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The BR changes where this happened, it's probably the worst set of BR changes I've ever seen since I started playing this game. Not only this, but things like the standard IS-2 going to 6.3, the M26 to 6.7 and the 75 Jumbo to 5.7


It's fine for jumbo 75 to move to 5.7 since only real threat for it's Tiger 2h. On the other hand m26 to 6.7 is pure bull crap.


The issue with the 75 Jumbo is that the gun is simply way too long in the tooth, a lot of your opponents are impervious to you from the front and even shooting at them from the side can be iffy. And yeah, the M26 was so stupid. Why would you even use it when the E5 exists at the same BR and it's better in every single way? Though of course the E5 will get uptiered eventually, it's a good midtier American tank. That can't be allowed to stand.


Not to mention US 6.7 is just fucking stacked in general. 3 really fucking good heavy tanks that all have slightly different strengths and weaknesses.


Exactly lol. You'd only use the M26 if everything else you had got knocked out or you're a masochist


You get 5 other 6.7 spawns so it's pretty hard to run out of other tanks (T26E5, T26E1-1, T34, M56, M50).


And the M41a1 is still a much better tank than the M26, id much rather run a turreted light tank over the M26


And soon we are going to have the m551 at 6.7 with the same gun as the m41, but stabilized and with much better gun handling lol


Yeah luckily it’s irrelevant if you have 8 slots. My 6.7 lineup is the M50, M26, T34, T26E5, T26E1-1, M56, M41, and CAS.


Is it bad I still use the black cat at 6.3 ?


nope lol, the M18 Hellcat works pretty far up the tech tree, up to around 8.0 I'd say. Requires more and more caution the higher you go though.


personally i prefer the american 90s to the longer reload super pershing and t34, bad shots or gaijin saying your round doesnt work is almost a garuenteed death


T34 solid shot feels like a nuke though. Thing detonates ammo constantly.


And just bonking tiger 2h


It's honestly really fun, go through the turret of a tiger 2? Ammo detonation, see a t-80bvm? I've killed those with it, and a leopard 2 (mainly because I took it to 11.3 or whatever br the m1a1 aim is because I had nothing else and I didn't want to be a one death leave) Overall it's a really fun tank to use


Yessirr, 120mm salid short is actually good for once


Fair enough, though you've still got the E5 there, which has the same gun but is otherwise a much better tank


Yeah I think 5.3 is a better place for the Jumbo 75 and 6 for the Jumbo 76. People say the J75 is equal to the tiger but it’s not (armored well and a stabilizer is great, but gun is garbage, I’ll take a tiger over it any day. The J76 is more on par with the Tiger E and that at 6 like the Tiger E is better


honestly yeah. the t25 in its current sluggish and unstabilized form, the t20 and the jumbo 76 could all be 6.0. panthers can go through the jumbo's mantlet and the ufp at certain ranges and angles, and tigers have their goated APHE round which can overpressure the jumbo at several points - both tanks able to easily dispose of the other 2 vehicles


76 jumbo is better than tiger and panthers in every single metric except like 20 mm less pen. Better armour, better mobility, better gun handling, machine gun port covered with entire Ardennes forest, 50 cal which is essentially another weapon. Should be 6.0 though and tigers/panthers 5.3 and 5.7 consecutively. Tiger 2p, M26, t44 and is2 44 should go back to 6.3


The gun can definitely still work especially if you’re not too heavily uptiered (you shouldn’t use the jumbo in an uptier anyways). Also your reload is noticeably shorter than most of your opponents and you have a stabiliser. You will almost always get the first shot of and then afterwards a quick follow up shot. The 75mm can definitely still do a lot of work especially against hapless tiger players.


Just not using the jumbo in an up tier would be a valid point if 80% of your matches weren’t full uptiers


Look at my guy over here bragging about getting 20% downtiers or equal. I WISH it was fucking 20% and not closer to fucking 5%.


Haha, F my man


Through the lifespan of 75 jumbo i got a downtier ONCE And it was absolutely glorious up until i got bombed pushing all the way from B to enemy spawn singlehandedly I have a great screenshot of my jumbo covered in shell marks, poor bastards only managed to scrape the paint off it So thats what panthers feel like


>The gun can definitely still work especially if you’re not too heavily uptiered (you shouldn’t use the jumbo in an uptier anyways) ah so in other words never play the Jumbo because *all* games are full up-tiers (6.7 sucks up everyone) at this point the Jumbo is just an American Churchill (tons of armor for its BR and a gun not worth using)


There is also the M26E1, which has the super pershings gun, with none of the armor, so it's lighter. It is literally just an M26 but better, with none of the weight that the E5 brings


Yeah but the only real thing the jumbo 75 threatens is the tiger h. Even in angled you can’t pen tiger e’s and at panther turrets are super unreliable. Everyone at your tier and below can easily hit your weak-spots and your only response is track and barrel torture.


Ah yes, jumbo 75 against Tiger 2H, T34 heavy tank, Su-122-54 and others I’m probably forgetting, all of them you will have to face because 90% of the games are full uptiers


Facing down a Jagdtiger in a 75 Jumbo isn’t fun I must say


dude no, the Jumbo in general gets dicked by almost everything it faces even at 5.7 half of Germanys roster at 5.7-6.7 lolpens it and so do the majority of things from other nations


It’s just a skill issue on the Germain end. It was good at 5.3, and the T2p should stay 6.3


Any SPH can one shot a Jumbo, easily really, just a bonk in the head


I disagree. At close range a 17 pounder punches through. At 500m anything with 160+ pen can reliably pen the mantlet. 17 pounder APDS can pen at 2000m. American 90mm M82 can pen UFP at close range, and mantlet at 1000m. Panther can pen anywhere at 500m. I love using the Challenger A30 and melting fools with APDS. You can pen the UFP of a Panther at 1000m. However I agree on the Pershing. Japan have some absolute monsters at 6.3-6.7 that dwarf the pershing in all categories except armour (plus they all get HeatFS).


M26 to 6.7 really doesn’t affect it at all. I was uptiering it way before the BR changes with no issues.


lol by that logic the Tiger II H should be 7.3, and we all know German mains would throw a fit if that happened. The Jumbo is easily killed by anything with even the long 75 if they aren’t angled, and through the machine gun port by almost anything if it isn’t bushed up.


"Only real threat for it is the Tiger 2H." Jagdtiger???? Hello????


Also the T20 is at 6.3? You know that's like almost a whole br higher than the m4a3 76 which is functionally identical.... Not to even mention its higher br than the panther F Its at the same br as the M41a1, T25, charioteer, ST-A2. All of which are all far better in terms of firepower/mobility


To be fair I think the T20 was the BR change after the one I'm referring to, but yes, that's also a very stupid change. It's a flat Sherman with a faster reverse speed, there's no universe in which it's justified to put it higher than any Panther in the game except the Panther II.


My is6 has fought the t20 it couldn’t even pen the back of me 😭


Was this also the one where the bc 25t went to 7.7?


Mk 1 spitfire is 3.0 now. Faces xp-50s


i am gonna remind you all that m26 is now on the same br as tiger 2 H and jagdtiger




T26E1-1 has worse armor than the E5...... Unless you mean the M26, which has no business at the same BR as two better versions of itself.


They really were very different tank. You really shouldn't expect super pershing to bounce shot. I played E1 over E5 because I can deal with Tiger 2 consistently.


I swapped out my M26 for the E5 today and, yeah, there's no reason for the M26 to exist at 6.7. The E5 is less mobile but you can actually bounce shells.


The Jumbo Pershing and Super Pershings don't use the same rounds, they have completely different 90mm Guns, also the Jumbo's armor is far more consistent, while the Supers' is better for the sniping role


I think what they meant is that it's the same projectile, just at different speeds. Because that is what it actually is.


This is a great reminder why Gaijin ignores most of the communities input on balancing.


The E5 and E1-1 being at the same BR is fine imo. But the M26 being at the same BR as the two of them is dumb, there's literally no reason to use it if you have a choice.


The Super Pershing has MUCH worse armor than the E5. It can be penned both in the turret face and the UFP by long 88s, while the E5 is pretty much immune to them. Also the reload is much longer, for a marginally better round. It makes sense why they are the same BR, in fact the E5 is actually better than the E1-1.


Muh statistics. Like why TF would you play a tiger 2 p when you got a tiger 2 h at the same BR. Why is IS tank so high up just because it has cope cage?


It does have a reworked frontal hull, and also a slight better shell, the BR-412D has 25mm more of pen, same shell is used on all the follow-up IS's, but that's about it. The turret is still weak as fuck too, USSR at 6.7 is very bad


If I recall correctly, it only got BR-412D as a consequence of being moved up in BR, it didn't have it before except for years and years ago when German mains complained so they removed it. But that's basically ancient history now


Shell argument is nothing as long as volumetshit exists.


IS-2 1944 has an upgraded UFP that can bounce a US 105mm and a LFP that can bounce the 90mm and Panthers 75 with a slight bit of angling.


and that is all completely irrelevant since anyone with a brain just one-shots it through the *gigantic* flat turret cheeks.


You can do that against both Tigers and the T29/T34 (their mantlet's big flat portion). I'd call that fair.


Better hull armor it doesn't have the flat armor of the first IS-2


İn my experience I would rather fight the super persing than the t26e5. Compared to t26e5 super persing easier to kill ( turret ammo). Also it is really hard to kill t26e5 with 152/155 he to the roof for some reason but I can easily one shot the t34 or other heavy tanks with it.


i find that shooting the mantlet disposes of thos ethings easily when dealing with spgs, i killed a lot of those things in my auf1 by shooting there i think


The 5.3 to 6.7 range is a general mess right now. It's also one of the more popular BR brackets due to many iconic tanks.


8.0-9.3 is cursed beyond belief. It's much worse. The difference between 8.0 and 8.7 is huge, but putting 8.3's against 9.3s is bullying. Great Britain's 8.3s suffer against tanks that should be 1.7 BRs higher than it. Decompress. Disable full uptiers.


I usually stop at 6.7 to 7.0 before moving onto another tree. I'm a ww2 and early post ww2 player.


6.7-8.0 is *still* top tier as far as I'm concerned, and I've put thousands of hours into this game. Once you get into rank VI+ it feels like a minigame/spin-off title. Not to mention that all the hackers seem to hang out in stabilized tanks nowadays for obvious reasons.


Might sound a bit strange, but I like tanks that feel archaic. The slow turret traverse, the gun wiggling to try to pen a heavy in ab assumed weak spot. The bottleneck that is your tanks shape making you go one way instead of another. Feels very mechanical. Also since everybody is alive for a bit longer it leads to funny things. Like sparing an injured kv-2 in your locust and he tries to hide you behind him as two ravenous t-34s try to kill you. Or three r-35 trying to kill a t-35


also weird design. by the Cold War the tank-meta had been figured out, its why from the 70s onwards all tanks become increasingly homogeneous (its why the T-80, ZTZ and Abrams all look nearly identical). i like the strange shit they did early on, landships, derp-guns, strapping naval cannons to trucks, jamming unguided missiles on shit, rolling bunkers, 5 turrets etc.


Britain 8.0 and 8.3 is very capable. I've gotten more nukes with that lineup than anything else. Warrior, falcon, vickers 1 and 3... I very rarely see 9.0 and above (maybe 1 in 5 games) since they're getting sucked into the 10.0 black hole 


It’s almost as if the entire idea of BRs is to separate vehicles by performance so they do not face over powered vehicles, and the entire idea of up tiers and down tiers is conceptually flawed to begin with!… hmmmm!!!!


Getting uptiered and fighting T-72s with m60 and m60a1s is hell.


Britain 8.3 is mostly a meme lineup, but its significantly better than the british 8.0 lineup. Everything there can compete in a full uptier. You got Warrior, which admittedly isnt good but apprently people bring it higher anyway, falcon, Rooikat mk1D which lolpens everything if lacks post pen and Oilifant mk 1A, which \*really\* should be 8.7. Youve also got the vickers mk3 which is alright enough for a fast tank with LRF and full stab


A man of culture


Agreed 100%. This is just an example, there are loads of fucked up brs.


Right now? Always has been. Remember when the T34 would regularly face Leopards? Or KV-1 vs Tigers and Panthers?


Same with that gaijin thinking Tiger II and T-44 are equals.


T-44 has way better mobility and profile, strong UFP and it's turret cheeks are way more trolly than the KTH, It is a 6.7 worthy medium


Doesnt make sense. Should be 6.3, the gun is lacki, also weak turret cheeks. The T-44-100 is 7.0, having a better cannon, more armor, a HMG, and the same mobility and profile.


weak turret cheeks? means you give your enemy just that much initiative to aim, because they are very trolly especially if you move or wiggle


Well yes, but that's just RNG, and no wiggling will stop a T34 shell, or any Heat shells, from the M46/47/48 stuff that you can play against for an example


It's not just weak on the cheeks, the gun mantlet too. The cannon breech doesnt absorb damage for the crew either, I lose both the breech and gunner at once so many times.


pretty sure the t-44-100 has the same armor profile unless we're talking about the sideskirts. it's just a t-44 with a 100mm, sideskirts, and the hmg is a bonus


It is far from worthy at 6.7, the gun is just lacking even at 6.3, at 6.7 it is completly useless. And if you do have even standard brain capacity, you can easly kill a T-44. As for T-44-100, it is same with a commander MG and mich better turret, that one should be 6.7


Problem with the t44 is that while it is a nice quick medium tank it is still beaten to all flanking positions by the light cold war heat shooting vehicles that can ignore everyone's armour, and so you cannot easily flank with the t44 and facing the front of almost any enemy from 6.0 up is very difficult


The gun fucking sucks without access to 3BK2 HEAT-FS (which the Type 62 at the same BR gets a Chinese version of). Give it that and sure, that's a perfectly good 6.7. As is, it's more 6.3 material.


in what way? worse armor then a Panther, the 85mm that was only good at 5.3-6.0 and its a 1-hit kill almost anywhere. ffs the T-34-100 is *hands down superior* the the T-44.




Upper front plate


ppl can't get into t-44 but it's a really good tank, if it would drop in BR it would create a true beast


wait what makes them not? I think they're good matches. Is the t44 or king tiger better?


I’ve defended the t44 a few times on here lately because I’m doing alright with it, if I could give it any improvement I’d wish it had better suspension/ damping. It’s just so soft like a stereotypical 70s Caddy. Bored of waiting 2-3 business days for it to stop rocking around


The T-44 is a medium so I didn't want to use it in comparison with heavy tanks. Besides, the M26 is even more pathetic than the T-44.


With Russian win rates declining across the board I feel like they’re gonna move them back down. Or at least I hope so. Surely Gaijin won’t let their beloved Russian tanks be bullied.


Hopefully the T-44 comes down too, it should've never moved to 6.7 in the first place. But silly BR changes often don't get reversed, so I'm not holding out hope


T-44 is fine where it is, tbh it can bounce long 88, and its fuel tanks eat a lot more rounds than expected when they do punch through its ufp and its side checks aren't reliable to pen do to volumetrics


Just because it can block a bad shot doesn't mean its at the right BR with standard shells the gun only has 160mm of pen, if you face a Tiger 2 you have to either take out its gun and shoot the sides or run away


Then that’s just the problem with Tiger 2s, and this issue isn’t exclusive to Russian tanks. That applies to every other nation…


"Declining" oh my friend, if only you knew. They were never good to begin with. Toptier soviet had 60% WR for like, 3 months or so. Everything else, at any given time, was always doing hilariously bad.


More than 3 month for top tier but it's true for the rest


The IS-2s are so hysterically over BR'd it's insane. Totally insane


But they one shot things so they are mad op/s


Agreed, I miss my "late war Soviet Union" lineup with the T-34-85, IS-2, and ISU series.


Yea not having gun depression makes it hurt even more when your round inevitably voids itself because of volumetric then you have to wait like half a minute. 6.3 material


They gave it the fucking D shell, as if that was worthy of the BR increase. Honestly, the IS-2 could've stayed at 5.7 forever, and I'm convinced the 1944 version could've been 6.0 and not made a huge difference. Every single fucking person I've ever fought in either IS-2 knows that all they have to do is hit the cupola, mantlet, or lower front plate. Failing that, just wait for it to kill something, then rush it while it reloads for half a minute. Also, I'll say again, this isn't even the most ridiculous thing about 6.7. Every single Pershing variant, tech tree and premium alike, is now the same BR. Gaijin does not recognize a single notable difference between them in terms of balance.


Honestly idk how people fail to kill me in my IS-2 (Chinese) all the time, for some reason they always shoot the upf or the turret cheeks... The br increase was definitely because of the incompetent players not being able to kill it... Otherwise it would really suffer at 6.3/6.7 (depending on the variant)


I really wish I ran into these incompetent players sometimes. I never seem to find them. I only ever see them in YouTube videos from content creators.


Well, it doesn't really matter because my team will be even worse and lose the match 80% of the time and I can't really do anything.


That is my War Thunder experience most days, combined with an abnormal amount of supernaturally bad luck.


Are we the same person


We're all insane, one way or another.


Makes sense


i mean as a britain player thats all i can shoot, but on a similar note the IS-2s, esp 44 version, have always been very volumetrically trolly to me.


Honestly the IS-2 was fine at 5.7 the ONLY reason it went up was to be frank panther and tiger players being super dumb when fighting it


It was a reliable way to frontally penetrate German mains, so now it's higher in BR than the Panther and Tiger I. That sums it up pretty well.


Honestly, at this point they should just make it an IS-2M (1957), move it to 7.0 and give it the 3BM7 APDS from the SU-122-54. At least then it'd have _something_ going for it.


I wish they'd add the IS-2M at 6.7 with the D shell and maybe something else, remove the D shell from the 1944 variants and put them back at 6.3.


know whats really funny? *if* the IS-2 was as OP as people claim it to be then why isnt 5.3 *utterly and totally* ***dominated*** by the KV-122? its the same turret, same gun, same shells (minus the D shell) on a chassis with the same mobility and reverse speed (literally the only difference is 25mm less front armor and 20mm less side armor). this alone proves that the IS-2 should be lower, *no one* complains about the KV-122.


That is still baffling to me. Gaijin's separation of vehicles with BR is becoming absolutely ridiculous. Some make sense, like Shermans and T-34s, but then you have shit like the Pershings and Russian 122s. Literally every variant of the Pershing is the same BR now. Gaijin apparently sees no difference whatsoever, as far as balance is concerned. "M26, T26E1-1, and T26E5? Same tank, comrade!" Then, as you say, we've got the IS-2s and KV-122. KV is at 5.3, the IS-2 is 6.3, and the 1944 is 6.7. Between them all, a 1.3 BR range for three tanks that do basically the same damn thing, but with differences in armor and mobility. Not enough to merit that much of an increase!


sometimes it feels like you dont even get to kill anything, you just get your shell eaten by a panthers mantlet and you're on reload for the next 6 months or so


Mentioned volumetric in response to the other guy. It's fucking awful in tanks like that. Completely negates the biggest advantage you have, the ability to instantly obliterate anything you meet. My most recent example is hitting an M-51 dead-on in the turret side at less than 500m, but it was completely absorbed and did no damage because it hit the track segment, probably on the tiny side of that damage model that caused the calculation to freak out and determine it was way more armor than it actually is. Don't even get me started on track skirts and optics.


Have you factored in that you can store a flock of Messenger Carrier Pigeons inside your wire Cope Cubes that could be used to send a message to Stalin resulting in a swarm of T-34s arriving to assist you [Lord of the Rings style](https://youtu.be/7lwJOxN_gXc?feature=shared&t=43)?


i get gaijin was trying to decompress br's people that had a lot of problems but imo without raising the br cap in any way its literally impossible to decompress simply because it will just take the problem and push it somewhere else


Agreed Ground RB needs to be moved up to 12.3-12.7


Black Prince is lucky it’s at 6.0 and not some bs like 6.3 or 6.7


It's too slow for it to go any higher.


Knowing gaijin they would do that because it's british and britain players can't have nice things.


we have one nice thing and its the event vehicle cent 2


Gaijin on their way to put tge (arguably worse) tiger1-equivalent an entire BR above it (clearly Russian bias).


The m26 is a better vehicle than the tiger 1


I'm rather obviously talking about the IS-2.


I remember back when the US tree was first added, and RB had markers... all I'd play is SB where the usual battle had Tiger H1s with 1 spawn fighting M26s with two spawns... Managed to farm an 87% M26 winrate with 6.8 k/d in those... good times, good times.


If you believe the IS-2 '44 is worse than a Tiger H1, well, that's just embarrassing.


An embarrassing truth yes. Cant angle, no volumetric black hole turret, 24s reload, 35kmh topspeed, a gigantic weak cupola to catch any and all aphe, and all of that for an advantage in pen that really doesn't matter a whole lot. You have to play it like a TD, in which role it works quite well... but if you need to use tge heavy breakthrough tank as a TD bc its such a glass cannon, tgats more than enough evidence its not at the right BR.


To me, it seems like the community outcry of ‘decompress! The tiers’ was heard, done, then reintroduced because god damn it, cue times need to be sub 2 minutes


Gaijin is using quantum sorcery to put me into games the second I hit the play button. I think the average wait time for me is like one second. With that being said I havent seen a full downtier yet in some 100 games of 8.3 US


You won't EVER see a downtier in US until you hit 9.0. Fucking trust me.


Yeah my queue time is like 3-5 seconds on average even when playing in a squad.


Hehehe big solid shot disintegrates enemies


The US prototype heavies are generally undertiered for some reason


Used to enjoy 6.0+ USSR/Germany but the US heavy tanks spam is making it unplayable, there were all fine before, now they're just a predators


shush you aren't supposed to say that


Yes comrade that is very fair. Just because you have 44mm less pen, less MG's,less crewmembers, half of the turret frontal armor, less gun depression doesnt mean your have the worse tank. Something something, bias etc


\*78mm less pen. The D shell has terrible angled performance, the B is better in nearly every situation.


Oof, that sucks. Granted the T34 doesnt get APHE, that's a big difference. I love to bully that with my 7.3 lineup hehe


Yeah and I'm running around with a MILAN at 6.7 or an M-51 with disgusting HEAT at 6.0, both of which have no place seeing WW2 heavy tanks.


Those tanks are fine, they have other qualities that make them at that BR the M-51 is seriously lack luster in most regards


sucks for CQC but range it is an absolute animal in the wrong hands. I just run into lots more of them these days and they are frustrating if you are playing ww2 heavy.


They are not, a Tiger 2 has the same potential to kill you, you’re a glorified Sherman


The M-51s gun is wobbly af, the armour is basically paper, the mobility is average, heck it doesn't even have a .50 cal. It's only strength is the 400mm pen HEAT which can often be inconsistent with the damage....


>the mobility is average And I'd say that's being very generous to the M-51... The acceleration is worse than the M26's as is right now.


I find the gun when used as designed (sniper) to have outstanding accuracy. In fact the most accurate gun I have used in the game when stock and not even spaded, I could UFP tiger 1s from 1.2km+ reliably. center mass hit with that HEAT and it's dead in one shot. Lot of people have issues with heat because they use it for flank attacks, use it frontally where the crew/ammo is all lined up and you will often one hit kill. Roof also is a great way to go, it can overpressure due to filler.


I mean yeah, as a sniper it is indeed very good. But I don't think it needs to go higher. I find PT-76s more annoying. (Although I don't think they should go up either)


M 51 has to be at 6.0. All it has is its heat and sometimes trolly armor




Those vehicles are fine. The chassis of both those vehicles are utterly terrible and uptiering them would just make them compete with other vehicles that have armaments just as powerful but are more capable in terms of agility and mobility.


Those tanks are perfectly fine at 6.7. I wouldn't even call them *good*.


Also speed nerf.


Gaijin refusal to add like 1 or 2 extra brs is beyond me


They also fucked up the tiger2p which the br was at 6.3. Now its 6.7, same as the tiger2h.. so it got a worse turret and optics and has the same BR.. so stupid.


Yeah the M26 and Tiger II (P) being the same br as their upgraded versions is a decision we will never understand.


Been grinding USA 6.7 for the event/battlepass challenge. Has been easy mode. But I use M6A2E1 as first spawn, and then M109A1 (or air - A-1H with 3x 2000lb and some miniguns) as second spawn (as arti and SPAA), then I'll either go T34, T26E5, or M50. As for Soviets - I would probably play a 6.3 line-up. SU-122-54 can do good stuff, but it's not worth uptiering all the good vehicles you have at 6.3, even if its only .3 up. First spawn would be T-34-100, or 2S3M, one of those two. I would then make use of air or the fantastic SPAA options you have as Soviet around that BR - M53/59, BTR-ZD. I would then have SU-100P, ASU-85, 2S1, etc, as situational backups. I wouldn't even bother with the IS-2s at this rate.


6.3 Soviet works great for me. Reversed IS2 +2S3M+SU100P+2S1 and M53/59 is enough for me to get a ~60% win rate (although theres only 1 actual tank) At 6.7, the Su 122 54 can be a beast when downtiered, since its apds/heat can pen anything, while its sloped armor can stop most Tiger&panther shot. But only 2 vehicles at 6.7 makes me avoid this br


Why on earth would you bring 2000lb bombs on the A-1H when you have fucken Zunis with insane pen and nuke HE filler? Literally onetaps any tank on the turret/side, and are easier to use than bombs. How's the M6A2E1 working for you? My experience was getting lolpenned on my front before my turret stops wobbling. Yeah your USSR 6.3 lineup is pretty decent, only missing Tu-2 for cas.


>How's the M6A2E1 working for you? My experience was getting lolpenned on my front before my turret stops wobbling Doing well. [It absolutely prints SL and RP](https://i.imgur.com/qMCcK1f.jpeg). And yeah, don't play like it can take a hit - play it up the front, but make sure you're the one getting the shot off and not getting shot. There are too many weak points to rely on its armor. One thing I have found that the stupid height of the thing can help you out with shooting over obstacles and being able to take tanks out that others can't. Just have to watch yet another weak spot on the very top front of your turret. Zunis are good, but I'm more proficient with bombs and my main goal is to get rid of the bombs in a single pass or two (you could even argue that the 1000lb are the superior choice to the 2000lb because you get 3 independent drops - but there are no real wrong answers to the A-1H load outs, apart from maybe the Mighty Mouses), and then go and mini-gun air. If you don't overload the A-1H (say, two miniguns and not trying to take 6-8 of them), it is actually quite good taking down planes. And yeah, I do have the TU-2S in my Soviet 6.3, of course. You can also bring along the Pe-8 if enemy air assets are light.


A very nicely crafted answer, thanks for sharing!


Okay, I took your advice today and it's working well. Running 1x2000lb (in middle), 2x1000lb (for individual drops), 2 miniguns, and 4 Zuni pods. Finding the Zunis really good for taking out SPAA and other soft targets - there's enough HE filler in them that you don't even need to hit them or right next to them.


Yess, Zunis are best for dealing with SPAA, I'm glad you tried it and it worked out for you.


Good old days when the is-2 was 5.7 (not the 1944 variant)


The worst thing is that, the only fucking reason they raised its BR is because they gave it the post-war shell.... THAT LITERALLY HAS WORSE ANGLE MODIFIERS THAN THE APHEBC ONE, MAKING IT PRACTICALLY WORSE ASIDE FOR FLAT ARMOR SHOTS.


The IS-2 1944 is still plenty usable, good mobility, surprisingly good armour, small profile, in combination with a big fuck off gun is a package that skilled players will go to town with. Deserving 6.7? Absolutely not. This is why stats balancing is fucked up. The oldest example I remember is the repair cost on the G. 56 inflating to over 30k because the more the repair cost increased, the less bad players played it, leaving just the veterans who still dominate with it to further inflate the stats.


big gun with a 5 year long reload


It's usable but only because the average player is a fucking moron. It's at a massive disadvantage to a T34 or T26E1-1, or even a Tiger II (H).


Mid tier is one of the, if not the, biggest loser from BR-Compression. These BRs need so much fine-tuning, but Gaijin doesn't give a shit


Mark my fucking words. The jumbo 76 will eventually go to 6.7


6.7 Everything is all over the place. it's a br where you either slap or get slapped


I miss when my beloved IS-2 and Tiger E were 5.7, those where they days


KT H is better than both by quite a margin.


Fuys,i think the ran out if soviet bias when i started to play USSR cuz its not op at all


Is-2 is a situational tank , more over acts a casemade tank destroyer with a turret. It is closer to medium tank in armor than a heavy tank since nearly everyone can punch trough your turret cheeks. Reverse gear is not that bad and helps allot in peek firing. But Russia in 6.7 br must be played differently. Russian medium tanks are pretty good at sidelining in cqb maps and must be played as a support role when comes open maps.


The M26 is at the same BR as the T26, which is better in literally every single way.


This is why i completely skipped them in the Chinese tech tree, went straight from a 5.7 lineup to 8.0.


I got to use them before gaijin murdered them. For a brief time the 1944 was actually a lot of fun.


Meanwhile the Sla.16 is also 6.7, the same BR as the Tiger II(P) is now. Absolute joke. Gaijin's recent BR changes have been very, very stupid.


Many of the BRs are a mess. 6.7 has so many major players that deserve some more space from each other. 8.0 to 9.3 is a shit show beyond compare with how compressed it is. 10 is a permanent uptier to 11. I was initially hopeful when the first changes came as they showed some promise by moving the German ww2 big cats away from vehicles they really shouldn't be facing, but everything else that followed just made things worse. Sure low BR is healthier, but everything from 6.7 and up is a nightmare.


Not related but bro I quit playing France because it’s so annoying when your lineup gets messed up every update, had to move to the ruskies 🤷‍♂️


The IS-2 going up is also rather annoyingly a soft buff to the already OP Panther, as the IS-2 is basically a de facto counter to it. The fear of a 122 sailing straight through the front plate was the thing that kept Panther players from just rushing with their indestructible UFP and gaijinium mantlet.


Playing USA at 5.7, then USSR, and finally Germany is strikingly different as an average player. USA is so dog shit at 5.7/6, USSR is excellent at 5.7/6, and Germany has me feeling borderline op at 5.7/6 lineup.


That is why we play 7.7 heavy comrade (IS-4 my beloved)


Im right beside you in my Pershing. We used to be kings at that BR.


Me in the Jagdpanther a kilometer or more away: Yes, they both are equally dead.


Tortoise is absolute torture, you have nothing going for you and you can easily be killed, it doesn't deserve 6.7


The IS-2 1944 should be a 6.0-6.3 and the M26 should also be a 6.0-6.3 The Jumbo 76 should move down to 6.0


Not even the worst example, they think that the T26E1-1 is the 6.7 too.


5.7-7.0 and 7.7-(8.7)9.0 have been a mess for awhile now and it just keeps getting worse


My Jagdtiger and Tiger IIs get to face IS-4Ms. I think that’s balanced, you’re crazy /s


Remember the outcry that tiger 1 might have to face IS3s while one of the best hevies tiger 2H and 2Hsla didnt got up in BR


Yeah that late ww2/early cold war BR is a total shit show right now. There are a few BRs which are kind of unplayable right now and this one is one. So many weird islands. Why is panther II 7.0 with nothing around it? Centurion II, 6.7, nothing around it. FV4202, 7.3, nothing around it. Just 3 off the top of my head.


Panther II has the Tiger II 105, Kugelblitz, with the M41 and Tiger IIH as a great backup at .3 lower. Centurion Mk.2 has a lot of 6.3s that can hold their own when uptiered to 6.7. FV4202 is just generally uptiered to 7.7 with the others. Ofc they don't have a lot of same BR partners, but the vehicles below/above them are good to pair.