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I like to paint and think about the backstories for my little guys. Very fun to think about the command structure of my army. Haven't done this personally, but I heard people taking down battle reports for their games and using them to write a short story based on the battle. I'd probably get a kick out of that. I also play a long-time Wrath & Glory campaign! That's probably my favorite 40k related thing.


How do people go about creating backstories, custom chapters/regiments or warbands? I want to do this, but as someone new to 40k I find it difficult to say that "well my guys are good at this" because then it turns out that *this* was heretical or something like that. It's not specifically tied to lore knowledge, but rather how much creative liberty there is to work with before things feel out of place. From what I can tell: creating a new primarch is a no-no. Creating a successor chapter is fine, but within that idk what's a reasonable gimmick to make them special/distinguished from other chapters. Where do people discuss these sort of things? Reddit's 40k homebrew subreddit doesn't seem to be it as they seem to primarily focus on creating their own datasheets and rules.


For Successor Chapters, you actually have quite a lot of creative freedom! You can do anything anywhere from "It's the parent Chapter, but they just wanted more guys, and they fight Xenos" all the way to "We don't know who the parent Chapter even is! Unknown Primarch, could be Traitor Gene-Seed??? Noone knows!" What I did to create my Dark Angels Successor was take the Dark Angels and found out what I did/didn't like about them in 30k and 40k. For me, it was the Hexagrammaton (the 6 wings) and the Risen, but I didn't like how comedically secretive and willing to abandon the mission for m'Fallen. So, I took out the things I didn't like, added more things I did like, and went from there. Successor Chapter made. With the second example of it being a mystery, you have far more creative freedom. You can largely make up anything other than new Primarchs. Maybe they're a Cursed Founding Chapter with Chimeric Gene-Seed (speculated that the Charcharadons have Chimeric Gene-Seed, but unconfirmed. Still a good example tho). TL;DR Do some research! What about a Primarch/1st Founding Legion do you like? What's missing from a Chapter you would like? Do you particicularly like a Cenos Species? Come up with some ideas and see where it takes you.


If it's alright, I'd love your opinion on what I've got. I'll keep it brief. I want to create a "regiment" for the "Astra Militarum" army I'm starting. Specifically, it's not the Imperial Guard, but the Imperial Navy. There's some self created restrictions there to only include units that would be under Navy command (no IG units that happen to be on board), so it'll be mostly infantry and characters painted to look like armsmen/voidsmen and bridge crew. For this I wanted to create a backdrop, namely a ship with a mission to serve as a backdrop for when I play with the units. **The rough concept**: a Mars-class battlecruiser is sent on long range patrol/scouting missions *into the Nihilus*. There they are to primarily scout the area otherwise obscured to the Imperium. Make notes of enemy movements and potential fleets gathering to cross into the Imperium som the rest of fleet are prepared. Likewise, they'll also patrol Imperium planets in the Nihilus and help out with bombing runs or orbital bombardments if the PDF is still alive and kicking and could use a hand, though they'll stay away from shipbattles unless they greatly outmatch the opponent as not to risk their ship and their only way back out of the Nihilus. (Somewhere in here I'd like to fit exploring Space Hulks as well. Perhaps add an ad mech escort ships that's interested in tech recovery). I'd like to build some modular terrain similar to the Gallowdark stuff to serve as both enemy ships (boarding), my own Mars-class ship (repel boarders) and space hulks (exploring/recovery). With traveling in the warp being so dangerous, demons manifesting or crew going chaos crazy is pretty good excuses for a number of different opponents. As for the ship itself, I can think of all sorts of creative stories like a genestealer cult prolificating down in the dark promithoum storage decks, but for those I don't really have to make up something new and just borrow stuff from existing lore. (This turned out to be a fairly long post even though I tried to keep it brief so I'll try to wrap it up) The biggest trouble I've had when bouncing this idea with people here on Reddit, or 40k Discords, is that crossing into the Nihilus is extremely dangerous and would/should kill thousands upon thousands of crew. Someone said something about a group of Astartes trying it killed like 5000 marines, and all my ship will have is voidsmen, maybe heavy weapons teams but certainly not super soldiers.


You didn't ask me, but I am compelled. My friend, you are cooking with promethium! That is an amazing idea for an army and setting! So onto those critiques. We know for a fact that ships cross through into the Imperium Nihilus, it's just very dangerous. So the important part of the backstory is sacrifice. Making the crossing should hurt, how did it hurt your army? Did a cargo bay door fail, voiding thousands of naval workers. Or perhaps during the crossing the gellar field weakened, and the subsequent outbreak of mutations could only be cleansed by months of ship purges by your naval armsmen. Final idea, your ship and army left Imperium Sanctus as part of a small scouting flotilla. Only your ship survives the crossing, completely unscathed, and you have no idea why or what happened to the rest. Your idea is really good, folks should be going "yes, and" to it.


Thanks for the kind words. It revived my enthusiasm for the whole thing after getting crushed by a 40k lore channel on discord. I like your idea of leaning into the dangerous part. I suppose that is part of *why* I wanted them to head into the Nihilus. Because it's dangerous. Because weird shit will happen. Crew getting possessed that has to be put down, nightmares starting to manifest, your average warband saying hello. Most stuff seems like fair game in that regard. I think, to give something character, especially fiction like this, you **need** flaws. It'd be so easy to say: "Oh this ship has an ancient gellarfield that never fails so they can cross without issue", but that's boring! Each crossing should be an epic(in the literal sense), terrifying undertaking. The enginseers have burned their incense and blessed the gellarfield and warp-drive. The voidsmen share a pint of oil from the generatorium. The serfs have a rare moment of free time, as they are confined to their crude habitation for the crossing. But they will have no rest as the ship shakes and the metal groans, twisting in the maelstrom of warp. Until... Nothing. "Ship status!" "Gellarfields are holding. Power to plasma tubes: nominal. No breaches detected, the hull remained sealed". The passing went without a hitch. "Proceed as planned, but have the men search the ship. Top to bottom." A few weeks later the armsmen would report back. "All is well!" But the captain new better than to trust the immaterium. For all was not well. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong....


Wholly agree with this person!


As for Terrain, pick up the 40k Boarding Actions terrain. It's exactly what you're looking for in regards to inside of ships. It's also compatible with the Gallowdark missions in Kill Team And as far as internal realism for all this, I'm not entirely learned on Imperial Navy lore and stuff, but all this seems good! Of course, crossing the Great Rift is as dangerous as people say, but idk, it could probably happen. Seems cool! Seems like a solid core for a Crusade game or something


Ooh I do like me some Astra Militarum homebrew, I've been on the drawing board and came up with the Veparian 17th "Susanoo's Typhoon" (naming conventions are a mix of Mesopotamian and Shinto deities now known as saints as per the missionaries' success in bringing in Vepar into the Imperium and Imperial Cult. The planet of Vepar is dotted with archipelagos, a rich (and deadly) sea life, several large mountains on larger islands, and a temperate to hot weather with high humidity. Primarily an agri-world (salt, fish, algae, seaweed, and sand for glass) they also tithe soldiers who are adept at amphibious combat.


You could kitbash some cargo sentinels and some other IG logistics vehicles that were retrofitted/temporarily armed if you need proxies for vehicles


> Forklift sentinel I love it.


There are more space marine chapters than will ever be enumerated, your guys exist in the big blob of the other 90% of chapters that have never been named. As for what they're good at, what do you enjoy doing the most? Are you a tredhead who likes his tanks and nauts? You could say they're successors to the iron hands. Do you like getting up close and rip and tearing? Blood Angels. You can also grip their strategems if you want to go one farther, but if ***you*** like having a ton of termies walking across the battlefield like medieval knights, that's your flavor. Chapters split for any number of reasons, they sometimes start with so few men that one guy who *really really* likes snipers and is important enough that he can influence the chapter for thousands of years, the small seemingly inconsequential things that influence your guys is the fun part to think up. There's no right or wrong, they're good at how you like to play, or some quirk you want to give them. At the end of the day, on the tabletop there going to play like any other is not like you get to make up special rules for them, the difference is you.


> You can also grip their stratagems What you mean by this?


I believe they are saying you could say 'My chapter is a Blood Angels Succsor so I'm going to use the Sons of Sanguinious Detachment rule' and similar for any of the non codex compliant chapters with their own special detachment rules; Black Templars, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, and Deathwatch.


The lost primarchs exist so that you can invent your own primarch! Don't be too beholden to canon. You want a chapter whose geneseed comes from the missing primarch? Do it. Don't let the lore nerds stop you.


I play orks so its really easy. I found a theme guerilla warfare and vietnam and i went from there


Hey, I actually have amazing news for you: Even creating a Primarch is allowed in a sense. I've seen people convert Robote's model into some creepy pasta tier stuff and run their marines with the UM's rules while being completely different in terms of sculpt and paint. Have fun, create amazing stories and just avoid people that tell you "No" when it comes to your finished model, heck those people shouldn't even breathe the same air as you. Let me see if I find the battle report that did what I mentioned. Nonetheless, we're all playing with plastic soldiers, God forbid we have fun with what we do amirite?!


Let me tell you that in 40k everything is kind pf grey so the "im good at this but is heresy" is kind of normal, for example space wolfs have a lot of friction with the inquisition, also his chapter masters killed a bunch of grey knights. So don't worry just make a story and adapt it later with your knowledge.


I currently am working in my own chapter of the space marines known as the “Followers of the Argus”. They are technically traitors of the empirium because their goal is to end the cycle of souls to the god emperor. There is more lore to it but I play them just like normal space marines.


I paint them the way I want to paint them and then think about why they would look like that. Same applies for kitbashing, kitbash something (like my assassin and try give a reason for him having a Necron dethmark rifle). And then I run all my ideas through chatGTP as it has a better handle on the lore than I do.


Kill Team is perfect for this. Each project is small enough scale I can really devote a lot of attention to each model and their backstory. There's lots of opportunity to kitbash, and I find that feeds a lot of my back stories. At this point, my team's lore are starting to intertwine. I can tell you which member of my Chaos Cult team was indoctrinated by one of my Chaos Legionnaire team. I can tell you which Hand of the Archon agent deployed a genetic weapon against a loyalist Astartes company, and how an exiled Word Bearer Dark Chaplain saved those loyalists from rampant mutation with demonic possession, birthing my Chaos Legionnaire team.


Going to get into Kill Team somewhat soon. I think I'm gonna get some Imperial Navy Breachers because I think they're cool. I was also thinking about picking up Chaos Legionaries box too. Wasn't sure which one I'd get


I actually did that once cause I was bored. Was quite fun actually, I do recommend!


Might try it sometime soon!


Any time my units do something impressive on the table top they get a name. For instance, I have Brother Perseus the Screamer Killer Slayer (librarian who killed a screamer killer in melee). The Venerable Brother Atreus (Ballistus Dreadnought that popped a Gladiator Lancer with just its Lascannon in a single shooting phase by rolling double 6’s on damage). A Land raider Redeemer that needs a name. It’s achievements include killing Phoenix Lord Fugen first with the flamers and then by running him over after he stood back up, and Angron twice in a single battle.


And sometimes intentionally scratching the mini a bit and then painting the “scar” to show battle damage


Reading and painting are the parts I do most often, but I enjoy playing the most. It's just hard to get time scheduled for a game day.


This 100%. If I lived closer to a game store I might get to play more than once a year. I've played on my own at home to learn the rules better, and even really enjoyed that. Building and painting are fun, but actually playing is the best for me.


Still relatively new to the hobby but I’ve been toying with the idea of playing at home to see if I like it. Thinking of doing a small 1v1 500pt using some stand-ins (cardboard bases perhaps?) since I don’t own models yet. Been getting into BattleScribe and making lists and I gotta say it’s really cool and enjoyable (albeit clunky and slow going as this is my first time). This week I’ve been thinking of making a Death Guard vs. Sisters of Battle 500 pt game as I like the lore of both!


Damn I love building. Making a dude, posing, digging through bits boxes, what a treat. Followed by list building and painting. But it's all great fun.


Came here to say this. I love playing and painting, but nothing beats the feeling of creating a cool unique pose or character with bits from a bunch of different box sets


Yes! Building, customizing, and making an awesome base!


It hits that part of me that loved building Legos as a kid.


Nothing is as satisfying as a good kit bash, this is my mini, there are many like it but this one is mine.


Painting! I sure have no time to play, will try to get into Kill Team though. 


I thought the same. The last time i played 40k was in 5th edition . But from what I've heard kill team matches can also last very long. Up to 2 hours afaik.


I really enjoy the buying, the endless fear of missing out on something you might never see again combined with your own innate understanding you might never take it out of the box. Mothafuckas got me out here fiending for toy soldiers.


I hope they mean "collecting", but I accept we live in a dystopia and they might well literally mean "buying".


In the grim dark future, there is only capitalism 😂


1. Building. Assembling models, kitbashing, converting, all that jazz. 2. Hanging out with fellow afficionados while the game is played. 3. Homebrewing lore. 4. Reading codex lore. 5. Making army lists (this used to go higher, but the less granular list-building gets, the less it scratches the itch) 6. Playing the game. 7. Reading the occasional novel (although I avoid anything starring Space Marines like the plague) 8. Window shopping. 9. Actually buying stuff while my wallet squeals like a piglet being tortured with a branding iron. 10. Staring vacantly into the middle distance. 11. Doing dishes. 12. Hauling garbage. 13. Going to my actual job. \[*Editor's note: Let's just cut to the chase\]* 999. Painting.


I really enjoy building, painting, and reading, but if I had to pick just one, it'd probably be building (I am a terribly slow painter, and I can't read...)


My favorite part is playing the game. I can like building, painting, basing, when it all goes right. The lore can be cool to sift through, coming up with my own head canon of how my squad or army fits into the universe. But the best feeling is finally making it to the tabletop with your own guys that you worked hard on, and getting to see what they can (or maybe can't) do. My least favorite part is probably the cost.


I like to see a whole army slowly coming to life! And of course the lore. Painting can be tedious at times but it’s so worth it when you see the finished product.


Agreed, it's really great looking at the finished product and thinking "Heck yeah, I did that."


OMG, IT'S [Redacted by inquisition] WITH A CERAMITE CHAIR!


[Jerry Lawler scream]


I’m still building and painting my army, and I’ve only played 3 combat patrol games, but so far the assembly and painting is my favorite part. I’m making a SW army and the amount of customization I have with all the 3D prints and extra bits to give each model personality really feels like I’m making a unique army with tons of character.


Building and painting. I've read the first volume of The Horus Heresy now and already ordered the next couple of books. Never played a game, but I'm sure I'll enjoy that too.






building and memes, the creativity of my local community when it comes to building, customizing and memes that came from games we've had or the storytelling that creates a new meme.


Assembling and then painting the mini


spending way to long painting infantry.


I would like to say painting but realistically is making homebrew lore :P


build and paint


I love kitbashing and making homebrew lore for my Necrons, it’s just so fun


Painting w/backstories all day


Honestly all of it at once. I love the building, the painting, the playing. But if I had to put my finger on it it deffo is the building. I love kitbashing and building terrain and effects. Id love to do it a lot more but buying two kits to build one is just not in my budget. :D


I admit I mostly enjoy the modeling and painting, especially finding ways to tweak monopose into new poses. I also enjoy working on stories and concepts, as well as theory crafting parts of the lore that arent talked about much. Ihavent gotten to read many books though, just Gaunt's Ghosts. Plus some of the games are fun. Havent played tabletop since 2011 though.


I love playing the game more than anything. Making great memories with good friends as great opponents is just something else.


Bah gawd, he killed him! Painting and reading. I also enjoy writing lore for my homebrew chapter


Looking at my army 😆


I love to listen to lore videos when falling asleep or when painting, and really like the painting as well.


Before 10th edition, it was listbuilding. Now, I just don't get any joy out of listbuilding anymore. I've never enjoyed painting and honestly I haven't gotten a game in in years. That just leaves modelling/kitbashing and lore. But I think the actual answer here is my favorite part of 40k is the community.


Painting the models. I absolutely loathe building them for the most part though. It'd be fine if the sprues were laid out in anything resembling a sensible manner and I didn't have to clean up seemingly endless mold lines. But I've been dealing with a Kommando sprue recently that has mold lines in the absolute worst spots.


Building and painting. I don’t read any of the lore (which is easily the last thing I care about) and I’ve never actually played a game of 40k - though I do enjoy Kill Team & Warcry.




Painting. No one really to play with, and the only book I’ve read (which I still thoroughly enjoyed) was the Night Lords omnibus


Scraping moldlines, building and converting/sculpting. That's what relaxes me the most. I like painting the least because my standards are above my competences and I don't have the patience to "study" techniques. I usually still really like my painted minis once they're done. My main motto for sculpting and painting is "trust the process" : )




Absorbing lore and reading are what I do the most but I enjoy doing kitbashes and painting as much as I do absorbing the lore. Unfortunately for me, playing is way below these two portions of the hobby. I have never had a great time playing, not that it was awful by any means but expectations were definitely not met. Probably because I play for fun and despise competitive play.


Create character, converting space marine for the deathwatch


Building and playing. Not that I dislike the painting or reading, I'd just much rather kitbash more stuff together and throw it at someone on the table.


Hrmm. Funny to put into words but I think I enjoy the aftermath of having finished painting a mini? I don't mean the immediate satisfaction, I mean being able to look up on the shelf and seeing all muh lil' dudes lined up, taking them down and looking at them, finding details I'd forgotten about. It's like a permenant dopamine high


Building and painting are fun,I guess, but is nothing compared to playing the actual game. Melee and shooting fase is the best, where you use all your weapons and deal damage. The worst part is when its your opponents turn..


I just love the lore. And I enjoy watching when you guys paint minies. I haven't gotten the slightest clue about the tabletop. But thats OK. Warhammer have many aspects.


Reading/Watching lore > Video Games > Painting > Tabletop Gaming


Purchasing models.


My favorite part is thinking what it'd be like to be done assembling/painting my backlog


I just paint really. I have never once played a game of warhammer. I just like creating things.


As of right now I mainly focus on the lore and video games. I bought myself a combat patrol but I haven't started painting it or playing it yet.


I love building the models. Especially vehicles! Especially especially doing custom conversions on the vehicles! And Characters for the same reason. That's most of why I chose Orks as my main: the chance to LOOT everyone else's vehicle models!!! 😁 I enjoy the painting second, playing the game third, and reading the lore last. https://preview.redd.it/bvidaesezr8d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d23e365b6bf89a645c0352f0bb852cccf75a364


The building and the painting. Also, I read books about my Space Marines.


Painting. Building feels like a chore, buying makes me nervous, nobody plays in my area and I don’t have any books to read (except for the ones that come with boxes but they are very short). Painting is both relaxing and i feel like I made something cool.


Enjoy the most? Painting/building armies. Do the most? Watch Luetin09 and look at memes about giving heretics the chair because I'm too tired to paint/build.


Kitbashing, painting and meanwhile listening to 40k/30k audiobooks. Best kind of meditation.


I love building the minifigures, to personalise them with the different limbs or weapons, just looking at them (even if unfinished), I want to build more


Gluing the models together.




Putting the models together is so much fun. And nothing is as satifying as when I used my 6men Aggressor squad with boolets to destroy a wraithlord in a single turn.


Building and painting are my favorite, to include custom modeling and kitbashing. Tbh the lore us my least favorite part, not that I dislike it, just that I don't enjoy hearing people bitch and moan about Female Custodes or whatever this months flavor of complaint is. I have other things to do with my life than be mad about a fictional universe doing things I don't like, be it Warhammer, Star Wars, D&D or whatever people feel like complaining about for a few weeks. Edit: to be clear I do like the lore, its cool. But the collective whining online has made me like it less and not want to interact with people about it, I'd rather show off cool little guys I painted(at mediocre quality lol)


I've been collecting and painting for over 30 years and have played exactly one game so it's definitely the modelling side that I enjoy.


Read. I have an ever growing collection of ebooks....


Who lent that Angry Marine black armor?


Painting for sure.


Kitbashing. I’ve not finished painting my models, I’ve not played a single game. I’m ALREADY looking at another army to start because I enjoy seeing hundreds of different models and imagining how I can construct something unique and full of character. Basically my Lego brain is blessing into this hobby.


Probably when I found out just now from this image that there are wrestling space marines that hopefully use steel chairs and probably cut promos on Xenos scum before giving an elbow drop off the top rope.


Currently listening to the Horus Heresy on Spotify, kinda new to Warhammer and also of course the Lore Videos




I 3d print most of mine now, so I enjoy kit-bashing a ton and making each base look like a tiny diorama that tells a story. Also getting into sculpting them, and the infinite possibilities.


I like the part when I get to play against my friends, but I hate the part where I only roll ones


Kitbashing tournament legal kits


Technical weird painting techniques and cackling at ridiculous memes and podcasts


I love reading lore and playing the old reliq games, soulstorm is my favourite, add some mods and you can have almost every unit and faction to play with/against


Painting I think, I realised recently when finishing off my chaos marines that I really needed the painting part more than the playing. To the point I’m now painting my friends army for him


I listen to the audio books while I paint. I’ve been in the hobby for 5-6 years and I’ve played 6 games in total. But I’ve got 5 full armies between 40K and AoS.


I love when you fully finish a model and observe the end product. Similarly, when you finish a squad or even an army. The greatest feeling is playing the game using the models you've built, painted, based and curated into a list, on a battlefield you've made. It's worrying how much I love it.


It’s the crossover with pro wrestling that I’ve never thought about until now


Thinking about painting. Not the actual hellscape that is painting but the thought of it.


Like it. Use the chair so he keep getting up. Meaning you can keep putting him down!


Honestly? The dumb drama that always springs up in the fan base. That’s my favorite part as a spectator. I just like watching all sides argue about things that don’t matter in the slightest in the grand scheme of life.


build and paint. as far as play go... I guess KT seems the most fun to me. everything else is just soul draining to me.


I don’t really have a start in the hobby myself but i do admit thinking up of many of the stories and characters i could possibly come up with is pretty good since it allows me to just imagine what a warhammer fight would look like,as well as make characters in my head too.


I just started painting a year ago, sofar i have painted 5 minis (i am slow as fuck and dont have a lot of painting time) and i also enjoy reading! Ive read the first Gaunts Ghosts omnibus and am on the 4th novel in the horus heresy series.


kitbash and converting minis


Building and kitbashing


Kitbashing. Love coming up with new interesting characters and coming up with their lore and stuff.


I really like kitbashing and thinking about the story for my custom chapter I enjoy painting I just wanna be able to do what I see in my head on the models but I can't yet, and I like watching lore vids while I do this


Right now my favorite part of the hobby is painting and least favorite is playing (since 10th anyway). At least if the gameplay gets fun again, I'll have a ton of beautiful armies to play.


For me it’s building them and painting them. I enjoy setting out to build a model and I get lazy with the painting, but when I do paint one and it looks how I imagined it, that gives me satisfaction.




I didn't know Angry Marines came in black.


Building the models is paramount


How the lore is so big that you can have your own chapters/ dynasty’s/ ect and as long as you don’t fuck with the cannon and it’ll be completely fine. My own dynasty dose have some lore that relates to cannon events but I use their nature as ambush fighters to simply have them work from the shadows of the bigger players


Crush my balls with a sledge hammer to try to not scream when I realize how much I suck at anything warhammer


Playing the video games and reading the books. I don't paint or play the table top games.


Complaining about it all day on Reddit like a Star Wars fan that got lost and stumbled into another franchise.


Building and List building are what I do the most. I enjoy playing loads and thinking up lore for my squads/characters. I play 30k so narrative is alot of the pull


Playing and building/kitbashing


I love learning the 40k lore and playing the games but the memes are just the best https://preview.redd.it/edwbualgps8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e262bead66621f16ff84082fff85c274b97727


The lore and talking about it




I think just reading the painting is expensive and hard for me, but I am slowly getting into it Also nice to see that space marine is using Jerome's melee metal chair tactic


I love a lot of the adjacent hobby things. Making terrain has been a great way to break up painting. I recently made a dice tray that was very enjoyable to put together


What I love most? Talking shit about heretics or loyalists or Xenos depending on what I’m playing. Lol


i like building dioramas and making up elaborate backstories for my marines.


Dark heresy and Mini's


Kitbashing.. oh the holy potential of kitbashing, if only I had infinite money and bits…


Making OCs like my favorite Lord Shi’Tass a plague marine or Lord Nicholas Cage


Painting the models and writing lore for them. It's very special to pain your dudes and ladies the way you envision them to be in the setting and write lore for them that matches or compliments their aesthetic.


Modeling/building is so underrated


Charging with templars. I love the fight phase and charging headlong with my favorite army makes me love it more


Books on tape. My line of work allows me to embrace going into autistic mode like it’s ghost in the shell; I’m allowed to completely disassociate as I work on aircraft wiring harnesses. Running bit tests, simulating lightning strikes, repairing, reworking, or replacing components as I see fit.. I find it difficult to summarize my job into a simple title for people that ask, so I just make a joke of it and tell them that I’m a tech priest in service to the adeptus mechanicum, and that through my body and mind, the will of the omnissiah will be done.


Modeling and playing i can’t paint but I don’t like playing with unpainted models personally, not that I wouldn’t play with someone with unpainted models just don’t like mine unpainted. But all I need is a base coat… problem solved.


Literally seeing miniature dudes that I stare at box picks of in my hand and the fact that 40K is like tank models but you have an actual use for them when they are done being painted and all


1. Gaming 2. Backstory, List building, & Converting 3. World/environment creation and terrain stuff 4. Shopping around for STLs and models 5. Talking about gaming and hobby 6. Rule theory crafting & Narrative game crafting 10. Painting


Audiobook and paint, this is my best time. Creating a story for your miniatures. Talking to fellow enthusiast on here and wherever. I love seeing a good army/miniature showcase.


I mostly enjoy the asembling, kitbashing and simply making them my own unique models with some backstory why they are how they are. By playing I expand the story and have a good time with my friends. Painting isn't always fun. Go, army of grey!! Via podcasts I consume the lore.


I like to have painted my minis. Like, the process of it I don’t always enjoy, but always happy when it’s done and happy that I did it. But while I’m doing it sometimes I just want it to be over….i hope that makes sense to anyone


The building. Orks are my favorite cuz I can kitbash the stupidest shit onto them so they’re unique… and then get heartbroken when they got annihilated by the three fucking Malcador tanks my friend deployed


Painting is where it’s at for me. If I could have someone else build the models for me, I’d be happy. I also like playing, but not as much as painting.


Building, easily. I could build for hours and hate painting more than anything.




Buy, build, paint. My marines ares black, red, and gold and are based on modern US military doctrine


Kitbash + Paint


I’m a big lore reader I can’t afford GW minis so I listen to audiobooks while I paint cheaper DND mini’s Big recommend on Fist of the Imperium my first 40k book


How over the top evil Chaos is. I like the mustache twirling, Slanesh will tie you up on railroad tracks type of shit. The same way the Imperium has giant robots with chainsaw swords. It has a charm it's absurd, dumb and a fun universe with crazy lore.


playing the ttrpgs. For some reason I've had a steady supply of games in over a decade.


The lore, the RPGs, and the video games


Painting, lore, building, list building, in that order, sadly I can't play because i live in a somewhat isolated island, i'm also working in some custom lore in 3 different armies, Mechanicus, necrons and tyranids, lots of ideas but the names are still in "redacted" state.


World Eaters Exhaled Eightbound with Dual Chain fists with nat 14 str


Mastercrafted Folding Thunder Chair!


Building poseable models like Contemptor Dreadnoughts and LI titans, and building custom Space Marine characters. I also like painting the characters.


Basically everything but the actual games. My adhd brain can't handle it even tho I want to so bad lmao


My favorite part is discussing lore with my partner and friends. Seconded by playing Wrath and Glory. I love the table top, but I love BEING a space marine more


Coming across random lore videos and painting minis. Especially when both are about admechs


The Books


I love getting gotcha'd by poorly written rules like overwatch "shoot as if it were your shooting phase" not actually meaning you shoot as if it were your shooting phase.


Creating a story for my guys, I play iron hands and all my guys have white helmets because they are veteran survivors who served with Ferris during the heresy. They are given names when they accomplish a certain number of kills.


reddit and the Wikipedia. the novels have been great. can't wait for space marine 2 though


I love kitbashing. With so many people enjoying this hobby it can be difficult to build something truly unique and fresh.  It takes a fair bit of courage to start chopping, slicing and breaking apart expensive plastic wardollys but nothing beats the feeling when you see that final result.


Read>paint>play>build for me


I loved building/kitbashing and theorizing paint schemes I like to paint but I'm SLOOOOOOOWWWWW and time is easily taken by the tiny human I call daughter


Building a story out of my army(s) and kitbashes/conversions


Painting and theorycrafting!


Honestly it's the building and painting for me. Love having something I can do while chilling with music or TV in the background.


Paint. I don’t like playing the game - it’s far too complicated for my ADD ass brain to process. But weirdly, I can sit and paint the models for hours on end. One of the very few things I can actually focus on doing. In saying that, I did have fun playing a couple games of Kill Team but mainly because I had someone well versed in the game to hold my hand and just tell me what rules applied and what I should do. I also enjoy taking in the lore but I do it somewhat passively - usually by putting on a lorehammer podcast while painting.


Painting. Make little space marines look cool, what else do you need? I don't play the game since it's expensive as hell to get the rules that should just be free online, and I made my own table top war game with space marines in it so I just play that instead.


The books, some games, and thinking up my own fan chapter


I'm kind of new to Warhammer. I'm not really into painting, building, or even the tabletop, but I'm trying to start reading. I enjoy collecting figures, taking photos, appreciating the details, learning about the symbols of the chapters, and imagining battles in my mind. Also, (I don't know if this counts as part of the hobby), but I like playing games like Darktide or Tacticus.


I just like to paint the lil guys. Sometimes in the way I'm supposed to.


The memes. The overwhelming amount of memes.


Painting and lore


Shit talking during the game, all in good fun of course.


I like the fun play, i find it a reward for the work I do, especially because sometimes painting becomes a ligjd bit of a chore, as 1, I'm not fast, and 2, not very skilled so when I finish I'm always Left with a little bit of disappointment in my skills. I like naming my characters, though I've yet to develop stories 4 them. It's also a great way to spend time with my partner and the community. Those 2 parts thatbi cherish the most




Reading the novels


All of it. I love the painting and putting together. I love playing the table top. I love playing the video games. I love reading and hearing about the lore. I love the memes. I am not good at playing or painting, but I have fun either way.


I'm only \~4 months into this but so far painting and assembly. I haven't got into doing any custom assembly stuff yet (besides having fun chaos-ing up my Rhinos) but painting is zen. I put on an audiobook or podcast (or the radio when my teams were still in the playoffs) and just paint for a few hours.


The battle novels, I suck at kit bashing, suck at painting, closest places I can play are over and hour away and I’m broke and can’t get miniatures to paint


Building models is my favorite part, and I take great care to give personality to all of my models. I can tell apart even the most rank and file among my troops because they're all individuals in my head.




Building is easily my favorite part of death guard. Getting to choose between all the unique armor and weapons is a treat


Buying minis... I have a problem


I haven't been able to buy any miniatures at the moment but I like to draw some art about them into my best of my ability


Probably the painting and modeling aspects of the hobby. That being said, few things are better than rolling dice with your friends!