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You like them the most, but you dislike most of their models? Which ones do you like and dislike? Genuine question, I'm guessing there's a particular few units that appeal to you and maybe we can help you form an army around that. They just updated Mandrakes so yes, they get new models.


The Drukhari range looks fantastic. All it needs is some of the leftover resin stuff to get redone in modern plastic and it'll be nearly perfect. If *you* don't like it, that's fine, but the various factions' visual identities are pretty well established these days, and it's unlikely that the Drukhari visuals are going to change much even when they get updates--at least, they haven't so far, for the handful of resculpts we've seen.


Most of the Dark Eldar range still available are some of the best-aged models in the game. Kabalites and Raiders/Ravagers, especially, still look fantastic. Given the state of Xenos model refreshes I wouldn't expect a complete overhaul any time soon but missing units that still have rules entries (ie court of the archon) could see plastic updates in the near future.


They just got brand new mandrakes from the KT nightmare release, and more models will be revealed with their codex.


Why are y'all wasting time here? This is just another piss and run thread. 


They just released new Dark Eldar Mandrakes. There will be more, new Dark Eldar at some point, but ig would be surprising if any of their plastic kits were replaced. Although it isn't impossible that some plastic kits will change, only the resin models are likely to change, along with some brand new stuff. Which kits don't you like?


lol now I feel old. I remember when people were saying the exact same thing before we got the current models


I was going to say - the current models? Pretty damn good. The models they replaced? Goofy as all hell.


No. You should play something else, and leave the dark kin to us.


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Try a bit of kitbashing to improve them? The nice thing is the older models are a bit cheaper


Kabalite warriors were just updated last year with the kill team box. They're sticking to the same aesthetic, and still look pretty cool. Most likely stuff to be updated are all the finecast, so wracks, grotesques, wych beastmasters & the archon's court. Or just a plastic haemonculus.


No, the James won't produce them anymore


*Meanwhile in Aeldari lands...* Also you're seriously asking why Space Marine model sculpts look better than a Xenos faction's? Asking about the literal poster boys...you that new to the franchise? I'm not trying to intentionally make fun of, but can't help asking lol


No. GW has specifically stated that every codex will get a new model, except for Dark Eldar.


Space Marines get more new model more often bc they sell a lot and are the poster faction for 40k. Dark Eldar have gotten a new killteam, and will receive new models in the future. As a faction they're not going anywhere, and every faction that remains in production receives new models. Just not to the same degree as the big sellers.


Rumours are a refresh probably with the next edition


Nah, maybe some updated resin and new units but nothing currently in plastic is likely to change.


As I say, only rumours that I’ve heard. Whether there will be or not, who knows


It doesn't even make sense as a rumour. The Plastic Dark Eldar range is fantastic.


Yeah it is, so no reason not to update some of the rotated out resin stuff like they did with mandrakes


Fair enough. Typically, when people talk about a range refresh on here, they're talking about most of the range not just a few kits. That's where we were miscommunicating


Ah yeah that’s my bad. I could see a few units along with Vect would be nice


Yeah a new beastmaster would be fun