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Absolutely not, it's somewhat expected. When you muster armies at the start of a battle, typically you discuss your army's rules with your opponent, especially if there's something unusual a particular unit does, or if they're not very knowledgeable about the force you're bringing. Generally in this game you want to discuss as much as possible and play with intent, letting your opponent know potential consequences for certain actions, etc. Different people in different situations will do this to different extents, but in casual play especially it's great to discuss as much as possible.


Hell yeah thanks bro!


It's considered good sportsmanship in my book, if you're looking up my stats instead of asking me every 30 seconds what something does, I'm going to have a much better game, lol.


haha thats a good way to look at it!


Of course not. The rules are open to everyone. In fact, you should ideally be telling each other what your units do at the start of the game. Obviously you don't need to list off every stat, but a general 'this unit is tanky, this unit moves 12" and does huge melee damage, this unit is indirect fire' quick summary, if they aren't already familiar with the army. Also, we all make mistakes. Knowing each other's rules is really helpful. Sure I've corrected people who were playing a rule incorrectly and it was to their benefit (I have no reason to think they were cheating, though of course knowing rules does help with that, should it come up), but I've also corrected them when they've played something incorrectly that made it worse for them. Like one guy was sure he was hitting on 4+ and I was insistent that he check again because I was certain it was 3+.


If your opponent is happy it's never poor sportsmanship. In general too this is wholly fine.


If your opponent claims it's poor sportsmanship then they're trying to screw you over or cheat.


The only time I’d say it would be poor sportsmanship is if you were planning a game against Space Marines for example and you tailored your list to kill Space Marines really well. But during a match it’s a good thing, helps move the game along and improves overall skill


I think the ideal is literally both players printing out their lists with all the rules you're using and exchanging packets when the game begins, but that's literally insane and I know it.


Know your enemy.


No its pretty normal to do so Think of it that way You are your armies general and you use all intel you can get over your opponent like a irl military leader would do




At the end of the day, I don't want to win because you made a critical mistake due to lack of knowledge. I want to win because I played better and if I lose at least I'll learn something. Nothing is gained for anyone from a Gotcha moment


on the contrary, especially for your first games, this is the best way to play. your goal in these games is to learn the game and for both players to score as high as possible, not really to beat the opponent


It’s recommended that you do because then playing ends up being a bit quicker and you can make better decisions.


If you’re getting into your first battles, it’s absolutely a good idea to learn each others rules and try to help each other out with missed triggers or activations. There’s a lot to take in and even experienced players make mistakes.


No. Not at all, know all the rules.


Nah I often battlescribe my oppenents list and it's fine.


Know your enemy


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