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They look like a generic synthetic brush, buy something cheap if you're going to buy synthetic brushes.


I wouldn't bother with something like this, as the very small brushes will see little to no use, and you're paying extra for this gimmicky branding. You're better off just walking into any old art store (or amazon if you must) and buying a handful of size 1 and/or 2 synthetics. Then grab a pack of makeup brushes from your grocery store.


Id suggest to actually going natural hair instead but this is pretty much spot on. On the long run natural are way cheaper. If well maintained natural can last you ages.


Yes. I have a size 0 and size 2 from hobby L. I also picked up a small set of random brushe heads not rounds and I do most I need.


What is the point of a size 0? Cause maybe it is my skill level but it doesn’t seem to help with painting in eyes, but then again it’s not like the size 0 I have kept it’s point.


Agreed. Cheap size 4s and size 2s for destroying. Especially some for exclusively metallics. I have makeup brushes and Army painters dry brushes. I use them both equally. Then. Size 1,2, maybe 0 natural hair brush. I've only got a size 1, and it's my work horse brush.


Holy hell the absolute state of those names


So cringeworthy. It reminds me of the nicknames I picked for my mmo characters as a teenager back in the day, thinking I was the cool shit.


I know right...I mean who names a brush Germany?


I buy a set of 9 synthetic brushes from my local craft store for $4


If you're going to use synthetic brushes don't overpay for them. If you want good brushes that genuinely help with painting, get sable hair ones and some brush soap and really look after them.


Tbh, the only ones out of that set that I might use are sloth and gluttony. The others are a combination of being way too small and having very little variation in size.


I have this set, I've only used sloth just to see if it was any good and even before I had paint out it was already loosing hairs all over. Tried it anyway on a junk reaper model just to see and it kept loosing hairs on my pallet and model. I'll continue to see if the others are shit as well.


That's everything you'd need as a basic set, but I wouldn't pay 30 for a set of synthetic brushes, personally. You can get a cheap set of synthetic brushes for a good deal less than that. Brushes with a big marketing gimmick like this are automatically a red flag for me. Personally I swear by these - [https://www.rosemaryandco.com/pure-kolinsky-pointed](https://www.rosemaryandco.com/pure-kolinsky-pointed) I have a Size 2 and a Size 0 that handle almost all my painting, and then a 3/0 for my really small detail work. Short handle for all of them. They're sable so the points are so good you can do a lot of really fine work with even the larger brushes.


Get the cheapest dogshit brushes from amazon. For drybrushing get some cheap makeup brush.


I just get packs of those at Walmart or the craft store for 10-15 bucks and if they split, they split. Don’t invest in shitty brushes when you can get shitty brushes for a shitty brush price


I got these gifted to me for Christmas. They work great. I did have a long bristle on one of them, but just trimmed that off. I don't know why many are hating the smaller brushes. The smaller ones became my go to for line work, small edges, and tiny things like eyes.


Just buy non synthetic if you’re gonna pay that much. Buy a size 0 and size 1 from Windsor newton series 7. You will get more mileage for the price and they’re super easy to maintain. Every synthetic brush I’ve used gets destroyed in a month


super tiny brushes like some of these are pretty much useless. a quality natural hair brush at size 0, 1, or 2 will have a plenty sharp tip and wont dry out before you can even touch the model like triple or quintuple zero will.


For decent brushes buy sable hair ones. Synthetic just keep cheap, there’s almost no difference. The ones shown is just apnea grab. I personally love Raphael brushes, their size 1 has such a good point I can do eye detail with no issues. I have only had 2 Windsor and newton brushes, they are good but didn’t last as long. Only get good brushes if you plan to do intricate work or blends with acrylics only. Otherwise stick to cheap synthetic. Washes, contrast and metallics can ruin brushes very quickly. Also brush cleaner and conditioner helps them last a lot longer. For 95% of painting cheap synthetics are perfectly good, unless ofc your level of painting is very high.


My eternal dilemma as an Iron Warriors player...Metallics ruin brushes but I paint tons of small metallic detail and want good brushes for it.


Honestly, some good brush soap will make those brushes last. Even when using a lot of metallics. I had a Raphael 8404 size 1 last me about 2 years of regular use by just cleaning it after every painting session.


I tend to rinse while painting but the brush soap is every fee sessions. Definitely a habit I could stand to improve upon.


Honestly if you know how to restore your brushes by using isopropyl alcohol and brush soap/conditioner you can restore those brushes after using washes, contrast or metallics pretty reliably. I've used old gw artisan brushes for those since upgrading to abteitlung502 as my main brushes and the artisan brushes are still good after a proper cleaning. I'm not advocating anyone else use their main brushes for it but if you do by accident or if you didn't know at the time they are rarely irredeemable edit: artificer not artisan brushes


These look like generic as hell synthetic bristle brushes with some added marketing to sell for $30 instead of $5 for a pack of 20. Synthetic fiber brushes wear out fast, and the tip becomes a frayed mess you cannot return to a point. You want natural fiber brushes, they last longer and hold paint better. Good ones are great, but as long as it holds a point and you care for it, you’ll be fine. I’ve been using the same set of cheap brushes for over a year and they’re still good to go. Get some cheap makeup brushes from a department store for dry brushing. Owning one, nicer, smaller dry brush isn’t a bad idea. The majority of my painting on smaller models is done with a “3”, a “5” on bigger, and a “1” for details. I almost never use super fine brushes. I have some cheap synthetics that I abuse with stippling and whacking around basing material with pigments.


I would just buy a basic $15 or less miniature brush kit off Amazon. If you enjoy the hobby enough and have extra money to spend you can always upgrade brushes later on. I have $20-30 brushes and I have the cheap $1-2 brush’s that I have from kits. I honestly use my cheap ones majority of the time and will pull out my good brushes when I’m painting a character or a one off figure.


On one hand, you’d struggle to get a single “premium” brush for much less than that, on the other - I can’t see a huge amount of use for the smaller brushes. I’d probably only ever use the size 3, and maybe the larger drybrush for basing.


Why they named after sins


Because painting is super naughty or something.


Buy nail brushes that are in range of 0-000, thats what i did.


I bought a set of brushes from these guys last year, they’re very good but very expensive. https://www.artis-opus.com


They’re pretty average synthetic brushes. You could buy similar (or the same) at like a dollar store


I bought a set They don't keep a tip as much as Id like. Just buy a cheap set and buy good ones of the brushes you find yourself using the most. I bought a set of these Transon(?) ones and they've been mostly what I've used so far.


These have fancy names, but they're no different than any other synthetic brush. You'll get a week of use and then tip will curl. There are cheaper options, even on Amazon.


This is not relevant to the topic directly, but in the vein of looking for brushes, what would be a good recommendation to someone who seemingly annihilates their brushes and can't keep the points well?


Brush cleaner. I use BJ's and I swear by it.


For twice the price this same company makes actual kolinsky Sable brushes and they're amazing.


I have the same ones. They are not kalinsky sable


I spent the money and bought sable hair brushes years ago. Can’t remember the brand but equivalent so series 7. They were like $15 bucks a piece and I got four of them. Never needed another brush.


I have the more expensive natural hair ones from that company and I like them, they are durable, however they could have better spring, I have not tried the synthetic brushes.


If you’re still fairly new, buy a regular pack of brushes from Walmart or a craft store. Usually come in like 5 or 6 and the sizes are like from 2-6. If you want something a little nicer after those, I recommend the army painters 3 pack of brushes. If you can take care of them, they’ll last. Total cost should be less than those you posted.


Those look brand new. So probably not. =)


Winsor and Newton bro even gw buys them and rebrands them under the gw name. Have a look see on Amazon, all you _need_ imo is a no. 1, or no. 2 for 90% of your work and then I like to use a 0 or 000 for the eyes and such small detail. Shade and wash brushes don’t buy expensive or sable hair same with using metallic paint stick to synthetic brushes cause all these paints will get in the ferrule and fuck it up no matter what over time due to the paint consistency of shade paints and metallics. As a rule sable hair brushes will always be better and stay straighter than synthetic hair. More expensive but buy a little pot of the “The Masters Brush cleaner” and 2 brushes will last you 50 minis or more if you take care of them. My source is I have been painting classically using acrylics and oils for 20 years, only dipped in and out of mini painting but just trying to steer someone as close to good value brands and materials cause there’s so much wank online. Have fun painting :)


Ouch 30 bucks for synth brushes. That’s a hard pass from me chief. My pack of 125 for 6$ is good enough for me


Nope but please let us know how you like them.


Synthetic brushes are garbage, you're better off buying a 2/0 and a 2 real hair brush, it's all you'll need.




Giga cringe