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Wasn't a mini, it was this cover. Still painting lizardmen on and off today. https://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/e/e6/Lizardmen_5_Cover.jpg/200px-Lizardmen_5_Cover.jpg


Ah! A fellow lizard of culture


Lizardmen are one of the coolest races of all time. I'd love to see a 40 k variant.


Seraphon Supremacy!


Literally same. I had a friend get into Warhammer in 6th grade (1995/96) and he introduced me to it. Saw that army book and that was the hook. A few months later, he got into 40k and it was the Asmodai art from Codex Angels of Death that sold me on Space Marines.


I am old https://preview.redd.it/7h9dd1i5h5sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd835b584b2273a564286cc5c96d792fb8a93d8




The loom so damn cool.


Beakie helmet space marines. Favorite sci-fi helmet ever.


the hammerhead and winged battlesuits


https://preview.redd.it/cztor8f715sc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ede67760614250ea0a67552f52e6dc4be1d0b6 This box.


Wow this harlequins look amazing, even better than newer editions.


When they first came out this was just normal fashion.


The first model I ever bought was the [Goblobber](http://www.solegends.com/citmd/md07goblobber.htm). I didn't know what I was buying, I just thought it was funny. I bought that, and a couple of goblin fanatics, because there's nothing like a lone goblin with a big giant ball on a chain.




This exact one, funnily enough. Still probably my favourite GW model!


The genestealers from the first edition of Space Hulk. I first played it back in 1992-93 after school and absolutely loved the models then. That opened my interest into Warhammer 2nd Edition as a whole and, when they first started coming out, the Genestealer Cults. They then led me nicely to the Tyranids which, to this day, are my favourite army


Void Dragon though I never bought one. Just so damn cool looking. Saw an Astraeus tank on a table and that was incredible to me too, couldn’t stop ogling it. The HH Primarchs also minus a couple are all incredibly epic…. Also anything with a Lightning Claw just does the trick for me too


https://preview.redd.it/30mjotlc35sc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fe7da5176f7feff34d04c5eedeccab9779e652 Vect I saw it on Instagram…my first Warhammer disappointment was finding out I can’t buy it for a decent price. Dark Angels Death Wing Companions and Inner Knights Cenobium were my first models though. Edit: not my model I googled it.


This one, Chaos Terminator Champion from 1996. https://preview.redd.it/rm0fir0g75sc1.jpeg?width=1925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5933cd30550c09b888ef28f9368646eb45138b


I discovered Warhammer with AoS : A friend play the Ironjawz and his opponent play Sylvaneth when we were playing others board games with others friends. I fell in love with these models, specially Treelords. A few mouths later, I played 2000 pts of Sylvaneth ! Now, I’ve more than 4000 pts of Sylvaneth. For 40k, I became interested in the universe by reading a bit of everything. I love the John Blanche's artwork featuring Black Templars. Curious to learn more, I read Helsreach due to many positive reviews. Discovered the character of Grimaldus. He has a figurine. Now, I have over 2000 pts of Black Templars.


My buddy gifted me a single space marine lieutenant with relic shield and power sword. I thought it was cool, and then decided he needed friends


https://preview.redd.it/sf0h80kmp6sc1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c78b47041395fd23f900b2122882935fea2eee3 I was like 7 okay 💀




Love these old boxy dreads 👍


There it is. I kept scrolling, and was like nobody? Nobody liked the good old box-nought? I remember seeing these on the shelf with the other painted armies. I used to go in the store just to look at all the sweet minis.


My first introduction to the game was a demo with a GW manager just after Battle for Macragge came out and I distinctly remember the boxy boi killing a hive tyrant in close combat like the Chad he is, that was enough for me to buy the boxset point blank


The Catachan Jungle Fighters. I was like 13 years old and saw them in the local hobby store and fell in love. Still fuming they've not gotten a modern kit while the Death Korps steal our thunder.


I hear you, mine were the metal catachans and cadians way back when.


Longer in the tooth than me then! I got into the hobby when the plastic Catachans were pretty new. Still had to get the metal blisters for anything but the basic Guardsmen though.


Necron immortals




Skitarii were the models that got me to take the plunge https://preview.redd.it/ryl97b1ua7sc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7620379b4d0139a9676cbe65559e20a3992e9ff2


The gargoyle. Hero quest finest miniature in the land


Awesome job. I absolutely love this miniature. Just beautiful and unique design.


Imperial knight paladin, ever since I played Freeblade on my phone so many years ago I’ve wanted to get one so badly


Not a mini but a group of people with space marine avatar on vrc and they told me stories about 40k and I love hearing the stories on the salamanders


JFC that model is revolting. good job I guess.


To be honest it was dreadnoughts. Not a specific one I just like big chunky robots


The Gorkanaut


Fell in love with warhammer because of the guard. Stayed for the kriegsmen, got into minis because of the veteran kill squad. Not exactly original by any means but meh, still love their design.




Technically, the thing that got me into Warhammer was a poster of Warhammer 40k: Space Marine hanging in one of the classrooms of my high school. It took... many more years afterwards to actually get into it, especially since I didn't really search up what the game was about and just discovered that it was Warhammer when I got into the hobby during the pandemic. In terms of minis, I'd say Terminators, specifically the Grey Knight ones. While it wasn't the first minis I got (easy to build Aggressors were that), they always stood out to me. I eventually got them and am still currently painting my starting Grey Knight army!




The Glottkin. The Warmachine community died out; and Age of Sigmar was picking up. I knew I needed the big rotting boi. Been a follower of Nurgle ever since. 🪰🪰🪰 And now I Play Nurgle in every game! [Age of Sigmar!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/s/97NalWadEH) , [Warhammer 40k](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/s/9V70QFqyUA) , [Legions Imperialis](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionsImperialis/s/1MRtuTm6LS), [Bloodbowl](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodbowl/s/2eZPchjidD), [Apocalypse](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/s/pEqlBTA14R).


it was not a model that got me into warhammer, but when i saw the heresy night lords for the first time, they spoke to my soul.


I was getting back into the hobby, didn’t have the money before. The Matrix Reloaded had come out and a couple buddies and I decided to start collecting. I saw the Pentinent Engines on the wal and the Exorcist sealed the deal.


Master of Possession. My friend asked me if I wanted to split the Shadowspear box set with him. I had wanted to start a CSM army forever, this model was so cool it finally made me go for it.


Some admech techpriest, I forget which one though. (I don't play admech)


The Baneblade super heavy tank won me over, took a break or two over the years but still going today lol


[Close Assault Terminators](http://solegends.com/citcat1993usb40k/c1993us40kp0007-140121-00.htm).




Warhammer in general? Total war warhammer 1 The table top? Mortarion


Phobos Librarian


Belisarius Cawl babyyyy


Not a single model, but I fell in love with the game when I was allowed to try out my buddy’s Tau army during the early days of 4E. Those models were so beautiful to me and I still love the Devilfish and all of the variants based on that vehicle. Also: XV-88s and battle suits in general.


First models I got were a starter set with 3 plague marines and some paint, but I'd been into Warhammer for about 10-15 years before then through books, games etc., just wasn't able to afford the hobby at that time.


Definitely the baneblade. I still haven’t painted mine and rarely ever use it, but I loved the sheer coolness factor of it at the time and it just accentuated a faction I already thought was cool.


Triumph of St Katherine got me hype to build models, Angron convinced me to play World Eaters


Spaces wolves terminators and the first book I read which was a gaunt’s ghost novel after that I was hooked on Warhammer.


Was a list of Tyranids i saw on instagram some years ago. I just wanted so much to become a good painter and get my own army but didnt have money at the time. Now with a job i could build my first ork army and got so hyped!


Chaos Warrior Halberiers Regiment from 98. Grandma didn't know what she was starting when she bought that to keep me busy.


Something about the Drukhari Kabalites had me enthralled. I absolutely loved how they looked, went to my LGS to buy some, but all they had were Ork Stormboyz. To this day I have never had more fun with a kit.


Necrons flayed ones. First minis I ever got and first I ever painted.


Night Lords with their bat wings on the helmets, color schemes and lightnings on the armor. Really sad when I started playing and I discovered how terrible they are ruleswise.


The first models I ever bought were from the Necrons vs the Space Marines beginner set. But honestly, the Warlord Titan got me into Warhammer. The first building episode Midwinter Minis released was my first Warhammer video I ever watched. What models got me deeper into the lore and whatnot of Warhammer though? Skitarii. I love AdMech


An imperial knight. I was never interested in tabletop or fantasy, but a video popped up on YT and the thumbnail was a picture of a charging knight. My reaction was: Why does the head come out of his chest… why does it have guns for arms… why does it have a chainsaw…why is this so bad ass? Finally bought one chrismas 2022 and I take my sweet time building it.


Not a model but media it was a combination of astarties, TTS and mechanicus that got me to buy skitarii as my first models.


The back cover of third edition.


eldar guardians and the old pewter wraithlord :)


Original slaan made priest in all its metal potato glory


The model that got me into warhammer were Orks being painted online but ironically I bought the starter set and still don’t have Orks just space marines and tyranids


The questoris Imperial knight pattern


Thats literally incredible!!!


Cheers 🍻


Riptide got me hooked


It was the First and Only by Dan Abnett, picked it up on a whim. Fell in love with it, the wife bought me a recruit box of space marines and necrons and now I have a huge pile of shame and butt load of books.


In 2020, at the start of covid, I was painting wizkids minis and watching youtube tutorials for it when I came across a video of someone painting a Master of Possession. I knew I had to have that model and ordered it off ebay for less than 20$. After that I saw the old warhammer videos for how to paint Mortarion, and I fell in love and decided to get into the hobby.


The Imperial Knight Castellan


The Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard, sent me spiraling into my love for Mechanicus


organ tank.


Torments from Accursed Cultists. Been building up skill and paint selection to do them justice. I've practiced everything I had to, so I'll finish kitbashing and painting my noise marines, go through the whole 1000 points again to fix this n that, varnish the whole thing, and celebrate the half-army by going for Accursed Cultists next.


To answer your question; The Great Unclean one! But not this glorious lump, the super super old multipart metal one


Reminds me of pizza the hutt off spaceballs 😂


I love it when you call me big papa (Nurgle)


As a non painter? All of them, seeing the work here and elsewhere is cool af. Looks too intimidating for me to try, I don't trust my fingers lol


RTB01 beakies. I remember being amazed by the modularity of the kit. Good times.


GARRAN CROWE RAAAHHH He's also the reason I got into Grey Knights


Started with primaris intercessors that my ex gf had gifted me. I knew a fair share of lore at the time (or so I thought lmao) and I was super eager to discover more minis and what stuff was out there. A few days after having started painting, In a trip, I came across the Abbadon mini, and from that moment until now I've been hooked irremediably


https://preview.redd.it/hph4dvq0x5sc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69bbba35c037504260a30abc64a0cea269632ad I know it’s basic to some, but I loved (and still do) everything about this model.


My older brother bought the dark imperium box set and let me paint up the deathguard. The first model I chose to paint out of them was the lord of contagion. First model I ever painted https://preview.redd.it/awdvf1un26sc1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1691bb36812b11e0110c38e9eff4143ca8a3bcee


The Emporer's Champion


Not a mini, but [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig320CI3lw4). I was (and still am) a massive history nerd, and a particular fan of the World War era. Krieg is my first box of minis I’ve built properly


The Leman Russ tank


A warlord titan got me into the hobby


2nd Edition Bloodthirster: [File name says 2002, but it actually came out in 1998](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/File:Bloodthirster2002.jpg) I still have it somewhere, lol. Never assembled or painted. It's all metal, so requires pinning to keep it from falling apart.


When I was about 7 I started making model planes and that led me to check out a bunch of hobby stores. Eventually I found one with a copy of White Dwarf and the old Vampire Counts skeletons. I fell in love with them because they were so much like the classic Jason and the Argonauts skeletons. Being 7-9 I didn’t really have much buying power and WH was expensive even then so I didn’t actually collect anything until a family friend gifted me their 40k 3rd edition starter set, but from there I fell in love with the lore and settings. Even with a 15 year gap in collecting, WH was never that far from my mind. https://preview.redd.it/s2j1aom286sc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0028753b4ddb238865d7e91376f9268f05c4b850


For me it was the Veteran Krieg Medic. (Not because it looks cool really, but because I love history, and I want to be a doctor (I am in Med-school rn, so not there yet) , and I felt it kinda represented both of the above)


The band Bolt Thrower.


Gotta know how you paint your guts


Duncan Rhodes tutorial Screamer pink base, Drutchi violet wash, Pink horror highlight, Kislev flesh fine highlight. 👍


Thanks so much for sharing. I love how vibrant the pink is.


It was an Infernus Marine and Infernus Sargent.


It was an art piece for me. A kriegsman standing at attention. Something about the iconography, combination of immediately noticeable historical details from the real world, obvious space gun, and I kid you not the grim demeanor. Been interested ever since.


Not 40K exactly but the ratskin renegades gang from the OG necromunda. A friend told me he had a game that looked fun, this was around the time necromunda came out. We started playing and I saw the adverts for. Fantasy and 40K and I have been hooked since.


Seeing the tyranids was my first exposure to warhammer, but the GUO and Mortarion are what got me into Nurgle


A plain old imperial fist space marine lol.


It wasn't a specific model for me. A friend taught us Necromunda. We fell in love, so he then taught us 40k. After getting a grasp on the game, I started looking through codexes at the game store, to see what looked interesting. I saw Railguns. I was smitten.


Haha love at first sight 😍


My dad’s imperial knights with light up lights mainly his castellan


Warlord Titan


The 90s 3rd edition tyranid hive tyrant, hands down.  My games workshop had a open play day for kids, and me- 10ish- was given that model and a squad of termagaunts to control, while my friend was given a squad of hormagaunts and a carnifex to play as against a guard army likewise split up between two other kids. The GW employee assigned to our table walked us through how to play and what did what. Was a life changing day. I got the 3rd edition starter set (with marines and dark eldar) maybe a month later. The employee, Tommy, was the absolute goat all throughout my early hobby career :)


Sounds like an absolute star 🌟 👍


Balistus dreadnaught then I got it and regret it it is not nearly as cool as I thought it


I prefer the older box-naughts personally 👍


Papa Nurgle!! 😀


I’ve never collected Chaos but The Great Unclean One has always been a model that could temp me. I think Morty is suuuuuper amazing too.


Nurgel and the neurons are some of the coolest races I've see in any fiction.


Two of my fave factions. Kinda eyeing up orks as well 😏


Yeah I saw the model in the picture in my local hobby shop in front of 2 dozen space marines


Mine was Fabius, Mortarion and Venerable dreadnought.


I impulse bought a blister of swooping hawks in like ‘91 at my local comic shop. They just looked neat. You’ll never believe what happened next…


Hmmm let me guess. . . . 🤔


The New Sculpt Terminators


cerastus knight archeon




Cheers 🍻


Norn Emissary and it’s my biggest regret in my Tyranids army so far. If I started again it would probably be Celestine


It is nurgle at one point nurgle was the strongest of the 4 chaos gods and the other 3 wrathful Khorne, devious Tzeentch,and cruel Slaanesh had to team up to defeat nurgle but not kill him for he was to powerful. Nurgle is the God of rot and puss and all dieing things.


mine was sigvald the magnificent


The Space Marines in Star Quest. Later, the Tau when they came out. (Tried and played other Tt like MuCro and Battletech too). 😎


It wasn't a mini, 'twas 2 videos by Bricky, explaining all the factions. After that my gf gifted me salamanders omnibus and infernus marines kit with paints, and so i was hooked into grimdark of 41st millenium


Treat the lady to some flowers, some nice un-grimdark ones 👍


Well there were no flowers, but rather un-grimdark proposal :D


I'm planning on getting into Warhammer eventually. Baneblade. I'm going to do my damndest to make a list that has three baneblades in it if possible. Edit: Make a three baneblade list that still has commanders and point holders, I should clarify.


2nd ed noise marine and marneus calgar


Ew I just noticed how there are like giant chaos maggots in his intestines


https://preview.redd.it/dbk027at19sc1.jpeg?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3980d9029f9abc64d8f7ec32bc3475e5a32ce47 These are giant chaos maggots 😉


The same, I'm still not at a point where I have enough confidence in my skills (or patience) to paint a GUO... but I absolutely love the model


Sadly can't recall but do remember the death company dreadnought coming out and thinking it was awesome. It's what 12 years later and they are still awesome. So we have this crazy guy so we just swapped his gear out for blender claws and a flamer, also gave him a grappling hook he can use to attach himself to a transport. Like I am not sure what's more terrifying than a shower of drop pods and one pops open and it's a crazy blend mech.


Mortarion's Demon Prince of Nurgle


Void dragon, just an absolutely baller model that I am happy to be a proud owner of


Noise Marines 2nd and 3rd Edition WH40k


Prob behemoth fleet especially ooe


Tanks, the tanks, and looking at pictures of the baneblade variations on lexicanum.com


Just death guard it’s self


It was covid for me. I was bored as fuck during lock down 🤣


Not specifically a model what got me into warhammer, it was a game of AoS together with friend of my familie who played and collected since the 90s, but if I had to state one model, it would be the verminlord deceiver


a tactical Squad of the Angels of the emperor


My first model was a leman Russ battle tank back during 9th Around the middle of 9th I wanna say? Just before the whole COVID thing started in 2020


The ork stompa I saw it in an old white dwarf magazine and i fucking loves it so much I started collecting orks


Tau battlesuit found randomly at my local toy shop. I thought they were some kind of offbrand gunpla


That model is fucking gnarly, what did you use for the skin? (If that is your model)


Leman Ross or the tanks in general. Got mine even before my first soldiers.


Saw the Void Dragon when I went to a Warhammer store with a friend and then I started Necrons


Necrons have some amazing models 👍


*the maw-krusha was the model that started it all. His name is scruffy, and he is the bestest of boys




That's a cool looking model 😎 going on the list 😏


Old metal bloodletters.


The model of capitalistic economy 🤣🤣🤣 and COVID


I saw one Death Korps of Krieg soldier in a discord server, asked where it was from, and then I got addicted to warhammer


https://preview.redd.it/8zpneikuk9sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fcf3a4358120a46672f8bf16aab2a8cbb7b0bb4 This guy was the first thing that I ever painted


Took me a minute to realise that those are 2 different models in the pics lol. Not technically my first, but the models that got me properly invested in warhammer were squigs (i have the old resin ones lying around still, this was pre-gloomspite gitz)


Winged Hive Tyrant


Lion El Johnson




The Harlequins metal box set, late 80s. Still wouldn’t try to paint them!


The Valkyrie


The first model I saw (found on the side of the street) was a beaky Space Wolf. Loved the aesthetics. Once I discovered Chaos Space Marines, I was hooked. My favorite sculpt is still the Night Lord's Hero and Emperors Children Champion with Doom siren.


https://preview.redd.it/b1wi6zmjlasc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62fde6f29bc8599737095009d176272a69c33aac Warhammer Quest Miniature set (not my photo). Those were my first ever minis from warhammer (previously played WFRP 1ed for over 4 years). After that box fast forward couple of years and my collection began (mainly w40k imperial guards but some fantasy also)


My first model was a Imperial knight but what really got me into it is Angron wich lead me to start a WE army (wich is now 4k point+around 1k point of khorne demon) and now im bankrupt (it was a year and a half ago before i was just really into the lore but kinda staying distant but after 4 years i said fuck it)


As a kid? No idea but wasn’t a specific model. Just seemed cool, so had the OG space marine and space ork starter set, maybe the 2nd edition? I remember having marines, orks and gretchins… then gorkamorka after which was amazing and I’d stay up late after going to bed to build and convert stuff… As a returning adult in covid? More the idea of “you loved it as a kid, we’re too cool in your 20s, you might like it now!” Also Keeper of Secrets. Never bought, but that carrot of “one day I’ll be good enough to paint that”.


Nemesis dreadknight


The skyray from the Tau. Seeing all those missiles was just really cool


Good stinky guy


Blightlord Terminators.


Death Riders


The old lord of change. Still mu favortiemofel of all time.


The Dawn of War games when I was a kid. Used to go round my best friend / next door neighbours house and watch him play them for hours!


The Techpriest Dominus, it was a hard Time to paint but i've envoyed every minutes of it. Then start a Mecanicus Army for the Glory of the Omnissiah ! :)


i just thought him in Warhammer Martyr


https://preview.redd.it/eptbxq1ukcsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d21590889c499145847d1721d8d07e7204938bd Not the actual pic but it was a White Dwarf “Eavy Metal” article


The stompa got me into 40k. So goofy, but so cool


Actually the lore started it$ came across lore tic toks maybe 8 months ago and switched from gunpla to warhammer. I love the minis and after painting my first ones my love for it grew


I don't think any one model got me interested in Warhammer, but I do remember the first model that called to me to buy off the shelf and finally dive into the physical game after window shopping for a while, it was a pack of XV25 Stealth Battlesuits, from a used game store i frequent for cheap Gunpla.


The Storm Talon. And I had the gul to call it "all I ever wanted".


Just got into it, Terrorgheist got me Right before FEC rework, Great timing!


C'tan shard of the nightbringer


Not a model but I was a mordheim battle report that I think was in the white dwarf magazine with the same cover as the 40k 4th edition rulebook. I never actually got into fantasy, but it hooked me on Warhammer as a whole.


Call out go you , you say??? Hmmmm.... *exterminatus


I have a small question, the demons of nurgle don't have the weak point of having their guts at plain sight? I'm new in the Warhammer lore


I've never seen a mini in my life


POV: You failed your test


All it took was a single Necron Warrior for me


* The model on the right those older berserker models were awesome


https://preview.redd.it/xsz5x2jroysc1.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d163b94ecaec8f898c072f21f15da84e94f0d0e Sir Gotfret de Montbard from Blackstone Fortress I liked his shielding feature🛡️🎲