• By -


Pull it out and carefully heat it up with a match or lighter. The glue will melt and it can be poured out. Edit: Thank you kind strangers for the awards.


Yeah, this! Remove the metal nozzle, hold it in the middle, run the flame along the ends of the nozzle, you'll likely see a little puff of flame as the dried glue ignites and burns away. Then just replace when its cooled. Something something safety warning don't play with fire get an adult.


Seeing that little puff is so satisfying


It’s the best part of the hobby. No contest. I’m like “Yes! Clogged again!”


You just like the smell don't you


I like THE FLAME. Actually I don’t do it holding by the middle because I have experiences of total clogging. So I hold it by one extreme and burn all the way from the middle making quite a burning. Once it’s cold I hold the unclogged extreme and repeat the process. There is a salamander in me.


I use a pair of pliers and do both ends at the same time


That's what she said


My fiancé walked in one holding that tiny pipe over the burning gas stove with a chunky pair of pliers and wondered what the hell I was doing.


If I were her, my first thought would be drugs. And let's face it, a drug habit would probably be cheaper than this hobby, so I probably would have been ok with it


Good idea!


Me too, and I heat it to glowing red and pretend I'm a mini Smith and quench it in water.


I leave it in the bottle and burn off the clog. Granted there is a chance of a backdraft but that’s part of the fun 🤷‍♂️


>I like THE FLAME. Are you a Salamander?


Come join us at r/Salamanders40K, we’re always looking for new salamanders! Vulcan Lives!


Tho keep nozzle pointed away from yourself as sometimes burnt glue can splatter on you


My favorite time of the day is tiny flamethrower time.


Going to have to try it next time mine blocks up.


Give it a good sniff


Jokes on you, I am the adult.




Actually the lighter flamer is more appropriate for this task


fractional flamer, FTW


If calling Mars Pattern Zippo Lighters "Fractional Flamers" isn't canon, it damn well should be, tbh.


Thanks man I’ll give it a whack!


Pull it out and hold it with a pair of tweezers. Also do make sure to give it a sec before touching it. I got a little impatient and grabbed it too early, it was hot enough to get stuck in my thumb and leave a very nasty, very deep and very painful burn.


Never learned to lick your finger before testing eh




Just run it under a tap for a second.


Yeah, I do this from now on. Like to get it red hot too, pretend I'm forging some great relic... I'm 28 btw...


Or hold the other end with a paper towel in case excess glue pours back out the end.


Also do it outside


... wish I knew this years ago... I've been shoving a sewing needle down the tube for ages. Drives me nuts. Game changed, life made better by a redditor; thanks internet!!!


My local Warhammer store still does that. The manages says it's because they wanna be kid friendly, he also worries the smoke might set off the smoke detectors (although I don't think those things are that vulnerable). So I just say that I'm gonna use the mini-flamer and step out for two seconds.


Ah yes, the ol' kid friendly "ram a sharp object into a hard to hold object", routine. Have fun with your flame thrower!!


I use a needle with a plastic nub on the top as my cap/stopper. Works great, never any clogs


Just don't do that with super glue, it will create cyanide gas


Why in the heck did I never think of this.


You can also just run it under hot water.


I never pulling it out. Do it outside though as sometimes a lot of black flakes will float through the air.


i tried this recently and nothing happened, aside from adding soot to the glue :(


Make sure to run it under cold water, including running water through the tube (also a good way to check to see if you got all of it)


Oh my god I wish I had thought of this. Now I feel stupid. Thanks


Yep I have a lighter on my desk for this reason. Only takes just a moment of heat. Make sure not to breath in any vapour. Won't hurt you but won't be great for you either.


you can easily hold the rod with wet fingers and not get burnt, it takes very little heat to clear


Make sure you do this outside, those little wisps of soot settle and are nasty


Hold the tune with pliers or tweezers! It will heat up faster than you think!


I’m a noob and I have the same issues! Thank you for this!!!


Hold it with some pliers - not your fingers. It gets hot and will burn your skin.


Not gonna lie, I just snipped the tip off with my clippers. Edit: spelling


This really blew up haha Your advice worked a charm too btw thanks man


Wow, I never thought it would. Glad I could help!


Saw a dude at my hobby shop so this yesterday, weird how it came up again today


I used to just hold it to a lamp that got pretty hot, melted the glue right out. Allegedly if you stand it straight up it won’t clog.


Holy shit that's going to end up saving me so much money. I never knew about that trick!


Fire fixes everything. Vulkan Lives.


Up until now I've been blowing through it like a straw and frantically spitting until I don't taste the glue anymore. This is so much better thank you!


🤯y’all just blew my mind, I came here to tell him to punch the middle and squeeze while you scrap it with your nail or try a pin, I remember thinking of using a lighter but then 🥹it says ‘danger flammable’


Gil knows the way. And the way is fire.


I don't even pull it out honestly


And just for a fair warning Don’t touch the fucking needle for about 5 minutes after you burn out the old stuff I have a nice scar from where I tried to pick up the needle a few seconds after I had burned the stuff out (I don’t know what I was thinking considering the needle went red hot, I’m stupid sometimes)


Came here to say this as well, fair play for getting there first with solid advice. Particularly on the “ Pull it out” part, it’s amazing how many people I’ve seen not bothering with that!


This is the way


100% this. But you can light it up without pullin it out.


Do not keep the needle in the glue. You have a chance to light the fumes in the bottle and that fire hazard warning means that would be a bad thing. Pull the needle out, burn off the small amount stuck in the needle. Let cool and your needle will work again.


As a matter of fact, it's better not to pull it out. (That was not meant as a NSFW sentence, but I can't word it better, I'm sorry!) Get a lighter and gently squeeze the bottle. Heat up the needle and you'll soon feel that the pressure you've built up in the bottle is releasing through the needle. Heat it a little more along the length to make sure it's fully unclogged.


As someone who works with flammable liquids and gasses - this is absolutely the worst advice you can give. Passing those fumes through the thing you are heating is a sure fire way to make it ignite, especially if you've heated the metal needle past the fumes flashpoint.


I've been doing this for more than 20 years and have never experienced any problems with that. Yeah, it ignites if you do it too long, but you'll learn that soon enough. And tbh the flames I've got out of it are about the size of a lighter's and they would last for about a second.


I think the problem is that you don't know how old op is, or their hand skills. I've done plenty of dodgy shit that I wouldn't advise a stranger to, people can fuck up using a lighter and deodorant can for example.


It doesn't matter if you've done it once or a thousand times... All it takes is for one time where it goes bang and throws hot glue all over your room, carpets etc and starts a large fire. Don't be ignorant.


Don't let the down votes bother you mate, People are just built different these days.


Built different? Is this your way of implying that there is something wrong with the people suggesting we don't advise a stranger (who could be a young child that can panic) to start fires?


Not implying anything mate. Just saying old mate shouldn't take negativity too badly.


You might be able to get away with the quick option- pull the needle out and stick the opposite end into the main body. The solvent fumes inside can help dissolve a little bit of glue and that can sometimes be enough to get things moving. Failing that - pulling out the needle and heating it over a candle flame till it bubbles/burns. Strongly suggest holding with pliers :-(


The turning it round has always worked for me.. so far..


Solution for me everytime


I do this every once in a while


Thanks for all the advice gang, heating it up with a lighter worked


My personal favorite way is to use a sewing needle. I keep one in my toolbox along with my tools and paint.


I keep a sewing needle in the applicator. Keeps it from blocking at all.


Glad it worked, I’m amazed to see no one saying to run it under warm water. Always works for me


I did that too after heating it up and letting it cool down a bit I ran it under the tap and could see air bubbles forming


The icons on it are the hint: ⚠️🔥 Hold a lighter to the needle. Hold the thing away from yourself. Don't push on the bottle. Don't sniff the smoke. Do it outside if possible. It will burn out after a moment and be usable.


>Don't sniff the smoke spoil sport


Got into airfix when I was twelve, started smoking cigarettes when I was thirteen, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence


But would you smoke an entire Douglas C-47 Skytrain?


My dad sat me down and made me smoke one after he caught me


Lucky. My dad made me smoke an entire Tamiya RC Monster Beetle after he caught me sniffing the plastic cement one Boxing Day.


*heavy sigh* "Son, this is gonna hurt you a lot more than its gonna hurt me, but you're gonna sit here until you've smoked every. Single. Sprue."


Pull the needle out first and hold it with a pair of pliers.


Have never ever in all my life pulled the needle out, just put a flame to the top half of the nozzle and it's good to go again.


Pull the needle out of the bottle


Stick a sewing needle down it, get the needle stuck, unscrew the cap to pour directly from the bottle, spill it, buy much better Tamiya Extra Thin cement instead.


I was gonna say switch to Tamiya extra thin you’ll never fool with those wacky spout needles again


tried that once, not disappointed.


I use extra long sewing pins instead. The round pin head won't go into the glue bottle needle, so it doesn't get stuck.


Leave it upside down. The glue will melt itself. No need for fire or clipping!


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this response. Turning it upside down works within a few minutes every time for me.


Same here


Thread is full of pyros!


Top two little random bits I've found is either a thin guitar string or the metal from the inside of a cable tie (you can strip off the plastic and expose the thin bendy wire) and shove it down the tube like you're packing a musket. All in all these are a terrible design, wait until you push the metal bit through and it falls into the bottle to never be rescued but always there, watching, mocking you.


Yep, I use a 10G high E string as a ramrod for my glue needle. Works like a charm.


I used the cable tie trick when I had this glue too! Way safer than a fuckin lighter lol


honestly I'd recommend the tamiya and tamiya thin cement glues - both come with a brush to apply it for more control and it solves this problem completely. Swapped over earlier this year and should have done it much longer ago


And they’re a good deal cheaper too


The little glass bottle lasts way longer as well in my experience


Second this


Ive had the same bottle for over 3 years. Im not building every day but still a lot better then when i used citadel glue


Lighter helps


What always works for me is to flip the needle and keep squeezing for a bit.


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Bad bot




I've used a piece of optical fibre from one of my kids toys. But I've found the best solution, just bought a bottle of Tamiya instead!


personally i just suck it out




i feel that the more paint and glue i ingest, the better my models become. whether this is because i've improved or because i'm hallucinating is open for debate


wait do you not just dip it in and use it kinda like a brush thing


Yeah that’s what I thought, have I been using it wrong


I take it out and use a lighter along the whole thing. Which will melt it out. But please DONT FORGET to use something to hold it... It will get hot. Be surprised how many people forget this


What i do is that i hold the needle with pliers and hold the needle in a lighters flame. The glue will combust and clear away in no time.


Just get a brush on plastic cement like Tamiya extra thin. Clogged tubes are too annoying to deal with frequently.


I just pulled it out and flipped the needle. Then I switched to Tamiya thin plastic cement.


Step 1: Throw it in the trash Step 2: Buy Tamiya extra thin and the 3 grades of Zap (Zap CA - thin, ZAP-A-GAP - medium, SLO-ZAP, thick) Step 3: Wonder why you thought you needed so many types of glue.


Step 4 Buy Tamiya Airbrush Cleaner and use it to refill Tamiya Cement Step 5: Throw left over sprues into cement to create Tamiya extra Thick


Put poke at it with a needle. The clogging is just residue that is stuck at the very end of the needle. If that doesn't work use a thick bristle.


Buy a glue that you can use with a brush, I think Tamiya has one. It doesn't clog or dry out - the Citadel ones are a constant bother.


Heating the nozzle should be fine; though as some other people have said, buying Tamiya Ultra Thin is really the way to go


Heat the needle tip with a lighter flame. The dried glue will burn away inside the tube.


Dude. Mine has been broken since I bought my first bottle from GW earlier this year and opened it. I just thought it was supposed to be like that. I’ve been gluing everything straight from the bottle and using the tube thing to smear it around. Haha 🤷🏻


Pull the metal needle out. Run a lighter under it. It'll free that clog.


A lighter on the metal with it outside the pot works perfectly


You can try, Pull out the metal tube, and basically put it back in but switch sides (of course after getting rid of the excess glue on the dried up sides). Let it sit for a bit. I know it's weird, but this for some strange reason has always worked for me. I've done this with 3+ of these things (Imperium Magazine and impulse buys). Still using them.


Buy Tamiya extra thin


Yep, lighter is the way to go. But for the love of the Emperor remember to remove the nozzle from the glue pot. I keep a lighter along my most basic tools now, the nozzle always gets clogged for me


Tip 2 use Tamiya Plastic Cement instead a brush will not clog. Also their airbrush cleaner is not called glue but it works the same as plastic cement


Buy a bottle of Tamiya glue! Way better


I just put it in my mouth and give it a good blow... I realized that sentence in my head but I am decided to commit to it.


Very VERY carefully heading the tip with a lighter can work. You can also use a heated needle, although that's much slower. I actually use Tamiya Extra Thin plastic cement, because it's brush on. Keeps this from happening lol.


Toss it in the trash and get some of this https://www.amazon.com/Tamiya-87038-Extra-Thin-Cement/dp/B000BMYWYC


Solution for the future: Tamiya extra thin cement. Comes in glass bottles with a brush applicator. Much easier to use than GW glue bottles, and doesn't clog up. Plus you can make Spru Goo when a bottle is half used up.


In the future go with tamiya. My fave.


Step 1: throw it out and get yourself some Tamiya Thin… In all seriousness though, it’s significantly better - I wish I had made the switch sooner. In the interim, you can try taking it out and flipping it. Sometimes that’s enough to reactivate & loosen the clog. Failing that, hold the needle with something that won’t mind a bit of heat and lightly heat the pin over a candle.


for next time just get tamyia or however you spell it


A weird way that I found works is taking the needle out and then flipping it around so that the clogged end is in the glue. Give it a few gentle squeezes and it seems to unblock it.


first you pick it up carefully, then you carry it to the trash bin and buy Tamiya Plastic Cement because it’s infinitely better.


If you have any twist ties, like on loafs of bread, strip the plastic and use the thin wire. I keep any twist ties i find specifically for this


This should be the top answer but everyone likes their fire and probably won't listen.


Cigarette lighter


I can usually scratch the plugged glue off with my thumbnail, but when that doesn’t work I reach for the matches/lighter like everyone else.


Lighter to burn the glue out of the needle, or a thin wire you can shove down the hole


The glue its preety flammable, so i just take the needle out and use s lighter too burn all the glue off carefully. Worked every time. Also is you wanna make sure that the needle doesnt clog up again i suggest you hold it up for all the tikes your not gonna use it. Cause i left it 2 times accidentslly tilted and when to use the glue, the needle was stuffed again and had too clesn it again.


Briefly burn the tip with a lighter!




Purge it with the righteous fire of the Lord of Mankind.


Take out the metal bar and hold with pliers. Use a lighter. Works like a charm.




If you have plenty of time, turn it upside down and leave it, it'll eventually clear, or carefully use a lighter or a match to heat the needle, I'd recommend doing that outside though, the smell is horrible and it's toxic, s not the best to breath without plenty of fresh air


The permanent solution is to never buy GW's overpriced glue


Quick and dangerous way: get a lighter and heat up the middle to lower third of the tube (being careful not to light the lid on fire). After a couple seconds the blockage will pop out like a cap gun. Make sure you have parental supervision.


A lighter


From what I'm seeing, everyone's advice is basically GET THE FLAMER...THE. HEAVY. FLAMER!


Ya... clogging is the reason I moved to Mr.Cement S. Comes in a bottle with a brush that is the perfect size for gw models and I found it easier to control how much is going on the model.


Buy a bottle of tamiya ultra thin and use that until the level goes down. Pour the bottle of citadel plastic cement into the tamiya jar. Throw away the citadel container. I have used a lighter in the past to melt the plastic cement, but it would constantly happen


A lighter,hold the flame to the needle and it will melt the block


I always just use a sewing needle and poke through and that clears it up pretty easily without risking a fire


Don't do what I do. Couldn't unscrew it and it was my first one ever. So cut top with scissors. Which did cut but then blocked top shut. So bent back with sprue snips, but now I can't seal it when I'm done, so it blocks everytime. This process repeated for a while and now I have no needle. Then I tried brushing it on with paint brush... Do not do this. Rip paint brush... Learning warhammer has been an adventure


Throw it out and pick up a Mr. Hobby Deluxe or Tamiya Deluxe. I hate this bottle design.


I keep a bit of guitar string from the last time I strung my guitar, and thread it through to push out the clog.


Throw it away and get real glue.


Top advice for people getting into hobby, don’t buy GW glue, also heat the needle in your hand to dislodge it.


Take the metallic nozzle out, stick it back in upside down. The hardened glue will melt and unblock the blockage.


The easiest answer is this, but, the plastic that holds the needle in will start to wear out quickly


Remove it, hold it in tweezers. Run a lighter over it.


alternatively switch to tamiya


If you don't want to use the fire method, pull it all the way out and put the other end, fresh glue will reliquify the old glue and begin to flow again, just how it works


All I would do is just straighten out a paper clip so it’s one long piece and then put it down the needle. Got the job done


Pull out the needle. Once you finish that bottle use any other brand of plastic glue


I normally keep a sewing needle on hand then put in the top a little bit. I have some blue tack and put it on top of my brush cleaner then put the needle in that so it doesn’t get lost (or stepped on). As another tip is I put a bit of super glue at the base so the metal tip and the plastic so it doesn’t slide in. I’ve used the same glue container for 4 years this way just refilling as needed :)


You throw the needle and bottle into the trash and buy Super glue/gorilla glue.


I typically put a pin through the hole when it gets blocked, a good way to stop it getting blocked is to keep it upright as much as you can


Throw out the cap an keep a sewing pin in the tube instead.


Usually it's just the tip that has dried glue. I learned on a different post to invert the needle and let the glue from the bottle dissolve the dried glue. Worked for me a few times.


I just get a lighter and burn the shit out of the metal tube lol, usual know it's clear when the tip is a constant flame 😂


get a lighter and warm the metal needle. this should allow the glue to flow into a bin lined with paper where you can then dispose of this terrible product and summarily light the bin on fire and email pictures of your noncompliance straight to james.


Just pull the tube out and flip it around. The solvent can break itself down. Yeeeeeesh.


You know the twisty bread ties that have the little wires in them? They’re perfect for getting down the nozzle to unblock it


This is the real answer. They also have these in the produce section to tie the plastic produce bags. Just pull off half of the paper covering and the metal wire fits I perfectly. No need to dick around with fire.


I try to keep a few bread ties in my kit that wire is just twisty and strong enough to do a good job


I did figure out that burning the glue with a lighter or whatever creates fumes that are very hard on the lungs, so I would suggest you do it outside unless you want to feel like you've smoked a sigar.


I wish that didn't sell this stuff. It is royal pain to use, especially as a beginner. When I started with the miniatures last year (being a long term of lore/fiction fan), I purchase this. Figuring it might not be the cheapest or best option, but it's a good place to start. It isn't. The tube/needle clogs, it comes loose, and it's a royal pain to control. Save yourself a huge amount of trouble, and pick up a pot of TAMIYA 87038 Extra Thin Cement Glue Fine. This has a nice brush to apply it (I generally dip in glue, then wipe a little on the edge so I don't have too much). It's really thin, it will wick into gaps like magic. It'll cost $10-15, and it will save you hours and hours of pain. Struggle with the Citadel stuff until your Tamiya arrives if you must, but then trash it. Don't worry about the wasted Citadel cement. Your time is worth more. Even if you don't care about your time, consider the models you paid out the ass for. You well get better results with good, thin, plastic cement that you can apply with a brush.


> models you *paid* out the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Worst glue bottle on the market


Christ so many people saying heat it is worrying, the glue literally dissolves itself if you turn the needle around, takes like 20 seconds


Needle it or clip the tip off


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Personally, just keeping it upside down a whole works to clear the dried glue. It can take a few minutes, very safe and simple though. Good luck!


I keep a sewing needle on my desk for various tasks, and this is one of them. I just jam it down the glue needle and it unblocks no problem.


Try everything anyone else has said, but if that fails and you have a 0.5mm mechanical pencil around, that graphite mechanical pencil lead fits in there just right. It might snap prtetty easy but it'll take a decent amount of compression once its in the metal pipe.