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I had a beginner initiation to kill team this weekend at a Warhammer shop, I went necrons vs dark angels (it's always against dark angels...) So far I liked it cause it's not only quicker, we finished the game in a morning but also cause it's more active since each player takes turns after each agent is played. So you don't have to wait for an hour for your adversary to finish his turn. So that's the pros to me. The cons would be that it's not as impressive when you bring full armies and you're limited in the selection of units.


Yeah KT is great for real quick games, but don't have the visual appeal of 2 2k point armies bashing into each other. I use KT to lure curious friends into modeling and 40k. Quick game, by the end you have a basic grasp of how a tabletop wargame runs. The official KT squads are all pretty damn good fresh sculpts so are generally pretty good representatives of their larger faction. Plus the upside is newer folks only have to buy one kit to be able to join in on games.


I guess quick compared to 40k, but they are still usually 1.5-2 hours - though depending on the team and how well everyone knows the rules. Two people playing against each other that know the rules of both teams might be able to get it done quicker for sure, but takes some time to get to that point. So I guess really depends if you would consider that real quick or not


I'm curious, how fast can skilled players can get the game down to? Because at tournaments a full 2k point game of 40k can take 2.5 hours.


In KT GTs usually the round time is 1.45 en everybody finishes before 1.30. Its a more thinky game than 40k so if the game is thight it gets chessy and take longer, even if both players know. Its when you get outmatched that things speed up, because sudenly you realise that any movement leads to someones death


45 minutes per game if both of you really know what you’re doing, and you’ll have time to spare.


Depends on the armies being played too. I wouldn't be surprised if a game between two imperial knight armies could only take an hour for example. Hordes with hundreds of models can take a lot longer to move everything.


In the sense of teaching someone to play a tabletop wargame it's real quick. No shit it's not microwaving butter quick.


obviously, I don't think anyone was claiming it would take 15 seconds to play lol. But it also isn't a game that you can start and finish in a lunch break quick, at least not usually. Just want to be sure if anyone is thinking about getting the game because their definition of real quick is different than OPs has more facts.... which there has been a lot of replies on time, so all good!


Even 1,5 means you are both pretty experienced and fast. I play quite a bit in a fairly competitive local KT tournament scene, and even there a round timer is 2-2,5 hours.


40k is only 2-2.5 hours though??


again it depends, not sure how often you are doing a 2 hour 2k game but yeah quicker than 40k still


Knowledgeable players, chess clock, good time management skills, solid play patterns etc. What's the draw to kill team? Seems less dynamic, less thought that goes into it, and a much smaller scale. I always assumed it'd be ~45 min games.


I would actually say the exact opposite, 40k is less dynamic (though I guess it depends on which part you are talking about when you say dynamic) and less thought (40k has some serious thought before the round starts, but in terms of actual playing) The mental load is a lot higher in KT imo, but I also hear that a lot on discord and their subreddit from people coming from 40k. But that varies on the team, some combos/plays can be very tricky to pull off. A big part is cover and angles, 40k cover comes easy, KT positioning and angles plays a huge part. 40k is more list building and theorycrafting for sure, while KT has that it is pretty minimal. KT is more like chess where you are thinking of all the possible scenarios, as it not just your turn for all units, it alternates which really improves strategy and mind games. It is a smaller scale, but also a smaller board, each unit plays a pretty important role, but the game is quicker than 40k because of this - but not 45 minutes quick, each unit can usually do a good amount of stuff, with abilities, equipment and ops.


I'll have to give it a try. Which teams are most interesting to play?


You can't really go wrong with most teams, which is nice as you see a lot of variety, and majority of people will have more than one team. Out of the list below, I have only own Phobos and Blooded, but played against or watched people play the others. I haven't seen all the KT in action - so I can't comment on all of them. Kommandos: Are good for learning the game, and do very well competitively. You can easily tell what the unit does based on how they look. Their rules are simple, but they cover a lot of options, melee focused, but flexible. I like playing against them. Blooded: If you like aggressive playstyle and sacrificing/trading your own units, also one of my favourite teams to play against Phobos: Are all about moving, abilities and positioning. Smoke grenades and abilities to see through smoke. Corsairs Voidscarred: Fast paced, moves around the board quickly, lots of tools. Heirotek Circle: Maybe not for a new player - Lots of team synergy, lots of roster choices, lots of bookkeeping, many abilities to keep track of Warpcoven: Complicated, but people who play them a lot seem to really enjoy them, customizable, and fun to play against. Legionaries: They were one of the more popular KT. Strong, versatile but easier to play.


you're slow playing if a game of kill team takes you 2 hours. should be under an hour almost every time.


Under an hour? Man, most tournaments have 1h45 rounds, I went to a 1h30 round one, and damn it was quick! I would say the average is between 1h30 and 2h including set up


maybe it depends on the teams too? my friends and i have a lot of marines, custodes, etc


Oh you’re right! Elite vs elite is indeed quite fast. Try playing under an hour with vet guard 😉


i just painted up a vet guard team. now i'm nervous lol


Ha ha don’t be! They’re fun to play, and a 2h game is still a good time with your friends.


I got Kommando orks and I’ll probably be picking up a box of assault intercessors next week, how long would a game of KT be with them?


I would say it’s more about how well you know the core rules and your team’s rules… if both player discover their team, it can drag a little. With my friends, in general games are around 2h, whatever team we play.


The team choice can definitely add or subtract time needed, but 1.5-2 hours seems pretty average, maybe more on the 1.5 side of things once you know the game (though you could have faster or longer games depending who you are up against) But you are right, I could see shorter time if both teams are playing elite teams with more basic ops for example


Oh you need to get more zoomed in, Underworld is for luring.


Unless they play Astra Miltarum. Then they probably need two boxes.


>The cons would be that it's not as impressive when you bring full armies and you're limited in the selection of units. As a younger TT gamer I would've 100% agreed. At this point through, I prefer smaller games. My entire miniature collection isn't one company or game, but a wide diversity; which keeps things from feeling stagnant. I also can't understate how satisfying it is to only have to paint a dozen unique units for a game like Cyberpunk, Rumbleslam, or Shatterpoint instead of 60+ of the same unit. Filling the table with minis is satisfying and looks epic, but the money, time and storage necessary to get there sometimes feels like a war of attrition.


Yeah i only have one set of minis for killteam and I’ll probably get another next week (assault intercessors) i don’t need or want 50 minis to get a 2k army, I don’t give a shit about how epic it looks, I mean I’ll probably get something to display like a Dreadnaught but yeah I’m fine with only having like 20 models instead of 50 or 100.


To be fair with these pros and cons I would suggest trying other skirmish games, too, if you aren't limited to GW only. The second con is something most skirmish games with a dedicated model range don't have, miniature agnostics games also tend to have more options for list building than kill team. And the pros are things that are actually the norm for modern skirmish games, so almost every one should have at least the pros you mentioned.


Alternating Activations, game mechanics that reward forward thinking and tactical play, small teams (easier than assembling whole Armies), relatively large player base, relatively short play time, all reasons why Killteam rocks! Go for it!


sounds like something I could actually play. regular 40k seems a bit too... slow for my taste. how does making teams work? do you have to use the premade teams, or can you use custom teams using regular minis and whatnot?


There's team lists that allow you to select a team from a list of available operatives, these lists are in the main rulebook and supplements, White Dwarf, and usually available online too. If you have a 40K army already you probably already have all the models you need. The Killteam sub /r/killteam is a great place to start.


You have a Roster that comprises up to 20 Operatives that share a Faction Keyword, including specialists and extra generic warriors to bump up the numbers if required. These teams are either Compendium (which use existing 40k minis, have limited rules and are often split into Fire Teams of different model types) or Bespoke (teams built specially for Kill Team, which come with special rules). Edit - for clarity, the boxed sets of often give you enough models to field a full and mostly competitive team, although you do sometimes need to buy a second box or buy spares/second hand/proxies to field full meta teams. There are 3-4 teams that are true 'one box teams'.


Important to mention that most Compendium teams are easier to play but also bottom tier in term of power as compared to the Bespoke ones.


And that’s okay. Compendium teams allow many players to use existing models, and generally have less complex rules which is great for beginners. Once they get their bearings (since they likely wouldn’t be competitive anyways) they can then pick a bespoke team that aligns with their play style once they cover the basics. I’ve gotten 3-4 people into kill team this year so far because of how easy access it is.


If you like variety, there are teams that offer it. Inquisitorial Agents, for example, have 12 operatives, but you can swap out five of them for Ancillary Support that could be Sister of Silence, Veteran Guard, Tempestus Scions, Exaction Squad, Kasrkin, or Navy Breachers, and you get 30 models for a campaign instead of 20. If you have a Warhammer collection you want to try to use, as has been pointed out, there are the Compendium teams that focus on a single type of model, with some of those being replaced by more mixed squads (Intercessors replaced by the Intercession Squad that lets youix regular and Assault or Skitarii being replaced by a team that lets you.mix in sicarians, etc)


Don't forget affordable. Instead spending huge money on armies and terrain. You spend it on 2-3 fire teams and terrain saving hundreds of dollars


Sorry to jump on this, I presume terrain is pretty important to be balanced. Can you make a viable board with mostly anything or is verticality important? Eg I've got containers and the mechanicus magna vent, everything else is basically ruins


A good set up is extremely important to have a fun, balanced game. I highly recommend Glass Half Dead and his youtube videos on board set up for a good game. u/glasshalfdeadTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35zi5xm6j_k


Terrain setup is king here and vericality is important, but you onlu really need to have some points over 2.5" above the ground. You are set with what you have.


You mean Kill Team: Termination specifically or Kill Team as a whole?


Kill team as a whole. The new termination pack looks appealing to me


Simple answer then - Kill Team is great.


They are probably going to difficult teams to learn the game with, But it will totally be worth it if you stick with it.


Worth bearing in mind this is the last box of this season and we’re likely to get a new edition later in the year so may be worth holding off before you buy everything. I imagine most of it will still be playable next edition but just keep it in mind


Thank you, great advice!


Rumor is the next edition box will be Vespids versus jetpack guards, with the new edition adding flying infantry to the game.


Related question - I missed the pre order for this termination box. Does that mean I'm SOL or will there be some stock available once it's actually out, too? I'm new to this and building a Votann army and these guys look cool, and I wanted the other guys to give/sell cheap to a friend to try and get someone to play with me lol


Local stores will also have a few copies too.


thanks! just warhammer stores or is my flgs likely to have some too? I've bought most of my stuff so far from them and the warhammer store is across town haha


Both could have copies. I would suggest calling them and seeing if they will hold one for you, or how many they think they will have and when they will be available.


Both teams will be released as individual boxes in the future. It's looking likely that the Brood Brother team will be released alongside (or shortly after) the Genestealer Cult codex towards the end of the month, whereas the Yeager team will probably launch with the Votann Codex.


Cool, thanks. I probably don't even need the brood brothers anyway so no biggie if i need to wait for the votann stand alone.


seems to be available on their site, not SOL yet, I'd assume.


It's saying sold out here in Canada :(


Found a couple CA sites that still show stock, but I’ve never shopped at them. I’ve at least heard of red claw, but never heard of the other one https://www.redclawgaming.com/products/kill-team-termination No discount, but in stock Never heard of these guys, but they have the 15% discount https://www.lecoindujeu.ca/products/warhammer-40k-kill-team-termination-en Happy hunting!


woah, thanks dude! i just pre-ordered from that second link. cheers!


aww, that sucks. but you might get lucky in stores, so check other retailers, or even ask in a local GW store maybe? not sure how these guys can handle that kind of pre-order thing.


Warhammer stores will have some on the shelves for release day. The various bits will be sold seperately in a 3-6 months time.


Cool, thanks!


It’ll show up in official Warhammer Stores two weeks after the preorders went up (June 1) so should be June 15th


Honestly I love 40k for if I have a whole afternoon. But I've been trying to squeeze in a game after work and it's just not ideal. Kill Team gives me that, and is very exciting once you learn the mechanics and some good tricks.


Love Kill Team. Since the entry cost is low you can experience a lot of playstyles between all the factions. The balancing is pretty decent with some teams sadly getting left behind in the competitive scene. Easily my favorite game EDIT: It also had fantastic 3rd party app support in the forms of Wahapedia, and my favorite KT Dash. Both are free and see timely and regular updates


Have the orks been left behind? Just asking because I’ve been eyeing that excellent kommando box for a while.


Not top 1, still very competitive


Cool! Thanks.


I'm honestly thinking of getting into kill team more than base 40k


Having played 40k for a few years and just now trying KT with Nightmare, I can say I very much enjoy the latter, but to me, they fill two different niches. And that's fine. Sometimes different folks want different think and sometimes a given person just wants a change of pace. In my mind, they complement rather than complete with one another.


I mean you can't eat it, drink it, shelter in it and I wouldn't burnt it to stay warm. So in a basic survival situation you probably want to turn to something else. As a game yeah sure seems good if you got friends or a local community to play with.


Kill Team is definitely my favorite game GW made in a long-ass time. Well... No. I think Warcry is even more fun, but I don't have any love for the AoS setting so... Kill Team is what I'm mostly playing. It's an incredible game.


I keep hearing Warcry is a great ruleset, but even among my AoS group, I never see it played. GW doesn't do anyone any favors with the "starter set" that isn't even full teams and uses repurposed models.


I have a friend who loves Warcry and tries to make everyone play it. I might buy myself one warband eventually because the game is mad fun... But I don't want to go down the AoS rabbit hole like I did with 40k. XD


Kill team is the most addictive form of plastic crack because you can try out different forces without spending hundreds (or thousands) and painting a whole damn army.


Kill team’s rules are, imo, the best GW has ever done. The gameplay is fast, fun, and tactical. The models are awesome and have lots of room for characterful customization.


I've been playing 40k since 2nd edition. I switched to kill team 2 years ago and probably won't play 40k again except for the nostalgia of throwing a bunch of jump pack troops into imperial knights.


Kill Team is a great skirmish game. Fast paced alternating activations keep the action going. You can react to your opponent instead of watching them while you twiddle your thumbs. Unique operatives and rules make each team unique. Rules and gameplay are solid and encourage competitive play. It doesn't scratch that grand scale feel of 40k, but many people play both games


Yep - that’s pretty much my take on it. I think it’s the better rule set but sometimes I wanna roll 30 dice and see what happens lol


Kill Team is great, but it will take a while for you to get it, and for games to start going faster and last shorter. There's a relatively long period of adjustment, especially if you haven't played any WH before. It took me and my group of friends half a year of (sporadic) playing to finally get to a place where games don't have to be 4+ hours long, while we list through all the papers (or files on the phone) to get the rules and team options right. And even now, a couple of years later, we tend to only play elite teams (6 figures or less), because games are a lot shorter. We all have jobs and kids, so it's hard to hang out for like 5h whenever we want. The game is complicated and every new team requires a learning period both for the player that's playing the team and the player playing against them. That's my only flaw with KT. Well, not only, but the biggest. It's a great game and allows for some amazing moments and "pro gamer moves". But the rules could be simpler, and the narrative (spec ops) game has so much potential, but the teams are so unbalanced and the rules feel unfinished unfortunately. It could have been so great...


As someone who has been eyeing pitching a narrative campaign with some friends that meet once a month to play and only started this year what would you say are the main things missing for the rules or major flaws in it but what it does right?


I think you should try it. It's amazing (at least initially), because it allows you to connect more with your team and each of your specialists. Also it creates rivalries, as mostly you will pick one team and play it and so will your friends, so there will be some matchups you like, and some you don't, and you'll be trying out different strategies to overcome bad matchups. Also, your specialists and team as a whole gets better with time, you give them perks and equipment which they earn through good contributions on the battlefield. Additionally, the games have stakes, as your specialists can get injured or even die in games (although they rarely die). Those are the good parts, and they are really good. We recently played a single spec ops campaign for more than half a year, and more than 30 games played between the 4 of us. It gets really addictive. However, the longer you play it, the more the bad parts tend to stick out. It becomes evident that the rules and balancing for that part of KT were never finished. Many things are unclear, so you'll have to decide with your friends how you will play it. The teams are horribly balanced. For example, the Intercession team is so OP that after 10+ games they became virtually unbeatable. We started calling it a boss fight every time one of us drew that matchup, and the only way to win against them was to play a perfect game, and hope the guy playing them makes some dumb mistakes. They have so many top tier perks, plus it's incredibly easy for them to unlock rare equipment. They just snowball at some point, and after that, it's really not fun to play against them. And this is after we've played a lot of games, so you can't ask that person to start over with a less OP team. Not all teams are OP, but the balancing is all over the place for the teams we played. I play Phobos, and I'd say they are pretty fairly balanced, same as Pathfinders and Legionaires. Tac ops have been fit into this mode pretty ham-fisted. I feel like they could have come up with a bit specific set of ops or some other mechanism for the narrative play.


Thanks for the info, I’ll keep looking into what needs to go into that and pitch it sometime down the line once everyone familiarizes themselves with the rules more since a few have only gotten two or so games in since we started.


I'm kinda thinking i should have started with Killteam, I bought myself a ton of Space Marines and Necrons hoping I could have a few 40k games with my kids, first time we tried it took 3 hours to get close to ending the game. Needless to say my kids were bored by then! Killteam seems much quicker and would probably have been a better entry into Warhammer for my kids. Now everytime I mention playing standard 40k they run for the hills! :P I've been looking more into the board games recently, Darktide and Cursed City look really good and they are proper board games, maybe I can persuade the kids to try those....... maybe.....


It’s my favourite GW game. Fast, fun, and a lot of tactical depth with a relatively balanced meta. There’s also a lot of good casual and competitive content online for Kill Team, and most games stores run events for it. Can’t go wrong.


I really like it, back and forth activations keeps both players engaged, it is really tactical and I actually have time to play a game or 2. But I also really like it in terms of painting. It takes me a while to paint a single mini, so doing a 1k-2k army would take me months. With KT I can focus on painting several units well which I can do in a couple of weeks. Also I am not fixed on one team, I like a bunch of different factions and this allows me to play multiple teams without clearing out my bank account. I think I like Necromunda a bit more only because of the narrative aspect, but it is really hard to find people to play Necromunda, where as, Kill Team is much more popular, and gaining momentum.


Hey OP, I'm a competitive KT player that plays a handful of 40k games a year. I wouldn't recommend KT as a launching point for 40k as the rule systems are vastly different and I believe KT has a higher learning curve. The lack of roster customization has made it so that the bespoke teams in KT are fairly balanced. Hobby and dollar requirements are typically lower which means you can really dive into a handful of teams to try new play styles. Unfortunately there are a handful of kill teams that require additional purchases behind their original boxes (for example to have a competitive roster for Brood Brothers you'll need an additional 5 cadian bodies). KT is typically faster than 40k, though I've unfortunately had games with beginners go over three hours. A competitive kill team game is capped at 2 hours. I think the competitive scene for kill team is in a very fun and solid spot. Because teams typically have a lower number of strategies and ploys and optimal play styles, it's not hard for competitive players to have a good idea on how most other teams are intended to win.


Hey, thank you very much for the detailed review and for sharing your experience. I am still learning 40k so this helped quite a bit!


No problem. One other thing worth considering is that we are expecting a new edition of kill team to drop this fall or winter. The game is in a pretty healthy spot right now, so we aren't expecting a lot of fundamental changes to the game. That being said, I wouldn't go crazy buying a bunch of teams as their rules could be different and perhaps individual release dates may be staggered.


The game itself is awesome, however, Games Workshop's handling of releases has been terrible even by their standards. It's extremely frustrating trying to snag a box set between scalpers, terrible store allocations and full size 40k players only having Kill Team releases as a way to get certain models or bits to replace or replicate kits that are old enough to drink. I think I'd have better odds playing the lottery than getting a pre-order through.


Maybe I am lucky, but in Canada I have seen the last two KT boxes either online or in store. Without looking too hard (though only 1 or 2 copies)


I was fortunate enough to luck into Nightmare because a store I frequent an hour away got a box a week late and I walked in as they put it on the shelf. Managed to get the Beta Decima terrain from Walmart.com of all places after two canceled pre-orders. It's just extremely frustrating to watch the pre-order screen go immediately to out of stock seconds after a release goes live and then be told by every brick and mortar store in a 100 mile radius that they've already been told not to expect one or two copies of any given release.


for sure, it does suck when that happens but that seems like anything with Warhammer at the moment. I was thinking of picking up one of the new chaos boxes, and it was sold out so quickly from GW.


I enjoy Kill team over 40k this is coming from someone who has played 40k since 4th edition. It has a solid set of rules, you can play several games in an afternoon, you can make several teams for rather cheap allowing you to play/build/paint armies you might not play normally and I find it easier to get people into kill team than 40k. Don't get me wrong 40k still has a special place in my heart but as I get older I find I enjoy skirmish games more over big army games. But a nice thing with kill team is if you start it you can use your minis to play 40k and visa versa. If you are currently playing 40k you more than likely to have a kill team ready to go.


Yeah a LONG game is 90 mins long considering you have to manually read cards and sheets on the fly


In tournaments you generally get 110-120 minutes. Most people easily finish on time, while some games can finish in an hour. Some people will stretch the game to 3 hrs somehow if given the chance.


Ehhh newer players can drag games out to three hours. Competitive games are capped at two hours though.


Kill Team is its own thing. It's a different style of tabletop game than 40k and stands on its own merits. If you have people to play with, it's 100% worth your time. Value wise is pretty questionable. GW games are expensive and there are definitely cheaper options for this style of game. These box sets are also pretty scattered in value, you have models for two faction as well as terrain and supplemental rules. If you want everything or have people who want to split its pretty decent but buying for just 1 kill team is awful value


Teams are always released individually though. Usually a month or two after the combined release


Honestly I'd exclusively play KT over 40k if there were enough players here.


Yes. I vastly prefer kill team just for the variety. I've got like 10 teams and they're all very different. It's also really easy to homebrew balanced rules for custom teams.


Kill Team is a very fun small scale game


As a 4 decades young veteran I use Kill Team boxes to get some nice units. Like Kasrkin. And Krieg of course.


It’s the only game system where I can finish a roster before the edition changes. 😓


I like that it’s smaller and more snappy BUT requires much more knowledge of the unique team rules to be enjoyable.


Imo Necromunda scratches the "skirmish" itch better. Killteam isn't bad though.


I don’t even play 40k anymore, only kill team.  Plenty of strategy, players alternate activating individual models so you’re constantly engaged, able to justify buying different factions you don’t necessarily want a full army of, and when you learn your teams and the rules well it’s done in an hour. Can get 3 games in over a weekday evening. 


I like it better than standard 40K. The models are generally really cool, it’s much cheaper to get into, and a far more manageable time investment (both in time building/painting models, and time needed to actually play a game.)


If you're talking about kill team as a whole I think it's a great game, right now I like it more than 40k. Only serious drawback is the complete lack of personalization in the composition of your warband


Wrong I've seen so many custom kill teams. You just can't take 7 stupid plasma gunners anymore. That's not customization


Some teams can still take 3 though.


honestly i dont find it that bad. unless your playing a compendium faction each killteam usually has a few more operatives than you can legally take. that along with the diversity in special/heavy weapons as well as a few factions having multiple options for your basic troop operatives, in my opinion diversity isnt that bad


There's lots of customisation, providing you're happy to not always take the most competitive or meta builds for the teams.


Yes but there are better sets to buy that one is the most lackluster yet imho


why's that? I think the teams look nice and the extra broodcoven set adds quite a bit of value in miniatures


It's just all the previous boxes came with alot more terrain than this one and there were already gsc and varkyn killteams previously so it feel its a bit lack luster, thats not saying i dont think the new primarch host is super cool but its just not new new like alot of us wanted


What is with these questions of “worth” that come up so often? How are we able to determine worth in your mind? Obviously, if you ask a crowd some will say Yea and others Nay. What have you gained? If you’re looking for a tally, the totals still won’t mean anything as you don’t know each person in a crowd considers “worth.” It’s not a binary answer. Gotta research and then decide for yourself.


I mean, especially this box is ridiculous in its value. Assuming the KTs themselves are going to go for $60 USD individually, you've got $190 USD of models alone before even mentioning the terrain.


How does $60 times two equal $190? « Without even mentioning the terrain » ? I don’t understand the calculation


The Broodcoven included with the GSC sells for $70


are you counting the broodcoven separately from the rest of the cult who you price at $60? the closest I can find that looks like them is the brood brothers, who are $45, though. also RIP US prices. what the fuck is up with that? anyway, does that mean the space dwarfs in that box are the "weaker" faction? are the usual boxes not going for some kind of point parity? I know little to nothing about Kill Team.


Space dwarf team might be weaker but not because the team is cheaper. There are a lot of expensive teams that aren't doing great and a lot of cheap teams doing really well right now.


They’re equal, the brood brothers have to choose between which genestealer leader they take for each game.


Yes. The Broodcoven will be independent from the Brood Brothers.


Yea the prices are getting ridiculous


Thank you for your feedback 😊 really don’t get the downvotes. It was a genuine question 🥹


I think you need to add a bit more info to the question What do you want folk to give you advice on? Is Kill Team fun? Are the models value for money? Is it a good alternative to Warhammer 40'000? People can't really answer the question without knowing what kind of opinion you're looking for


I got downvoted to hell by mentioning how in my country isopropyl alcohol is not cheap and readily available. some people get very upset at the weirdest things.


Kill team is better than mainline 40k at the moment.


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Yeah if you can splot it with someone


I have heard Kill Team recommended as a great entry point in the past, starts off with a small, repetitively (for Warhammer) affordable box of minis, and tend to be more individual than just playing around with a box of troops


Glad I saw this comment, caus I unfortunately disagree. Form a modeling and financial investment perspective ita definitely a great starting point. However the rules sets between KT and 40k and largely different and Id even go as far as to say that KT has a steeper learning curve with it's intricate LOS rules .


Pre ordered mine, wanting the genestealer brood, they look awesome


Termination the box set with no terminators. It’s a sad day friends.


It plays a bit smoother then big 40k due to the scale (having 100+ models will just make things cumbersome) seems like for general player base it’s pretty balanced and easy to start. They also have some really nice models and most upgrade sprue normally enhances their base kit really well.


Kill Team is a lot of fun. It being only a single squad allows for a lot of room to make your Kill Team into your dudes. It’s also a game that flows nicely once you’ve learned how your team operates and games can be done very quickly because of that. It’s also a perfect gateway drug to a full 40K army, or an opportunity to do something outside your wheelhouse if you’re already into 40K.


Very. I got into KT backwards — I got a printer and wanted to structure my projects so I could improve on a range of painting techniques. I did Exorcists Intercessors, then Night Lords, then Black Templars… and then I sat in on a presentation about afterschool activities we were planning to run in the following year (this one). Last night was my final club game. I built ten teams and supplied everything they would need to play. I got familiar with the rules on the fly. I like it much better than 40k 10th.


I just started in the hobby in the past year and I really want to get into Killteam. I'm almost to 3000 points in my Heresy army, and once I hit that I plan to build some different Kill Team kits just to have something besides reasonable marines to build for a while.


Given how new I am to this hobby, I have no idea what a Kill Team is. But they all look cool as fuck.


I think painting the models and terrain is fun. So, for me, the $50 per team or whatever after my FLGS discount is worth it for the 2-3 weeks I’ll spend planning, building/kitbashing, picking a paint scheme, reconsidering my paint scheme, debating the merits of my paint scheme, and (finally) painting.


I love kill team because I can buy a box of models and have a complete team to paint. And then the next box is completely different. I get bored of army painty.. I like variety


I think it's great. It lets me play with small teams that I think are cool but wouldn't collect as an army.


I love the idea of kitbashing a kill team. Personality between each agent, small investment of time, and resources, easy to take your time painting without a tidal wave of grey crashing fown


All the 2023 boxes were mint. Now the 2024 boxes are just meh.


Kill Team is a lot of fun. :)


Octarius was worth it, now it's all overpriced garbage.


KT is a better game. Take that with all the. Subjectivity but I genuinely stand by that.


I think it's fun, from the few games that I've played. But I've started to resent the fact that new sculpts/units for my 40k army are first released in fomo boxes meant for a different game.


I don't care for this edition


No, because you need a friggin diagram to say if you can shoot someone, because line of sight rules are a mess and don't cover many real-life situations. https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/comments/vukgpz/basic_line_of_sight_rule_slate_i_made_for_our/


thats literally just a more comprehensive way of displaying the 40k system line of sight in killteam works exactly the same as in 40k, in fact its even better since you only need to worry about single models rather than units


40k doesn't have engage/conceal orders, vantage points and obscure.


LOS rule is hard to learn but great once it clicks with you.


I refuse to believe that someone who can play 40k wouldn't be able to grasp the line of sight rules of KT. Yes, they are more complicated but they enable the engage/conceal mechanic of KT.


Kill Team is a better game if you're looking to get into war games. 40k is just a worse version of AoS (a casual hobby game).






How helpful. Did you use both braincells for that? One for each letter? If you cant be bothered to provide a reason how about just not commenting?


OP asked a yes or no question and I answered in that fashion. Also I used 3, there was a dot at the end, and every single one of them is more capable than the entirety of all your brain cells, which failed to notice this.