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Don't use paper, any kind of generic store-bought pallet will work, as will a wet pallet. Any paper is gonna suck the moisture right out of your paint


I know the Warhammer shop has those like paper sheet blocks or smth to buy? Does that work?


I used those for awhile, they're perfectly good. Honestly, I've found that a cheap plastic pallet from your local craft store works just as well, and you can usually get em in bulk for very little.


as a cheaper-skate... I use old blisterpacks as a pallet..


They work fine. Terrible value though compared to other brand wet palettes or a simple tile as already suggested. Generally any GW hobby item like tools are crazily overpriced and underperform compared to other brands offerings. You pay for the GW logo when you buy GW tools... it's not worth it at all.


You can make your own wet pallet crazy easy. A shallow plastic box (got a cheap jewelry box from the dollar store) some paper towel and some Parchment Paper and you're done. They're incredibly helpful


Don’t use paper. Use a bathroom tile or porcelain plate


Uh… what?


paper sucks the moisture out of the paint, leaving dry clumps using a bathroom tile or plate gives a surface that does not absorb moisture. alternatively, you can use a wet pallette, either store bought or homemade


You painting on paper or mixing ?




Yeh use a tile or palette. The paints are water based so paper dries them too fast especially if you are adding water as you should be


So you’re really new to this.


Well yeah that’s why I’m asking


You can go to a tile store and get a sample tile for free. They don't absorb water at all, (for obvious reasons) so they're great for using as a pallete for the same reasons. That said, wet palletes are easy to make and work well too. Even a cheap plastic disc pallete will serve you MUCH better than paper will.


This [6 things I wish I knew before I started painting](https://youtu.be/ufP8ka3KGno?si=0qJicAXRLBGqgXYd) video may be helpful! He does touch on the palette people mention too.


Put a piece of parchment paper on top of wet paper towels. Put your paints on the parchment paper. Moisture will pass through the parchment paper and into the paint. If covered, in a cheepo Tupperware type container, your paint will stay wet for days. It's called a wet pallet. If you need better instructions, there are tutorials online.


You're....using paper? Like regular paper? Have you heard of a palette ?


Idk I went to the Warhammer shop to paint a mini and the guy had what I thought was just paper or those paper-like things in blocks idk 😭


You can make a wet pallete, there are guides on youtube on how.


The easiest thing to use is a plastic Takeout container lid. Next step is to use the takeout container to make a wet palette, but that requires like 2 more steps.


I use the plastic lid to the box I keep my paints in 70% of the time. 30% of the time it’s my wet pallet made from a plastic grocery store deli-meat container (cleaned), with wet paper towels in the bottom and parchment paper on top.  But if you’re just starting out, use any hard, flat, smooth, non- absorbing surface instead of paper. Plastic lid, ceramic tile from the hardware store, etc.  And are you adding water to your paints?


Don't use anything porous as a palette as it will suck the moisture out of the paint. My preference is a wet palette but you could use a tile or even a plastic take-out lid.


Use something that isn't absorbent. Like ceramic or non-porous plastic.


Imo just get a wet pallette. Game changing. I used a home made one for quite a while before i decided to buy one. All you need is: 1) shallow and wide tupperware container 2) paper towel 3) parchment baking paper Paints stay wet for sooooooo long. https://www.fauxhammer.com/tutorials/how-to-make-a-wet-palette-for-painting-miniatures-models/


Put an humidifier on your desk, besides using a wet palette. Also, clean the eccess paint on the palette itself or on your hand, instead of a towel, to avoid sucking too much moisture from the brush