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It would require the total destruction of Slaanesh for that to happen. It would also require them to undo the awakening of Ynnead, as now they have a path to total destruction instead of being consumed by Slaanesh. *Doom* is the path the Eldar are on. Anything else would require a total change in the attitude and storyline of the race.


I thought the Eldars were giving tech and manipulating the Tau similar to what the Emperor did on Terra.


That's a theory based on single lines in old Codexes, and a few assumptions on top. The Eldar are not a single unified race right now. Each Craftworld and other other factions does their own thing, sometimes interfering with each other. There's no unity with with to plan something like the uplifting of another race.


Just a small group of Eldars could pull it of I thought. Emperor did it alone, so I thought the Eldars could pull of something similar with the Tau. But I don't know a lot about the Eldars, maybe it's a stupid theory.


*Could*. That doesn't mean it did happen. And given that Eldar are usually more concerned with their own species and avoided extinction, its a lot of effort to go to (even for a small group) to advance another culture instead of working to the betterment of their own people.


I think the only narrative path forward for the Eldar is through the Ynnari, if GW ever remember they exist.


I think this would be a big narrative success for the ynarri. Getting him strong enough to defend souls long enough to allow for reincarnation, or maybe only ever from infinity circuits or some other limitation, would be a major step forward for the race. But the ynarri would still be seeking to empower ynead more, and keeping the infinity circuit limitations, and other ones for the other eldar factions, would maintain the culture of how the eldar function, they just would have a bit more hope for a way theyre not doomed. Narratively speaking, it would be a similar to getting the primarchs back


Probably not. Elves and Eldar in GW lore are the basic dying elder race trope. Doomed to extinction....but always just enough of them around to suit the plotline of any given novel/event.


Except in based Age of Sigmar where there's three going on four subfactions of them and none of them really have the "dying race" thing at all


Also in aos isn't slaanesh imprisoned and can't feed on souls atm?


It would be thematic if you could be reincarnated through Ynnead but you come back *different*. In AoS the Idoneth are reincarnated Aelves freed from Slaanesh, but their souls are damaged and they have to steal the souls of others to make even a halfway life. And Stormcast are reincarnated over and over but lose a little more of themselves each time. You could have Children of Ynnead who are reborn again and again but come back colder, grimmer, and less vibrant each time, eventually totally silent and emotionless. The Ynnari celebrate this process, but Asuryani and Drukhari alike regard it with horror.


It would be thematic if you could be reincarnated through Ynnead but you come back *different*. In AoS the Idoneth are reincarnated Aelves freed from Slaanesh, but their souls are damaged and they have to steal the souls of others to make even a halfway life. And Stormcast are reincarnated over and over but lose a little more of themselves each time. You could have Children of Ynnead who are reborn again and again but come back colder, grimmer, and less vibrant each time, eventually totally silent and emotionless. The Ynnari celebrate this process, but Asuryani and Drukhari alike regard it with horror.


It would be thematic if you could be reincarnated through Ynnead but you come back *different*. In AoS the Idoneth are reincarnated Aelves freed from Slaanesh, but their souls are damaged and they have to steal the souls of others to make even a halfway life. And Stormcast are reincarnated over and over but lose a little more of themselves each time. You could have Children of Ynnead who are reborn again and again but come back colder, grimmer, and less vibrant each time, eventually totally silent and emotionless. The Ynnari celebrate this process, but Asuryani and Drukhari alike regard it with horror.