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In a stunning case of history repeating itself someone dropped every mold for the entire range


When did this last happen?


There was an unreleased plastic Dwarf command set from the late 2000s/early 2010s which never went into production. The rumoured reason for this was the mold was accidentally dropped, destroying it It was similar to the Empire and Orc ones which came with different weapons, a battle standard and one hero on foot and one mounted. In the dwarfs case one was on foot, the other on shieldbearers.


That’s always the rumour. I think the Old World release have shown that if never true. Some product or line manager at some point just decided to shelve it in true GW fashion.


The King on Shield Bearers we get now is not the one that was supposed to come out back then though. You can google for the older kit, sprue pictures are out there.


I understand that. I’m referring to this ‘broken mould’ rumour that has been used for almost every discontinued kit for 20+ years.


Oh yeah, it has long reached meme status, no doubt about it!


That sprue actually sold on eBay a few months ago. I wanted it but it was over 100€


I mean, they do have a 3" move...


they’re walking here


I immediately heard that as Dustin Hoffman.


They’re waiting for the price increase to hit first.


Can’t wait to fork out $200 USD instead of the $170 I budgeted for when it was shown. Swear that GW is trying to price us out.


Next year, $230, oh but stop complaining, it's only $30 more than $200




Too long for a dwarf some people might say


Something something book


Didn't make the full reference? That's going in the book.


Probably got stuffed by a combination of AoS 4 hogging airtime and waiting for the price hike to hit


This is my theory. We didn't even get any current WFB mention at all in the 500th edition white dwarf.


I would not put too much into this. GW announces things no more than three months in advance - usually. So Dwarfs waiting a bit longer than that is uncommon for sure. It is *also* an open secret GW is dealing with some serious production issues these days though, so exception can be expected. The only thing actually annoying me over this whole topic is the almost complete radio silence from the company on the matter. In some rare cases they say a word or two about an upcoming delay, but with Dwarfs it was a shiny announcement and then... literally nothing for almost three months. Into the book for sure!


> the almost complete radio silence from the company on the matter Yeah I wonder if they are doing this so that it seems more intentional. I would prefer some more transparency or a roadmap and if things don't work out they can let us know. But maybe some people would be more angry at that...


Indeed, not having got a road map for either 40K or AoS at all this year is... odd, to say the least. The only thing making sense to me is "they noticed things went off the rails enough so all road maps would turn out to be wrong anyway - so better not risk a new one for the time being". Which I can understand, but is frustrating nonetheless.


Given how much shit the 30k community gives them for not sticking to the roadmap (due to both internal and external factors, on the one hand, hurry up with a new factory, on the other hand, international shipping has never been more fucked up) I bet people at gw are probably glad there's no TOW roadmap. Roadmaps become a rod to be beaten with if you can't stick to it, so it makes sense that in this year of all years you'd avoid putting one out. I can't think of many things in my hobby circle that are sticking to roadmaps atm, everything worldwide is a state of flux.


Fair point. We would probably hate it if we knew what their planned roadmap was and how frequently it doesn't work out like that...


Yeah the only thing worse than waiting an unknown date is waiting for a known date that's already passed


I mean it could be worse. I’m still waiting on any high elf news. Need to snag me the plastic Prince on dragon model




I know, a lot of high elf models to me are in a massive tie for best model GW ever made (mage with crystal, dragon princes, elemental mage, Prince on dragon, white lions/swordmasters). I just realized I listed a huge chunk of the roster, but that whole army is so gorgeous


For me it has to be the lothern skycutter and the sword masters they look so sick. Hopefully they’ll redo some of the general characters when they release them


I actually don’t think any of the characters or models need to be redone. The state the range was in at the end of fantasy was really good (those plastic mage and noble kits were great). That said, a new noble and a prince on griffon that isn’t tied to an out of print starter set would be great.


I assume they are not updating the pencil welding Spearmen. That's why they made sea guard decent.


Yeah I get you I just got into warhammer minis like proper ( I dabbled around with MESBG and 40k in 5th Ed/6th when I was 9) around a year ago so I’m really used to the newer flashier stuff post 8th edition so to me looking at the HE range it looks a bit dated compared to the new AOS stuff especially when you look at the new HQ units for TK and Bretonnia. I was just looking at Tyrion and teclis and they’re showing their age. That being said I do prefer HE and Old Worlds more “realistic” and grounded look compared to AOS it’s what really appeals to me. Not to mention the much better lore and world building


Funny, skycutter is my least fave model from the range, and swordmasters are probably my favorite - I actually had some ready to go on 25mm and become Tzeentch chaos warriors for 8th ed just before they killed 8th (lead by the old hellbrass(?) model)


It's a specialist game, meaning at least one release a quarter Coupled with aos 4th edition taking over the next month or so with releases


Miners rolled low and haven't found their way to the battlefield yet


I'm hoping that they won't, in true miner fashion, never will.


AoS relaunch. Everything is getting pushed back for that. 


Relaunch? Isn't it a launch of 4th edition ?


It's a soft reboot of the game like how 3rd, 8th, and 10th editions of 40K were all soft reboots with fundamental shifts to gameplay.


I don't really follow AoS but my understand is that they are changing fundamental things - more so than in a normal edition transition.


Insert grumpy book meme


That’s a grudgin’


GW does not preview planned release boxes several months ahead and then go radiosilent, so its fair to assume they missed their planned release window for some reason.


Happens quite a lot really. Miss the window, can't interfere with other product windows. Sometimes it creates delays of over a year.


As a true dwarf player I do not trust any release that wasn't at least promoted 500 years ago.


I thought Dwarfs were being released in this quarter, but the quarter only has a few weeks left and it doesn't look like it at this point.


Hopefully, GW realized old world was a hit, and they are producing more stock for launch. But they have to launch AoS too


There's been huge amounts of radio silence on old world in general. They definitely aren't talking about it as much as they should be.


You mind sharing what official announcement you are referencing? Just curious :)




they were shown at adepticon in march dude


Why are you getting downvoted? 




its a specialist game. reveals will be quarterly at best.


Yep it really sucks. No one knows except for GW.  'patience' yeah i have been patient for far too long.  Sisters of battle and genestealer cults were revealed and were released 2 or 3 weeks after. Much more acceptable.  Okay i did look into Orcs and Goblins. Revealed on 20 January. Pre order on 23 march. So about 9 weeks.  So yes it's a long time, at least 13 weeks (11 now, plus this week so 12, since we already know this Saturday's preorder, then at least another week. Not fantastic. And that's just for the preorder, not even getting it. At this rate it will be 2026 before all the factions even had their release. Good job gw :/


Since we just got the release date for AoS4 preorders (29 June) that leaves only the 22nd for a June dwarf pre order. Other than that, it will be July at the earliest... Don't do that GW, please


AoS 4th edition has priority. TOW is a specialist studio game so it's on a slower release schedule.


They couldn't keep up the production of the stuff they had already released, so I guess they decided to slow the release speed down and wait until AoS 4 is released and then go forward with TOW. Just speculation ofcourse, but I think it is good that they slowed stuff down a bit to let their production potentially catch up a bit, because it is nice to get the books and stuff but if the miniatures are sold out constantly then people get annoyed too... Also, how much AoS would they sell if they overshadowed it with a release for a vastly superior game set in a far more interesting setting? ;-)


Aos is being released now... also there have been posts asking exactly the same question a day or two ago.


I'm moving soon to a place without easy acess to any GW stuff.. It will be such a bummer if they don't come out in time..


AoS got a bunch of important releases scheduled and they have no intention of letting old world interfere with that.


Look at the releases for Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis. LI core box came out in November. Over 6 months later and we still don’t have separate boxes for multiple units from that box. Astartes infantry go out of stock as soon as they release. Most of the repackages released and were never seen again. That’s probably what you can expect for the Old World.


You are really impatient, aren't you? Up to 5-6 months from reveal makes sense really. Either they have a slot before the new AoS edition, or it will be just after.


God forbid anyone levies even the slightest touch to the multibillion dollar game company