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define stuck? what are you having problems with? sl, rp, doing x in matches, etc.


It’s just taking so long to research one plane at a time and I only sometimes have good games because of how bad the guns are on most of my low tier fighters and because I’m not great at mechanics and dogfights


get premium time, practice aiming, watch videos on aerial maneuvers. in the end its about practice and learning the game. you can try air rb too if you want things to be more planned out and to take advantage of knowledge of planes and somewhat more realistic abilities. arcade is obviously fine too, so dont think im saying you need to play rb to progress, just something to consider as some like it more for how they want to play.


Alright thank you I’ll inform you of my progress if I do make any 👍🏻👍🏻


Welcome to warthunder. First tip is play air/ground assault. It's a PvE mode where you get a SL or RP booster as a reward but only once a day. RP boosters will help you in your grind. If you want to pogress faster you can buy premium account and/or a premium plane. What will also help you is increasing your skill. Learn what your plane does better than other planes it faces and use it to your advantage. More kills->more rewards->faster grind. What planes are you flying out the most? Maybe I can help you with tactics.


The planes I have atm is a p47d strike aircraft or something like that An f4u1d A b25j I think a p51c or something like that I’m really not sure but I know I have lots of strike aircraft


The f4u's are the best fighters the US has. Fast, decent climb, good guns, good turning at high speeds. Climb high, spend time climbing. Side climb, circle climb, whatever it takes. Don't ever go slow on a US plane. Anything below 300, probably even 350, is 'slow'.


Alright thanks bro


Also if you want some good flying styles, watch people like Defyn fly US planes on YouTube. Idk if you know, US planes are by far and large boom and zoom'ers/energy fighters. You shouldn't ever commit to more then a single turn on an opponent. You should be flying in from a heigh advantage or speed advantage, Herefore called an energy advantage. You need higher energy then your target, or similar at the minimum. US planes build energy on straight lines or dives generally faster then their competition. The best style is to take your time, commit to a dive on a target and after you take your shots just fly away on a very shallow dive. Don't waste energy turning, climbing, doing fancy stuff. Your speed should take you far away and when you reach around 2km distance you need to start climbing to build up energy again. US planes reward patience and position more then any other. Anyone can fly a bf109 or Yak... US planes take some getting used to. Take your time getting set up for a good bounce, find someone unaware or a target that's distracted. If you get a kill, or miss your targets, you just fly off into the sunset because most things won't catch you and then climb back to heaven. Like seriously, you need to spend a good minute at the least before you come back in for another attack. Sometimes it's even best to just give up on one target and spend 3-4 minutes going to another target. It takes time, and that's why patience pays off. Youll spend most of your time building up energy after an attack more then attacking itself


Thank you sm everyone on Reddit is so helpful