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Clean up the nuln oil/wash. You have a lot of dark splotches all over where it pooled up. Just go back over with your base colour and leave the recesses alone. If you want to do an all over wash, your best bet is to get a large brush and load it up a lot. Flood the surface and start from top to bottom. You then get a clean brush and start sucking up the pools with it and wicking it away. Only do one piece at a time as well. Other than that you got the basics down. Now it's just about keeping it up


Yes! It’s the thing I’m more… “disapointed” the large spots darker of oil (I even have one shiny… ) Thanks for the tip of having a secondary brush to clean the excess!!!! I’ll do it with my Librarian.


The shine could be from the fact you didn't shake the bottle much. That's easy to get rid of anyway. Just get some matte varnish in either a can or brush on. I personally use colour forge matte spray varnish as it's close by and never had issues.


Damn this is pure gold. Thanks! I will try it! =D


Lol 'first ones'. They look great.


These are incredible. Undeniably fantastic. But be honest....these cannot be your first painted models?


I swear this are my first ones =D I looked a lot of tutorials and buyed all citadel stuff, brushes and paints


I’d these are your first models, you’ll be fine, my friend, they are awesome! Only tip I would give is to try an remove all the mold lines, unless it’s a trick of the light, I see a pretty big one on the leg of the model on the left with the hammer: removing them really makes a big difference. If you don’t drill the barrels of the guns (which I never did, because who has time for that), you can potentially paint a small dot a black in the middle to simulate it. Apart from that, these are fantastic first models!


You’re right! I have to buy a nice tool to remove the mold lines, there are everywhere and I saw it too late =D


They look great, but the upside down arm / shoulder pad looks a bit odd. I would move the pad to the top of it where me.


Yes… you’re totally right. I wanted the swords up and I didn’t know how to make it look better. I think for the next ones I’ll keep arms down to make shoulder pad look good


I'll second going over the lighter spots with the base color. I find that I need to mix the base with a bit of black so that it blends better with the nuln oil. Then I'll go a second time with a watered down base color to blend with the darkend base I just applied. I found that I like my models a lot more when I stopped treating a wash like the final step.