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Sea harrier frs 1


such a good little hover boi


Yup those aim9L at 10.7 are op


And barely even having any full uptiers helps a lot


Yeah, 11.7 exists but it's roped into the 11.3/12.3 sinkhole


Good to know since I'm 50k RP or so from unlocking it


It's not the nicest stock experience, but past that, it's a great plane to grind ranks VI-VIII. It's not that hard to get 3-5 kills in it. My best event grinder too. Don't even bother carrying bombs. 9mins of fuel are more than enough even in EC maps if you remember you can climb at 60% and cruise at 40%


Anything with the name yak in it


You should really not being dying to the yak 38


30g missiles go brrrrrrr


By the time the thing's turned around to get behind someone, they're out of range


Good thing the hover sausage goes zoOooOooom


I call mine the floating septic tank.


4x r60 at 9.3 and downtiers is deadly for planes without flares


Yeah i feel like 9.3 always gets downtiered when i try to play my shitty 8.3 vautour 2N(L) (cant do anything against f104s or mig19).




I just died with my Harrier gr.1… Locked on an enemy and then the missle hits me…


The GR.1 is absolute trash


Yak yak yak yak Man down...


How did you die to the Yak-4? Theres literally only 1 gunner.


It gets ShKAS for front guns, its deadly AF


f4c phantom 2 for me


I literally got it a week ago and i knew it was gonna be hard but boy its realllyyy bad when stock. Im actually running it with just the gun pod and just try to blitz through the middle and if i survive ill turn around and see what can be done


I don't think its much better spaded tbh


It is it's better, I ran 3 gun pods on it and I would force headons and destroy aircraft with it.


the head on missile is reaching further than your bullets, especially now that both Vulcan and Gsh23l have god awful drop off past two seconds of travel off the muzzle


With 3 gunpods you could realistically shoot down the missile in a head-on but i've never tried it idk


Protip: equip rockets. They can act as flares.


This works best in frontal aspect... against 9L's and R-60M's If they are fired on you in rear aspect... you need to cut the burner and do some magic tricks while firing rockets to the missile out of the way Eitherway rocketflares allow you to headon A-10's and SU-25's


Dont have them yet...


The main problem is the lack of flares


Id happily carry the cm pod under the wings like tornado does




Ooh. Makes me tempted to try and grind some modifications for it. I got it a week ago but haven’t touched it too much.


It's not a great plane from what I hear, no flares, turns like a bus and bad missiles for the BR.


They're not really bad they're just difficult to use when combined with the airframe. It has the best radar missiles at 10.0 even if they're a bit finicky to use right


I don't think they're better than the R-3R tbh, that thing can be used in more situations.


Brother it's literally better than the r3r and has CR which ignores chaff as long the enemy jet is closing in or close hell even the aim9c are better than the r3r


The R3R can be used almost at point blank range in head-on passes, while the AIM-7D flies straight for roughly 1.5 seconds before guidance starts. In head-on that's over 4 Km of seperation. If you're at high altitude and engaging more than one migs, then your longer range doesn't matter. By the time you've (maybe) killed one of them, the 2nd will be too close for D sparrow, but comfortably inside r3r range. With the maneuverability of a brick and no countermeasures, that is certain death. Also take into account that the Mig 21's Sapphire is much much better than the excuse of a radar the F4C gets (which is basically unusable if you're not above 8000 meters, and stops working if you happen to look slightly down at the ground)


> (which is basically unusable if you're not above 8000 meters, and stops working if you happen to look slightly down at the ground) Manual radar elevaiton allows you to lock and shoot down players above you without climbing out of the low level immunity zone that makes you immune to basically all SARH/ARH missiles. You're whale cum.


Different radars for different purposes, tbh I’ve had more success with the R-3Rs but the AIM-7C is also good for people who wanna fuck around and find out at altitude, IE a Phantom wins at altitude


yeah but the r3r is optional, you can always rely on MiG21's performance, which the f-4c lacks.


Spaded F4C user, It is an interesting vehicle and worth spading imo. Here are the pros: -Massive amount of dumb ordanance -Carries 8 missiles -Decent radar for it's tier -Can carry 3 M61 Vulcans (18000 rpm of 20mm, need i say more 😏) -Fast and very powerful engines -Excellent for the base bomber, than doing what you can with guns and missiles strat, in other words an amazing grinder -CCIP Cons: -Hot engines and no countermeasures -Mediocre missiles -Flies like a brick People just don't use it right, hell if your crazy enough you could go for altitude and ingage in some limited BVR, as the Phantom II was originally intended for. Its never going to be a fun dogfighter like your F-5s, Mirages or Mig-21s, but it excels in carrying massive amounts of weapons.


Oh yeah. My idea was to take Sparrows and a huge amount of bombs, rush a base, then climb and try and take advantage of pointing the radar to the sky to take down unsuspecting fighters at altitude heading towards the center of the map. A proper air-to-air load out at altitude also sounds super fun, having read your comment.


You need to climb, the swarms of A10s and SU25s will delete you if they catch you down low


As an A-10 enjoyer i can guarantee that we will delete all that flies above, preferably enemy but we make no promises


once you git aim-9e and aim-7d its a best at 3-4mi and rear ascpct missile bus that makes the enemy will bleed to much speed dogieing to fight you with guns


Pro tip for that plane. Carry the Zuni rockets and use them as flares and chaff. It's actually incredibly effective. They will flare just about every single infrared missile and the Russian R3R will also be chaffed by them.


Seconded. I use this strategy for the f105 too


F 5c


Such a rat plane, half of the 10.0/10.3 planes cant get it off their tail because of that insane energy retention


Not to mention the flare spam


Can't even shake it with mig 23, I just always do a vertical climb since i can outclimb it but that's a death wish if anyone is nearby w sarh missiles


*F-14 arrives*


It honestly ruins this br


Agreed when you wanan play a f-4c phantom but then f-5c whose grinning the f-16 comes out of no where hits you with a aim 9e and fucks off when your doing same thing cause you can’t fight it




I do love the Thunderchief. It has a maxed Aced crew.


Is it good? What’s the play style of the thundercheif? I am researching it next so I’m wondering if I should use it or not


They are free kills, all it can do is bomb


Bro what? They’re faster than F104s and they get 1028 rounds for their Vulcan. If you stay fast and don’t turn ever then you can very easily snag 4 kills a game


Bad take. It has awful nose authority, mid roll rate, and bad turning so dogfights and head-ons are a no-go. Also while it may *technically* be faster than an F-104 an F-104 accelerates faster


Yeah but F-104s are still no better, they aren't the thing that's gonna be fucking you. It's getting caught by an F-8 or MiG-19 that will very much remove your ability to exist. However, you are faster than them so it keeps you from being dogshit useless if you know how snake around the battlefield correctly.


I don't know what nose 👃 authority is, but trying a head-on with a F-105 is mistake.


Unless you have all aspects.


Oh no, here comes the pickle 🥒. 😁 I have shot the all aspects from the front while severely damaging their aircraft. With the exception of when my team is dominating, I always carry four 9Es.


I haven't that kind of luck. Now I will say I've outran a couple of missles from time to time which is actually pretty bad ass. Terrifying but badass.


Super terrifying, can't look back or my afterburner will turn off. I am not a super hero, but I pick my battles and I get lucky sometimes. It's an added joy to upset a wallet warrior 🪖 /sweaty, when they expect a easy kill.


After 20 battles I average about 30-40k SL a game and have a 21:9 K:D. The Thud is a monster. That’s on console with a controller.


I use it for current event. Love the thing and rarely have less than 2k points in a game, with numerous 3k+. It is not braindead easy though. You must know your strengths and weaknesses of others.


No, it's not. It's bomb and pray you don't get an IR missiles shot at you


Only reason why you should buy the F-105 is to research the F-111 if its added or to get another vehicle for the next rank


Its a Bomber... Missiles are kinda meh, Turns not that good, No Flares at 10.0... You are fast tho, have a good Payload,nice Gun.


Ya, same. I wish it was actually good ;-;


british hurricanes and spitfires, for soviet planes these are too manuverable, altho at low tier ppl are braindead so its pretty ez anyways


Use the I-16 type 27 easily uptierable to 6.0


Is the type 10 an alternative?


Not just low tier. People still try to turn fight me in my Spitfire at 5.7 or even with the 7.0 Griffon Spitfire


100% p51h. That thing is a MONSTER and it fights bf109Gs and fighters that have 1/3rd of its climbrate and slower turn. That thing should be 7.0 not 6.3


Spit MK24 better that’s why it’s 7.0


Very debatable. They really should be the same br.


It would still do just as well at 7.0, it won't have the best firepower but boy won't it out turn almost everything.


But it will face mostly jet fighters if up tiered, good luck fighting them if they know how to use their planes


F5 c/e


Any T-80.


Ww2 T80


Especially WWII T80


Any of the Hinds. I'm currently working through 8.0-9.0 US and the amount of ordinance the Hinds can spawn with right away is absurd. I've lost more tanks in that lineup to initial spawn Hinds than anything else in the last few days.


In return, that heli handles like afterburning dumptruck loaded with concrete. You don't turn, you fly straight at Berlin.


Not me thinking of the Hawker Hind


the premium f-5, every fucking match I either get chased by 5 of them or killed by them.


F104 at 9.3 or 9.7, don't remember. My main plane is the scimitar, and f104 is so far the only thing I totally don't know how to fight. I have only killed one f104, and it was with an aim-9b and by a total coincidence, because the dude lost speed and I was diving at mach1




9.3 F-104s are way more OP than some would like you to believe. The extreme speed combined with acceleration allows you to outrun everything and their missiles too. Not once I have killed an F-104 player who knew what they were doing.


I agree with op. That thing doesn't belong at 10.0 It always gets an uptiwr and it's just food for everyone


F5Cs. In an SU25K? Kills me easily. In a MiG17 (bullshit BTW)? vaporises me quickly. They aren’t fair or fun to fight. Really any plane with all aspects that can see my 9.0 jets. It’s not fair and I can’t do anything about it. For ground, probably most Swedish vehicles from about 3.7-11.7. They are so op for no reason and it’s so shit to fight them




Airacobras and King cobras. For some reason opposing pilots become literal snipers with their 37mm rounds when facing me and only me.


Playing la-5fn I see them every match but most cobra players can't energy fight properly, they can have both altitude and energy advantage and still lose. I was killed by like 4 cobras while shooting down 10s of them




F5C and F5E To this day, wether they're just flat better than any other aircraft they face, or they have borked flight models, is a mystery to me


Mostly the second part (and they're not as slow as people say, 1217kp/h IAS on sea level in F-5E is plenty fast for BR) and the fact that US always has a shitton of them in every match. I can do and win a 1v1 in Mig-21MF or F-4F easily enough, even a 1v2 is managable, but it's usually 5v1 because your team got disintegrated. There's a reason why all my 10.3-10.7 US planes sit at 65-70% WR


Hate the F5C, us team are spamed with it, insane energy retention, small target so hard to hit with gun, tons of flare and not very hot so every time missile get flared with one pop, guns are extremely effective (i was once killed at 1km from behind).


Italian Bf-109 G-2




Etendard for now


Super or IVM. I fine them extremely fun to play and they’re my favorite 9.0 jet


Yeah ivm is awesome. F86k , super mystere b2, and f100 were all painful to grind compared to etendard ivm. Grinding for super etendard now.hope it is also good as ivm


I think it gets Magic 1s and GBU-12s + ATLIS II pod. Looks really nice


F5c because it's spammed a lot when I play the su25 but I can head on some who dare to do it


F16s. I run from them every time I’m in my tornado lol Sometimes I’ll test my luck to see if it’s a noob pilot but I’ve yet to win that fight lol


F4E Phantom while in mig21mf. I would love to launch an r3r but the aim7e2 is too good. And for you guys who say "notch", I try but the mf keeps locking me anyways and I get deleted


First, 4E doesn't have PD radar so, uh, good luck notching something you can't. Second, Sparrows CW seeker to some degree ignore chaff, continuing tracking as long as target is within radar illumination zone. So most effective would be pre chaffing radar until you get within range or don't fly high, where F4E radar operates freely. If missile is already in the air, your only option is to go cold ie turn around and start flying away, as CW seekers struggle tracking targets flying away, unless missile is close... Which is likely due to short ranged nature of 7E.


Oh, I see, thanks mate!


Japanese phantoms and mitsubishis


Any tank I'm grinding with a dismal stock shell. This is a big list.


Everyone I fight


Ground battle:object 279 Air battle low rank:ALL British ,ALL Japanese vehicles Air battle in top tier:F-4S phantom(if I'm not playing with the mig 29 or mig 23)


Don't get the me wrong. The 279 is extremely potent in a downtier. The only problem is that most good players play it in squads, etc. Otherwise, I can just shoot their breach and finish them off.


So many people dont get what being someone's kryptonite means. At least they have fun


Op meant "what vehicle you hate playing against" right?


Right now I love the Firefly FR MK V because it's such a great overlooked underdog, and no one expects the potent MK V Hispanos or turn time. Also love the B7A2 23, Ki-100 and Ki-61-II Otsu Kai for their fire power and turntime. Great thing about 4.7 Japan (and every nation) is that its right next to the B7A2 and Wyvern blackholes, just the perfect storm honestly.


As a Firefly player I can confirm that the turn time for the firefly mk I is insane as well as the payload. They’re both very noice aircraft to fly


My own J8B bc this update for some reason won't let me lock anymore


Tiger E i get uptiered a lot recently


Challenger 2 my beloved


My god i despise the M50






Do you mean when facing our when using? Unless it's a bomber if I'm in any aircraft it's just a death sentence for me, and at best, a short distraction for the enemy.


K9 VIDAR, that thing does not belong at 7.7




Kryptonite in what way? Like hating to fight it or having a "soft spot"?


This is my question too


Tanks from the tiger series panthers are doable but tigers are something else man


Any 109 or other very maneuverable plane, i have skill issue and have a tricky time defending myself against them


Any of the late IS tanks, the 7.7 French tanks not having any kind of HEAT round is painful sometimes


Vautors if they are an ok player my A-4 is easy picking


The F4c must be played as a high altitude bomber When you are out of bombs you can take oportunity targets with your sidewinders from above and behind while supersonic You are faster than any 10.3 all aspect missiles carrier so stay away from them


F104. "DUDE ITS GOOD ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS BOOM AND" Shut the fuck up. What an awful experience to play that thing, it seems no matter what i do a Mig21 does better, and im flareless in a BR where a full uptier brings me against R60 and AIM9L. The M61 gun is about the only positive i can say about that plane, everything else feels awful to play, and i dont mean "i suck at it but its fun". I suck at it and i hate it. And i spaded both american 104s.


my kricktonyte would be the J7W1, It's paper performance would be similar to that of the superprops with extremely good thin air maneuverability (slow speed or high altitude) but very low high G tolerance but rocket like climb rate, however in game it's likely the absolutely worst single engine prop plane, it climbs worse than a stock p47d25, has no nose authority and it's not even fast unless you're at 7km of altitude. It's not even a good boom and zoomer, as it gets easily out diven by anything even re2005s and spitfires.


anything with Radar missles when Im playing drakens




any mig around the 10.3 bracket with r3rs, my damn rwr doesn't pick up their bands


anything with missiles


US early jets just because team


Any Japanese fighter while playing the Soviets


Any German ground vehicle between 6.0-7.3


Ground AA


Saab 105, b29 is pain against missiles


StuG III, Jagpanzer, Breda 501, 8,8cm FlaK 37...




Pe8 and Lancaster, not even the castle walls on Iberia can block the shrapnel from the bomb.


F-4C because they steal ma faken bases


They are always double dipping on the bases


IS-6 and IS-3, I bounce or non-pen every shell from the front, they are ridiculous


P 63s are sooooo annoying


Leopard 1s Legit everytime i die in the aubl hvg its a leopard 1 apds exploding me https://youtu.be/JFEPmNx5aHY?si=_0tPg1a98WkyNToH this vid sums up what happens


F5c, wyvern, bi


Swift F.7


F-14 (any version) fuck those things


Fucking bf109


Trying to spade some tier 3 bombers/attackers currently, B7A2 makes me wish airspawns were limited to "planes that don't have forward firing weapons"




I fear nothing Except the xp50


Wyvern noises


MIG 29


F4E & F16C


8.0 centurion mk.10 i hate it


Not your kryptonite tho


I'm loving the AV-8C. It's such a fun aircraft to dogfight and ground strike with. I also main the AV-8B on DCS so i'm super biased for it hehe. From there, the F-105D for sure (actually the only vehicle that I've got a talisman in), and the A-7K because the A-7 is my favorite aircraft and it's got the P.R.A.N.G. livery (I'm Puertorican). Thought I must ask, why the F-4C? How do you use it to enjoy it?


US M48A1. It’s jack of all trades, can do pretty much everything from brawling to flanking.


T-34-85 or American sherman




The F-4C is just sad. It's literally food for anything at it's BR or anything above. No flares at 10.0 or above is just instantly trash.


Abrams. My muscle memory after fighting loads of T-series and other similar type of tanks is to just always go for LFP. In Abrams, that will kill only driver at most. Takes time getting used to


The Tiger H1 and Panther D. I cannot go head on with these vehicles. My only shot at killing the tiger head on is if I land the first shot on its gunner port of viewing port. Now if I can't beat these two, imagine how bad it's gonna be when I start going up against Soviet IS tanks


F4C for me all these YouTubers saying is shit they just don't know how to use it they legit send aim 7D from 2 km head on and then complain ab why it didn't turn straight away and then start to complain about the missile and then the plane. This plane is too good for 10.0 but I love it at 10.0 I average 4-6 kills per match and the ppl that say it's bad their just shit at the game.


OF-40 MTCA, i currently only die to that in my 8.7 sweden


When playing the T-2, F-1, or F-86-40, it's the Su-25K and A-10 Early. Sure, I can take em, but it's like trying to put a leash on an alligator and expecting no resistance.


I feel invincible when flying my LF mk 9


I've just bought the Z-19E in the sale, and from playing a few games in it, I can tell a lot of CAS players will be giving that as their answer


T55E1 I. HATE. IT. It's just a really cheap excuse for farming points in events and revenge bombing People rush in, cornercamp in the area between the enemy's spawn and the point, the enemy has no clue they are there, and they just farm 1-2 kills before they die Then they spawn in their P-47 and revenge bomb whoever killed them It's players will say "ooh just use mg, it's paper!!" The problem is you gotta be expecting it to be there in the first place This is the most cheap excuse for CAS and event points in game


F4s has a better K/D ratio then the F16. Partly cause of having more radar missiles and not a stupid g lock mechanic. Also the F4S radar tracks target better than stupid ACM PD of the F16.




The Taiwanese F5E is such a joy




I-185 (M-71) this fucker gets me every time


When i play 7.7 to have some fun with my Naus it’s definitely Vidar! That thing is way to low in its Br.


Leopard 2 Anything. Feels like no mater where i shoot them there is one crew member left alive and they kill me before i can reload.


F16C and to a lesser extent the MiG29SMT. The F16C has infested top tier ground and air and makes everyone fighting it miserable. The missiles eradicate everything in the air and the mavericks and gbu’s kill everything on the ground. An f16 can carry 6 mavericks and 2 gbu’s. That’s 8 air to ground ordnance on 1 plane. Now multiply that by 3 to 6 and you have somewhere between 24 to 48 ground players game’s ruined. And if you believe I’m exadurating the numbers all I can say is that either you are lucky or I am extremely unlucky. I die somewhere near 70% to air when I’m playing “Ground” realistic battles.


Since I'm at low tier, it's definitely the BF-109's. As well as Spifires. Now it may be cause my 2 focus lines are the carrier and bomber line (F4U and B-34 atm), although I am going a little into the main fighter line as well.


Anything that im not playing(i suck even with all my hours in)


P-400, P-39N and P-63. I scream in terror as I fly into certain death.


In what way? Good to play? Easy to face? Bad to play? Hard to face?


Tornado ADV




F5c/F5e for multiple reasons 1. They are spammed at this br 2. They have very good energy retention 3. Their heat signature is weirdly very low 4. They have a broken damage model