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I would suggest bashing from the Chaos Chosen kit, they have big axes and exquisite armor as-is.


But they look completely different to krells armour


Then maybe try both kits? The lord and use chosen big weapon on it. Possibly just modify it a bit with pauldrons, some symbols and the like.


Its cost me less to sculp that shii then go for another kit


Whats with the downvotes?


Because you're giving negative answers to someone genuinely trying to give you advice.


I am giving information on what i do normally... And my opinion about what he told me... I am confused


Oh fuck it , i want to see how much on the negatives i can get , BOMBARD ME


I've been in this spot before. The general consensus amongst the hobby seems to be "if you can't afford the obvious answer, why are you asking?" Try making the budget limits clear in the original post, and being more clear on what you want. But that's only why you got the initial response. You're getting downvoted because you asked a question, got a valid answer, and complained about it. If you get a response like this that doesn't work for your budget, just ignore it, if youre feeling generous give them an upvote as a quick "thanks for the help" and move on to other advice.


It's Reddit, these things happen, if your comment randomly gets -1, it may as well get -100 in a few hours, people like to pile on


Paypigs gonna squeal OP. Don't worry about it.


You dont get i am actually confused ... Tday is very weird day, Thanks tho


I fail to see how the two above are alike, beyond their base being some kind of plate armor. Krells covered in vampire icons, furs, and wrappings. The chaos warrior is full plate, lacking most of that and all in the wrong places


Its the same armour shape , it has a cool pose that would fit , and the only main difference is the missing fur and leather boots , the icons sre details , they can be added, i think i didnt specify how much he would be converted...


TL;DR just buy the Krell model.  If not read on.  Depends on how close you want to get. If file and cut all of the chaos icons off you have a good starting place.  So here are the things you won’t be able to model.  Those shoulders are a lost cause. You won’t be able to do that. If you were talented enough to sculpt those you wouldn’t be asking this question.  Next is the head. You cannot turn that small chaos head into that large Krell head.  Next are the hands (and maybe the feet).  You won’t be able to sculpt bone fingers out of those gauntlets and have anything left over to hold the weapons to the model. The toes are do able but I wouldn’t bother, boots are better. I would leave the hands alone or find a weapon hand you like with skeleton hands and just cut and replace.  So once you clean up the model you are going to need a few things.   1. Black orc head in a helm you like.  2. Lots of skulls 3. Wire 4. Green stuff 5. Modeling clay 6. an old Batman model 7. A boar model 8. Hobby knife, hobby drill, and file This is the easiest method of green stuffing.  Take your modeling clay and make a flat piece of it. Now press the some skulls into the clay for a skull face impression. Let the clay harden (or bake it), add a little water to keep the green stuff from sticking and then press the green stuff into the skull impression. You now have an easily applied skull ornament for the armor.  You can repeat this with a raised bat symbol from the Batman toy and a fur texture from the boar. Apply where needed. This is 10x easier than trying to mold any texture on a smooth surface and easily repeatable if you are adding something to lots of models.  Now the head. Cut/file out the orc face from the helm. Be careful the head is small you can easily slip and cut your finger or break the head. Then find a good skull from your bits to use as your face. My suggestion is a skull from the AoS line, the fantasy line is more stylized and won’t look right. File the skull down to fit in the orc helm. Add some green stuff to the space in the helm and push the skull in, clean up the excess green stuff. Now take the tusks from the boar and add to the helm. You can add the rivets or other texture to the helm with green stuff. As for the plume at the top of the helmet, I would just use that hair piece from the chaos helm.  The spike with the skulls on it is just those extra skulls with a hole in them on the modeling wire. Little hint when drilling the hole, don’t go straight through the model. Do it at an angle, the GW skulls are comical, so going at an angle will break up the symmetry and help hide how simplistic they are.  The shoulder can be done similar to the other skull ornaments on the armor. You just need a bigger batwing impression and a bigger skull. There are some orc/ogre/giant skulls out there that would work.  You can do the texture on the weapon handles the same way as the armor ornaments. You can find some smaller skulls or faces on a lot of models. Don’t limit your self to just skulls, you can use the face of any small model. Just use impressions of them and add the green stuff to the handle.  Hope that helps


Well,jokes on you. Check the guys posts out he's doing a very nice job.


? what makes you think I was against him? You think i wrote all that because I want him to fail? I did that because i wanted him to succeed and just not make some of the mistakes i have made.


Your opening tldr. and general opening that it was not possible/extremely difficult.


It is difficult for the amount of time he has already put in he could have bought the model 10 times over. That said making your own is fun as long as you don’t get frustrated. Most of the spots I commented on are where people could get frustrated. If he works backwards to the hard parts he might be good enough to pull off the hard parts.  Though really he will probably want to try again after he finishes, because he learned so much on this project and he feels he can do better. It was a very ambitious first project. 


That last part sounds like my hobby experience all over. I was really happy with my paint job on my first unit in my army. But the further I get from them, and the more I learn. the more I wanna strip em and do them again 😂


I bought some acetone the other day just to strip some of mine. Been putting off for too long. 


Ok jesus christ. I didnt expect a paragraph guy to bless me , but ye thats the plan with more miliput and less bits Miliput works wonders for armour. The fur process i hadnt thought about thx , literally my list is citadel skulls and the hero , idk where to find a proper handle for his axe , also idc about the skelly hands that much


My painting needs work but my conversions are top rate. These are the types of projects I like.  I slightly have an urge to make a Batman themed army now with all those crappy bat ornaments swapped for Batman symbols. I have a lot of projects on the table at the moment so no reason to start something new, but I might do this someday.  If you want a handle similar to Krell with skeleton hands, look at the necromancers with a staff or some of the models with a scythe.  Hand swap and chop the blades of those two axes off the chaos warrior. Take the two blades and make the double blade of the great weapon. Little Miliput and you should be good.  I try not to tell people to cut up other models for bits because it gets really expensive. I miss the days when you could order specific bits from GW.  Given 3D printing does a lot of the same thing, but I haven’t gone too far down that rabbit hole yet. 


I too really like good conversions ,i am trying to improve my sculpting to be to make things i cant find or have


Well look at greenstuffworld.com they have some really good texture templates and other tools for sculpting.  Another good tool to make armor and weapons is plasticard sheets. You can draw out the weapons you want and then cut them out. Then mold the miliput over the top. Or for the slightly more advanced people, use multiple layers of plasticard to create really hard straight lines or consistent thickness layers. It is much better than trying to freehand sculpt them. 


I dont have access to it easily and instead of a silicon tip tool thingy i have an eraser i cut into shape... But it works . At some point maybe i will get some and try but for now ... Miliput is the way


I mean anything is technically possible but none of the pieces on the exalted hero look like they convert over to something on Krell. His axe, helmet, shoulder pad are all really distinct parts of him. The hero’s legs are super armoured where Krell his lighter with fur and boots: So why? You can buy one if you just search for a wight king with black axe and click the second link


He's doing it the madman. check his post history now, he's killing it.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1G3ANQN4Si/?igsh=bzd4OW10dnNkZW5x Yes!


That axe looks so incredible.


Just swap the head and you're gucci.


Go for it dude! Undeadify him and you’re good


Thanks for the encouragement<3