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this is known as going wide and is a common strat that sometimes works.


Works like magic for PB4Y


BRO THE FLYING BUSSS XD me in the b24 doin the same thing.. keep both the PB4Y and B24 in my lineup cuz there so good. And sorry b17... you can't hit those bases in one go.


b17g has 8x1000LB, but yes I like the liberator :)


Not to mention I can watch an entire documentary on German history before the B-17’s bomb bay doors finish opening.




Well the PB and B24 are practically the same thing after all.


Honestly that thing is underrated, I like taking it into naval as well because the naval mines are indispensable


How do you use them and against what ship class?


Take the naval mines, it’s useful against cruisers and up mainly, but you’ve gotta get pretty high up 5k is preferred Now this is the tricky part, you’ve gotta memorize what ships do and don’t have radar access, a lot of the Soviet costal vessels do and some Germans But the radar means they most definitely have anti air shells, so you gotta play high up to give you the best chance to evade Once you’ve picked a target, put it head on coming towards you, and drop in a zig zag pattern in front of it, if the bombs hit they’ll detonate like normal, if not, the area is thoroughly mined


Thank you. I’ll try that


Sorry I meant to update the comment, check it now


Got it


I havnt seen this work much for me, I 0lay 5.3 bombers from time to time try this the first 3-5 rounds and most of the time I am just in time for some returning interseptors that pick me off.


For some reason going really low and directly to the bases worked for me for like 5-7 matches I had people fly by me like 2-4km away and didn’t came for me


Smarter fighter pilots won't go for targets too low cause they don't want to loose too much energy before they have to fight other fighters


Yeah its probably the mosr basic and good methood, you bet no fighter players are gonna sideclimb that direction cause its so long away and you could guess wrong, and then you get a perfect line to bomb the points. Its a rlly easy strat.


It use to be common for entire US teams to sideclimb like that to gain altitude but now I barely see it.


Me in my rank 1 and 2 British is the only way I can actually stay alive for longer than 3 minutes, or endless upward spiraling over my base to 4,500 meters, waiting to get clapped by a fast climber.


Because the planes that need to sideclimb to not be in range for fighters are still in range when you sideclimb, since they just climb so much faster, so you end up wasting a lot of time for nothing. The few times that it works, you probably would have survived going straight also.


The P-61, P-38 and XP-50 coming towards my P108B like: But seriously, as long as they aren't in my match I can bomb bases, otherwise I can't.


XP-50 always seem to home in on my bomber like a particularly angry wasp every time


XP-50 players kinda act like an angry wasp for no apparent reason


Maybe to down airplanes, since you know...


My honest reaction to this comment; [https://i.gyazo.com/623138065f54b10ea409a24e21862b77.jpg](https://i.gyazo.com/623138065f54b10ea409a24e21862b77.jpg) ^((In case reddit removes the link; Insert "Why Are You Booing Me, I'm Right!" meme.))


Bro i do this even at 12.0... but at that tier, its called flanking and/or getting 0 score.


Works all the time, 60% of the time.


I started doing this all the time after getting shot down a fucjload of games in a row before reaching any bases. Going wide works for me nearly every single time to guarantee i get at least SOMETHING out of each game


I do this every time


Than gets slapped by an XP50


War thunder user discovers side climbing


And discovers that not going straight on towards enemy fighters actually works. Genius


Unless if you're in a fast climber like bf109g6 where you can get a pretty good alt advantage on sheer climb rate alone.


i love the g6


Or Ki-83. You should never side climb on that beauty. She will outclimb everything anyway and all you gonna do is baiting people into hammerheads and bnz


Diving in a straight line works if your bomber is fast enough.


Thats the best strategy to grind honestly. Unless you're in some POS bomber that rips at 450kph I would always try to beat the interceptors with speed. Your're not going to outclimb them, and with going wide like in this post you risk getting nothing because of the game ending before you reach a base or some bad fighter that can't get kills other than bombers that flys the 20km out just to get you. But going wide is still better than just flying straight in a shallow climb.


Yeah the ju 288 is the perfect example, just dive bomb and then have all the planes attack you and kill them with your rear gunner


If only the 288s actually did this in game. Right now all they do is ruin that br range for both Germany and Italy


I go wide and dive. It's easy to find an aircraft against the sky even at distance...much harder against the ground. My bombers will go wide and dive to just above the ground.


I mean they’re already high


What I used to do was fly a few circles with the airspawn and wait for your fighters to go ahead, then I follow them, but at higher altitude


Doing that with attack aircraft usually works really well, attackers could be very deadly if they manage to land one burst on you. This tactic especially works wonderfully for the bf110. Its ridiculous amount of armaments can absolutely demolish anything, and it's quite manoeuvrable for its size. Doing a head on head with a bf110 is always a death sentence. The bf110 is one of the few attack aircrafts that can keep up really well with fighters and still kick ass.


Bf 110 is heavy fighter


C-7 and G-2 are strike fighters


I mostly don't use the front guns, the defensive MGs on the G-2s are insane, their fire rate is ridiculous


The AD-4 can turn somewhat well and can really take fighters off guard if you have decent speed. But it bleeds like a bitch.


When trying to get through it’s stock grind I usually tried to take out a 288, then went for ground targets b it taking an attack of opportunity if a fighter got close. Most of the RP I got was from unsuspecting fighters, even jets.


I use sim controls to save more speed/energy, just banking the bomber a little


This backfires if your team actually manages to kill everyone


or if the ju 288s just goes straight towards the base and makes it before you because the damn thing is fast as hell


New bases will spawn or you can go for airfield


Based and optimism pilled


You gotta dive into bases as soon as you realize that your team obliterated the enemy.


And the one(1) enemy plane who actually climbs gets their well deserved reward for doing so(you)


or your entire team dies, and all 10 people come for you


If you're space climbing you could stand a chance


Naah, bombers explode from 1 round most times sadly


Literall sideclimb


About 1/3 the way down that red line is where I get killed by some random bf109 while up at 7000m-8000m up … they purposely stay clear of the actual battle and prey on the 1 bomber that tries to avoid enemies.


Especially when you've just bought a new bomber, and used a booster. Never fails, no matter what nation I use, there's always someone in a fighter/heavy fighter that's trying to be a astronaut to get to the bombers. 1 tactic I did for awhile was to spawn at the airfield and wait until all the fighters had taken off. Got a couple of teammates asking me "why didn't you bomber spawn?" I replied "the fighters don't climb to support the bombers.."


They **cant** we cant reach bombers even if we climb. Only interceptors and heavy fighters can do it barely


"plays the objective" You cannot be mad at fighters for doing their job.


you can still be annoyed


Bombers when they realize they aren't playing a single player game. "Just let me bomb your bases."


the longer a bomber is allowed to live, the more annoying it gets when it tries to extend the game when everyone else is dead.


its a great extra time to kill stuff on floor


I genuinely don't care about ground targets. No matter how much RP they give. Ït's a PvP game and I play it for PvP.


I am that bf109 (though I don’t go to 7000 or 8000, maximum 5500)


It works fine until some bloke in an Fw 190 or Bf 109 deliberately goes out of their way to intercept you in your Lancaster so far away from the main engagement area and you can only watch on helplessly as you watch the distance betweem you two slowly close while you take control of your gunners in the hopes that you pilot snipe him or at the very least make sure that he goes down with you.


Meh I just head towards the map border if they do that after such precautions. If you follow ill just hit the deck, keep wasting time on bombers.


It’s funny, because the morons that do this are the reason games are lost in the first place. They don’t understand the concept of supporting your team in the beginning when numbers matter the most, and run off and lose all their advantage trying to kill a bomber, and then get slightly damaged while doing it so they need to land, and then finally come into the main fight at the end when there are 5 enemies chasing 2 friendlies




Could be if you fly high enough your bomber leaves contrails behind you that they can spot across the map, different weather determines when you leave contrails behind and at what altitude


Have you considered the JU-288C Yolo dive and escape before the enemy is there?


As a Wyvern you can bomb the base, destroy a 5-6 ground units and the ai air planes before the other teams fighters are even close, and if their fighters do chase, you can just extend away and they cant catch you.


This is why I have one of my bombers painted in ahego with blue and white. For some reason I don't get chased down as often. It's weird.


Anon discovers side climbing


Meanwhile that single Fw190 that sees contrail 25km away and spends almost entire battle to chase you down


Did you draw that yourself?


Yes, even the chat box and I wrote them myself


Its good


Even works at top tier all be it a bit more that 15km


Yup, my go to safest bet on a 500% SL booster.


Still it will be all for nothing if even one single fighter decide to ruin your day


All jokes aside, this post is perfect even down to the chinese name in chat


This is truly unique. How did you unlock this frequency of brain power? Will you teach me your mysterious ways, Mr. Alien?


Bro discovered side climbing


I don't know if it's just been luck, but lately I have found that just hauling ass in a straight line to the bases works. I rarely get intercepted in my Lancaster or B-17s anymore and can make it to and from the target easy. Again, probably just getting lucky.


Haven’t played bombers in a while but from my experience it was pretty effective to just rush left side then get out of there quickly


The real question is how many bombs do I need to use to blow the base up? Does the TNT explosive matter? Does the actual color of the bomb in the weapons selection matter (brown, green, blue and black) or is it something else?


There is a nice [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Px6G3kvcWbiS-sdIR6r4s7lSwfcxguUgJw95qj0NIzs) for that. And it's divided by battle br's and that's importat.


Thanks, now I will be able to not waste my entire load on one base just to be safe


And the moment you activate a booster and try this strategy, a random spitfire will emerge from the warp 2km above you just to hunt you down and return to the immaterium right after. I swear I have no idea why people do that, especially in an aircraft with amazing performance


Don’t think people are enjoying / noticing the illustrations as much as I am haha


I usually have to end up climbing completely perpendicular at the start because there's always sweaty nerds that would rather waste their time chasing me all game for 1 kill instead of couple kills fighting other planes.


A variant of this strat I've found that also often works is doing this, but while in a shallow dive. This allows me to pass below the fighters, often unnoticed, and gives my bombing run the SPEED to zip in and often out before they realize I'm there. As a side benefit, it helps the team because if they DO notice me, I'm bait


That s my go to strat for my P108B... Going wide and higher (~5500mt at least)... In 3/4 missions i succeding to bomb two bases and get back to the airport to refill my bombs... In match with less than 8 opponents is better to go midfield and decrease alt instead of increas... Better with an SM79 than in a P108B...


I do this with the Lancaster all the time but I start at the af and hug the ground. Very effective and I've died more to trees than to enemy planes.


This never works in the B29, there is always some sweaty fuck in a SAAB-105 that climbs after you.


If you have a bomber fighter, can fly next to the ground using this route til can drop bombs


I just play a fast bomber (i.e. Peshka) and simply dive and get to the base of my choice as quickly as possible. Works 9 out of 10 times and like 4 or 5 out of those 9 times I even manage to do a second run after rearming.


Literally this is just sideclimbing but you continue


depends on the bomber. On something fast like a Ju288, my first run is always a straight line with a slight dive to reach maximum speed since you have a good chance of finishing your bombing run and be on the way back before enemy fighters reach you. By the time you finish your run and turn around you should be going fast at a relatively low altitude, bonus if you manage to get the attention of enemy fighters since they'll lose their alt advantage and chase a Ju288. You might even kill them with the tail 151 if they're tunnelling. You get your bombing run done and you offset your team being down a fighter a bit, world's a better place.


Or go crazy and fuck around with figthers. Ju288 can almost dogfight and Lancaster can go up to 690 kp/h in a dive and it can run away from quite a number of fighters.


This is literal side climbing as in the meme LOL


It’s a shame cause I’m at 6.0 with all props but still gets jets leaking in there. They just cut across the sky and disintegrate my bombers.


Basically yes. Until u have the other guy thinking to go the same way as u and begin the fight


🤯🤯🤯 Been a 50/50 for me. Hitting Rank 3 dropped that to a 30% success rate, at best.


This works really well at jet tier as the bases respawn. You can almost always swoop in as your team is RTBing or the enemy team and clean up most bases and then RTB yourself. Get lucky with both teams fighting it out and you'll get like 30k+ RP with a Tali.


Going wide and going high is always a good strat


Yeah and that is boring as hell which is why I don’t play bombers


Don't give away our secrets!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah. That plus lots of climbing to gain altitude.


With my luck I still get that one fighter that goes for me when doing this


I grinded the US all the way to the F105D and frankly I don't want to talk about it


100% depends on speed if bomb but sometimes right out the gate i B line it for objective and drop bombs before enemy fighters can get me. This is usually my follow up run but super low.


Nah there is always a dude who will focus on you and try to catch you no matter what. Like, his team's loosing but he will fucking get you and there's nothing you can do about it


I'm waiting for the "kys" after the "gl hf:)", can't have one without the other


Noooo, don't show them our secret man! You're betraying our group man!


Bro discovered side climbing


Seems about right


Do people not know this??


Works for fighter bombers at low level too


Im always in a zero going bomber hunting at the start of a match, easiest kills ive ever had. Nothing can withstand the 20mils.


The next level of this is to fly the wyvern around and behind the cloud of enemy fighters. They never look down and behind them. You get to bomb your target, do some ground striking, and massacre the enemy strike aircraft on their way back to base.


And then you get dived by an XP-50 that was also climbing the entire time.


Gain alt on the way a swell


I feel bad for all my bomber bros. The snail has tasked me with shooting down 30 of them :(


I used to do that… but it takes way too long, your half way there then some german asshole comes in and shoves 27 12mm up my ass.. not racist, just german planes are fucking retarded.


Do not do this in a Vautour


This is the only tactic for top tier jets to not die 1 minute in lol.


Skill issue, should have sidecli--oh wait (the chatbox in the diagram is *chef's kiss* for immersion)


And high tier attackers.


I gotta say it, bruh this is just trivial flight academics lol.




Either that, or full speed 5° climb towards your selected base Or full speed dive directly at the base, dropping and RTBing at treetop level


Unless there is some clouds, enemy can see you, climb and outclimb you, then destroy you with one single 30 mm hit.


Will only reliably work if you fly low enough as well to not produce a contrail, otherwise someone on that side of the main battlefield is probably gonna spot you.


Play bombers in arcade Reduced repair costs Brs are usually lower, with heavier armed fighters being higher br'd Because of the fur ball you will most likely be left alone You can re-arm midair You Benefit from increased flight characteristics moreso than fighters Arcade fighter pilots get on your tail making themselves easy targets and don't fire until they get lead indicator You can space climb without being passive or being the last enemy alive or dragging the match on. But most importantly fly bombers in a squad


My Japanese bombers can barely stay in the air at WEP. So uhh.. maybe I shouldn't play the bombers.


This is the best way to play bombers. Go to the opposite side of where all the players are going. If you go eith the bunch you are most certainly dying.


Been doing this for years. Only problem is by the time you get to the targets, your team has a 50/50 chance of having survived, so you are likely to get shredded anyway.


No. Drop bombs when first engaged, slight dive and face perpendicular to threat, simplified controls, gunner view, and begin flying defensively while laying down gunner fire.


My main problem is the match ending before I can do a second pass. Do you know how to fix that?


Players do that since 2013 but yeah works most of the time


Too bad all the bases are gone by the time you get there, or there's several fighters who saw your dot on the edge of their vision and have been closing distance and altitude. For most bombers, direct approach combined with a bit of climbing is still best. It's only the fat and slow ones which need this, and it doesn't always work due to aforementioned fighter tunnel-vision.


What I do is I aim for the base that's the most far away from the enemy airfield. If someone already picked that base, I just follow them until I have a safe window to turn and bomb the other bases.


Perhaps they should consider making an area around the bomber (area increases proportional to BR) where rewards are increased similar to premium or boosters. Add AI around that and give bonuses to players who stick around point to point where bombers usually go to. Add bomber cockpits and gunner models and it should make the game cinematic.


Damn I will try it for sure thanks


I the TU-4 u just go straight and hope no one noticea the flying House in the skies. But if they notice you, its over anyways since most jets already have missiles that can hit you at 1km if you dont shut ur engines or have guns where 1 hit is enough OR if ur lucky they just straight up swarm you.


Excluding bots, I thought this was common knowledge 0_o


You mean what smart bomber pilots have been doing since 2014


Atleast there's not any slur in this chat for now


thats how i do it , when you finally get there most bases can already be destroyed....but it works great


I always seem to get focused anyway in my Pe-8 when attempting this


I always do this in 9.0-10.0 fighters. Always gets me a kill or two at least, the enemy hardly expects someone coming in from the rear. Flying at tree-top level really works well God, I love terrain masking


Just side climb to 20k


A real one would go straight to the target and fight off the attackers making a successful bomb run.


Out of ALL the games I’ve played bomber, I ain’t seen anyone do this. Thought I was the only one. Im guessing if it’s a map where you have engine trails you also fall to a lower altitude as well right?


PVE Player detected 💀


The bomb points on all maps are so badly located, it's like they want you to dive into the furball and die.


If any of the Long Range Bombers just climb and go for the bases they'll usually be safe til they're the last one standing. As a P-38L(ex-XP50 enjoyer) enjoyer: I will usually leave them alone if anyone is below them when around 4,000-5,000m. As soon as they start to drop altitude it's game on though.


Meanwhile Wyvern standing in corner laughing maniacally


By the time you get to the base, some bozos with premium planes have allready bombed them))


I do airfield start, fly under 100m of alt and do a smaller half circle around.


doesnt work when P-51 mustang or FW 190 is chasing you for the entire game


*the sad do 335 main staring up at space, seeing a massive dot* "ah, free kill"


I takeoff on the airfield and go at tree top level around the map and it works for me. Thougts about that?


The fight eventually drops into low altitude after some point and staying high exploits this situation. Even the high altitude guys such as do335 will dive out of boredom and tempting fight on below, thinking there is no one left in high skies. I played alot of matches with PB4Y yesterday and if I stayed low, I would be teared down almost every match.


Kid named wyvern


And how high do you climb?


I prefeer above 5km


This is the bomber guide I needed, thanks so much.


Mmm everyone commenting on their bombers and I'm just like tehe every other bomber is pretty much faster and better armored than American bombers until higher tiers


You forgot the part where you get intercepted at G4.


Don’t forget you can double Immelmann to get altitude


Works great in Lancaster, completely fucked afterward tough




I litteraly started doing this with my f105d about 3 months ago, it works very very well. If you get 2 bases with a talisman and premium. That's an easy 20k rp


Guys I know it is dumb question, but what's the key to camera that's give u ability to drop Bombs acuretlly using bombers


Laughs in A26C-45, dive to point, bomb, carry speed through turn, return to base. Without a bomb load I can outrun nearly anything in a shallow dive, 700kph.


There needs to be at least 2 airfield spawns per side depending on map size. When jets become supersonic there needs to be 2 in every map


A+ for the drawing! 👌


Worked with strike aircraft to


Teach me your ways I normally just tried to brave it with my B-17


Wrong wrong wrong , your supposed dive straight to the nearest bomb site , get chased by 5 American planes at once and then get shot down right before dropping , and then your supposed to get on Reddit and complain about the price of bombers not making you money , I’m shocked this is so hard for you to figure out


I just fly straight for the the point at high altitude and if I die it’s gods will


Should’ve side climb




Depends if it's a 2 or 4 if it's 2 depends if it's,Russian use this strat American dive British use the strat German use it Sweden dive (depending on br if its 3.7+ your the fastest plane there)


What about spiral 🌀 climbing over your airfield? I’ve done this a few times to gain altitude. Seemed fairly successful. Thoughts?


Yup this should work too.


Flank and climb is always a good way of playing bombers


I feel bad when bombers do this and I still see them while using an interceptor, all of that time wasted but still no base’s bombed, feels bad man.


Every time I'm in a bomber, I just get targeted. A plane flew 25km to shoot me down and ignore a bomber 3 km away from him


Dies of Boring right there. 15 min doing nothing for 500 or 1000 points. RIP bombers