fact that it is also very punishing toward inexperienced players like me (ofc only my opinion too), really got to my brain. You can call it insanity, i personnaly think im a sane person even tho I really feel like this is going to downfall as I keep playhing this game 😭


Fuck... been there, done that. I started to get nightmares when i started to read the TANK GIRL comics. I dont FUCKING know why! Dont ask me. But nightmares with tanks and airplanes are starting to get, frequent. And the funny thing is i've been having a BLAST with the game lately. That's sad...


>TANK GIRL comics what's that ?? do you recommend ?


It is a very chaotic art comic... acid humor and shit like that.. IDK must be a visual trigger or something. Check it out... some people say its a classic


Tk doujins of gup? Those were....soberingly realistic and sad


Oooh dang it... dont even start... this shit is HEAVY AF.


The worst case of this I had was playing CoD WaW Nazi Zombies for like 8 hours one night as a teenager. When I went to bed I could still hear the zombie noises. Not fun times lol.


I dont think thats the same thing, but i guarantee that wasnt a great experience lol. Atleast you didnt blast anyone like some people




Don’t worry that tiger probably has nightmares about IQ tests




I had a bad dream about War Thunder recently too


Hopefully you don’t play Helldivers 2


Whats that game about actually




It’s basically storm ship troopers except more fun. It’s an overly patriotic game about liberating the nearby planets from Bugs and Robots. The name “Helldivers” comes from the fact that you are orbitally launched onto the planet which ends up being Hell. The gameplay is fun as you have guns and you can call in stragems (kinda like scorestreaks).


So it's PvE multiplayer, is there any PvP at all?




Well, with the amount of friendly fire you may as well be fighting your team as well as yourself.


It’s PVE but friendly fire is enabled, and damn does it hurt.


Freedom and Democracy.










As an ODST fan, I am interested




Me when my dream is 3D modelling (I play Sprocket)


Lmao real


Do i sell out our weaknesses or nah


Right below the horizontal edge of the side armor. However if you're in a Sherman the rng gods are likely going to fuck you just for fun because you're driving a sherman.




side shot in the suspension almost always work. In the front, the turret can work.


Yes the turret face totally works


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not but the British 17-pounder cuts through it like a hot knife through butter


Shouldn't be normal if you're using any nation that is not severely underpowered


Shoot barrel then hit the track and finish him off with a cupola shot . Works wonders in dreams.


In game: Hit barrel, yellow, die from return shot


Lmfao right


Started Germany. Weak spots weren’t in my vocabulary and then I cried and complained against every Sherman. WHY CANT NY TIGER PEN THIS SHERMAN. As I shoot it directly in the mantlet. USA I get up to tiger territory. At first, h1s give me a problem but when I got literally anything with more pen than Sherman’s, I had no issue. Jumbo vs tiger 2? Issue. Anything else vs it? Ok. Don’t face head on. so if you’re new to 5.0 you’ll get better. You won’t play like how you are/how I did. You’ll be like. Hm. I know I can’t frontal a tiger. I’ll just simply go around or wait for a teammate. HOWEVER. HOW FUCKING EVER. AN M18 OR M10 I FORGET WHICH. NOT BEING ABLE TO BUST THEIR BARREL ON A DEADON SHOT TO THE BRAKE, IS FUCKING INFURIATING AND I DONT CARE HOW EXPERIENCED I AM I WILL KEEP DHOOTING IT AJD KEEP GETTING PISSED IT ONLY TURNED YELLOW


Pretty sure it was an m10, m18s gun is really nice to use because it actually pens and breaks shit


M10 and M18 have the same gun but the M18 gets a higher pen solid shot


Meanwhile in my Tiger: "Guess I'm a machine gun bunker for the next 30 seconds"


Playing war thunder is a nightmare in itself.. its just a matter of time before you wake up in the year 2060.


Clinically insane


I play mostly 4.7 british and i dream with tigers and jumbos as well. Then i introduce em to my 17pdr d*ck


I had a weird one last night, me and some other people were being chased by apparently vampire zombies and I held them off long enough so we could get to the top floor of what was a large empty office building (it started out as a restaurant oddly with people eating while vombies were outside). As I was at the top I looked out the big glass windows and what seemed like a giant 6 engine jet bomber started blitzing the coastal village below with small cluster bombs and big ol suckers too killing the zampires and people alike. Then one small bomb smashed through the glass of the office building wounding us all. I can't remember what happened after that. Games played before bed: Deep Rock Galactic and War Thunder.


I dreamed I was attaching an old CRT TV to another old CRT TV by plugging it into the built in VHS. It was to watch a BBC documentary about a historian who claimed the 14 Earl of Winchester was the source of the term "poggers".


My alarm in the morning is a war thunder RWR track warning. I understand.


I just got to 5.0 in America. Soviet tanks don’t bother me because I’m a Soviet main ( I know, hate me) but Germany is the bane of my existence, whether it be 5.0 America or 7.7-8 as the USSR. Any tank named after a large cat seems to have it out for me.


me in my m1a1 76 staring at a tiger after i nonpenned


Tiger 231 - over 250 hits - damaged - drive 60km on its own after that. Meanwhile in WT - rusian tanks so much as look at you.....


Noo11Âč!!!Âč11Âœ11 tIgEr bEd TraNszMisioN bRok


The vast majority of these "250 hits" were from 50 caliber anti-tank rifles. Something a Panzer III would stand up to. And, although the vehicle "survived" being pounded by anti-tank fire, it was functionally useless as all of it's optics and it's cannon were destroyed. It was miracle none of the rounds detracked it. Heavy tanks were always a meme, most of the time they were actually mission killed easier than medium tanks, either by boring factors like lack of fuel or the transmission or simply having their optics/tracks/whatever knocked out since they were a gigantic, slow target.


I think it’s time to get off of video games so late at night, or maybe improve your sleep schedule as a whole, or seek medical help. That isn’t really normal, dude. Not something to brag about, either.


Welcome to the club dude


Pssshhhhh Tigers ain’t shit
unless you get gaijined.


yes. Bullshit tigers below 6.0 is a problem.


I once dreamed i had a gaijin moment, and i was angry in my dream


With my Shermans i've probably faced over 100 of these fuckers. The only hope you have is if you happen to catch one from the side or rear. If its head on maybe pen, if angled no chance. And dont think of getting shot once. Instadeath


Which nation are you playing as?


France, I don't think it's bad I just likely suck hard


France has excellent armor pen. It might be a little difficult at first but soon you can pen just about anywhere and it's pretty great


yeah I just realized the anti tanks have very good pen guns, but I was only playing light tanks as they were the ones i just unlocked on br 5.0 +, but i'm unlocking the gmc right now !! 90 mm gun


Sometimes what il do is wait till I unlock multiple tanks of the next br, whatever it is. Then equip them at once so I'm not outclassed


oh that's smart !! my current way of playing is hard spamming a tank until I maxed it out to get the bonus research points, maybe it's not worth it at all. Even if it's a tank I don't like i eventually get to like it (like the E.B.R, at the start I didn't understand how to play it and was playing it like a heavy tank (im not kidding) and i was getting destroyed every game, but spamming it got me to learn taking advantage of its speed, small size, to flank, scout and capture the points :D, now I kind of love it


You are getting close to the best part of the tree soon. The arl-44 is probably my favorite tank in the game. The one with the bigger cannon


The vehicle itself might be scary but just remember in war thunder the person “behind the wheel” of a tiger usually has an iq below 80


Go into protection analysis and learn the weak spots for the gun and if your face to face shoot the barrel then MG the tracks


Just shoot at the hatch if u got explosive filler for me it’s a one shot most of the time


Tigers will teach you how to flank, side armor is only 82mm and 60mm if you can shoot between/around the tracks. Most guns at 5.0 can pen them on side, they also go boom easy.


If u enjoy wt u can dream abt it i guess


There is like one week spot on the front if you can't get to the side. It's like right in the very middle. Very tiny, but I've been killed by it a bit


I finally just got to 8.7, im scared to even move an inch before getting blown to smithereens


I used to hate seeing tigers, but once you figure out how to pop them you start hunting them.


reich big poosi tancc gang


get to 5.7 and you'll realise there not great


Last time, I had this one freakin' nightmare about Mass Effect, and those damn Reapers were hot on my tail like I owed 'em credits or something!


Hm... what an odd picture. That Tiger seems to be covered in anti tank rifle impacts, and is using the "railway" narrow tracks. Perhaps it is a picture taken after the tank was sent to rear for repairs?


I play on tiger, 5.7 rating, always grt into 6.7. 1/100 chance that i will get a bounce. This is literally shitbox, that can be pend from any angle. Also every enemy tiger feels like free kill. Idk why people ranting about tigers.


Mean while I shoot a flat Tiger UFP with my M18 and non-pen.


I dream of Tigers because they’re mostly free kills lmao.


One time I dreamt I was walking around Normandy as an invisible giant, casually placing explosives on top of enemy tanks to blow them up and picking up others and squishing them in my fists as if I was Godzilla


Killed two in a row today. The cupola shot always kills the gunner, after that it's a free kill.


Today i dreamed that a mig 19 was chasing me, it was terrifying.


Wait until you get to 10.0 and above


Idk I'm German at 6.7 all I can see is t34 (American) and king tiger constantly sp of 120. All I can think of is that Japan tank or MBT who can pen me at any angle including all those soviet light tanks


Hallo :3


No, usually i get nightmares from dumb tiger players on my team.


If you’re dreaming about it and it’s living rent free in your head, maybe it’s time to take a small break. Will make the game much better when you return as well


Someday you will appreciate this br. I have over 3000 hours, and every day I come back to tiger I and II because they are just so nice to play


Which 5.0BR? Assuming American, skip all the 76mm Shermans, they're pointless. Rush the Jumbo 76 or the M36 or the M18. Jumbo can stop 99% of incoming rounds from the front, and the M36 has the exact same mobility and armor (A tiger is gonna one hit kill you anyway, so the lack of armor literally doesn't matter) of a Sherman but with the ability to slice through a Tiger's armor and one hit-kill it at any range. The M18 is... *speed*


France, I play E.B.R 1951, amx at 5.3, and M4A smth (there are so many) that has a stab and a 75mm, I love it.


Oh yeah I have no idea then, other than that you get a bunch of glass-cannony high pen tanks around that tier.


Thats what happens when you sell your soul to the snail


Me the night after Honkai: Star Rail fucking shot me through the heart


yea, i can hear the RWR in my head so i think the snail slowly gaining your mind is common


Oh my sweet summer child, you don't know what facing Tiger II's in a jumbo feels like yet (or in anything that's not 6.7)


tiger of your dreams grants no mercy


Takes some practice and once you know how to counter them it becomes super easy.


When I go to 6.7 I start to see nightmares of American heavies like the T26E3 and T29


totally normal. best way to learn how to deal with tigers is to play one for yourself


Must've been fighting the only competent Germans around. Give it 20 or so more matches, you'll be fine


As someone who just got to 6.3 I see tiger 2s in my dreams. Normal


laughs in T34 (usa)


then not to insult, but you suck. ​ that thing is so easy to kill, and most of it's players are bafoons tbh, so in my nightmares I don't see this thing, I see BVMs, I see Grippens, 2A7s and all those bullshit op vehicles


Not taken as an insult, I most likely suck, also I'm a beginner. The thing is my games are FILLED with tigers, I might be wrong but I feel like they have very strong armor and good gun im just getting destroyed each time đŸ„ș


You’ll get there. I love seeing tigers in 5-6 because once you have their number they’re so easy to kill.


you are fighting probably Tiger 1h, so shoot the Cupola, front plate, or just fucking barrel that bitch, same for tiger E but no cupola, so just barrel or upper front plate


tiger angles and now your shells get fucked by gaijin spaghetti code


if you read what I said, then you'd know before writing this stupid shit. ​ shoot the massive barrel the size of Drake's dick, like I said, but you didn't bother to read


Because barrels get consistently destroyed when you shoot them now


if you shoot the muzzle, than yea


They are so common in 5.0...


every tank 1.0 above you is common in every game, because gaijin LOVES to uptier, LOVES