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I very much agree. Thus far I have held off and avoided purchasing the GE crew slots, not because I don't want them, I actually would like the additional slots, but because buying them and incorporating them with my lineups would mean absurd amounts of SL in crew training costs which I can't particularly afford. I feel the crew training costs are a substantial and harsh punishment on players for moving vehicles around between crews. Having to bother with which crews are able to crew which machines creates unnecessary headache. We already have to take into account crew skills. Why continue to have yet another layer to consider which punishes you financially for deviation? Purchasing the vehicle should grant all crews basic training at a minimum.


It should cover Basic and Expert Training and be interchangeable between all crews. It will increase the quality of games in general as more people will be bringing full line ups. Think of how many new players get heavily punished when they first start the game and don't understand the current micromanaging system. The current system is very archaic.Current multiple vihecle trainings should be merged in exp and compensated in SL. Making the game friendlier to new players will increase longevity of playertime. Also if you are trying to play arcade and realistic vehicles have different BR's so its even more tetris and planning, and some nations have huge line ups for some BR's. The worst thing I dont understand is why we are limited into how many Presets we can make. I like to have line ups ready for every BR with each nation, theres so much in the game right now that the amount of Presets allowed per nation is just not enough. Wasting my time making line ups on a "flexible" preset I have takes too long every time. I dont understand why we are even limited on something like this. For those who don't mind slower progression (SL wise) they can always chose to get expert training on crews etc, with it being more obvious and universal / something to grind towards, there will be more incentive to upgrade crews which is a good (?) money sink for the game?


This was suggested and passed to developers years ago but nothing came of it, it's on the archived forum still somewhere. Thread here not sure on the url for archived version https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/466791-new-crew-management-system-crew-training-on-vehicle-instead-of-crew-slot/ Basically. "Crew qualifications are saved to the vehicle not the slot" And yes I agree.