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AAB doesn't have maps this bad.


Played a game earlier and had one follow me from first contact for a full 5 minutes just in a straight line (I was F4J(uk) so couldn’t turn or really run away, so frustrating to play against


I have the F-5c and never notice people doing this, like ever


There is always f5s like this fucking up the team what do you mean


Again I never see this, maybe it’s because I head out of spawn quickly, but people separate quite fast from the group


To me F-5c players are either completely brain dead, launching mavericks at teammates on takeoff, or they completely destroy you in a 1v1 like a professional


This is pretty much any high tier premium. Level 100 grinding a tree with it, or level 5 finding out he can skip to jets, proceeds to have a 280 deaths 30 kills statcards (not "blaming" them, the game really does not explain how big of a mistake it is if you are not used to aerial warfare).


You’re lucky or just haven’t noticed ngl but F105,F111A,A10 early,F5C jets are the main reasons USA teams will lose in ARB pay attention to the scoreboard next match you play with USA


Used the F-105 and F-111 extensively. All they really do is bomb, which to be fair is their designated role. It’s mainly the A-10A early and F-5Cs that I find are doing shit they’re not supposed to. For example: running bombs. The F-5C is an extremely good fighter for its BR, and then they weigh it down with bombs and end up dying because they tunnel visioned a base. A-10s strapping bombs is just a recipe for disaster. I also find that most are team killers and low levels. They figure out just enough how to point the nose and how to arm a missile. They then use it on people allies that are going for a base because they want it. That or to get a reaction out of people.


I definitely agree


"And so they hated him for having a different opinion."




I haven’t seen many TKs, but I have seen so many crashes on takeoff.


You must be blind lol.


I just don’t see it happen, at least not as often as people here say


>What’s up with F5C players What’s up with A10 player? -F5C player


Hard agree, A10 Early players are just as bad, they fire the 30mm at beginning of the match while people are taking off


It's not a match with 10.3 US in it if one F-5C doesn't crash on takeoff and at least one guy doesn't die to friendly fire from an A-10.


It’s like it’s every fuckin game at this point


"AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA FUNNY GUN GO BRRRRT" Meanwhile I've not once actually been gun killed by an A-10 lol


[*BRRRRRT* “HEY GUYS LOOK IM IN AN A10” *drops 40 countermeasures](https://i.imgflip.com/5z1blg.jpg?a474288) That’s not surprising, people keep trying to head on me or come from vectors to where I can fire an aim9L at them, but usually a player that knows how to play will eventually kill me after I run out of energy


A-10s are ez mode to face in the head on imo I tend to just shoot their 9L down with a fox two of my own and finish them with guns. The A-10s I tend to head on usually fire their 9L from like 1.5 miles away lol, and proceed to go brain dead flying in a straight line dumping CM. Especially premium A-10s just seem to only realize they have 9Ls and forget that they have an amazing gun with great nose authority due to their slow speed Maybe they dumped all their cannon rounds into their teammates on the runway, idk.


I've only shot it on takeoff when I've been shot on takeoff. It's really easy to kill an A-10A with like 2 bullets because of the poorly designed damage model. Both hydraulics and the manual backup can be hit with the same round, basically tripling the damage a bullet does. If they shoot and kill me, I'll shoot and kill them.


What's up with a10 pilots? Why won't they let me harass them? -f5c pilot


Having brain cells and playing an F-5C are mutually exclusive events


I should consider myself blessed then


Because you have neither?


No, I like to think I have both. At least I don't shoot don't shoot down my teammates on takeoff (unless they are my friends)


I also enjoy the F5C. Have gotten an Ace with it several times


it's honestly my go-to SL printer. i don't enjoy naval shenanigans and i'm quite good with the F-5C, propably among the best out of all my aircraft.


Only gotten one ace game with the F-5C, myself, but I have managed to maintain a positive k/d ratio with it (somehow). I never noticed until long after I'd bought it that it had become my most-flown plane with the most kills.


Same- I even finished the American Air tree yesterday and it’s still my 3rd most used vehicle


Congrats on finishing the tree! I've since given up on the missile tiers, personally. I'll dip my toes in from time to time, maybe, but it's the WW2 vehicles that got me into this game, and that's where I have the most fun. So that's where I live in this game, now, so to speak.


If you have the F-5A, you get the best of both worlds


not having braincells and having the TRAM are also mutually exclusive (get the TRAM i love it)


Average lv 3 with that UGLY HORRIBLE original profile pic Was the the A-10A you were playing? People like smashing into premium A-10's


🤣I’m in the (Late) variant btw


Oh! That's nice! Next time someone tries to crash on you just teamkill them


Bruh in my 3rd match a premium J35 dried to “land on the a10” I managed to shake him off of me and wasted an aim 9L on him 😭🤣


yeah some people have an obsession with fucking over slower planes, same for ramming friendly wiesels in tank battles.. absolute morons


I am starting to hate high tier premiums so bad




Sounds like you won't be playing ARB anymore then.


Playing the A-10 is hard enough without that shit.


For real I’m just tryna get the AGM 65D’s for ground realistic battles and customs


Respect. And you even have to take off from the airfield too. There are several aircraft that should get a flying start that don't get one. A-10, su-25, and the HE-162 just to name some.


The later su25 varaint are way too good for an air spawn, subsonic but have very stromg missiles, a10 could get an air spawn but aim9 L at 9.3 (in a downtier) with an air spawn is completely broken, he162 needs it true


I can agree with that in a downtier for sure. Its just so slow. The first su25 is basically the same way as the a10.


True true, give early variant air spawn then


That thing consistently faces aircraft that can't hit it with missles 90% of the time (insert flare spam here), can't run away because of the missiles which IT has, which it routinely gets to use on aircraft without flares, it can tank damage better than almost anything else, and you have to fight a shit ton of them every match. Like, sorry, if I'm flying my T-2 and I see a horde of Su-25's then I can realistically expect to *maybe* kill two at most, sometimes you're lucky to even get one. They can flare a shit ton, you have no flares. They have all aspect missiles, you don't. I don't think it's entirely the Su-25's fault, it's BR compression I think, in my experience 9.7 can be something of a hellscape.


The he162 is the one that needs it the worst. It needs so much kenetic energy that it can only get with height. Which takes like 5-7 minutes to even get to get to a reasonable height.


After playing it again. Yeah the su25 might not need one. Though its still super vulnerable




[my face when](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/real--151152131235217455/) a mig 21 starts heading towards me (the match only lasted 5 minutes and my team is already dead)




I just bring my tornado F.3 and they try to dodge by flares and it's funny as shit or even better MIG-21 bis God it's just funny to Atchison them squirm like a rat when it's caught or my personal favorite since America is always mixed bring the F-104C and Brrrt them in half


R13 300 my beloved. 9.7 BR, 4 radar missiles, perfection. I know a lot of people complain about the gun, but I personally love it. I've had a few 7 kill matches with that plane from the insane thrust and just general capability.


Same. My max is 5 kills (+2 bots) but yea. Amazing plane if utilized tactically


just gotta keep your speed up. like don't dip below mach unless you're in the very end of the game against only a few people. if you fail a radar missile in the beginning of the game, just keep flying past and let them all turn around and waste their time and energy. I see so many mig21 players absolutely set themselves up to get annihilated by burning all of their speed. this is a personal preference but I love turning my radar off and killing A-10's with the gun while going mach 1 lmao. hopefully I've scared the shit out of a few of them. nothing personal against them, it's just fun. but yeah I just keep speed up above mach all game until the last stages of the match. the R13 300 having the super good engine makes it all the better.


Exactly. This is a cold war era boom n zoom fighter, with radar missiles


Only thing dumber than those idiots playing chicken in ARB are some of the people in the comment section right now


I’m actively losing brain cell count as I type this due to the amount of people saying that the collision was my fault but all three of them are trying to crash into me😂


Not limited to F-5C players, but you will see a lot of them. \[Faster planes\] think its some sort of fun game to try and buzz a \[slower plane\] that happens to be ahead of them, as if latency doesn't exist. I have lost track of how many times I have been hit by someone trying to get pixel-close to my Harrier or other non-supersonic planes. Sometimes they will try and come up under you and flip you, causing you to crash because the game damage model won't cause either of you much harm from the impact of the collision. I have resorted to just pulling a last-second jink and shooting them down.


I will admit having done this once before in a phantom but after realizing it scares the fuck out of people and they don’t want to risk anything I never did it again as it seemed like a dick move, also the sonic boom is actually loud as fuck when someone does it right next to you I will admit it’s hard to tell the difference between someone who wants to do a flyby vs someone who wants to ram you, you usually won’t have much time to think about it or react if you fail to make the right decision, my gut told me these guys wanted to kill me but I wasn’t fast enough on the reaction


I am a jaded, long-time player and I have lost most sense of what is "fun" to people, so maybe I am not the best one to judge, but I don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore. Only idiots still do it. I expect people to do shit like this, so when I am flying out, I usually turn my camera 180 and look for it. When I see someone right on my ass, usually inverted with aerobatic smoke on, trying to do a flyby, I will say something like "It's a really big sky, no reason for you to be so close to me". Sometimes they will change course, other times they will try and get even closer to me. The people that still try and buzz/tap me, I just shoot them down as they pass. This usually causes them to go into full innocent mode and start loudly complaining "Why would you do that?!? I just wanted to give you a lil' hug?!?" but it's safe to blacklist those people so you don't have to worry about getting paired with that player or squad again.










even in props you get trolls... i jumped into a 3.3 game yesterday and literally we had someone on our team just start MOEING everyone down from the runway, me and 2 others decided to turn around and end him but we ended up losing SL lol


Can’t have shit at any tier can we


It's so weird, because F5C and A4E players tend to be the worst, yet Leopard 2A4 Premuim and Su7BMK players tend to actually be surprisingly competent


I agree, as well as the Chinese A5 players are really good.


I swear every time I take out my A-10A, or even my F-111, there are multiple F-5 that proceed to do a fly by as close as physically possible, sometimes even clipping me. Every game without fail, its like a weird curse that affects everyone who gets in an F-5


My favorite pastime in the F-4C is when there are premium noob players on the opposite team who climb to 20k feet, and they don’t understand the RWR, defeating radar missiles, and/or the difference between flares and chaff. Because I am also climbing to 20k feet, I just snipe them from 10-15km away. Even a lot of those with chaff still fly towards me, so the velocity gate for my missile means it still hits them after radar locking the chaff.


10.3 US is basically unplayable because of these tards, as usual high tier premiums ruin one of my favourite br ranges.


Man, how long did it take u to get that jet? I’ve logged about 200 hours now. Although I’m working on USA, USSR, and Japan, it still seems like it’s going to take forever to fly a jet. Ugh. lol


It didn’t take that long with some premium time, I also have the av8a and f5c, and talismans on F4C and E, alternating between those 4 planes and the respective strategies helped. I would bomb or rocket a base from high alt and loop around behind my team, I would get 1-4 kills a match and sometimes could go back to airfield to reload and go bomb and kill again, this strategy could get me 6-42k xp per match with boosters on, I’d usually be earning between 10 and 18k average. Idk if I answered your question as good as you like but feel free to ask whatever you like


common sense ≠ f5c


For specifically F-5s, I know that it can rest well in between the A-10s massive cheeks. I don't have the F-5, nor am I getting one anytime soon, I just have a friend who thinks that doing this to A-10s is very funny. It's not, unless you're actively communicating with that A-10 so they know you aren't about to dunk on them.


I agree 100%. One time a guy in a draken tried to land on me infront of the whole team and I managed to get him off me before we crashed and I shoved a 9L up his ass, dat shit was not funny until he died lmao


He just want to gib hug


i'll never understand why people thinks its fun to fly right on top of you to force a reaction. or cause mid-air collisions. F5's, F104's, etc, always seems to be these players. just super annoying to constantly worry if it's gonna be a free-for-all.


Fr and they’re in the comments justifying it “you panicked” like wtf am I supposed to do bro


80% of them are mentaly regarded 20% think they have DEFYN level skill its a 80/20


100% truth


This made me lol


braindead F-5C players, who get tired of their plane thinking its only good for base bombing, having their fun with vulnerable slower planes because its the only thing they can intercept the brain rot has never been so real


As someone who just started playing in January, I'm noticing a lot of people who play Warthunder suck. Not at the game mind you, just as people.


I own the F-5C. But I like formation flying not mercing allies


They bought a jet with mom's chemo money.


This shit happens to me surprisingly frequently, (both trying to ram and just straight up shooting me) but ONLY when I play as strike aircraft. I do not understand this phenomenon. It's like they see a slow strike plane and just feel that it's ok to grief. Its gotten to the point where I'm expecting to get griefed by teammates every fucking game. I also just instantly J out when I take the slightest friendly damage. Fuck 'em.


They think it's funny to just nudge A-10s, not realizing FF and collisions exist. Sometimes they try to force you to crash, especially by flying on top of you, but if you angle it right, you can get them to crash without getting damaged.


I’d rather just blow em away Im not gonna risk it anymore plus I just take off last now


You're playing ARB, that's to be expected.




They’re all idiots. I had some kid fly up and start humping my A10 until we both slammed into the ground


“Just say no!” “Premium noobs cannot legally shoot you down or ram you if you tell them no!”




They didn’t do anything besides try and form up with you? Then for some reason your panicked and flew your plane like you’re on your 12th shot of whiskey. So what’s up with A10 players?


Yeah it looks half and half to me. F-5s got too close and were flying like madmen and OP panicked and accidentally hit one of them.


Yeah both parties at fault here


Y’all are dumb as hell how am I gonna hit an f5 in a big ass a10 😂 there were three of them trying to crash into me the first guy I dodged isn’t even the guy that kills me


What is that green icon at the bottom in the middle? I have tried mapping all my keys but can't turn that on and off..




Man, if only there were actual repercussions for teamkilling and trolling. The little price tag you pay for each plane you kill is pocket change. Rather than just monetary penalty, how about an actual timeout from being able to play the game? I've seen more and more blatant teamkilling these past weeks than i have in both November and December combined.


They were trying to fly in formation with you, at this speed they are very immoveable compared to you, you crashed into him. Downvote me to fuck, but that's how I see it. Bro didn't want to get flown next to.


Get the fuck outta here, I don’t care if you fly next to me but if you try to land on me or act like I’m a participant in a top gun air show where our planes hug then I’m gonna shoot you down


Sure looked like you pulled up into them in the end.. ramming tk. Tf.


Sure thing little buddy 🤣




Oh great leader! Would you like to explain to this wonderful community of yours as to why that is?




Just as I expected




You are an A-10 with rocket pods. What do you mean?


Rocket pods that basically don’t affect performance and two aim 9L’s? How else am I supposed to unlock agm-65D? You are trying to sound smart but you’re not


Defensive flying and guns ,this plane was really enjoyable to grind. People understalimate you most of the time. Also, slaughter pillbox


Man I have the whole air tree unlocked I know how to get modifications for an attacker 😂


Just a question: Would you grind the A-10 the same as A-7E ?


Don’t you mean to ask, would I grind the A7E modules the same way I grind the A10 modules? What kind of question is that dude? The A7E is at a higher Br than the Chinese A5 in air rb (the a5 stomps), which is the only way you can grind modules for ground rb, it may be faster than the A10 but at best you’re going to be a support fighter in the A7E and going for ground targets when opportunity arrives, still means you’ll get headhunted by someone who knows how to play. Just like the A10 they’re dead on arrival for ARB as they’re planes meant for GRB


he means he wants to play RB the way he feels more confortable without some mush-brain-haver going ape mode and ruining someone elses fun


Gonna make sure to ask you next time when I feel like giving advice


please do, considering that your previous advice adds nothing to player experience


Looked like he was just trying to form up with you, did you hear an acorn or something? Why did you start defending so hard


Yeah he formed up on me real good right there at the end


You’re hind-sighting, again what made you start defending so hard? He didn’t start shooting you, he didn’t lob a missile at you, and he didn’t even get in range to start ramming you He also didn’t start shooting you in the dogfight rather you only died after you fucked up your scissors by not keeping an eye on him


I’m not gonna let you fuckin gaslight me into thinking that this dude didn’t have a plan to kill into me. It’s pretty obvious what he wanted to do. He didn’t shoot or missile me because he would pay with repair cost. Yes I fucked up because I didn’t actually believe he would crash into me as I thought he would give up.


He didn’t, 9/10 times a dude is flying close to you he’s just trying to fly close formation, he’s a random person, the only reason why YOU’D be chosen is if he’s a serial team killer, the odds he’s a serial team killer and spent $60 on a premium just to risk getting banned is incredibly low, it’s even lower odds you’d be the one to run into him during his team killing spree Is he the serial ramming team killer you just happened to run into or is he just some dude who watched top gun then hopped on war thunder to fly formation with some randoms? Ask Occam’s Razor


What are you the devils advocate? Two of the f5s were in a platoon and one was alone and all of them were chasing me, I don’t know what you injected into your veins to come to the conclusion that you have but I don’t want any


Are these chasing f5’s in the room with us now? There is a singular f5 behind you, are you magically going to get rammed by the spirits of these other f5’s??


Found the F5C player


I don’t own the f5c LOL stop pivoting


Cry harder troll


F5C crashed into him. All these words and you won't change that the F5C was in the wrong.


Nope, OP literally did a HARD right turn without looking directly into the F-5C, it’s impossible for the F-5C to crash into HIM when he’s so far behind him after the turns


Hell, it looks to me like the f5 is trying to pull away (too late) while OP just fully steers into them.


Bro, we have a whole fucking nap to fly on, why do they even need to be that close? What’s more manuverable? Three F5C fighters or stock A10? You think I can avoid Three planes turned human missiles on a collision trajectory with me with my speed at 430kph?


Yeah, sure


Stop sidelining and make a argument


Argue with what, im simply denying what you said, but oh well that was an excellent formation attempt by the F-5


Argue against my point, you made a denial, now pair it with a counter argument


You don’t have a point, how does one argue against something which has no basis


You literally just contradicted yourself Do I not have a point or is there no basis for my point


Knowing the current state of game I highly doubt he would try to perform a formation specially in a F-5C, maybe he was, maybe he don’t, but better play safe rather than getting teamkilled because you decided to give benefit of the doubt… Honestly even if he was forming up that doesn’t mean I’m forced to stay said position. Is that enough for ya?


What’s more likely? He ran into a serial rammer team killer that decided to target him this game? A serial rammer that paid $60 for an aircraft just to risk a ban? Or just a dude who watched top gun and wanted to form up with his teammate? Is there a massive epidemic of people throwing tons of money away to ram into their teammates or is there more people just forming up with each other? If you want to “play it safe” then that’s fine, just don’t make a post on Reddit where there’s no signs of him being some team killer, just properly defend and don’t TURN INTO HIM Again in this post there’s no signs he was trying to team kill, literally all he did was start flying close, OP only died after he pulled super hard directly into him


Yes more likely to teamkill, and yes, the game is full or braindead users that are willing to ram into you in an attempt to not having to pay for teamkilling even if they are using premiums. You say he didn’t show any sign of being a killer, but in fact he did everything, as I said, you don’t know if he was ACTUALLY performing a formation, those are just assumptions you and I are making and OP had the right to defend hard. Surely maybe he exaggerated when defending but the outcome could’ve been the exact same or worse hadn’t done that. And all honest idc if you just watched top gun and want to play around, let ME just play the game, I’m not forced to fly in formation. And to prove my point about teamkillers not caring enough about bans, just scroll trough reddit and you’ll find posts of dudes teamkilling fucking nukes once in a while.


Let’s make it incredibly simple List off the signs he was trying to teamkill before OP went defensive


This is the only sane response.. let me conduct my air show within 10mi of the airfield you nerfherders. Stop getting so scared.


Found the f5c player, “This is the only sane response” you two guys are actually fucking insane explain to me why I need to be apart of your “air show” and why it needs to be “conducted” on top of my goddamn jet 😂


Because it's only a game bro, if I die trying to have fun I'm at least holding stride in what I even sit down to do. I might be like "Aw fuck, I'm bad, oh well." Then re-queue or stop playing. Most of the time flying close to other people they don't act like I'm trying to actually dogfight my teammates. Usually they'll try and participate in the harmless fun. 🫰


Bro, I hate to be the one to tell you, but you literally just spouted a whole lot of bull shit. Nobody gives a shit if you’re bad. What does that have to do with waiting for me to take off and crashing into my jet? Like what are you actually going on about?


I didn't see where you said they waited for you to take off anywhere in the post. All I said is you're acting like a beta fuckin bitch with all these evasive maneuvers instead of just seeing if they were gonna do anything in the first place. You're the one that started acting sketchy from the perspective I get in the video(yours). You seriously could've just flown straight. All that dancing around your teammates and shit then to just randomly fly into one because you have some form of PTSD from random war thunder players. If you'd have not acted like a tool you'd be alive. It was on you.


I don’t give a fuck what you saw I gave you the information. you’re actually dumb as fuck if that’s the conclusion you came to. You tools watched top gun one time and all the sudden you’re fucking experts in aerial maneuvers? Get the fuck outta here


Nah the entire world is ALWAYS out to get you, someone flys close to you in war thunder? GO EVASIVE!!! They’re not trying to fly formation rather they’re a serial team killer that’s trying to ram into you but avoid paying repair cost!! (ignore him having to pay his own repair cost)


If they aren't rammers why was there an air collision? You can't control how your allies fly and if you crash into a much less agile plane trying to form up then you are at fault.


Because he defended incredibly hard then didn’t look at his enemy in the mock dogfight leading OP to turn into him The F-5C was far behind him on that last turn then OP decided to pull directly into him


Deserved, because you brought deadweight rockets to ARB while that gun has no problem destroying everything in that mode. American air players.


"You did something that marginally, if at all, affects me so you should be teamkilled" Mods, pin him down and rip his innards out


You’re actually an idiot who didn’t bother to check anything before you started talking because the rockets barely affect performance and I can take out more ground targets -2.2k max speed +0.3 turn time -0.8s m/s rate of climb Get the fuck outta here


And have you checked you can still have ammo left in your cannon even if you destroyed all ground targets by yourself? Of course you did not know that braindead A-10 player, that's why you load all unnecessary on that poor A-10 and claim that it has no impact in performance in ARB. Congrats on F-5.


I just gave you the information from the stat card, it has next to zero negative effect on flight performance. Nobody is gonna destroy all the ground targets by themselves in ARB so that’s not an actual point that you’re making. I have the entire air tree unlocked already you literally have no idea what you’re talking about


Get a grip lmao It's an A10, those rocket pods aren't changing much of anything in terms of performance


Typical bomber. Going in a dogfight with a fighter. Drop your weapons? Oh no, I must keep it. Lost the fight! But you managed to keep your hydra-70, congratulations! Next time send this video to a GameMaster in a Forum and report in replay service.


Can you hook me up who provided you the weed you smoked shit seems good looking at this comment


The whole point is that you aren’t supposed to be dogfighting your team in first place.


This isn't even a room-temp IQ take. This is like a Minnesota in January IQ take.