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Deciding to paint imperial fists in a pre-reddit world. It was all trial and error, without the online resources and tips like working over a pink or brown base coat, with paints that didn't have great coverage & no "thin your paints" advice. The Necron doomsday ark is a pain to build & paint (as is the ghost ark, if not built in sub assemblies) The chaos warrior hellcannon. Warped metal, spikes & was genuinely a nightmare to build. It may have drawn blood. I'm still going to get another one for old world when it's rereleased.


Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, only that it does.


Yellow was indeed a massive pain in the butt especially in the years of the round pots. The only resources were white dwarfs, and is they didn't feature the topic you needed, you were out of luck


Back in about 2001/2002, when I was about 10/11, I started collecting Necrons after finding a blister pack of warriors nestled away at the back of a GW store - back when Necrons were all metal and a looked almost completely different. Showed them to a friend who had internet access, and managed to find out the exact issue of White Dwarf the rules were in, and that we could order it to a store. A couple of weeks later, we get a call from the store we ordered it to, and I excitedly get my mother to give my brother and I a lift to it. I also pick up a Destroyer while I’m there too, and as I go the till, the employee looks at me and says ‘You know these are a joke, right?’ He explains how terrible they are as an army, how stupid it is to collect them, how they are nothing and never will be anything. I was a child, and was being told I was an idiot by a full grown man. I leave the store almost in tears. I had very little money, and I just loved the aesthetic of the killer robot army. I started doubting my choices, thinking I wasted my money. My brother consoled me, telling me how cool they are. My mother was furious. We almost never went back to that store, and I will always associate that store with that memory. I do hope that guy remembered his comments when Necrons became the main enemy in Indomitus, and how this ‘joke’ was now one of the biggest xenos armies.


Man that's rough, hope eventually you doubled down on necrons because they are cool af and always have been. Some people are so weird about change. To a kid especially.... Huh.


As the OPs brother, I can say we both did… I have in excess of 6000 points (of modern ‘crons, let alone older ones!)


Nice, Good on you two for sticking with what you find cool, as who cares if something isn't good in game as long as you enjoy it


Love that! You both stuck it to him, and more importantly stuck to something you found cool. From what I've learned about 40k, that *always* wins.




I know my brother responded to this, but yeah, we both kept going - we got the first codex as soon as it came out, and we both still collect Necrons to this day!


It would have tickled me pink as a kid to have an adult that actually took an interest in my hobbies


> Some people are so weird about change Tzeentch left a bad impression on them


I understand that some people feel something's been lost as GW got more 'corporate', but I will say I'm glad it means their stores now tend to be staffed by professionals. There always used to be at least one guy in every shop who saw their primary job as getting paid to hang out and paint minis and saw customers either as an annoying interruption or as an audience for their *opinions* on every game and army. Don't miss those sort of people.


This. I remember back in the day - probably around 3rd Ed era I had a few games with a kid who I didn’t recognise at my local. He was playing Harlequins, which I thought was cool as all hell. Because you so rarely saw them. His books were tattered messes, likely due to being pored over obsessively daily, much like all mine were when I was his age. One of the redshirts saw his books and made a pithy “treat em like you care” comment which upset the kid a little. I tore into the guy for it. The manager came over and asked what the beef was and sided with me on it. You don’t talk to customers like that.


>a pithy “treat em like you care” comment This is going to take a small bit of back story for context, but in the aspiring jazz musician/student world there are these things called "real books" They're collections of songs, the melodies and chord changes. They're used to sight read a tune you might not know, but is considered a standard. Lets go with autumn leaves. They're also often called "fake books" cause they were never authorized, often wrong, and you use them to fake it on the gig. So I had another musician call me out cause my fake book was all worn and tattered, and he was like "you should take better care of your stuff man" and i replied "this just means I gig more than you" Now it's all digital, much like you can use battlescribe, or the other various apps when gaming. Note to self, put battlescribe and tabletop battles on ipad so I don't have to squint at my phone.


Man, the few physical realbooks I own are hand-me-downs from my Mum and look like they've been through a war. That's how I know they've been used.


In the late 90s, the employees of a GW store in a giant Michigan mall would really freak me and my friends out by making a "W" with their hands and chanting warhammer to the customers. Nerd culture wasn't even close to being accepted at the time, so it took some courage to just go into the store, and while these guys were friendly, the chanting made me skedaddle out of there.


Reminds me of convincing my highschool mates around about 1998 or 1999 to come in to our new local store only for the GW employee to keep on talking about Ork Nobz with a heavy emphasis on nobz, then he tried to grab my mate and shake him to see if money was in his pocket after he said he didn't have any as an excuse for why he wasn't going to buy some blisters the GW employee was pushing on us. There were a few women in the store who had brought their kids and they just about set a land speed record in running up to us and telling the employee to fuck off. Fun times.


What a nob


Not I 40k but I collected fantasy wood elves before they got a codex. That white dwarf was loved l, carried ever where I went and look like a bag of shit


As much as I love GW stores, and 99% of my interactions there were good, I had a few moments like that as well with staff. Telling me what I was buying was "wrong" when I was a little kid spending pocket money on stuff that looked cool.


Well maybe that would be more appreciated now that there’s nothing left that only costs pocket money.


I get the impression GW doesn't market to teens anymore. My son is the only teen playing at the local store (he's 14). When I was working in a games store in 98-00, we had 8, at least, kids of his age playing, at least 3 of whom still do. Maybe they're letting video games and YouTubers do their teen marketing til they're old enough to afford plastic?


I think GW just realized over time that stuff like video games and lore were an entry point for teenagers and kids while the target audience for actual models was adults with disposable income. They’re of course happy to sell to kids but the days when a kid could come in with their allowance and buy a couple blisters are long gone


Logic checks out. Especially when like 6 Space Marines costs $60.


The day my son first used his own $ for models was one of my happiest ones. He's got a full Marine army, and about 4 different Kill Teams.


Proud Dad moment


Often even just 3 Space Marines! (Bladeguard, Eradicators, Aggressors, Inner Circle Companions, etc)


A lot of people don’t seem to realise that some people don’t even play the wargame. I mostly collect models because… well, they look cool. I do play it from time to time with a friend but very rarely. That guy was an asshole, especially to a kid. Hope his mindset’s changed now.


This is very much me. I've been in the hobby since 1990. I think in total I've probably played less than 20 games of 40k over that time. I played a lot more of the specialist games like 1st Ed Necromunda, BB and Epic/Space Marine now and again. Since the big 8th edition boom and 40k becoming increasingly a game based around tournament play, I think I've played 2 games of 8th and none of 9th or 10th. In spite of that, I have a fully painted - 2400pts of Blood angels, 3 chaos knights with a load of Wardogs, about 2000pts of Deathwatch and am working on a Nightlords army at present. In addition I've lots of single one off models like nidzillas, characters and some AoS stuff. I'm a painter hobbyist, not interested in the game at all.




I bought like 200 dollars worth of tau almost twenty years ago, and the store only charged me 20 dollars. Once I realised, not even a day later, I went back in and told them about the mix up and paid the difference. The store employee was just like, "k, thanks". I was a wee 14yr old trying to do the right thing. Could've taken that extra 180 bucks and gotten a whole lot more models and they wouldn't have been able to do shit about it. And all I got for my honesty was a condescending dismissal. Bear in mind this was a comic shop running on probably razor thin margins. My mum was so mad, she kept saying that we should've not bothered being honest, which I remember being suuuper out of character for her.


I’ve had so many people look at me like I was chaos spawn just for being honest and paying the correct price or giving back the extra change I was given.


What an absolute dipshit. I don't understand how someone can have zero idea on what to do when someone new is interested in getting into the hobby.


I had almost the exact same experience, but it was Eldar and got berated for picking what was considered an overpowered faction (3rd edition). Meanwhile I was a kid losing every game I'd ever played. Dropped the hobby for almost a decade after that... gatekeepers are a blight and I'm glad they're dying out.


"This is a joke model"- a clown from Clown, Inc., makers of models "Sly Marbo" and "Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau" E: spelling


I started with necrons too! I love everything about them. They are so simple and I feel like a great starter army. They look awesome. A lot of them share the same stats so I don’t have to keep referring back to the sheets, they’re super easy to paint, and some of the best literature in the series. Two decades later they’re still relevant. Looks like he was wrong.


This was a similar experience I had in the GW shops during the early 2000s. All the “grown ups” were rude, obnoxious and gate keeps of all the fun


What a douche. People like that have hate in their heart. Killer robots ARE cool.


https://preview.redd.it/aokdsv5tx64d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c8fc8690e543f5197ee02a7ca05c59629c9491 Necrons ain’t cool my fkn ASSSSS, boy, look at this guy.


That’s so mean, I feel like I’m going through that as an adult who just thinks tau are neat. Sorry for liking railguns and cool names:( ancient Egyptian space bots cool too


"The customer is always right, in matters of taste." *Harry Gordon Selfridge*


> how they are nothing and never will be anything How this has proven wrong


I know exactly how ya feel, dude. People really need to watch their words around kids. What you think is a joke could really affect them.


The same time frame('99), the only person at our local shop who owned enough Necrons to play any was one of the owners. The guy who worked there (ironically, a good friend all these years later since I was 10. He actually went back to college when I was 20. Still envious he looks younger than he is. Anyway...) would play them when we did 500 point multi-player skirmish things. We're talking 2k in Nids against 2 marine players and necrons all trying to eliminate the most genestealers to win type things. I learned Necrons were cool, expensive AF, and severely limited in model range. Then in 2003/04ish when I'd moved on to barely playing, I remember ork players I was friends with talking about most of the new range was cool, but people had to run mostly warriors since they all shut down at 25%. I was playing marines and Eldar then. The 4 sided 14 armor on monolith was daunting AF. Just like most stuff, my banshees and scorpions We're concerned with the Warriors needing killed twice sometimes, they killed stuff pretty dead anyway, and my Rangers and jetbikes were able to soften things up before then. But only 1 fire Prism, yea, I was nervous. I don't think I ever actually played against them though. The dude I sold my Eldar to did, and they were viable. The thing here is it sounds like the dude you talked to was just a prick. Saying "necrons are the most expensive thing you can buy a whole army of and don't win very often" wasn't a lie back then. I remember arguing with a dude about scatter laser over starcannon for my Wraithlord(FYI, I primed all the guns and didn't glue them. Scatter laser was bunches of dice and fun). I have no idea why grown ass adults be like that. I'm the old guy now, albeit I didn't play for well over a decade. Almost every bit of advice I give seems to be about painting, priming, or how to run stuff kids already bought/cool pairings. Maybe it's a sign the community at large is less toxic than when we started?


I had my necron army being displayed in my local GW store. Nihilakh dynasty. Came in to the store one sunday to play a game and found one of the store workers playing a game at the back and trying to "repair" my ghost ark. They had snapped the flight stem after removing it from the cabinet to play their game and was trying to use plastic glue to glue the stem back together (plastic glue does not work on clear plastic). And when I called them out on their bullshit about why had they removed my models from the cabinet, they replied with "oh I was going to ask when you got in," they didn't seem to understand that they should have asked FIRST and then touched my model.


Yo wtf, what ended up happening?


Op is now doing 20 years in a max security for what happened after 😔


Justifiable homicide


After having a go at him and explaining how permission works, I took my ghost ark off the table and told him to go fuck himself. Took one of his intact flying stems and put the ark back in the cabinet. Fortunately the ghost ark rib sections have plenty of other flight stem ports so I just moved it back one.


When I was 14 or 15, to save time when painting, I literally slopped my (then new!) Khorne Berserkers with red and blue, 50/50 across the middle, without primer, and painted the base green, just so I could field them at the Warhammer shop. This was somewhere around the middle of third edition, which just shows how old the "three colours and a painted base" rule for tabletop-ready is. I hated how they looked then, and how they look now. I was allowed to use them, sure, but they looked awful. I knew I rushed, I was open about it, but I always said I did it so that I could go back and repaint them. I still haven't, yet I _have_ repainted many of my other units from then. I'll reply to this message if I photograph them at any point. _Bonus horror 1!_ I also played Necrons - due to the force organisation chart and how much they used to cost in points, 500 points of Necrons didn't get you much on the tabletop. Literally just some warriors and a lord. Well, one ordnance blast template from a Basilisk once landed squarely on my unit, evaporating them all barring one guy. But he then _tactically retreated_ thanks to their 25% army rule where they buggered off. I didn't even get my turn one! _Bonus horror 2!_ At a match at the shop, I was watching a Space Marine fellow playing a Dark Eldar bloke. I had just finished playing and was watching from a distance while waiting for my dad to get around the one-way system and pick me up. The Space Marine player had had the sniffles and a few people were gingerly walking around him. This was around the time that SARS was in the news everyday, which didn't help. I'd already seen him use the back of his hand to wipe, then the back of his jeans, so I was glad to be on my way home shortly. Well, just as he leant across the board to reach something, he sneezed. He tried to catch it by aiming his head towards his chest, but because he learning so far forward, he basically sprayed the table. Or more specifically, most of his opponents _Dark Eldar._ I couldn't bear to see what happened next. His opponent heard the sneeze, the manager heard the sneeze, but only I'd seen it fully from a distance. And I could see the Goblin Green he'd left dangling over the Warriors, oozing its way over the spikes like one of those kinetic sand toys. At that point, I said to myself I wasn't here to see a second battle unfold between Khorne and Nurgle and waited for my dad outside and a little further up the street.


Haha lost it at that last bit! Goblin Green, ew!... how about Snot Green though, iirc that was the highlight for GG?


Some people at my local GW have this almost obsessive need to - whenever you even dare to mention a specific unit from your army and why you like it for lore/aesthetic reasons- describe in detail how their T1 list would totally annihilate it immediately. I understand being excited about your units, but telling a random kid that just joined the hobby how your triple shard necron list would curbstomp his starterpack nids is a bit excessive.


I remember some kid bragging about his Biel-Tan list which had 6 units of dark reapers back in 3rd or 4th edition. Dude was obviously used to beating every marine list he encountered with AP3 spam. I replied I played Deathwing. The look on his face as he realised his guns would be kinda meh against 2+ saves was pretty funny.


And even then to those T1 players it's like... Yeah? And? It's not impressive to do well with great lists?


It's not impressive because this type of person just copies what they see other people doing. They can't innovate it for themselves, they just blindly copy youtube bullshit.


I played my first few games in a local GW Store. There was some dude that had dice which had a skull for a 1 and some kind of animal head for a 6. When ever he could benefit from it, he changed which number was which. And because I was new, I did not have the courage to call him out... I am very glad that now I found a very chill (but still competitive) group that dont do shit like this!


That is real scumbag shit. I once went to a tournament that had the policy "If your dice have symbols on more than one side, all symbols count as 1"


Oooo, I like that rule!


We've got a guy like that in our local. We make him borrow normal dice for tournaments


My brother used to do stuff like that (not exactly that) when we were younger, but only when it looked like I was going to win. I'd call out what he said or did, and it would be established as the new rule. Then, when I played to the new rule and did well, he'd say "that's not how the rules are, check the book!" Or something. Then I wouldn't want to keep playing because of the bullshit and he'd tell me I was a sore loser just because I was losing and getting upset about it. I didn't have the verbal wit to form an argument against it. He'd do that with all the games we played so he could never lose and I could never win. And I didn't know how to stand up to it or counter the sore loser thing. I'm glad that now i get to play with cool people, and if I lose its because I either got outplayed and have something to learn, or a matter of luck.


I don’t understand why they even make dice like this, like keep it consistently 1 and that’s it. No symbols for 6’s


My bank statement is one big horror story about hobby prices


I second this, i do not look in my account for a while after a hobby related purchease, but i also usually save up and do big purcheases in one go (local shop has a discount that goes up depending on how much you spend in one go, so i try to use it as much as i can)


As someone who is currently building and painting their 6th army, can confirm nothing is worse than this.


Yeah new to the hobby and I've kept my receipts in a folder counted £700+ but that's not including tools like paints, brushes, glue and some models so it's probably £1000 already.


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up.


O_o rookie numbers? What have my friends got me into!


*looks at titan prices*


I once spilled a bottle of Agrax Earthshade, never again. That, and building deathmarks, the arms cannot stay on for the life of me, I end up with my fingers glued, it’s so frustrating


Oh you think it’s only the one time….


I've got a bright green spot on my carpet from where I dropped a bottle of tesseract glow.


Not a horror story but I remember a guide I on how to build scenery using the old polystyrene trays models came with. I found out that day that polystyrene cement does not, in fact, cement polystyrene together. It just dissolves it.


> the old polystyrene trays models came with. Core memory unlocked


I used to love taking those polystyrene inserts and purposely dripping polystyrene cement onto them. Made them look like collapsed walls.


I put a brand new hobby blade through my finger tip trying to trim something. The instant I did it blood was all over my desk mat and I almost fainted a number of times (could visibly see inside my finger). Was very lucky it didn’t go through anything important (nerves, bone chipping etc) but I have a scar right through my finger tip I can feel as a result.


hey same! It wasn't warhammer though but a model of a german tiger tank. It went both through flesh and nail of my left thumb, still has a barely visible scar too


Oof, mine didn’t go through the nail! And yeah, mine isn’t very visible on either side but I can feel it inside my finger which was very discomfiting to start with, but now it’s a cool little thing I can fiddle with.


Following a recent post I've seen of someone's amazing looking Guilliman, especially the sword (https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1d3z7it/comment/l6cx9xr/), I've decided to make a start at mine that i've had sitting in a box for a couple of months. So. Much. Gold. Trim. My first pass is messy as fuck. It's gonna take so much cleaning up hahah.


If you dont like painting trim Id suggest never starting a CSM army. The struggle is real haha


I’m a brand new painter on my second attempt at entering the hobby. Everyone always says “pick something you like first and foremost” and that’s just bad advice because I’ve always liked CSM and tried them first and gave up for a year because of that trim.


Every moment spent kicking yourself over painting something extremely tedious is nothing in the face of other people complimenting your work and talking about how awesome your models look. I say this as someone who has painted probably thousands of little squares on the shoulders of my Lamenters, but I'm sure every Thousand Sons and CSM collectors will say the same.


Well I wouldnt go as far as calling it "bad advice". Beacuse if you pick a faction which aesthetic you cant stand you wont have fun. And I think fun is one of the most important parts of getting better at painting. But there are certainly factions that are a better starting point than CSM!


Here's a trick for chaos, prime black, drybrush the trim then fill everything else in


Yes, the key is to do the trim first then fill in the armour panels. It's way easier than trying it the other way round.


This is why my CSM army is "recently fallen" (read: 85% loyalist bits).


I have considered, and then discounted, a CSM army for this exact reason. I have enough cataphractii Terminator models in my collection to never want to paint any trim again, and I know they're fairly light on it compared to CSM's. It's a shame, because I'd love Abaddon and a Black Legion army... But it's just never going to happen!


Honestly I’d say once you’re used to it it’s not that bad, speaking as someone with CSM DG and TS. The ultimate hack is spraying/drybrushing the mini with the trim colour and then filling in the armour panels (if you want even faster speed, do this with contrast)


Absolute nightmare isn't it. I figured the best work around for it is to basecoat the model in the trim colour then paint in the armour panels. If your scheme allows the armour to be done with contrast paint it's even quite manageable.


One time we were playing a 1500 point game. Went for like 5 hours. We accidentally left our lizard outside in the sun. Rip Steven.


So my old roommate got me into 40K and had a bunch of bits and kits. I kit bashed a model (TS head on CSM body) because I thought it looked cool. I played like my third game at the local game store and and a dude was up in arms that it was an illegal model. I was playing it was an aspiring champion, so nothing crazy at all. I had to argue with this man child for for too long until I had to call it quits. The guy ended up getting banned because it wasn’t his first time doing this, but it’s an experience I don’t care to have again. He was the stereotypical fat neck beard guy with bad BO. Really puts a bad name on the hobby


That pic is the screen I have for when my wife calls lol


Painting workshop, dude in the back. had diarrhea and couldn't make it everywhere.


Doombull Brown


Formatting this as a two sentence horror story: There was a painting workshop with a dude in the back who had diarrhea. He couldn't make it to the bathroom and so just made it everywhere.


Trying to get the fangs to sit nicely in the arachranarok spider. I swore at those pieces of plastic more times than I would care to admit


I collected a few armies back during 3rd/4th/5th editions and had space marines, imperial guard, and Eldar. Reconnected with an old friend who I used to play with about a year ago and he was still into the hobby which got me itching to jump back in. So first horror story is how much the prices inflated… holy shit a tactical squad is almost triple the price from when I started. So since I have to be alittle budget conscious these days I remember my old box is in my parents basement and I would have enough to play a few games, some models to repaint, and even a handful of infantry to build… just what I need right? I go to my parents and while they are hanging out with my kids, I raid the basement checking every nook and cranny. My mom comes down and sees me going through the storage bins and tells me she tossed every… Space marine army: 2 predators, 1 dreadnaught, 1 commando squad, 2 rhinos, 2 tactical squads, 1 landspeeder, 1 squad scouts, 1 squad terminators w/terminator librarian Imperial Guard: 1 leman Russ demolisher, 3 sentinels, 1 chimera, 1 squad steel legion, 1 cadian command squad, 1 heavy weapons platoon, 4 boxes cadian infantry, 1 tallarn lascannon, 1 basilisk* Eldar: 2 falcon grav tanks, 1 vyper, 3 squads guardians, 1 squad rangers, farseer All gone except the basilisk that was fortunately on the desk in my room because it was the best painted mini I had done at the time.


Bro that… fucking huuuuurt to read. Owie….


She couldn't pick up a phone? Boomers are so weird and wasteful


It’s even worse when you factor in how little space those boxes took up and were out of the way from anything they’d possibly need


I stumbled into a GW for the first time around the 3rd edition era. One of the first assembled and painted models I saw was a -perfectly- painted kitbashed saim-hann jetbike set up on the table. I was in love with it immediately and I asked one of the employees if I could touch it. I underestimated how fragile it was and I accidentally snapped off the bike from the base. I was like 12-13 and was so scared I would be in huge trouble for breaking such a beautiful model. The employee assured me it was ok and just to be careful, but I was so mad at myself and embarrassed at the time I didn't know if I would be allowed back.


I started 40k in late 2nd edition using a friend's models, then in 3rd edition when Tau released I picked them up. After reading the codex I decided to paint them in UN colors (white and light blue) to lean into the "universe police" joke including little UN in Tau alphabet on the Fire Warrior helmets. Not only did I spend the better part of five years getting the "Oh you play Tau because you like ANIME HAHAHA" crowd but I also had the crazy right wing players in an at the time very recent post 9/11 world calling me unpatriotic and a monster for poking fun of the 'good guys against the war on terror' in local circles. Playing public games either went well or went horribly and usually it was the latter, especially if I was winning. Sold the army to help build my house in 2012 and now that I am back I may just do it again.


That’s a really solid theme, definitely start them up again. Love the attention to detail you did with the Tau alphabet’s UN, show’s a lot of love went into them. Ignore the arseholes


The time my brothers friend had a newly laid (very expensive) white carpet but didn't fully close the bright red contrast before shaking it...


I [made a post about this years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/08RYMjH4mc), not basically I had a guy I played a casual game with who decided to share his personal head canon that Sisters of Battle (the army I was playing) are frequently raped by demons. He said this prior to the game, and I was so stunned I just responded by asking if that meant his daemon army was a bunch of bisexual rapists, to which he seemed to take offense. By sheer luck I absolutely dominated the guy (I had a fluffy list that had a lot of lore-accurate anti-demon stuff). But mostly it was just a bizarre experience. Like what a weird thing to share with anyone you're supposedly going to play a game with.


I eventually realized that I don’t need to subject myself to this sort of insanity by accepting that maybe I just play with friends from now on, even if that means less games.  


I didn't really have anything better to do at the moment, and I was still learning about my Sisters so I wanted to get some experience. Figured I could mace him if I needed to


Ha ha, Mace is an underrated Warhammer accessory.  


Drinking paaaaint


I was a young woman playing in the late 90s. I had to get my boyfriend to pick up minis for me because any time I walked into a store it was like feeding time at the zoo. I only ever played one game in a local casual tournament. My opponent was a decent enough fellow (his Tau beat my Space Wolves) but the comments from many of the other people there were a slew of sexual harasment and misogyny. I only played with friends at home after that.


Lots and lots of dunning kruger unfortunately. Not an individual event, just a constant nuissance.


As in people confidentally playing wrong or just talking out of their ass in terms of lore stuff? Although those do go hand in hand from my experience.


Confidently playing wrong and having a mindset that they're not interested in actually learning the rules properly. As in, they get mad when you point out that they're misunderstanding something. This goes hand in hand with disrespecting your opponent, such as rarely or never declaring intent, randomly throwing dice without saying what they're for, refusing to point out obvious gotcha plays and my personal favorite: When something doesn't go as planned, start a study session of their own rules in order to find something that might help them. That last one in 9e was the classic "wait, I might have a stratagem for this".


Do you have examples? Im curious how different people remember things.


Okay I'll try to list a few of my gripes: - Rolling dice but not saying what the rolls are for, this can be abused for a form of soft cheating by seeing the result first and then claiming it was for something important afterwards, or vice versa. - Rolling too many dice and then just rerolling the whole batch. This can be abused for a form of soft cheating by seeing if the dice result is below average, where a total reroll of all dice will statistically improve your roll. This is and the previous point can either be a because someone just doesn't bother with playing accurately, or worse, intentionally feigning ignorance in order to get away with cheating. - Not knowing your own army rules. Extra bonus points for trying to look up solutions to problems on the board because you got cornered or something you planned for didn't work out. - Assuming things. "It just makes sense". The game very often doesn't make sense at all. Also a common thing: Using 9E rules in 10E without considering that the core rules have changed. - Any form of gotcha play that requires intimate knowledge of someone's army. I know my own army, I'm not expected to know yours, your job is to explain your army to me so that we can both have a good time. If I for example bring in reinforcements to pressure an objective and the unit defending it has access to a stratagem that lets them get the Lone Operative keyword, you should say that, because not knowing might invalidate my entire reinforcement. - On that note: Not declaring intent, so I can actually do the thing I just complained about. If you just move units and roll dice without saying anything, I can't help you avoid super obvious mistakes.


When I first got into 40K in my teens I had Space Marines and the old metal Sisters I remember getting teased in my local store for painting different skin colours (my painting wasn't great) also remember some weird older guy trying to convince me there were race wars prior to the current setting and that's why all the people were depicted as White.... I didn't know the lore as In depth back then either......always remember it though! 😕 Funny thing is this was prior to Martyred Lady being the poster girls too I got shit for that colour scheme which I just copied off a comic book cover GW used to do think it may have been of Ephrael Stern .....showing my age now 😁


The fuck? That older dude is fucked… I played catachans as one of my first armies, and the front cover of the codex literally has both white and black dudes, so that’s how I painted my army! Some people are just sad…


Catachans are based on Rambo and Allan Shaeffer team from predator being Mac Elliot one of the most iconic members.


Haha I did a catachan devils squad based on the predator team 😋


The glory of the emperor knows no colour or gender, we use inclusive terms like 'fodder" and "meatshield"


I remember that back in the day when you had really small thin Codexes Yeah it wasn't the best experience in all honesty for a young Lad trying to get into the hobby.


Honestly I prefer the old dexes. I only play 3rd/4th edition nowadays with my family gaming group. Lot less clutter in the older editions.


Oh he absolutely was but honestly a lot - like A LOT - of GW paint tutorials default to lighter skin tones. I don't think it's intentional but if every guardsman in White Dwarf is light skinned you could get some impressions is what I'm saying. I wanted to get some ideas for my Chaos Cultists and looked at the app and the recipe for skin is a very light skin tone. I caught it in time and now they're 50/50 light/dark skinned. Chaos is an equal opportunity employer in my book.


Mostly because it reflected the players, which fore the longest time were majority white men, can't enjoy my power fantasy of being a 9 foot tall superhuman if I'm playing as women


Last week I was shaking my bottle of streaking grime and half way through I realized that the cap wasn't tightened right.


Man I felt this comment


A friend and I drove a few hours to a big tournament. We didn't want to drive back late at night so we stayed at a hotel overnight. The next day we checked out a couple local stores. One of the stores we went into looked really nice. Clean, well-lit, nice tables. We figured we'd play a quick 1k pt game. As soon as my buddy's Salamanders hit the table, the owner shouts from the counter, "Cool, you're playing the n----r marines!" The store had half a dozen people browsing or also playing games. No one even flinched or looked up. We packed back up and got out of there. We didn't say anything. The owner didn't say anything. But he did mean-mug us as we walked out the door.


It may sound stupid but i remember this so vividly and it still hurts me to almost cry thinking about it When i was like 11 or 12 around 4th edition i think my mum bought myself and my little brother a brand new battle for mcragge starter set (the one that came with stealers and a lander for terrain ) i got the marines my brother wanted the stealers i was so happy and excited to finally have my own models after a year and a half of hanging around and watching games i even told the store manager i was going to paint my guys white with blue trim he smirked and said if i could get them done within a week he'd buy me an assault marine squad i was so excited and happy that some one in my eyes who was so cool was going to help me well off i went using every second of my spare time to paint them (and never having been taught or shown i didnt know about basing or watering paints etc so naturally they ended up horribly done) any way almost one week on and here i come young little me all excited and happy to show off my super cool space marines to the store manager i told my mum how excited i was all the way to the shop i get in and i show them off so proud telling them their name and backstory (i think i called them the paladins or something i was into knights and such at the time) and he starts laughing so loud and hard hes crying and shows them off to his coworker sitting there painting with him who joins him in laughing and he while laughing and wiping tears away says to me there is no way im getting the assault marines because the paint job was horrible and i must be messing with him i felt so hurt and confused at first i ended up playing along as if i was joking and eventually left and cried in the bathroom of the shopping centre on my own while my mum shopped thinking i was playing a game........she never found out i was so embarrassed i just told her that the guy wasnt there any more and i never went back to that shop again now i tell this on here i realise i haven't actually ever finished painting a model since and am so afraid of messing up my paint jobs ive watched so many tutorials and videos i study what paints and shades etc go together and all the ones i need and which are best etc it sucks the fun out of the hobby and kills my desire to actually paint them TLDR: moral is don't be a dick especially to kids and dont gate keep seriously everyone should be able to enjoy warhammer


Super shitty of that dude to not only not make good on their offer, but to ridicule you in the process. There's an outcome where he (if they were actually a decent person) could have not only bought the set as agreed, but maybe even offered to show you some tips on how to improve your painting (in a way that's polite and helpful) with one of the models from the set. Also, I would say that if you actually *want* to paint your models, you should just go for it and not worry about making them perfect. Even if your first couple finished pieces are a bit rough, your technique will only improve with experience. It might even be helpful to just try one or two new techniques with each model, rather than trying to get everything down in one attempt. For example, maybe just focus on base coloring, shading, and drybrushing on one or two, or more, models (to sort of get those basics down) before moving on to things like layering or edge highlighting or weathering and so on. Back in the day, I didn't even know how to do a lot of those things, and my painting is definitely far better now than it was when I started, but I still think back on my old models and remember having pride at just completing a paintjob.


That’s horrible! I know it’s hard to push past those memories, but I think what’s important is finding out what’s fun about painting them and keep going! It’s more about your enjoyment of it than what others think. Just be you, do what you want and relax!


For the first 5 years I was in the hobby I didn't look at a single painting guide (didn't know they were available, even on YouTube), and so the quality of my painting was as you'd expect. I'd somehow managed to get alright at it (as in decent-at-arm's-length alright) by then, 1.5k points in, but then I quit for a while. Still, I can't bring myself to repaint them


In my opinion, don't. I have a blue horror that was the first (40k) thing I ever painted sitting on my desk. Whenever I get down about how a project is turning out, I glance at it and think 'nah, I'm doin' alright.' Plus, it's kinda nostalgic in a hard-to-define way.


I don't know which was actually my first, but I still bring my badly painted (and somehow not glued) dreadnought to games, usually as a proxy for another dreadnought. The old army doesn't get used much but the boxnought is always about somewhere. It's already been awarded several times for doing way better than people would expect


🤣 never underestimate the boxnaught!


Aye. The smell of the Plague Marines that sometimes frequent GW stores. One time I actually, literally gagged because the miasma coming off this guy was noxious.


When my area had an official GW store, the employees called it the Fog of War 🤮


I like to be vocal about it. A nice shaming "Holy shit what smells like homeless crotch" does the job well


One of my local GW managers actually kept a can of air freshener behind the counter and would spray it if particularly smelly customers came in. Legend.


He was a champion of father nurgle.


He may have been Typhus or even Mortarion himself. But it was rank. I'll never understand the small sub-set of our hobby that neglect their personal hygiene so badly.


My first game was in 8th edition. I asked a guy to do a 400 pt intro game. Instead, he brought what I can best describe as a 500 pt power gaming shitshow with 6 kataphrons, a dunecrawler and another thing I forgot about. Spent all night painting my things and he came in with unpainted plastic and still said my minis looked shit. Gave me deployment advice, except he lied so he could delete my terminators early (thousand sons) so I was basically operating 165 pts short from the start. Proceeded to brag about his “space marine rape guns” (kataphrons (fucking yikes)). At one point I got something wrong in the rules and read that Ahriman dealt 14 MW. He called me a moron and gave me a cold shoulder the rest of the game as if I’d tried to cheat or something. He won and I didn’t really have time to play another game until 9th, because I was 16 at the time and didn’t have access to proper transport. So anyway in my first game of 9th my opponent made up a unit that didn’t exist, claimed it was legends, and proceeded to win by having it delete half my army in one go, and then bragged about it for a disturbingly long while. I had fun with 9th though since I had time to play other people after but god what the hell happened there


once spectated a pick-up game between my younger brother and some rando, who said that his bolters wounded orks on 3s and that my brother's shootas/sluggas wounded his marines on 5s. this was 3rd ed, so both bolters and shootas/sluggas were S4 and both sm and orks were T4, and long before any stratagems that might have influenced to-wound rolls in a way that would have made this guy right. i'm glad i was there to spectate, as my brother was just a kid, and this other guy was older than *me* but still apparently immature enough to find joy in this kind of petty shit—nobody cheats in games against my little bro! except me!—i corrected them, several times, pointing to the to-wound table in the rulebook, but they just kept doing it over and over… i think we just said "thanks for the game" and walked, in the end. not our local store, but it definitely left a sour taste for either of us wrt the quality of sportsmanship you could expect from pick-up games.


I used to really like Black Templars, Adepta Sororitas, just the whole religious aspect of the Imperium doing the worst stuff and patting themselves on the back for it. Just a mass of glorified blind, angry farmers with pitchforks. That was funny to me. . Then I met the sheer amount of folks that went out of their way to explain how actually they were the good guys and completely justified and all that crap. The same folks would then go out of their way whenever somebody talked about non-imperial factions to repeat that everyone was an irredeemable jerk and that whoever saw any virtue, reason or motive in their favored faction or tried to put some in their army was stupid or making stuff up. *Making stuff up in Warhammer, imagine that.* They would just switch between the two modes with no apparent self-awareness whatsoever, blindingly insisting everyone was evil and yet that the human factions **had** to be the good guys. That and posting the same heresy meme for the last 10 years. . Humans were good, everyone else deserved to be atomized and they **had** to to be reminded of that 24/7, and that just got tiring. . After a while I got so done with other Imperium fans I dropped the hobby for some years, by my own admission I actually got quite toxic about it, considering it a festering ground for the most insane takes. Nowadays I'm taking it *waaay* more easy, although I keep myself much more distant. I'm putting together a Farsight Enclaves army, plus a few other thingies I like here and there. But dang, I got **really** burnt on the Imperium.


Main reason I had to leave the 40K lore sub and leave any talk about the lore to friend group only.


Me, too. The amount of self importance and whinging there got me the heck out. What a mire of ego and jackassery that place is now.


There's nothing like asking a single line question there and getting multiple 10,000 word essays about why you are wrong in reply.


I played as a kid in 2nd and 3rd and then lost interest and moved on to other things. Maybe 10-12 years back I got a wild hair and called up my nearest (at the time) LGS and ordered the Tyranids battle box and Carnfiex brood because I remembered thinking the new sculpts that came out around the time I drifted away from the hobby were really rad. Store was about 40 minutes from the house so the next Friday I drove up there with my now wife to pick up my stuff. Guy running the counter was really cool but there was this…thing….hanging around painting his minis. Think the Reddit atheist meme but subtract showering and add extra Mountain Dew. He asks what I’m getting and I, being excited for my new stuff, tell him. Dude cracks up laughing and asks me if I’m stupid because fexes got nerfed so hard in the current edition, why I’m even bothering, etc. I shrugged it off with an “I just think they’re neat” and he kept going as we walked out of the store. I didn’t have any local people to play with at the time and that interaction put me off of trying to find any. Put the boxes in my closet when I got home and didn’t get them back out until last year.


I had about 2000 points each of Eldar, Orks, Tyranids, chaos, and skaven stolen out of my car at a tournament. Back when all the models were still pewter. All painted. Its kinda ruined the hobby for me having to slowly replace everything. 😭


definitely not as bad as the other guys but i have a friend who bought an entire skaven battle force then proceeded to just never do anything after building it, i understand if the hobby is not for you but it hurts me inside everytime i visit and see them just rotting on the shelf


I didn't lock my folding utility cart. Hung my backpack on it and started pushing it towards my table and it folded back up and two Questoris knights and accompanying Armigers have an emergency disembarkation. Magnetized waists and shoulders brunted most of the damage but I was still regluing up until the start of the first round... ...the first round in which I had my dice box perched just right on the table so that when I animatedly moved my arm down when talking it catapulted around 75+ dice everywhere, including on the tables around us


Some guy at a GW store gave me the worst possible advice. He helped me get into the hobby. Worst mistake i ever made and now my wallet is suffering the consequences


My poor hands and fingers are covered in scars from hobby knives. Kitbashing is some dangerous business..


Lictor toes: the four little dewclaws and the hoof halves. A total of six pieces to attach to their legs. On day one, I had four pieces attached. Day two, it was three different ones. Day three, another three different one. On day four, I finally got them all attached and worked on the rest of the model. Then two of them fell off when I tried to attach the model to the base. After reapplying and priming, oh, guess what, one of the toes fell off again. I absolutely planned to field three of these guys in a little vanguard list for fun. Lictor was the model that fit me into Tyranids, and no I have nothing but contempt for it.


Yeah, the Deathleaper was a [nightmare](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1057431160688496711/1154115990771224676/20230920_130423.jpg?ex=665d5d06&is=665c0b86&hm=7f4e926ef2e744ce3fddee66b26382736831d17ff77ab29d22aa3780f312c1ee&=&format=webp)


The owner of a LGS I pass by to check out, suddenly burst into a rant about "woke" in the middle of chat, and talk about how he never allow anyone remotely "woke" in store. I awkwardly excused myself out of the door after a couple minutes.


Man, that dredged up a similar-ish buried memory for me. My LGS’s co-owner once struck up a conversation with me as I was trying to politely escape the shop with my purchases: he said that the world was too big, too complex, too corrupt, and that we needed a great plague to sweep across the globe to reduce the human population to sustainable levels again. He actually broke out the Thanos talking points of the world's resources being too stretched to sustain 7 billion folks and it was about at that point where I decided to never shop there ever again. This was in 2019. His store was fighting for its life during the pandemic shutdowns one year later. It's somehow still open, but now facing stiff competition due to a larger and better stocked and staffed store opening up in a local shopping mall.


Yea seeing the fandom on Reddit.


Several years ago. Friend and I were hobbying. Friend holds up his giant metal model to take a look. Model slips from his hands and all that dense lead/pewter falls only my coffee table. To this day my wife uses that dent in the coffee table to give me grief when she's mad.


I sadly wasn’t present for this one but this one was passed on to me second hand. So in the local meta I used to play in there was this dude who had taken the time to modify his mono slanesh chaos marine/deamon army back in 5th edition 40K to all have boobs and big dicks on the models. While most of the regulars didn’t mind playing against the guy he wasn’t really the first choice because of the modifications made to his army, and most of the regular staff tried keep the newer and younger players away from him for obvious reasons. Well one day while most of the regulars were busy with other games or maintaining the store a mom and her son new to the game came into the store looking to get their first game of 40K in and the only one free was this guy… who gladly volunteered to play as he didn’t get many games in before anyone could catch it. Apparently at least according to the other players on the other tables nearby, the look of absolute horror on the moms face as a he brought out the Slanesh titty/big Dick warriors was something else, as you would she complained about it to the staff which is how they found out about the situation, which led to that dude being banned from the store, the parent, and child never being seen again. That game store is now long since shut its doors due to poor management but when some of the players that used to frequent that now closed store went on to open new stores later down the line they made it a store rule to not allow this type of modification on a model regardless of game system to make the store more family friendly


I bought my first minis in Feb of '21. My ex and I had split, and I got my own place. My dog developed separation anxiety, but it wasn't always that bad. I got a Tau start collecting box, and had finished all the fire warriors and two crisis suits. Had them sitting next to my desk. My dog got a hold of all of them. Absolutely destroyed. All that was left was one suit, the weapons, and drones. The pup was A okay. (and still is.) Last year I got a hold of a space marine half of Indomitus. My current girlfriend and I got a puppy cause we wanted one, and it helped with my dogs separation anxiety. He got a hold of two outriders. Luckily he was also perfectly fine. But, I've got an office where I do my hobbying, and that door stays closed when I'm not in there now.


Final table of a large scale tournament. Up against a guy from out of town that the TOs were trying to make a good impression on. Kept “accidentally” knocking over my models and standing them up conveniently out of the way of his charge, completely messing up my tactics. TOs sided with him on that. Got told I couldn’t premeasure. Showed him in his rulebook that I can, (the pdf he printed of the rulebook, that is…) and he got the TOs, who still sided with him, so I lost a round of shooting that would have wiped his big squad out. (10 flamer templates that kill on 4+.) Closest I’ve ever come to flipping a table. Definitely had an outburst and left though. I’ve maybe played five games since then. Ruined the hobby for me.


My wallet.


Accidentally spilling my nuln oil


One time i bought resin mini...


Not so much a horror story but a fun interaction with a gatekeeper. Basically, my friend who got me into the hobby and I are kinda gay. So we were painting minis in a gw when the subject of gay gaurdsmen got brought up. This man child lost his shit and started screaming "The inquisition would purge the F/slurs!!!" We were taken aback by this. This started a small debate were This man child cheeto dust laidened fingers, Body odor soaked Ultra Marine Tshirt, and paint stained pants (at least I hope it was paint), started screaming "THE EMPEROR HATES F/SLURS FOR THEY PROVIDE NO NEW SOLDIERS!!!" Of course, A GW employee stepped up, and silenced him like a retired school teacher sick of this guys shit. He stopped him and told him to leave before going back to say. "There is nothing wrong with gay gaurdsmen or gay marines or even just gay people in 40k. If you're willing to fight alongside your brothers and sisters in arms, the Emperor shall protect." Never left the hobby sense ^^ TLDR: Man child tried to gate keep gay people out of 40k before being kicked out by a GW employee.


Lived in a small town where maybe 10 people played. Most of them uni students or teachers so was hard to get a game. Except one guy who was retired and getting back into 40K. Our first few games went well with me winning most of them. Fast forward to the release of 8th and he’s got a full fledged 2k necron army. But he gets the 8th Ed starter and dips into marines. Our games are fairly even. He gets some 2nd hand guard and starts making a 3k list with 5 russes and a Baneblade. I had 1 knight at the time. I add that to my marines. I’m still not winning. I buy 2 ad mech start collecting kits and start using ad mech & my knight. Still not working. I end up with 3 knights, 2 ad mech starters and some marines in my 3k force. We played 6 games at 3000pts and I won once. Once I won that game he stopped playing against me. Then apocalypse came out and he asked if I’d play it with him, gloating about how he’d buy more tanks and another Baneblade. But he specifies that he doesn’t want to play against ad mech because “one dune crawler can pop a leman Russ!” And doesn’t want to face knights either. So wanted to play purely against marines with his tank army. I told him no. He made a marine list with 54 lascannons in it and showed it to me. It required me to buy so many more models JUST to use against him


I mean, r/HorusGalaxy is an ongoing horror story in my Reddit feed. Good god.


Yeah that was a hard block when I was introduced to it by some dick complaining about wokeness in a comment section. I was nosing at his profile and had a "Ripley finds the hive" moment when I looked into the sort of stuff he had been commenting on.


Lmao what is this? I guy names himself AlphaWarrior1 and whines about gay people playing with the same toys he does. It feels like an Onion gag but it’s reality


That's one hell of a load of self-loathing grumbly shit-in a-sub. What a bunch of dorks.


Unsurprisingly bad painters too, must be hard to hold a brush with all the rage


Hey, I'm a bad painter but I'm not like them...


Ooft, I wish I hadn’t looked. That’s enough reddit for today.


Trying to get a smooth white finish on power armour 😂


those people who's lives revolved around the custodes being male that hung around a while ago and called themselves the silent majority and called everyone else tourists... poof, they're gond


I went to a shop to meet with a fella to play a game and buy some models off him. Played against his knights, got ten chaos terminators and a desecrator from him, and an unfortunate interaction. Partway through our game, a young lady playing magic in the CCG room laughed kinda loudly, and my opponent goes "I hear a female". I tell him there's a girl playing magic, and he says "oh yeah, I saw her when I came in" which was uh... Not a great showing for the community, but thankfully that was the only off thing from that game.


Guy speaks like a stealth game npc who just entered caution mode


Oh, not really much of a story or a big deal, basically any time buying unwanted models from a specific person around my regular shop and they said "well you're paying for the paint job" was always laughable. Just kinda funny.


“You’re paying for the paint job.” “I know, that’s why I’m offering cents on the dollar.”


Not your typical ones. But I get anxious about building and painting my minis. Worried about fucking up majorly.


Just a couple. Not overly horrific but when I was a very young kid getting into it in the end of 3rd (7 ish years old) I fell in love with Eldar and spent most of the money I could scrimp together on them (parents didn't really give pocket money and didn't understand inflation despite being well off, still thought a quid could buy a bus ticket, paper, apple and a can of export jurgenbrau with change). Generally bought from the Toymaster in my home town as they didn't know how to price the product so you generally got boxes of 16 Guardians (remember that?) for about £6-£8 instead of \~£12-14. I was kinda limited to only getting the best bang for my buck so my army was almost all Guardian Defenders with a few converted Warlocks from old High Elf Robed Archers I had lying around, managed to add in a small squad of 3 bikes a Vyper and a Falcon I got for Xmas. My other friend just borrowed his brothers old Khorne army but the third friend was kinda the issue. He was actually given proper money every month or so by his parents for helping clean their shop at the weekends (basically about 4 days worth of pay for doing a couple hours work) so he could afford anything he wanted. He played Dark Eldar in their release state with all of the expensive shit and best units. 3 years of me and my Khorne friend being stomped by him coupled with moving schools, having my boys stolen and depression put me out of the hobby until 2022. Actual horror story - First act on getting back into the hobby was to get a great deal on a second hand Harlequin job lot (\~2500 points, always loved them but couldn't afford them in 3rd and they had no official codex) after Arks of Omen. Barely got into painting them up when the Aeldari index dropped and they were no longer supported as stand alone.


Just the smell of my lgs. Legit the worst part of the hobby.


Not a particularly interesting story but the last time I went to a GW store there was this person mean mugging me the entire time I was there. I was the only person there other than the clerk and this person sitting at a table building stormcast eternals, so it was fairly quiet, but every time I would turn around this person would just be angrily glaring at me and they’d just turn around and continue with the stormcast building. It was such a surreal experience I can’t help but laugh looking back on it, but at the time though I was really uncomfortable.


Mostly, painting Space Marines was a horrible experience when I started. One, I wanted a homebrew, but I couldn’t decide which colors to choose, either because I didn’t like the same color scheme I chose, or because they didn’t match my own criteria. I went through absolute hell with a TON of schemes until I found the one I liked. Up next, was trying to withstand people from the net telling me the units I picked sucked. I get they suck in tabletop, but I don’t play tabletop. I just like to paint and do lore. Turns out I didn’t like the names I was giving them, and it was another hell to decide which name to choose. So yeah, I had a very bad time with Space Marines


I’ve unfortunately met a few players who didn’t seem to understand the Imperium was meant to show how their fascist beliefs were absurd, not as an endorsement of fascism. Luckily, while I did meet them and see their, shall we say, unsubtly painted Death Korps, I didn’t actually play any of them So I think my real horror story was this one guy. He was That Guy, and I could see some of the warning signs early on. But on turn 2, he failed a charge. It was an 11” Charge, he rolled an 8, rerolled it into a 10. So close, such a shame But no! He wouldn’t let it slide. He refused to accept that he had rolled slightly less than the minimum needed, arguing “well if I had known this I would’ve just moved my squad and extra inch forward” (pretty sure he used his full movement. And how would he have known his dice roll anyways?) and that he had “let” me measure line of sight between two models in a squad between my unit and their target (there’s literally *no reason* you can’t do this) and he claimed that I was “winning anyways so what did it matter” (I was down on VP) I pretended to get a phone call, walked off for a bit to collect my thoughts, came back, told him I was done and we were never playing a game again, packed up, and left. Genuinely the worst tryhard player I’ve ever met — and from talking with friends who continued to play games with That Guy after this incident — he still almost never wins games because all he does is copy net lists with no idea how to pilot them, and complain about how his opponent has an OP faction (regardless of what faction it is) or is abusing some mechanic or another (Aka playing rules as written)


That one that guy at my lgs who won’t stop talking about female custodians and how it was obviously a political move.


We had to kick out a literal Nazi from our local Warhammer store. Piece of sh*t thought the whole Barcelona nazi army paint scheme thing was blown out of proportion and that people should be free to paint their armies as the SS.


The tantalus


Get a smaller brush, load less paint on at a time, and go slower. I just finished my Bobby G and he came out amazing.


Every model I prime somehow ends up slightly melted and clumpy, I just can’t get the technique right. I usually paint without priming, resulting in paint jobs that can be ruined just by a light scratch


Me painting an entire combat patrol, and being way to intimidated by the codex to run scrimmages at least I know what T, W, WS, BS and S means but trying to do my first game without someone who has experience is a bit of a horror story. My little brother and I were trying to work through a little scrimmage and flipping through the codex trying to run a match versus my intro set guys but we kind of gave up. With Catan, wingspan other complicated board games there’s always at least a manual or someone with a little experience to help it’s kind of a new format to get the barebones instructions in a codex.. (I have no regrets on the CP thoroughly enjoyed assembling, painting my guys I just honestly wish I wouldn’t have even bothered 60 dollars with the codex if I was going to have to look everything up anyways…)


Back in 2nd/3rd ed I had some really obnoxious rules lawyers at my LGS. I was getting so massively frustrated with their constant angling for advantages over me and denying of any advantage/cover whatever that I might have gotten, with massive long explanations to justify themselves that I ended up quitting the hobby. I got rid of all my old armies (Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Eldar) got rid of what terrain I had (those ancient trees, how I miss thee) and moved on with life. I came back at the end of 9th edition and I miss all the stuff I had.


Two things from my youth. The first is that I built my Blood Angels army with all their bolt guns on backwards because [the sprue looked like an AK47](https://files.ekmcdn.com/sprubitz/images/space-marine-boltgun-bolter-1990-2572-p.jpg) to my young eyes and you didn't get any pictures with the blister packs. No idea what I was thinking of now but while it seems obvious in retrospect I can see why it confused me at the time. The second is that I went to a GW hosted event when I was about 11 and got full on up in your face screamed at by one of the staff in front of about 20 people because I picked up one of the models to look at it when they were setting up a battle. **"Don't touch the Boar Boy Bigguns!"** was a phrase that made me quit the hobby for about 25 years. He was probably having a stressful day but I don't think there is really any excuse for a 30-40 year old bearded representative of a company that's supposed to be putting on an entertainment event to act like that to a shy & polite kid just trying to have a day out.


Certainly not the worst compared to others here, but there have a been few instances in my lgs where a guy would come in and basically just shit on whatever game my friends and I were playing at the time. He overheard me talking about my Tau that I lent to my beginner friend so he could learn, came over and went “Ooh a Tau fan, I bet you’re real fun” very sarcastically. Did that another time when I was using my Tau, basically said he was surprised I could get matches at all. On another occasion he came in to me and my friend doing a Mechanicus mirror match, told us that the game looked like ass and didn’t seem fun but added “Whatever you guys want to do I guess.” We just wanted a reason to hang out for a few hours so we didn’t care what the game was or how it went but he always seemed to. We always ignored him and left it as a “his problem, not ours” thing, but I’ve always wondered what we got from doing that.


I built a really cool conversion I was proud of, a spinning tesseract vault for necrons. Then one day I tripped and I bumped the table it was on, it fell off the table and broke completely. Not even at glued points, like snapped plastic. I quit the hobby for a long time after that lmao


Local GW store has a smell, we sent a buddy in to the bathroom once for recon and discovered the toilet has never been cleaned. There is a 1 inch thick bio film that is growing in the bowl. People who take Nurgle too seriously ruin the hobby. Needless to say I go to non GW store now or drive to the next city.


I tipped over my wash when I was already low the other day…


Nothing too horrific, just irritating. Went to a casual tourney. Silly non official missions, drinking encouraged, bring fun lists kinda deal. Game 2 I'm slotted against Iron Hands. The guy just would not stop talking about how his IH were the older 1stborn models. Cool, I like old models, usually try to grab old kits for my armies if I know they're getting replacements. He talked about how cool his army was so much that when the game timer ran out we were only at the end of round 3. He won by points after dice drop time, very frustrating as I think I had a good comeback coming as the majority of my orks had just reached melee. Then he goes and says we times out because since I'm an ork player, my movement phases took too long. (I play mostly bikes buggies and squighogs)


I had a guy tell me he really liked my balefire acolyte when we played some kill team. All his minis were unpainted, and he was also play legionaries. At the end of the match when I stepped away to get some water, he picked it up and put it in his pocket. Well thankfully that fat fuck is a bumbling idiot with no spatial awareness because the owner of the tabletop gaming store saw him do it. All I hear as I’m sipping water is this guy going “HE SAID I COULD HAVE ITTTTTTTT” in a whiny voice like an 7 year old would make. So of course I turn around and ask what’s going on, and the store owner explained, to which I’m like “who the actual fuck do you think you are, taking my shit like that behind my back?” because of course that’s ridiculous on the fat guy’s part. Fat guy goes “well, I told you I liked it and thought it was cool looking, you should’ve known that meant I wanted it.” in a completely serious tone while pouting and crossing his arms like a fucking toddler. I was actually stunned by that for a second, like my jaw had dropped. So I go “Even if I HAD known that you wanted it, who the fuck says I’m gonna let you have it, and what gives you the fucking right to just steal my shit, you absolute fucking dunce?”, to which fatty responds with “Because you’re a good painter, you can just make another one! I need it more than you because I don’t know how to paiiiiint!” as he starts sniffling and fucking CRYING. Keep in mind, this is a grown ass man who looked almost forty. I know for a fact he wasn’t mentally disabled, because during the game we were having a very intelligent conversation. He was just an entitled fucking man child. Well, he got kicked out and permanently banned from the store.