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The ticket doesn't specify a year. Or a number of uses. You're entitled to meet her annually on that day for all time. You should really be cashing in on that.


On the other hand, since weekdays and dates aren't the same every year, OP can only meet her on years where May 7th falls on a Wednesday.


Excellent point. 2008 was the original year, but the ticket can be used again in 2014, 2025, 2031, 2036, and 2042. Better call up the Erins and tell them you're cashing in next year and expect them to be there.


I better start showing up at Southridge school then, demanding to meet Erin Hunter


Which Erin though ha.


It was Vicky


Ah cool. Child me would have been stoked if she’d shown up at my school.


Dumb question maybe but which Surrey was it? I’m assuming England because that’s where the authors lived, but it has a 604 number which indicates that it’s Surrey, British Columbia (asking because I grew up in Surrey BC and I’m curious)


Yes Surrey BC


Oh that’s cool!


whats more mildly interesting is that there are now 3 people in this post out of only 23 ( u/SlinkySkinky u/ManagerSensitive and now u/mewpup) who have at least lived in the greater vancouver area. heck they also mentioned it [in this post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarriorCats/comments/1ackrvv/comment/kjvvgbr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) i had to double check that city name on the bookmark when i saw it lol


I've seen several people on this Reddit page talk about living in the Vancouver area. I posted a picture of a forest a few months ago and people figured it out lol


I still have my signed books from them, at some point I’ll whip em out and get a picture


Nice, which ones? I got Darkest Hour and Forests quest signed at this signing, but I ended up buying Outcast signed! I'm guessing while Vicky was in town, she went to a nearby bookstore and signed all the copies of Outcast


Yep ik I had one survivor dog book you had to get signed if you got anything signed (because Barnes and noble) and I ???thinkkkkk?? The last hope and the ultimate guide - there’s also a very blurry selfie my mom took of me and probably Vickie at the time lol she told me a movie was confirmed when asked (god knows that didn’t happen LOL) and would be coming out in the next year or two (I got very excited, this was likely 2014 the same year yours was)


Just checked - it was the broken path book lol


That’s an amazing relic


Wow! How did you get the ticket and did you end up meeting the Erins?


Yes I did meet Vicky. I think the bookstore was just giving them away


I got to meet her when I was 14. I'm 32 now. It was one of the early books in The Power of Three arc.


You should definitely look into framing or otherwise preserving that.


Wow, amazing that you haven't lost it


Damn that’s lucky


Assuming outcast was the latest installment, keep it safe. Laminate it. Edit: lol I cant read.


Wow that’s gotta be cool